The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1788-1802, August 09, 1798, Image 2

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D, Gilford Pugh and Cos, Halt taken a (loir or, the Bay, itttjoimnj Mr*. Hscoy ui the ♦Wkiffic* • When tu**v mv* ids ov*rn*ri A Variety of DRYGOCL 1. Which tliey aredetenmnea tc Cel iov for Caii u proouv. only* * Savannah, August b, 179th —: At, L thole who iiavr any demand againl to* Elm* of Hanmm> Gibbons, deceaittb un. cahet uptn tt render in their accounts properly attdted ■nil’ al* tutik a ly wife indebted to laid Elian ur requelieii to non* nay inent, that a speedy fettietuen ma- lx uuio o tu Auguf x, 1798. Jaji MosswAt- H ur. ———- —■■” ■■ Id bt- bold at JPubiit .nn'jn Ai Mulberry Hill, ■on SaUirtiu. toe thu utjutm. //■- tween VI two lit o’ef'rSr,- ALL the CROP g mwing on th< “round a tua pftniti. tion, conliltuig of 60 acre ol nee, * ;,*4 acre vo, ton, and acres of com, potatoes, and peal*. tnvve r ’ ■ belonging to tlie Eluiteof Mrs- r isuusai: Gibbon*. Octeuku Conditions of the fait* are, one hall of tiie ptircnai- ton to be paid down, the other.iul the ill next- }jiv injg approved feCJirity, tt* L.’ u. Augllfi 6, 1798. £, GJS9RGIA. By Ka TUANIUL bACor, hcj’fh:; o’ brQbu (l.s. ) > for the County of Lioerv u tin duo Bacon. Hate. WHEREAS adniinifiration or ai! auc Impute to* 1 * goods, rights, and credits, of join : :iext, lie, late of the state of South Carolina, piante: ueceafcu r:a. on the 26th day of August laftpaA, grantee- a**c comnrittei unto James Smith, Kfq. planter, oi Ur hate aut coynv aloielaid; And whereas the laid Janie; Siniti iiati n:r*j application to me for letter dmiifiory.o’ u- *riut< am el fc£ls of the said deceased: These are liierefor* t< eu< n admonish all and lingular the kindred am creditor*’ o’ ti faid Jolift Hext, Hip deceased, to be am appea or Hr me, at mv office, on tlie 10th day of beptembe: next t( shew cause, if any tliey have, why tlie laid Jams SimU* flwuld not lx; difmillbd therefrom. Given under my hand and leal, tn 31- u*. ol AuguP ‘1798, and i’ Uk 23d vea- u aimer, cat) Independence. —■ - - . - INFERIOR Cp-URT, Chatham County, AuguJ. tb< Alt, 1798. Nathaniel Holden" 1 ) versus >CA3L. William Daknell.J ON the petition of the Delenilaflt, lettm; furti.- tin he is confined in gaol, in the euftoci* o tn< Ctv Sheriff, by virtue of a capias tid refpottdcndum illueu uu of tlie Mayor’6 Court, and that Ik 1 uuabk tt .irnmtaii himfelf during His confinemem, and praying l*> o* auunuct to the benefit of the adt in Inch calcs made am provjueu It is ordered , That notice be givei 11 out 0! tie Ga ettes, that all per funs concerned do appear at the -Uteri’ J Office of this Gmrt, on Monday tin ;ti. infiauu a k o’clock in tle forenoon, to fhew.caufe why tia praye o the laid petitioner llioukl not be granted; and thata cop- o this rule or order be fennel on tut Riaintifi, or hi Attoi oey. ExtraSl from the Minutes, Justus H* bctiECßct. c. 1 c c. c WHEREAS there is in Savannah a present i lSi:- Henry Gerdine, abi icklayer, working witl Air B< niche, and as it is neceflary that every employer