The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1788-1802, June 08, 1798, Image 4

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. BOSTON, May fc. *HPIIE evidence* of union ate constantly increasing; and A the French Rulers will be under the aecefiity of ac knowledging we are an united people, inaugrc w their ex jpertnefe in intrigue.” The exertions of the friends of divi sion have effe&ed so little that it is quejlioned whetlier their salaries will not he flopped. “ jiq Itrvice, no pay.” There Is nothing which can promote the reign of peace, that can * preserve our national rcfpe&abilitv, that can make the French behave with justice towards us, but the unity of the people; and as this is in a great'degree demonflrated we may ioon expedl the happiest effeft*. In the mean time let the good work of colle&ing evidence of the attachment of the ‘people to the confutation be jmfevered in. The Gloucdlcr address has been signed by 66$ refped able men. The Salem address has 926 signatures. The lloxbury address has already received upwards of too signatures, including, it is said, the names of many who voted in favor of the late renionftrance to Congrds, but wlro are converted to the rood perfect confidence in the Go* vernment. Philadelphia, May *6. Extract of* a letter from an American gentleman in London, dated March 14, 1798. u Denmark and Sweden have resolved to arm a part of their naval forces for the proteftion of their commerce; and, with Prussia, have ordered thejr Envoys at Paris to retnonftrate against the late laws affeding the commerce of Jicutral nations.” May 17. Yefteitlay arrived here, the (hip Bel vide re of New York, Capt. Reynolds, 46 days from London, who failed with the fleet, but parted company on the fifth day. She is armed with 12 fix pounders, and on entering the port fired a federal falutc. On the 9th inst. in the Gulf, the Relvidere fell in with a French privateer sloop of 12 guns, which bore down upon her until almnfl within hail, when (he received a (hot, upon which (he hauled her Wind, the Belvidere continuing her fire, which was returned by the sloop, and an English brig, her prize, for a few minutes, (tlie fliip Belviaere pursuing the sloop) when the latter bore off with tier con fort. Thus has a valuable fliip and t very rich cargo been preserved by a few guns and a little refoiution in her Commander! MxtraO of a letter from New Tori, dated Tuesday . “ We have just learnt the unplcafant intelligence of the capture of the Chip Merchant, off the Hook, by a French pirate; file left this but a few days ago for Bristol. The fame pirate has also captured the fliip Holland, for London, left this Sunday; also ship Thomas, bound to your port from Liverpool or Bristol, and was in chafe of two more.” Congress of the United States* In Senate, May 15th, 1798* Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate be dire died to write to all such Senators as are absent without leave, or whose leave of absence has expired, requesting their im* mediate attendance. “ What I am now, M So you may be,” Is the language which Americans may read upon the tOmb itone of the departed independence of the Swiss Republic. [Salem fnrz.) Norfolk, May 22* On Sunday arrived* the Genoefe brig St. Michele, Capt. Ravara, 46 days from Cadiz, with 9 cargo of wine and brandy* On the 4th of April, at two leagues distance from Cadiz, pafled through the British fleet; was ordered oh board the Thalia frigate, Lord Paulet, Commander, and after fome little detention politely difmifled, and a certificate of tlie examination of the papers granted on demand. On the 7th of May, in lat. 34 30, long. 6t 50, spoke the fliip Industry, from Boston, bound to Surinam, out 12 days, all well. On tlie 12th inst. in lat. 35 39, long. 68 10, was chafed by a French privateer brig, who had English colors hoisted; £hey infilled on Capt.