The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1788-1802, July 12, 1798, Image 2

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/V STRONG CmsntryJborri NEGRO BOY to U hirei X\ by the month. Inquire of the Printers. Si. Andrew's .Society, * IPHE Members of St. Andrew’s Society of Georgia are X lequefted to meet at Gunn’s tavern, on Wedncfday Ac tft August next, at 7 o’clock in the evening, being a quarterly meetingi By order of the Vice President, GEO. WOODHOUSE, Secretary. July t* yv o %>Tc~N GEORGIA, Chatham County. ALL persons indebted to THOMAS YOUNG, late of this county, by bond, note, or other wife, are dcGred to make immediate payment, and thole having de mands on him are requeued to fend them in, to Ei izabeth Young, -v William Gibbons fen. f Attornies forfaid William and Robert Mein,C Thomas Young. Thomas Young jun. ‘ NOTICE IS HEREDTGIVEN, THAT the City Council will, on Monday next, the 16th instant, proceed to elttt the following Officers, tmh tl* fabrics and fees annexed, they severalty giving bond, with approved (minty, for the performance of the duties of their respective offices. . A Recorder, with usual fees. A Treasurer, 250 dollars per annum, and fees* , A Clerk of the Council, 250 dollars per annum, and fees. A Clenk of the Mayor’s Court, with usual fees. A Marshal, 220 dollars per annum, and fees. A Sheriff, with usual fees* A Clerk of tlte Market, with usual fees. A Harbor Mailer, with usual fees. A Meffcnger, too dollars per annum, and fees. A Grave Digger and Keeper of the Grave Yard, one dollar for digging a grave and doling up the fame. Two Scavengers; one for the east, and tlie other for the Nnftpttrtof the city, that is to (ky, from Carpenters Row ’ to Bull Street, inclusive, flail he the eastern division; and from Bull Street to the extremity of the city the weftem division; each to have a lifary of 220 dollars per annum. By order of Council, THOMAS PITT, C. C. Savannah, July 9, 1798. ~~ FOR SAL E, A TRACT of land, containing 300 acres, a great part of which is inland swamp, the remainder good <orn land, situated ontbe Three Runs in Effingham county. A TRACE, containing 200 acres, of the fame quality, ind joining the above. A TRACT of 450 acres of exceeding good provilion land, on Great Ogechee river, about 45 miles by land from Savannah. A TRAGI’ of 150 acre* river swamp joining the above. Inquire of the Printers. BOSrON y June 7. ARRIVED, (hip Sarah, Hopkins, an armed vdfeJ, from. Algiers. In coming to anchor she fired a sa lute. ‘Hie crew of the Crescent frigate came paflengers in the gbove velfel. Off Madeira was chafed by a French privateer; he shortened fail, but the privateer kept up a con* Rant fire; when flic came up with Capt. Hopkins he was ordered to hoist out his boat and come on board with his papers, which he refufed, but offered them for infpc&ion if the privateer’s boat was lent alongside; upon which the pirate poured a broadlide into the ship, which injured the riggb'g* but did no other damage. Capt. Hopkins returned this civility with a fidl difeharge of his guns, which put the buccanicr to flight. The Algerines were highly pleased With the frigate. The seamen which were fertt out with the Crescent have returned seasonably, and it is not doubted they have the spirit to continue in their country’s service to fopppet its honor, interest, and independence. Chi Monday arrived from St. Martin’s in 12 days, old Newbury Port, Capt. Snow, late of the schooner Betsey ot this port, which, on hCr paflage to St. Bartholomew’s, a neutral port, when file had entered the harbor, had lowered fome of her bails, and was about to drop anchor, was cap tured by one of tbc cruisers of the universal plunderers, a French privateer, and-carried to St. Martin’s.. After a ((ham trial at one of the “ Tribunals of JuJlke” which have been instituted by “ regenerated ” France , Capt. Snow’s velfel was condemned . At the lame thru; ibe/e Republicans difleinuiafifcd tlie blejjlngtof their liberty to tiie following weffels: * Ships. Speculator of Norwich; Philadelphia of Phila delphia; GJafgow of do. Brigs. Sally of Philadelphia; Franklin