iuoifit know fomethiiig of the charadter of his workmen. J utk< this mctliod of informing the said Mr. bouchc ir. MfUcuiar •rtd t-lte ptiblic in general, that 1 can prove tie aoo v men tioned Henry Gerdine to be a coward and a ‘liar. May River, ‘June 4, 1798. \V*i. IVT‘! .mlanl STRATEX) into Belmont Plantation Two Cows and Calves. ONE of tlie cows is red, with a white face, brauder os the rump something like this, Q a, has a fwallowlorl: and underkeel in tlie right ear, and aHi and underkee u the left. The other is a three years old black ueife? v.:ti herfuft calf, branded 63, ear murks a Hallow ion 11: th* tight, an upper and imderkecl and a Hit 11 tii< lelt ”u* owner 1 , mull prove tiier pioper* *. : . i. . .. tion to IVILL LI M AIOZiLL-, —* BROUGHT to Riceborough gaol oil tui auti uk. i likctv voting count 1 Stgn Lcliov o ‘ vea s old, 5 feet 7 inche* iugr lav. m nanu b \ v ' Ul. and that he was fold as the property of tu Estate oi- Capt. Sanders at public fate in Savannah, anti bought by Mr. Gliampncys, who sent him to one of his plantations or. tnis fide of CiuuWlon, from wiience lie run awa* four week ago. iriLLLAM CORLLR. Aupufl 1. O w BROUGHT to tlie V.'orhhcuft in Savannah, i, Fellow, named Hearty, bchuugiug to Roner Bsin- ■ Well of South Carolina, about 5 kef 4 inches tugt. ant about 23 years of age, speaks good EnglifH. Auguji 6, 1798. Jacob Thews, . ROM L, Apryl 4> r Council of War rtf tin iirf divifiot l av- roi* JL detuned to-death Citizen Charrier. Ciuef e uatulion. and attaclied to the Elat Major of Gfflu. C-v<>n.. joy A±.<pF and kcaiing hire: and other pcecioas eff.tix, .utkrr ftro th. palace of tlie Due del Cello, and ibilnu t th** jjaiac* I>oi u. wile re Gen. Gevoni lotlges. hv Riem Guei’.tcei, Ah e* Camp, and J van k,* i. General. The fentencc decianr tiiat t.fek’ tw* 1;J ----accomplices in tlie tiieL, and in conk-t*utjte 4 .* arrvk ttd and judged according :*. lav. UnT .m. An Fant-illh Mvatephcfi kfwght urtr tt.* wti; inwhi ‘r\T. .1 t liaise ttnane loaded nth? oil iron %rr “Skvjnc* astufA n Triefle. It is hard .1(14’ !:.• Jnnr?i yrftermw'ai. -vlnrh .i occupied in lliutting to* port- 9ftrilt%muiesm ightnft ‘i*p-efltentc% ffwiila iiilf*r dl nr r k*- *• . 0 ilyiitm* File Roar ummrl uiom-Jie ;ett ti! vdkrrlav ‘orCartjuesr, Florence, .jiu lotjm. v • ire aun'O, v * .barged .0 procure fup iji>e nr h -jmine. AtUaiyu .Aa\ x-.. ..nan ‘ n?viet. Minifler from tir ‘•■r*r,;*.'i R-n'i'ilie .t .fadne*. rquirerl of the opaniih Ilinillie, A*. Atm. rr. -fivstv o ArdiHlh in Madrid a 1 Wmr u ujfbv- /,.* lie* 7 isieh .rira-ns tliere, whlcß was voilermei It. m tive. vin*jittor,h r ii.- ? ?cnch lieptiblic mm Uiv.wji l ‘tratt h.- krr.i ;rtv- .to tlie Spaniards, utr inline t,.< rcr.itik.-. n h.rit decided; m* ns inn* i.“rri rculkd. Gr-rt i.nwrations making in Us* fir-star. “"is* 7 onch ake J 1 l3airifli veflets in io- itcik-'-tifoi; n Lrriiwem -Jiero rrrao, n Aihieria ■ ic -n-t n- VeSL'JStiaiti ±ail’ j:onttenintd,,„ The biMinh* vnTftn • ‘w'a mi or *o Gibraltar,'not freely, oil tis ‘.wi'mifra! vn’.-s -t tin rade. deport by the -d nil 1 n/{j Ai eina I*’ v iktion of ; rms between Eug ii:: o.n bvtttt: post all* *.