- Ravata’s hoisting out his boat and go ing on board; supplied them with fome rcfrefhment at their mpteft, and obtained perm'rffion to proceed, in consequence of Capt. Ravara’s being acquainted with the Captain of the privateer. They had in company an American ship which they had captured, but would not inform her name, nor that of the privateer. A Danish veffd, called the Prince of Denmark, was to fail for this port the day after tlie St. Michele. The news brought by this veflel is, that the Prince of Peace has been difplaoed from the office of Prime Minister, and several other employments; and that a paflage had been granted through Spain for the French troops destined againfl Portugal. A Connecticut schooner, with 39 mules, Was lately car ried into St. Martin's, and condemned. The liberal, mag nanimous French, advertiftd the mules as 39 Congrefe men, to ridicule ©or Government.. v Peterjhurg, May 42. The fliips Warren, Fawn, In* duftry, Rudd, and Rebecca, Gorran, are arrived in Janies ‘river from London. These vtflels are a part of the fleet that failed with the British convoy bound to Halifax. A gentleman who came palfeuger in the Warren, and who has been in Ireland a confiderabie time, gives a moft diftneffing and melancholy account of the situation of that unhappy country. Tlie British Government hath upwards of 80,000 English and Scotch troop in Ireland, many of whom wantonly murder, plunder, bum, and defiroy, with impunity; tlie moft atrocious a&s of cruelty are daily com mitted, and fome persons have been deliberately (hot with-. out the least formality of trial. The people dare not speak tbeir sentiments, are drove to of deflation, and in retaliation for their Slaughtered and afflicted brethren, and Jw violence and innumanity committed ou them, are mur dering the soldiery and Government men; and thus the whole Lice of Ireland has become a feme of terror, coafti fion, and blood shed. Our informant alio mentions, that there is an association m Ireland, promoted by the friends Os the Britifli Govern meat, for the purpose of railing and liipporting a banditti under the denomination of A Bjtta -9m °f Ttjimony, whose avowed duty is to appear as pitnefle* io all cases between the Government and people; and that two of them have since w ithdrawn themfclves (Fata the battalion, and puhlkly declared that the whole Uar thtpflf|psdrW” giving faUe ttflimony. ‘The following instance of creel tv and barbarity; •xmopg many others that arejwblifHcd, and whjch are afmoft in numerable, is taken from a Cork paper of the sth of March: “ Near Gaftle Ward, a northern hamlet, a father and son had their heads roafled on their own fire to extort a confeffion of concealed arms. The cause was, that the lock of a gun was found in an old box belonging to the wife of the elder man. It is a fact that the above old couple have two sons serving on board the British fleet, one under Lord Bridport, the other under Lord St. Vincent.” ExtraSl of a letter dated Dublin , March 12, 1798, to a gentleman of this neighborhood . “ Parties run very high in politics; there is a great spirit of dilloyalty prevails in this country, and. principally a morig the Roman Catholics and the lower orders of people, who wifli for a scramble, expediting to be benefited thereby. Private affaflination is now becoming very frequent, in different parts of the country, on all adlive magistrates and gentlemen who’ have exerted themselves to preserve peace and tranquillity. The French and their emissaries are spreading their cursed principles and dodtrines in this once happy country, and it is now in a complete ferment, and will-occasion Government to take strong measures to put down the present spirit of infurrettion and plunder so uni versal amongst a particular defeription in this country. The French nation is a severe feourge and curse to all Eu rope, and, not content with die plunder of Europe, they have commenced their depredations on America. They are a nation of Tea and land pirates, who plunder ail, friends or foes. Such enormities will not, I think, be permitted long with impunity—their cup is nearly full.” Cbarlejlon, May 30. Yesterday arrived the ship Ma ria, Kennedy, Algiers, 78 days. On Friday afternoon, about 3 o’clock, a severe hail florin fell on John’s lflandi it totally destroyed the crops of cotton on fevcral plantations, affd the wind tore up fome trees by the roots; a number of birds were killed by the hail. It lay between three and four inches deep; even on Saturday morn ing the ground was compleaify covered with it* The ftonn was not general: it destroyed one plantation, miffed the next, and then destroyed the next, in the fame line. Some of the halftones were as big as eggs, and left their print on the shingles of the houses very plain. Columbia , May 25. On the 15th inst. there was a severe froft in the neighborhood of this place, and which leads us to fear that it lias considerably injured the wheat in the upper country. This froft lias fallen 11 days later than the noted May froft, so often referred to. SHERIFF’. SALES. On the firfi Tuesday, biing the 3 d day of July next , will be fold , at the Court boufe in the city of Savan nah, The Property under mentioned, viz. A HOUSE and HALT Lo*|* in-Broughton street, coti - taining 30 feet ij ftyit artd 90 feet in depth, seized and to be Ibid as the property of Mr. John Gable, A LO f OF LAN D, fitiiate in Little Ogtchee Diftriift, containing 45 acres, said tej be adjoining lands of George Millen, Esq. seized as the property of Mr. Robert Greer. ALL THATTRACTpl 7 LAND, fitiiate and lying in St. Philip’s pariih, on Great Ogecliee river, bounded by Zettler’s land, containing acres, seized under execution as the property of ThomasjLee, deceased. ‘Alfo at the fid ne time and place, A NEGRO MAN, naked POM PE Y, seized and to be fold as the property of John Coxe, deceased. Richard Wall, s C. c. Savannah, May 2s, 1798. SHL UFF’s On the JirJl Tuesday , bang the 3 d day of July next, will be fold, at the C^urtboufe in the city cf Savan nah, ALL that Trad of Land, containing acres, in Bryan county, formerly the property of Sir James Wright, (known by the name of the Orange Grove Plan tation) now seized and to be fold as the property of Joseph Day, Esq. deceased. At the fame time and place will be fold, 15 Negroes, seized as the property of Edward Davies, Esq. deceased. Alio, Iwo Negroes, seized and to be fold as belonging to the Estate of Mr. Joleph Cuthbert. Savannah,, May 31, 1798. R. Wall, s. c. c. fcCT* On the 28**6 qf June next WILL BE LEASED, r pWO LOTS in the eastern part of this city, king JL between the lots of William Stephens, Esq. and the j Estate of Robert MontSoit, •’the ground rent to be paid annually. Any improvements ere fled thereon may be re tained at the expiration of the term, at the option of the Trustees, at a valuation. W. STEPHENS, *) JOHN BRICKELL., S-Committee of the Trustees. RICHd. WYLLY, J Savannah , May 28. „ N O ! I C E. ALL persons are particularly warned against purchasing any Negroes, lands, or other property, belonging to tlie Estate of John Ruppert, deceased, from any person or persons whatsoever, as the whole thereof is secured, by the will of the said John Ruppert, to the foie and separate use of Mrs. Burney during her life, and to her children after her deccafe. William Lew-den,") _ Johm Eppinger, J E cutors. February 2t, 1798. NOTICE. ALL persons having demands against the Estate of Martin Shubman , late of Chatham county, de ceased, are defined to render them propedy attested; and all indebted to make immediate payment. Tabitha Shvhman, Adm’rix. ■April 26, 1798, ‘ m ‘ - 71 mFR T >WT IWM Price, of Superfine Flour Wing 1 a dollar* 1 barrel, and oftFme 9 dollars per barrel, of 196 lbZ wt. nett, the Loave* imift weigh as follows: lbs. oz. Os the best fuperfine quality, a 12 i-a cent loaf, 2 z a 6 1-4 cent ditto, 1 j Os the second quality, • ait m cent loaf, 2 5 a 6 1-4 cent ditto, * a ,. t June i, 1798. W. H. Lance, c. t. NOTICE is hereby given, • That the City Council will, on Monday the nth day of June next, pro. ceed to eloft a City Marlhal and a City Sheriff, in the room of Mr. Peter S. Laffitte, resigned. Those who are candidates for the offices, which are now become separate and dillindl, will ftgnify the fame in writing. By order of Couhcil, - THOMAS PITT, C. C. Savannah , May 28, 1798. In COUNCIL, Savannah, May 28, 1798. RESOLVED, That an extraft from the Ordinance “ for laying cfOutoi lots certaitLparts of the .Com mon appurtenant to this City, and for disposing of the fame,” rdpe&ing the payment of ground rent, be publilhed without delay; and that the City Marlhal do proceed to carry the fame into efleft immediately against sill those in arrears. Extract from the Minutes, THOMAS PITT, C. C. AND the fokLconditionaJ estates fliall amount to this, that the use and occupation of the premises are for ever se cured to the purchaser, and others claiming under him or her, on payment of the ground rent; but, on failure herein for the space of fifteen days after the fame fball become due, the said premises are to revert to the Corporation, who