The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1788-1802, June 01, 1798, Image 2

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Punu6 notice w hereby given, in pursuance of the aft of Congress inflod on the 6th day of July 1797, -entitled, ♦* An Ad laying Duties on Stamped Vellum, Parchment, and Paper,” and the ad puffed on tlie 15 th day of Dcceimer 1797, entitled* An Ad to postpone for a limited Time the Commencement of the Duties imposed by the Ad, entitled, An Ad laying Duties on Stamped Vel lum, Parchment, and Paper,” That, from and after the ail day of July eitfuing, the fevtral Stamped Duties here after enumerated will be levied and collected througlioUt tlie United States. 1. For every flein or piece of vellum or parchment, or flieet or piece of paper, upon which fliall be written or printed any or either of the instruments or writings follow ing, to Wt: * . Any certificate of naturalization, 5 dollars. Any lice ate to praCtife, or certificate of tlie adtfuffion, enrolment, or regdtry, of any couufellor, solicitor, attor ney, advocate, or proftor, in any court of the United States, 10 dollars, Proyid and, that a certificate in any one of the courts of the United States for one of the fa id oilices Ihall, so far as relates to the payment of the duty ■ aforel'aid, be a fufticient admilfion in all the courts of the United States for each and every of the laid offices. Any grant or letters patent under tlie seal or authority of the United States, (except fo;lands granted for military icrvices) 4 dollars. Any exemplification or certifid copy of any such grant or letters patent, (except for lauds’ granted lor military ferviecs) 2 dollars . Any charter party, bottomry, Or fefpondentia bond, 1 dollar. Ari j receipt or other difeharge for or on account of any legacy left by any will or other testamentary inllrument, or for any lliare or part of a personal estate divided by force of any llatute of distributions, other than to the wife, chil dren, or grandchildren, of the perlbn decealed, the amount whereof’ Hull be aiiove the value of 50 dollars, and Hull not exceed the value of too dollars, 25 cents. Wnen the amount thereof Ihall exceed the value of too dollars, and Ihall not exceed 500 dollars, 50 cents. And for every further lum of 500 dollars the additional Turn of 1 dollar. Any policy of inlhrance, or inftnlment in nature there of, on any ship, veil’d, or goods, iiiliued from one diftrift to another in the United States, 25 cents. From the Ucited States to any foreign port or place, when the lum for which inluranct* is made Ihall not exceed 500 dollars, 25 Cents. When tlie lum ihfured Ihall exceed 506 dollars, 1 dol lar. Any exemplification, of what nature soever, that Ihall pals tilt leai of jtny court, other than luch as it may be the duty ot the clerk of luch court to furnilh for the use of die United States, or fome particular state, 50 cents. Any b6nd, bill lingle or penal, foreign or inland bill of exchange, pronnlfory note or other note, other than any recognizance, 1 bill, bond, or other obligation or contract nude to or with the United States, or any state, or for their u!e reipectivd v: If ao dollais, and not exceeding 106 dollars, ro cents.’ If above 100 dollars, and not exceeding 500 dollars, 05 cents. .If aoove 500 and not exceeding xooo dollars, 50 cents. And if above 1000 dollars, 75 cents * , Provided , that if any bonds or notes fliall be payable at or within 60 days, such bonds or notes Ihall be fubjeCt to only two fifth parts of tlie duty aforelaid, viz. If above 20 dollars, and not exceeding 100 dollars, 4 cents. If above 100 dollars, and not exceeding 500 dollars, io cents. If above 506 dollars, and not exceeding 1000 dollars, 20 cents. T If above 1000 dollars, 30 cents. iHny notes iflued by the Banks now efbblifhed, or that may hereafter be tftabliflied, within the United States, o ther than the