*’ ‘psniarru oniing .‘gain (itn TANARUS: • .vrHt'uc*! rn. .-. Ji-nn rvi *sr ( . nhr imng the Grand Council ui ft* .tt; n. -.!iige vr* rn-rwo. a which tl .IXreftory niiorru tm t. E.mliili liiniifer ladJ J equem*red all the ittru •■-"u , .yny,ar aI * lvr<:*. ’i? ibeflnr” lemands. Oy ( ii tf?‘ bnjliifi >r tvs* Iwii’f, Balt'. Aar v. 1 urro ‘ column ias narriied from -*iiw*i. at 1 tv* vo lantrc U lie ;-:ke ‘:o exter ntHi‘ h.."*“.-y:rm®v :ua ; m jad n;no vwr.hats, in which ti=* bpnr.l rsmuin! nwh-rr of t- kiag tievertHelds the . .hiUA .iive L'ten w h.-rtUeliYs vriveir. Many corps from iuv itnrpi ~£ti tr 4 ’ ’ crM-h grrinil the rebels of tiHi'lttt.'*:v*iit(■;<E Ido uiw r;.‘ liilrged hetr hordes. - Os- ‘.c, uin. abr ‘ut ng ‘omnk.elv leat tlie Switzers mmol 11 UitULThCnr**}.. .11s .intwnr a ts -nsrrh, and is amveua ikumiro-n. ‘Jmrr*. -Hxne uin %rrmtes.)- The oloe- voiinm. itter uttte x*fnn ’.taefa, has entered b six.rti. iw-■ h- ntu-ti/Moifs 01’ ‘tirr.n iavo rired from ti*er -. ii c* k.vreir v--.nh.Ki. “'us v.tinhn is designed to iitwttw ti ium.vitv o’ h” -;',nton o Gtarns: but it is tnciHto twr nil j.u v ir.v fion nr ts -rtvsaicing Cos far. cow* W.vuv's 0 .iiyn, istv irrrwed ltsr o Gen. Schaw '.•mocuq, a r.Hvrn uni tut fus uaiton vdl accept the voniitutute. * ■■ corn o hs* xxnv o tie ittle *-antons’ a Muri, in the ir*-* ojiitvy;.. tiat stty-viav vent o lav, where it ias savei ‘onO/sm. “ieite tfconpn nave extended them ietve in:?: hw .ikeo rrwr.rtU lrhwz. .viuifl the corps ‘Vntti nvy tu- tsntpnr O'-iirrT.tld- ord . ?t, cwo temr iMvt jonv n* - Gotch r> wvvTtn the canton of hpiKU&I. tie Hiec.ottisj. m: -.! matters of T <r roi. Atie ti,i nu*;li,g<y;.'v*. *tr,ia *e an aitbenttcate. .t ao- UK'ir. tua’ tie nt -idi tie little* antons s .ormng -.can e;:L Fur l. A.iO “ij* T.tvv -. n Republic is --et to be viuirts o r *r jwi -Tern.. i. 6>ii : !nrerd, ‘liter many d*. v fcfcpe iuing, br jhnv ipened a public luting wwrci SYS fom ■ i* .ou n the evening until numydr* it h* Aon leclacecT liat he Contfituent Afifembd fjr tiiSbvrt fter he irceptation ot :he ConlH utiiui! cit tiu. {*.,.•; tu Ungi-rr if h. ‘*, ‘he -.ejiiliaiiv* Lvn- Tfil 10-’ x> ‘eaevved hi year* 111 con 9UJifrc* tu* vr;i<ni ‘Aeniaert nave iivided theml'eives to ionr t*Y( vr.i “..wtuiv* r rrr..;iTi tie:r rfi:.*.-. -.nd mv- Cf*ix*n (v tif-rr-’ beticktsts. iuerfe aid iolch, and ij4V- 4ti!*mnscu I'. nr metligerwre .as ’wen .dried v ex irynliiu'” vuin.'TT brn. :;{i i| I Gp.ibii:, ’ ix. jprnrrtF ; U n,;n .*;i;in f&vs on® of our ;oun;is". .1. tin U? J.x bbeefor. birno *.• .ldtf .1 6v> Jibuti vottlervi.-iw nth * it. 0 mm ie eio/ts orivattly* J ... nar.n . Air •>’ £ nitr j“m V' May u 1 ’ .x’ xii oi tut tu* larbarn. Guir. Dixon, oi ;.vc. 1; jvm .od , ua nth • .’mneh privateer, u . j* ; jrd “/> n?-n. rr& U? mod aeroic imaginroie. ’h- f*m vomur.n 3, wurt. nd luring be con tell the Livim r he an trr*c* imes hot awrr; -he union being tu- ciii Trr,;mii~-rti.. he -rew u Wlntehaveumanj turn t“ ittvrcd r-xuuns. aai ;ailamly n the lieat of t “ vi.