of Wilmington; Betsey of New York; Anthony of Philadelphia, Washing ton ot citx Sally of New York; Morris of Darby; Little Sam ot Baltimore; Betsey of Edenton; Union of Bolton, [tbisone ivas ott trial; 1 ] Friendfiup of Charleiton; Adona ot Portland, [this one mas oit fria/;} Fair Columbia of Alexandria; William of Philadelphia; Frederick of Port land; Hiram, ot New Haven, [this one mas on trial;] Active of I hiladdphia; Peggy of Baltimore, [on trial;] and Harriot of Newbury Port. Schooners. Betsey of Alexandria; Atlantic of Ston- Induiby of Salem; Peace and Plenty of Bolton; Jfoduftry of Alexandria; George of Old York;’ Greyhound ot Bolton. Uariffa of Plymouth; Pliebe of Newbury; 7ml ol bak-m, [on /,*/•] Bethia of Norfolk; Unity of Newbury Port; Weft of Folly Landing. Sloops. Sally of Phihidelphia; Mary of New Hawn; • EL. , T UnHin S ; Kfoatch of Marblehead; Betsey o PbriiotJphia; Packet of Gloucester; William of New Loreflih 17k‘ fr condemnations were made at Guadaloupe; ■* of thAtltffrls were there. Tlw Sally, arrived at Portfenoaib, when greatly ia dil. tress, id fat. 38, long. bearded from a Trench privateer, and about 600 dollars worth of ar ticles* ,S ‘ . ‘ Schooner Syren, Lillie, of Baltimore, going from Aox Cayes to Arquin, was put under convoy of a French pri vateer. Four hour# alfer lading was made prize of by the fame privateer, and sent into a French port for trial. ‘The rich ftiip belonging to. Mr. Lyman and others of this place, captured on her paffige from the East Indies to this port, and carried into England for trial, has been ac quitted. Her cargo, it is said, is valued at 1 00,0001. ? The ship is upwards of 1200 tons burthen. June 8. We are happy to learn that the recruiting for the frigate Constitution goes on well; near 150 are al ready enlifttd; recruiting officers are at different 4’eaports, and we have every reason to believe that in a very lhort time flic will have completed her complement. Much credit is due to Capt. Nicholson for his unremitted exertion in equipping and manning his ship, and we have no doubt but that his ability and experience in naval matters, se conded by his officers and a good crew, will cause the Constitution to be rtlpeifted wherever flie may float. Ntiv Tork, Junc\s. Arrived here on Saturday, the Caledonia, Capt. Sands, from Glalgow, with 70 paflengers on board. She few no French cruilers flute file left port, but was boarded by the St. Alban’s Britilh man of war, of 64 guns, on Sunday tl* id iuft. who impressed three of her hands.’ . . r Philadelphia, June 12. ExtraSt of a letter from a merchant of New. London, Connecticut, dated’ June 4,179 b, to a Member of Congrcfs from that Jiate . “ On Saturday last Capt. -Francis .Bulkely arrived here in ~a schooner from Maitinieo with, niolaii'es, who was brought to, about fix days before, -by a ship dircift from France, mounting 20 guns, to chafe, qn our ooaft, and four or five more dellined 01 the lame erxand. They had taken a velfel from Tobago, bound to Porti mouth, with a cargo of rum, and funk a velfel from the southward with*a load of corn, bound to Antigua, as not valuable enough to fend to Fiance, where they were directed to lend all prizes. Molalfes not being worth fending to France, and expecting to get much more valuable velfels, lie diuniffed Capt. Bulkely.” June 14. At a meeting of the merchants, held yester day, the following gentlemen were elected a Committee to luperintend the building of two ft.ips to be offered for the service of Government: Thomas Fitzlimons, James Crawford, Joseph Simms, Daniel Smith, Thomas M. Wil ling, Capt. W. Jones, James Yard. —* Seventy thousand dollars have been fubferibed for the above laudable purpose; the fubfeription is ftilhopen* June 15. ExtraH of a letter from Copenhagen, dated March 27. “ The capital of Denmark, which ftiii i_xhio;ted the re mains of the last terrible “conflagration, was again visited the day before wuh a repetition of thac calamity. Between io and 11 in the evening the fire broke out all of a hidden in the barracks oi tne body guara of horl’e. ‘Fhe flames, fed by a quantity of hay and ltraw