The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1788-1802, July 26, 1798, Image 2

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- , . -'* ‘ST ‘‘ “ f JiilT received, and for faJe, r By MontmoUin,Camvan,Q Cos. On Smith's -wharf, PRIME pork Vinegar Train oil Scotch barley Do. red and pickled herrings Nova Scotia herrings Soap in boxes Oznabrigs A pair of elegaiH! looking glafles Prints Saddler}’ Cordials in baskets. Savannah, 2sd July, f 798. Received from New York* Per the Schooner Huntress, Capt. Fitch, FRESH Hyfon Tea in quarterchcfts, at 154 rents : per pound; Ditto Young Hylbn ditto in ditto, at 148 cents per pound; Nankeens in bales, at 107 cents per piece; Loaf Sugar, at i-gd. per pound, taking fix loaves. Johnlton, Robcrtfon, and Cos. 2()th July, 1798. t U i< A a L h> Six Prime New Negroes. , * Coalitions cash. Ju\y 23. KKNNEDT & -P JRKER. . WII.L IA M GILli S, Tailor ahej Habit Maker, BEGS leave to inform'the ladies and gentlemen of Sa vannah, that he has commenced the above business, at tbe house of the late John H. Roberts, on the Ray, where he hopes, to meet the patronage and support of a ge nerous public. July 24. I\OTICFTIS HhRt.BY UIFETs~ THAI’ the City Council will, on Monday the 30th inllant, cleft a Scavenger, with a lalary of four hundred dollars per annum. Bond and ftcurity will be re quired for the performance of tie duties of office. By order of Council, Thomas Pitt, c. c. Savannah, July 21, 1798. TWENTYIJOLLARS KhW aRD WILL be paid to any person who may lodge in the gaol of Savannah, the following NEGROES: Tom, a very well made smart little fellow, has his hair tied behind, or rather on the top of hi, head, or near it; he is a cooper by trade. Fanny , bis wife, a very likely young wench, about 5 feet 6 inches high, dreifes very neatly, and has been a house servant. They are well known about Savannah and mod of the plantations in the vicinity, where they have lived till lately. It is supposed they will lurk about the plantation of George Millcn, Eli], or fome other in that neighborhood, from wl lence they will make frequent visits to the city. Ten dollars will be paid for the delivery of either of them se parately. Fanny run away about two weeks ago, Tom yesterday. —. JAs. JONES. SLnpYard, July 18, 1798. BROUGHT to the Workhoule in Savannah, A Negro Fellow, who cannot tell his name, nor that of his mailer; he is about 5 feet t or 6 inches high, and alxmt 40 years of age. Jacob Theiss, Gaoler. July 25, 1798. LONDON , April 20. Ip ROM Italy it apjx-ars that the people of Rome Hill Continue toTmirder the French when found alone, and that 3000 men had been lent from that city to burn and dellroy several villages in a Hate of infurreftion. The Duke de Berry has arrived from Edinburgh, charged by Monsieur, brother to I amis 18th, to tender his Majelly, his own services, as well as thole of all the emigrated French Noblemen in this country. In the south of Ireland a few dav s ago nine insurgents roasted a man in his own cabin to extort a confeffiou of arms anti money. The Dublin mail of the 14th infl. and five mails from Waterford arrived yesterday. The principal intelligence received in them is, that the whole county of Kilkenny has been declared out of the King’s peac e. A smart aftion was lately fought in the neighborhood of Killaloe between a small body of tbe military and a numer ous party of the inlurgents, which terminated in the com plete defeat of the latter, who were obliged to fly in all difeftionsrwiih the lufs us a coidHlerable number of men killed, and 12 taken prilonefs. April 21. By the proceedings of the House of Com mons lall night it will be seen that Mr. Sheridan, and other gentlemen in Oppoiition, have come forward in the moft patriotic and decided manner, and pledged themlelves to all ill in defending their country. A bill palled both Houles, and is to receive the Roy al aflent this day, for iulpending the Habeas Corpus Aft. We are not yet prepared to give an opinion on this measure. If it proves that £hc re ports in circulation are tine the proceeding is fully warrant ed. A week ago we heard that Government was