-nbk uiim tarn (1 he mm-uon jailant mart head, tu* wiafii vk .fcytvnuc; t helkme .une that they would ettuer peiili* .titti t hrvua w-thick: lnfbrturiateiv at that utlUu-t led toon tv- -remv truck E? 3arbara’>caboufe amr kiko run. ve if trtioai ves lie leinifman; the Ihg (i omkx.upnce lnn no nto the vind, when tu*. ’ trattAmui tax. dongikie. and threw udi a numor a fuel w vumt tie Wnars-that- her gailant crew, ttac£ n*en m ttatti ittuation, were | ovrryowrfct 4a .0 iumut* “ Enmchmen then tor* cam tax mtilfi ,do.r. ,n tmed their turd earned mo buauax>**.-. uflt; en ragees from which oiace tie eujrye.-ru-.-n; iafpen:<u Lu:. Aixon 5 a Harrington awi: u* >v* v-cuutea n erwrra Jlacv-s. ana le ibeaks in tu* ingwet errm o ti* jnexamated waver** if -ns oeonle, uwji* o wuun wioog-n hn vrrr fid tw> other* miacent. | lie;ymawritt .txrrc- im* ,iesu*n >tF luring the action, taut 1 srmw .t ..lYrrcvCi v-'ctf ms gallant tars wtti rcgrc n imvn .t G-ucuimve. * Aajy Os s rzirr ut afarv -n hoard uha-Mars. uuia .Vi jmrjttis aar-i -*O, 1-9#.^ ‘ tuv lOAUomr tm v are ..ccaamted from j-Tibic. in!ivin o c-r isfccets. *nti ;t s with learttelt “a llsUilnn nu.cra.-vci f ~.*;r *,e arnrai aere his dv 4iuerv “* *ina bpntinmng ealierly tince f. *. ocn m* uifurg n* .-anier th* nmculars 0 1 iLuc;. nilwer al voitvmitt. ’ r ‘ Oi oaurniv It* .ill nilant, -fc-*ng -he ’nokoot Aim. ‘ t, i—r n.-ntrtwon. lifmvered a llringe liiL. | w.jiti u* rs*ger pnrteer: irrx nßurtfnngtfw -cut.*, io.-i: .la .ails >f aflarge- hip f i.-rr* ~ -ktv, .-wsafMP’ 4,yyi iirfei of ‘ rxmtw wj irrw rao.” he ihra. Ittd -* -txsaort tu w* trim wr. Abcart f* o'clock, | *,t t fduatli ttziin* . ;,\r _ die enemy*, j having prevjoufly attempted to palS between us and ‘k* land, in which they were frulirated by our [lerkvcrii.p** Shading on, obliged hCr to tatk, which breught us into ht" r wake, when we put about. From this time every prepaid ion was nade for battle, and the wind continuing prtttv frelh encouraged the expe(Ration, “i he day clofm-, M( j approaxl-mg a very intricate and dangerous navigation rendc y. it for fame time doubtful whether k was prad\i c * able; but the French pilot removed the doubt, by afiurin” Capt. Hood tiiat the enemy could not go throrrgh the p:uT, ■*• du Raz, as the tide of ebb had made from tue northwaH About half part 8 it was afeertained that the enemy “had brought up,*feemingly in every refped preparing tg receive us, fails furled and springs on her cables. From the vio. lence of the current on our approaching cne land it provgfc mpracticable to pas; ahead of her,,and a?, a quarter ptftji the-enemy commenced the action by firing her fiar'oaicl ’ broadlide, and vrt had scarcely time to haul up tlie lower deck ports and return the compliment before we were linger, ceptibly aboard of each other, both our heads in the fame way (to die northward.) Our men behaved with courage and diferetion, notwithstanding fcveral of them wi?e wounded at a very early period of the engagement. They twice attempted to board us, but we repelled with violence, he petition of the fliip rendered the dexterity of the cannoniers fruitleis, and the cooinels and intrepidity