notes of luch of the said Banks as shall agree to an annual compofitioh of one per centum on the annual dividends made by such Banks to their 1 lock holders respec tively, according to the following scale: On all notes not exceeding 50 dollars, for each dollar, Daniils. On all notes above 50 dollars, and not exceeding 100 dollars, 50 cents. On all notes above ohe hundred dollars, and not exceed* ing joo dollars, 1 dollar. On all notes above 500 dollars, 2 dollars * Any protest or other notarial aft, 25 cents. Any letter of attorney, except for an invalid pension, or to ol tain or {ell warrants for land granted by the United States as. bounty for military- icrvices performed in the late war, 25 cents. Any certificate or debenture for drawback of customs or duties for less than 500 dollars, 1 dollar. For 500 dollars, and not exceeding 2000 dollars, 2 dollars. *- t For more than 2600 dollars, 3 dollars. Any note or bill of lading for goods or merchandise to be exported: It from one diftrift to another diftrift of tlie United States, not being in the fame state, 10 cents. It from the United States to any foreign port or place, 25 cents. Any inventory or catalogue of any furniture, goods, or effects, made in any case required by law, (except in cases of goods and chattels diftrained for rent or taxes, and goods taken in virtue ot any legal proods by any officer) 50 cents. An v certificate of a fliare in any Insurance Company, of a fliare in the Bank of tlie United States, or of ahy State or other Bank: If above 20 dollars, and not exceeding 100 dollars, 10 cents. IF above too dollars, 25 cents. It under 20 dollars, at the rate of 10 cents, for too dollars. 11. The duties aforelaid will be collected and received by the fuTervifors, infpeftors, and other officers of infpec <ion, tbe feverai diArifts, fur eys, and divifiens, of the United States, and by such other perlbns as lhal! from time to time be fpeciall v appointed and employed by tlie super visors of diftrifts for that purport:. 111. The fupervifora of the ftveral diftrifts will, prior to the ift day of July ensuing, and as soon as may be prac ticable, mark or damp, without fee or Reward, any quan tities or parcels of vellum, parchment, or paper, with any of the rates of duties before enumerated, on payment of the said duties; or stamped vellum, parchment, and paper, may, at the option of the citizens of the United States, be obtained at the rates prescribed by law, by application to any fupervifcr, infpeftor, officer of infpecYion, or other person appointed for the distribution of stamps by the luper vifors of diftrifts. • • w ** • ■ ■ Oliv. Wolcott, Secretary of the Treifury. PUBLIC notice is hereby given, That, by an aft of Congress, passed on the 19th day of March 1798, the following alterations and amendments have been made to the aft, pafTed on the 6th day of July 1797, entitled, “ An Aft laying Duties on Stamped Vellum, Parchment, and Paper.” I. The (lamp duties oft debentures or Certificates fi r the drawback of customs or duties on imports arc repealed. 11. A difeount at the rate of seven and one half per centum will be allowed by tlie fupe.'vifors or infpeftors refpeftively to any persons, other than officers of the re venue, who may purchase at one time, or procure to be stamped, any quantities of vellum, parchment', or paper, ujion which the duties fhJl amount to ten doihrs or up wards. HI. Stamped paper will be provided, and fold at the rates preferibed by law, without any additional charge or expence on account of the price of paper; but for stamped parchment or vellum an addition tl price will be demanded at the rate cf 50 cents for each skin of parchment, or 200 cehts for each Ikin of vellum, of medium lize, which may be furnifhed at the expence of the United States* and pvo portionally for anv lesser quantity. Oliv. Wolcott, Secretary of ti e Treafur *. In C.OLJN IL. S 1 .