in pof feliion of certain information that societies had a plan for fitting lire to London in various parts, with a v iew to efteft a/evolution and favor the French. It is laid the principal towns in England were to l>e fired, and the 21st of next month was the day appointed for this horrid projeft. Go vernment have written evidence of the faft; Inch at lead is the aflertion oi thole in their confidence. Whether it lie tiue or not that fm h diabolical ft hemes were in contempla tion Government has rtlolved vo aft with vigor. Thuriilay night was a time ot general arrests. It is intended to fi ize and confine all the Members of the London Com (ponding Society. _On Lhurfday night the following persons were taken into cuftexly: In a house in Cow Cross three or four Members of the London (.orrelponding were taken, and about 500 pikes and daggers were found in their polfeffion. J nomas Sjx-ncer, the Publifhrrtrf Pig’s bleat, was seized in his house in Oxford road, by Ri\ett, the Bow street Offi- Yer, and lodged in the house of correftion. .At 7 o’c lock, Mr. Shaw, tlie Meflcnger, and a party of Bo>v ILvet Officers, went again to Mia. Evans’* houie in /., : ...r- - Evans into tuftody, and ftie and her infant were conveyed I to the Iconic of correftion, Gild Bath Fields. A paitv of crfhcei in the houle till 3 o’clock in the morning, and seized every person who entered it. The following are the names of 8 persons (acquaintances of Mrs. Evans) who were arrested at her house: Mr. Phelps, Mr. More, Mr. Keir jun. Mr. Daw, Mr. Humphreys, Mr. Ebfworth, (one of the bail for Mr. Evans on His former commitment) Mr. Oxlade, and Mr. Savage. Mr. Rone, a bookleller in Lower Holbom, and ■.who keeps a reading room, with two gentlemen who were in his reading room, were also apprehended on Thursday night by Mr. Eaton the Meflcnger and 14 or 15 Row street Officers. The two gentlemen were liberated at Bow street. A party ot the Oliicers remained in the house till 6 o’clock yesterday morning. Mr. Rone is in the house of correftion, Cold Ratli Fields. It now appears that the party arrested in Craven house, as mentioned in this paper of yesterday, was tlie Executive Committee of the Society, and the number taken was 35, among whom were Ltmaitrc, who was implicated in the popgun plot; Galloway, Secretary, and Hodgfon the hat ter, ot Wcftininfter. They, had long aftcmbled in the room; the house was kept by an old woman, and is inhabited by other persons. This old woman on sweeping the floor picked up a card, which upon lhewmg to fome person dilcovered the business ot the meetings, ft is supposed that tome Very important information has been obtained. The -Queen of bohemia public house has no connexion with the place where the parties were appreliended, nor do any political societies meet there. The Members of the Privy Council met at 11 yesterday, when Lemaitrc, Galloway, Evans, Hodgfon, and Mrs. E vans, were bi ought up from pnlou, and ieverally underwent an examination. Evans refuted to answer any interroga tories. Mrs. Evans was cailed in, but staid only a Ihort time. t t Among the papers seized belonging to the Committee of the Correiponciing Society was one called, “ ‘1 he Torch, - or a Light to enlighten the Nations of Europe in their way towards Peace and Happiness,” partly extrafted from a work entitled, “ l)e Volney’s Ruins,” tending to excite, by way of dialogue, the middling and lower orders of the people and the ioldiery against tlie legillative, ecdefiaflical, and magisterial autnoritits of the kingdom. The circular cauls of the Society were alio leized. Mr. Bone underwent an examination, and his papers and propolals for intended publications were invdligated. Alexander Galloway can it- up to inquire after his brother, and it is laid to make a voluntary surrender of his person if called on. He was seized. r l he Council broke up at 5 in the evening, when the pri soners were lent back to their ditiercnt priicns. We did not hear of any arrests lall night, but wc believe many persons were appreliended in the country. Yesterday we received Pa. is Journals up to the 18th in ft. they contain