lhaH immediately thereafter poflefs the power of reentry, and having, by means of their proper officer, exereifed such power, and given a notice thereof in writing, ported on the premises, the lot or lots so entered upon, with all im provements thereon, are to be considered, at the expiration of ten days thereafter, as revelled in the Cor . peration, and the said conditional estate therein determined, to-all intents and purposes, as fully as if the fame had not been bargained for or purchased, any sale or incumbrance, or other a<sl, made or the purchaser or purchas ers, or others under him, her, or them, to the contrary thereof, in any wife, notwithftandincf.” N o T I c T] ALL persons having any demands against the Estate of Robert Richardson are requested to render their ac counts, properly attested, to the fubferiber, at St. Mary’s; and those indebted areeameftly solicited to make early pay ments. The public and the parties immediately interested are hereby cautioned against receiving, or in any wife bar tering for, or paving a bond given by John Hunton, of Waftiington, in Wilkes county, for the sum of 920 dol lars, and a note given by William Adams for 24 dollars, (which said papers were with the papers of said Richardson at the time of his deceafe* and moft probably are now in the poflellion of a Mrs. O’Neal or Mr. Jacob Cunes) with any other person but the fubferiber, who is the legal admi nistrator, and also fully authorized to fettle the Estate by ample powers from the widow of laid Richardson. May 17. ALEX. CANDLISH. £ O t< SALE, On Saturday the 23d of June next , at X o'clock, 0 1 the premises, at Five Fathom Hole, three miles belot the City of Savannah, and on the said river, The frrtarer Parc of the Front of Lot No. 5 in poflellion of the fubferiber, laid off* lately by accurate I ftirvey into 20 wharf lots, each containing from 100 to 200 I feet front, and from 190 to 370 feet back from the natu- I ral bank of the river, (exclusive of 25 feet thoroughfare I and lanes) with a good road from Savannah to the pre- 1 mises nearly completed. The situations of these lots are I well known, and considered at present increasing in value, I as being at the head of navigation for all fhipping drawing I more than 12 feet water; they are likewise well situated I For trade, building of (lores for the of produce, I and particularly adapted for carrying on the lumber bufi*l nefs; also capable of improvement at afmall expence, tbel bank of the river running generally from 20 to 40 feet oil the channel, and fufficiently firm in its present (late tt I admit of large vefTels taking on board their cargoes without I the aid oi a wharf. On the premises there are now 1 1 good wharf 100 feet front, and deep enough, within■ ten feet of the head, for the largest vessels the river will I admit; also a dwellinghoufe, com house, poultry bcufcß and a garden; all under good fence, as deferibed in thtl survey. The intention of the fubferiber, by allowing tb< fl great distance back from the river, is to give fufficient spa I for carrying on business, creeling of buildings, and making I gardens, the foil berag lclid, remarkably rich, and known ■ by experience to be good for the purpose. For the furtlief I j information of those who may wifli to become purchaferiß the fubferiber has deposited three copies of the survey, witbl the depth of water opposite each lot, in the hands of Mrß Robert Harvey, Tradd street, Charleflon; Thomas Cunvß ming, Esq. at Augusta; and Mr. William Belcher, ofß this city. For any other information apply to WillianH Stephens and Charles Harris, Efqrs. or Mr. John M‘Kiß non, the Surveyor. Conditions cf the sale cash, for whiclß good and fufficient titles will be given; probably an ence of one half credit to the ill of January’ next may I*3 agreed to, with security on the property. NICHOL TURNBULL. Savannah , May to, 1798. §| FTO TICt t I ALL persons having any demands against the Efa&B of Mary Low, late of Liberty Gninty, deceafeiß are requested to fend them in, properly attested, to tl*B| fubferiber, within 12 months and a day from the hereof, after which time the affairs of the laid Estate ww J be closed, and all accounts not rendered will be exclude* fl John Jones, Admr. Rural Felicity . Liberty Countv , March 28, 1798. |j SAVANNAH: Printed yN. JOHNSTON C^B