which was de posed there, made lb rapid a progress that the whole bumfeng wo* env’efepvd Hi ore before the least inccor could arrive. An extroiama*y calm favoring the active efforts which were made, and ltm more the animating example of tlie Prince Royal, who ran forthwith to the danger, the fire was got under the next day, Monday, towaids evening: but a few hours after it again broke fer.h with equal vio lence in a building continue us to the barracks, 1. e. the magazine of fodder for the royal stables; this lias beeh en tiieiy conlumtd, with all its contents, 60,000 wt. of hay, &c. as well as the royal brewheufe and tlie principal ma gazine ol fuel for this capital. At length this morning the lecond conflagration was. got under, and the arfemals, tlie royal library, tlie court of supplies for the marine, and the edifice of ’the royal colleges, all which, situated diretfdy oppoiite tlie burning buildings, were in the moil imminent danger, fortunately preserved.” Feterjburgy June 22. The United States frigate Conifellation is now riding in Hampton Roads, and will proceed on a crude immediately, as ihe is fully manned. 1 lie merchants fubfeription in Philadelphia advances rapidly; on the 16th inflant u amounted o 80,000 dollars. ‘I he merchants of Baltimore had a meeting on the 16th instant, and appointed a (..ommittee for the purpose of re ceiving fubicripuons lor building and equipping two (hips of war for the Government. The turn of 40,300 dollars was immediately fubferibed by the company present, and lus lince been coniiderably mcrealed. C barleJloHj July 4. Died on Monday 7 night, at his houie in tins city, ia the 63d year of his age, Daniel De lhi! ll 11 re, Elq. Long wiii the memory of this gentleman be Ireili in tlie recinfection- ot his fellow citizens; and it _muy be laid with truth, that by hi* death Carolina is de prived of one of her moft ufeml men. From tbc period of our glorious revolution uhtilhis death lie has been constantly employed by his country in*her molt important concerns; in all tlicle his tranlaCtionsl marked him as the man of pro bity and honor. Extract of a letter froin Comely dated the 17 th April. u Ihe prolpedts in these times of war are dreadful. Denmark will certainly be compelled to declare war again ft France in a fortnight. Ail Danish velfels are ordered to lie up uutil further orders; all her seamen are pressed and lent to Copenhagen. French privateers are not admitted into Norwegen in Norway. ‘Hie peace between Germany and France will not yet be concluded, tlie French demands arc too great. Hie line of demarcation is again supported by 150,000 Prufiians.” July 6. \eftenlay anchored in Rebellion Road, his Britannic Majtftr’s Hoop of war Capt. Hardv; Ihe is last from New Providence. On \V ednefday'afternoon last, during a heavy flwrner, accompanied by very hard thunder and severe lightning r the spire of St. Michael’s church was struck, and the three points in which it terminated were melted off. No other part of the’fteeple was injured. Several persons who were in the porch of the church were coniiderably stunned by the (hock. Died on the 19th of March last, in London, aged 70 years, John Moultrie, Esq. formerly Lieutenant Governor of East Florida. M\3ne(3aytTie Wmiverfaty of our cefeb>-ted in this tity. The two regiments compof, ne th! militra, the artiHeiyy and the three troop* of horse were I reviewed bv fus Excellency the Governor at 9 o’clock, at I tended by Gstf Waihington and other rerpe6feble characfe At noon a federal salute was fired from Fort Johnson. which was repeated by the brig Unanimity and fevers! other armed vdfeL lying in the stream.. At 1 i o’clock the Cincinnati and Revolution Societrj went in proceffiod to St. Michael’s church, where prvym \ were read by the Rev. Dr. Purcell, and several anthem* were peijbrmed. Yefterdav morning, about 6 o’clock, fome combuftible* were found under the stairs in an uninhabited house of Mr. Tafh, in Queen street, but were by timely exertions ex! tinguifhed before any damage had been done, except to the ftaihCafe. Two Negro women (one French, the other of this city) were taken up on fufpiciori of having conveved the comhuftibles thither. On examination they confeifeu their guilt, and were committed to prison. * * : SAVANNAH, July Ij*. MARINE LIS T. ’ “■ Entered Inward. Brig Phebe, Naffatf Magdalena EHza, Ph,enix, St. Thomas’s <.