notuing ot importance. Ihe late engage ment between Sir li. Straciian and their gun boats is lpol <- u of in their usual it vie of gafeonade, as may be seen in the letter from their Commander. This force is laid toffiave beeii compoied ol 12 large gun boats, each carrying three 24 pounders, and 26 others, each carrying an 18. The 4th demi brigade of the army of Italy was on board, and its dcllination was supposed to be the illand of St. Marcou. April 24* A letter from Corunna, 11th Germinal, fays, “ This moment tluee Spanilh frigates have moored in this port coming from Montevido. They bring with them, as we are allured, three millions of piaftres, and one of them has on board the late Viceroy of Peru, M. Gil. The Good Intention Engiidi of 500 tons, from Ja maica, captured by the Buonaparte, has allb entered this port.” Rear Admiral Seymour, with 3 (hips of the line and 2 frigates, failed from Portiinouth on Sunday to join the grand fleet under the command of Lord Bridport. Yesterday the Chancellor ot the Exchequer finally con cluded his bargain for a loan of 17 millions for the iervice of the prelent year. April 25. Ihe grand expedition preparing by tbe French in the Mediterranean ports will contift of the French \ enetian heet ot 24 lliips of war, the Toulon fleet, and all the transports that can be coiltfted at Ancona, Civitta V eccliia, Genoa, Matleilles, ike. on board of which 30,000 French troops will be embarked. The whole expedition will be commanded by Admiral Bfueys and Gen. Baraguay l)e tlilliers; tlie troops for the landing are To be under the command of Gen. Maffena. April 26. Yesterday Mr. Pitt brought forward in the Houle ot Commons his budget. Ihe lum he wants for the lervice of the prelent year is 28,490,0001. April 28. it is Hated in l'ome ol the papers of yesterday, but from what authority we have not been able to learn, that in the correspondence dilcovered at Manchester it ap pears to have been part of their plan tc set fire to London . In one of the letters found certain persons, Members of the Corrt-fponding Societies, complain that they have no arms, and that for want of them they cannot aft with any conli derable e tie ft. In anlwer to this application they are told by their brethren at Manchester, “ the bell arms you can employ is fire!” AI ay i. It appears that Count Cobenzel, having re ceived directions from Ills Court (Vienna) to quit Raftadt, w hich were brought to him by a courier on the 14th ult. quittid that place on the following day. * May 8. Sir Sidney Smith attended the Board of Ad miralty yesterday to inform their Lordlhips of the particu lars ot li s e'cajit. He is also laid to have given their Lordlhips fome information relative to the Hate of France, and the army , of England, part of which lie law on his journey to tlie coast. . J ean Ron St. Andre, laid to have been beheaded by the Dey of Algiers, was the Commillioner of the Convention on board the French fleet during tne gluiioua action of the ill of June. File caiife ot the execution of Jean Bon St. Andre is fiiid to be this: he had a revolution club, compoied of a few Frenchmen and lbine nathes. InfonnaUdn of this ivas f.ift was afoertameu; SiVcT “ Let me have no more of that, but bring me bis head in two bcursC The King of Naples and the Duke of Tuscany have re fufed a permanent asylum to the fugitives from Rome in their dominions. The Pope and Cardinal Maury are on their journey to Petcrflburg. The Prussian army in Wcftphalia is considerably rein forced; all the regiments are ordered to be raised to a war eftablilliment; while the French army on tlie banks of the Nidda have, it is said, received orders to advance to the Mayne and-take pofleffion of Franckfort. These fymptom* are not very promising for the peace of Germany. Plymouth Dock , May 6. Arrived the Phenix of 36 guns, Capt. Halfted, with Le Brage French ship privateer, of 18 guns, (12 and 18 pounders) and 165 men, captured last Tuesday fortnight after 6 hours chafe. The privateer. had 3 men killed and 3 wounded; her malls and rigging l are very much damaged, and lhe received several (hot un- ’ der water; it was y/ith difficulty ftie was kept from finking; flie fired several broadsides at the Phenix, which damaged her rigging. The privateer is a very fineTliip, and has been launched about four years; ftie had captured the Swallow outward bound and Roebuck homeward bound packets, .thy creiys of which were on board her; 11,e also captured an American (hip, which the Phenix recaptured and-brought in with her.’ Yarmouth , May 7. Arrived, under convoy of the Monmouth and Lancaster men of war, 1 o Dutch Green landmen; they had not left the Texel 12 hours before they were captured by ■the North Sea fleet. They were forced qut by Admiral Storey, who told them that if they did not put to lea immediately he would press all their hands. Twelve more Grcenlandmen are to fail from the Texel as soon as they ate ready. The Monmouth flood so near in that ftie expected to be fired at. There are now lying in the Texel 6 fail of the line and 3 frigates. Brejl, May 7. The news from I’Orient occasions lively grief here. The account of the unhappy fate of the ftiip Hercules had reached there; ftie was taken in fight of our portby 18 veflels of the enemy. At the fame time inform ation was received that the Quatorze Juillet was burnt in the port of I ’Orient, on the eve of her departure from the road. Pctcrjburg, 16 Germinal . The excefles committed by the French Emigrants, and chiefly the conduft of the Emi grants of the corps of Conde in Volhynia, where they were garrisoned, have irritated the Ruffians. Paul I. has figni licd to the ci devant Prince of Conde the peremptory order to quit Petcrflburg instantly. Thg Emperor has received complaints agaiuft the French Emigrants, who -are troublesome to his eflates, and who inl’ult tlie inhabitants; he has ordered the iiiftant transporta tion of. fome- to Tolbrook in Siberia, others to Kamtfchat ka, and even to-Archangel, under the 67th degree of-lon gitude. SAVANNAH, July a6. MARINE LIST. * Entered Inward. Schooner Two Friends, Bowman, Philadelphia Brig Sally, Eldridge, Cape Nichola Mole Schooner Concord, Darnell, Baltimore Savannah Packet, Todd, Charleflon Sampit, Lewis, Ditto Polly, Giffin, New York Rrig Eliza, Flodgkins, Boflon Sloop Dolphin, Vanneck, Philadelphia Schooner Huntress, Fitch, New York Brig Beaver, Fftliott, Philadelphia 1 Schooner Cornelia, Auten, New York Somerset, Byrnes, Baltimore Richmond, Thomas, Boflon Schooner Rachel, Shaw, Charleflon Cleared Out. Brig Btllona, Harding, New It ork. j Apollo, Cliadeayne, Ditto j Schooner Republican, Crowell, Boflon I Induflry, Kofs, Charleflon I Ship Swift Packet, Gribbin, Philadelphia j Brig Dean, Akerly, New \ork I An expedition undertaken by Gen. Maitland againfl I Aux Cayes has failed, by a number of the boats iii which I the troops embarked to attempt a landing being oveifet in I a lquall, and about 120 of the men being drowned. I 011 the 28th.,0f May last, at Jeremie, Gen. Maitland I iifued a proclamation, declaring the French and Spaniih 9 ports in St. Domingo in a state of blockade; also declaring 1 it lawful for citizens .of tlie United. States to import into tlie 9 Britiffi ports,lin American bottoms, the following articles,! viz. Flour, bread, bifeuit, peafe, beans, potatoes, wheat, 9 rice, oats, barley,, grain of all forts, tobacco, (laves, head* 9 ing, timber, ftiingles, and all forts of lumber, horses, neat! cattle, hogs, poultry, and live flock of every fort, na\a 9 llores of every defeription, claret in hogsheads and hogs lard, fweetoil, onions, apples and other green fruits,! beef, pork, and fiffi: And any other goods or commodities! to be liable to forfeiture, together with the vessels in wine ■ they may be imported. , | On Sunday the 17th of Jime last 15 houses were ftroyed by lire in the city of Quebec. On the 7th infl. the President signed and approved aft, entitled, “ An Acl to declare tbe Treaties beret jmf. fore concluded with France no longer obligatory on t United States BETHESDA COLLEGE. I A Quarterly Meeting of the Trutlees will be he “Bi the pUntatum on the ti.H Saturday in Auguft* 9 All persons indebted to th® Printers hereof are requested to make pay men.*