■ a nan la, .8 17^8 RESOLVED, That an extraft from the Ordinance “ for laying off into lots certain parts of the Com mon appurtenant to this City, and for difpoling of the fame,” refpefting the payment of ground rent, be published without delay; and that the City Marlhal do proceed to carry the fame into cfFtft immediately against all those in arrears* Extraft from the Minutes, THOMAS PITt, C. C. AND the said conditional tftates (hall amount to this, that the use and occupation of the premises are for ever se cured to the purchaser, and others claiming under him or her, on payment of the ground rent; but, on failure herein for the (pace of fifteen da_> s after the fame fliall become due, the fiid premises are to rev tit to chc Corporation, who fliall immediately thereafter pofltls the power of reentry, and having, by mean's of their proper officer, exercised filch power, and given a notice thereof in writing, ported on the premises, the lot or dots so entered upon, with all im provements thereon, are to be considered, at the expiration of ten days thereafter, as absolutely reverted in the Cor poration, and the said conditional estate therein determined, to all intents and purposes, as fully as if the fame had not been bargained for or purchased, any sale or incumbrance, or other aft, made or fullered by the purchaser or purchas ers, or others under him, her, or them, to the contrary thereof, in any wife, notwithftunding.” Quantity of GUNPOWDER For f 1c on eafv terms, by G AIRD NERS &'MITCHEL. May 29.. . Sluyter & Baker Have received by tie latest arrivals, and foV sale, at their Grocery and Liquor Store, in St. Julian street, ii* Mr. Hogg’s buildings, HYSON tea sugar Coffee Chocolate Ratlins London particular Madeira wine Bourdeaux brandy Holland geneva Black eyed peafe Smoked and pickled herring^ Mould candles Tar and turpentine. JUST ARRIVED) the febooner Roebuck , Dennis lTifmont, Majler , Having on board A CARGO ox t 33 P R l M E SLAV ES, From the Coast of Africa, sales of which will commence 011 Thursday the 14th June next* Conditions cafli. Savannah, May 30. R. WAYNE. To R S /! L b, A House and Half Lot, situate in Ewenfburgh, at present occupied by the fiibfcriber, to whom appl). Mary Saunders. May 28. KT On the 26th of June next WILL BE LEASED , r "PWO LOTS in the eaftem part of this city, lving X between the lots of William Stephens, Esq. and the Estate of Robert Montfort, the ground rent to be paid annually. Any improvements etefted thereon may be re tained at the expiration of the term, at the optidU of the Trustees, at a valuation. W. STEPHENS, *'l JOHN BRICKELL, of the Trustees. RICHd. wylly, j Savannah, May 28. NOTICE is hereby given, That the City Council will, on Monday the nth day of June next, pro ceed to eleft a City Marlhal and a City Sheriff, in the room of Mr. Peter $. Laffitte, religned. ‘lTiofe who are candidates for the offices, which are now become separate and diftinft, will fignify tlie fame in writing. By order of Council, THOMAS PITT, C. C. Savannah, May 28, 1798, %* All persons indebted to the Printers hereof ere refuelled to make payment. FRESH GOODS. A CHOICE AfTortmcnt of SPRING GOODS, V ported per the ship Carolina, Capt. Malcolm, dirtft from London, for sale on a credit, if applied for atelv. JOHNSTON, ROBERTSON, and CO. June r, 1798* t 1798. —— THE Price of Superfine Flour being 10 dollars per barrel, and of Fine 9 dollars per barrel, of 196 lb s . wt. nett, tlie Loaves must weigh as follows: lbs. o z. * Os the bell fuperfine quality, a 111-2 cent loaf, 2 2 a 6 1-4 cent ditto, 1 1 Os the second quality, a 12 1-2 cent loaf, 2 5 a 6 1-4 cent ditto,’ 1 2 j.j June r, 1798. W. H. Lange, c. t. SHERIFF’S SA On the firjl Tuesday , being the 3d day rs ‘J u iy ntxf •drill be fold, at the Court house in the city rs Savan nah, ALL that Traft of Land, containing acres, in Brvan county, formerly the property