•>. yr? Gleaßed Out. \ \ Ship Shepherdess, Rogers, New Yoit Schooner Savannah Packet, Todd, Charleftoa - V Sally, Woodworth, , Philadelphia The brig Magdalena Eliza, Capt., Phenix, arrived heie on Tuesday last in 13 days from Sw Thomas’s.- About nine days ago, near this coast, Capt. Phenix the Bri tifli frigate Greyhound, on a cruise from Sta Domingo, with two 74 gun fr.ips in company. The Captain of the Grey* hound said he had loft fevera! of his offierrs and a number qf'his men by ticknefs, and tha.t the remainder (about ico ih number) were very sickly. . < Monday last Matthew M‘Allifter, Esq. was elefted Mayor of this city. Died on’ the 6th instant, Mrs. Hannah Gibbons, rebel of Jofe'ph Gibbons, Esq. aged 72 > ears. She was a native I of South Carolina, and had resided upwards, of 40 year* near this city. As to her loss let the feelings of the fur. vivors eXprets it. Married, on Saturday last, at WoodviUe, in Liberty county, Thomas M‘Call, Esq. to Miss Eliza Mary Anne Smith, dauglrter of James Smith, Esq. of South Carolina, deceased. A HINT to the Commander of the Revenue Cutter oj Georgia. THREE detachments of m'llitia have been down the river in open boats to prevent the landing of people obnox ioun to the Government of this country, whilst the Revenue cutter has beeh lying at the wharves. A correspondent suggests that tills’ velfel and crew, under her present regu lation‘s, h-noTcufly ufrlefs, bm m byujMu ,u. Oovemnwnt, and calls on the Cohimancler, and those under whose direc. tion she is at present, to place her in a fituadon to be made .active and tifefiil* Unless this is done fome farther obfer. vations will appear at a future day, . , - t ANECDOTE OF COL. KEITH. 1 COL. KEITH being appointed Envoy Extraordinary from England to the Court of Denmark, and hav mg de manded an audience of the King, to communicate to i im certain overtures he had received from the King his Mafttr, was much surprised, upon coining into the Audience Cham ber, to find, instead of the King, fome Members.of his Council of State, (greater men than Messrs. X. and Y.) who intimated to him, that his “Majesty not being very well, he charged them to receive what lie had to commu nicate, and give him an account of it. Col. Keith made answer, that the orders he had received from his Mattel were to speak to the King in person, 2nd not to his Mi nisters, and that he fHbulci not fail to acquaint the King his Master with his reception, retiring very much diffatife fied. WAROFEICEoftheUNITEDSTATES, January the ift, 17.98* WHEREAS Frauds . have been praftifed in obtaining Warrants for Bounty Lands, due’ to the Officer! 2nd Soldiers of the latfi Continental Army, by the produc tion of forged inffirumeuts, to check in future foch impose tions, been-thought a(K'ifHe that aH peifinfc’ claims for Bounty. Lands, whether in their own right, as legal reprefeotativgj.or by virtue of any instrument or deed of transfer, be required to forward their refpe&ive claims to the War Office,, on op before the firft day of January, 1799, hi order that such claims may be duly examined, adjusted, a;id determined upon. ‘To substantiate such claim a ftrhfl obfen ance of the rale* heretofore rffued from the War Office will be indifpenfabfe; and, in addition to what is required by the said rules, the certificate of the . acknowledgment of a deed or power of attorney tnuft alio set forth the place of residence and oc cupation of the claimant or person making liich acknow ledgment ; and, when the proof of personal knowledge 1* by a w itnefs or witnesses, their place or pi aces of residence must beset forth in like manner* JAMES M‘HENRY, Secretary of War. ~~FOR SALE~OR TQ BE RENTED, A House and Half Lot, situate ia J E wen {burgh, at present occupied by the subscriber, ■ whom • Mart Sauhdebs. ■ May 28. ■ ALMANACS I F.r sale at the Printing GlEce ia Broughton street. I