of Sir James Wright, (known by the name of the Orange Grove Plan tation) now seized and to be fold as the property of Joseph Day, Esq. deceofed. ■> At the fame time and place will be fold, 15 Negroes, seized as the property of Edward Davies, Esq. dec<*aft*hp* -,i ‘ Also, Two Negroes, <ei ed and to be fold as belonging to the Estate of Mr. Jofeoh Cuthbert. Savannah, May 31, 1798. R. Wall, s. c. c. June't. M A R INK LIS T. Entered Inward* Sloop Robert, Briggs, Philadelphia Brig Retrieve, Phil pot, ~ • Bermuij George Washington, Weblier, St; Martin’s Schooner Savannah Packet, Todd, Charldlon Cleared Out. Brig Dean, Akerly, New York Ship Shepberdefs, Rogers, Ditto Neutrality, Dowfori, Liverpool Schooner Huntress, Fitch, New York NafTau, Fox, Nalfau Ship Amphion, Carlbom, Hamburgh Brig Harriet, Taylor, ‘ Havana Schooner Industry, Ross, Charlcfton Brig Margarets, Currie, Greenock Ship Niagara, Paulding, Jamaica Bald Eagle, Gooding, Ditto Brig Eliza, Lewis, Boftoa Bloflom, Moore, New Hampshire Schooner Rachel, Baltimore Concord, Darnell, - Ditto Ship Franklin, Tucktrman, New York Sciiooncr Two Friends, Bowman, Philadelphia Capt. Wllliam lu *-p -r *l. g-Jwf Triton, from this port, bound Vo Martinico, who beat of one French privateer, and was afterwards captured bj another after an -obftiriate resistance, (as mentioned in our paper of the 18th nit.) has died of his wounds at St. Mar tin’s; The brig Parley, Mackenzie, and sloop Dependence, Carson, from this port for Jamaica, lately captured by a Spanifli privateer and carried to St. Augustine, have been cleared by the Spanifli Government. The Patfey failed for Jamaica on the Bth ult; The lhip E:ge, Capt. Flo ward, arrived at Tybee on Tuesday last in 59 days from Africa. About the 10th ult. Hie was boarded by a French privateer schooner, of 10 guns, commanded by one Schau, who plundered her of a bout 601. worth of ivoiyq threatened the Supercargo with the guillotine, gave him much abusive language, and put on board the Eagle 11 seamen who belonged to two brigs from Antigua, bound to New Haven, which they had captured. A few days after was boarded by another French privateer, and treated with rather more polltenefs. The lhip Carolina, Capt. Malcolm, from London, (one of the fleet convoyed by the St. Alban’s) arrived in this river on Tuesday last. - A letter from St; Mary’s, dated tlte 27th ult. mentions the arrival there of fome Indian Chiefs who assert that the British are in poHellion of Pensacola. By Nathaniel Bacon, Register of Pro* (l.s. ) N bats for the comity of Liberty, in the N. Bacon. J state aferefaid. WHEREAS John Mallard, John Robarts, and Thomas Mallard, have made application to me for letters of adminifti ation on the estate and efiefts of William Norman, late of the county cf Liberty, decealed, These are therefore to cite and admonilh all and Angular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased to be and ap pear before me, at my office, on or before the 9th day ot June next, to shew cause, if any they have, why letters of administration fliould not be granted them. Given under my hand and seal, the 17th day <; May, 1798, and in the 22d year of American Independence. _ —N O 1 1 Cn. ALL persons having any demands against the Bflate of Mary Low, late of Liberty County, deceafta, are requested to fend them in, properly attested, to the fubferiber, within 12 months and a day from the W hereof, after which time the affairs of the said be closed, and all accounts not rendered will be excli John Jones, Admr. Rural Felicity, Liberty County, March 28, FZ2§l——r STRAYED from the brick yard, near the tan vard. Savannah, A BAY MARE, and her COLI ataJj 6 weeks old, brands (if any) not recollefted; it is j u PP°* they have gone up the Augnfta road. A reward Dollars will be given to anv person delivering them to RADIGUEY ; at bis brick { B*4wk Brils ot Excnangc may be had Pr nters hereof.