dilpla'.’ed by individuals in the Mars are hardly crediole* * iut fads proved it, by moll of the enemy’s gnns being dis. mounted and otberwife lhattered, infonnich that had it blown frdhßhe'imdfc have funk, and -ntoih probably v,- fliouid have fiiared the fame fate. The enemy now finding tliemfelves.encumbered with the killed and wounded, (of the former there were 90 thrown overboard tlie next morn ing) and altogether diiabkd, they earnelfly implicatedkr quarters about lialf past 1-0, when we her as hav, :ng surrendered. At this time the French lliip was on fire in three different places; then our ad -Lieutenant (Mr. Bouker) very gallantly boarded her, notwitiillanding the confulion, and was oppoled by Jome of the officers on the quarterdeck, but without effccf, and soon got poffelfion of aer, and extinguished the fire> The prize is L Heicnle, a iarge 74, 70c men, commanded by L’Herilte, Chef de kivtiion; (he was in L’Amerique on tlie ill June) fix Tionths off the stocks, two days from L’Orient, bound to Breif; ix months stores and provisions, and|fe called a veiy me handsome fliip, rather longer than the Mars, and ij ports on each deck. - ’ , f “ It is iuppoled they had killed arid wounded 350 men; bearing, at the time of the action, Bbc du Raz n. 1-4 f.. two miles, Grand Qpmet Rock (Saints) one mile, ana the 3teveut-Rock n. fix, w-. tliree miles; wind e. n. e. Under thtie circumstances I will leave you to judge.of the merit and bravery of the attack. The lituation prelentcd lliip -.vreck or victory. I have sincerely to lament the Id’s of my friend Capt. Hood; he was wounded on the quarteideck oy v mulket bail, in the femorai artery in the rignt thigh, about a quarter of an hour before the enemy llruck, and expired n the cockpit with the Frenchman’s iword in his hand. Any praise or encomiums on his coolnt is and bravery cn this occaiion would fall fliort cf his deserts: I can only fay, that in his death tlie victory was dearly bought. I’fie coun try lias differed in him the loss ot a lintere end firm friend, i gaflant officer, and we an amiable ana worthy commander, who is moit uni verbally lamented-. From the Jatelf il. lb.i na tion I find there were in the Mars 16 killed, 6 iince dead, 1 milfing, [fuppofed to have fallen between the two Hups in attempting to board the enemy, to exlinguiih the fire] and -9 wounded; total 89. Moft of the wounded are in 2 b*ir way of recovery. Capt. Joleph White, of the marines, was killed on the poop; Lieuts. Argles and Ford wounded, t.nd afo a Mr. Southey, a Midfliipman. Our rigging and fails much damaged; tliere is not a main fliroud purled; :he bremafl #uch wounded; jib boom carried away; in .hort the*appeai*ance of both Ihips is diilreffing. The fleet vere to ieeward of us when we chafed about 5 or 6 miles, the land about the’.Saints in light. From our superior fad ng 10 Tip of the fleet could keep company, consequently we received no afliftance till the next morning, which I inure vou we were in much need of. I-believe the above are be principal occurrences, ar.d I trtift they will enable you- a have an idea of the combat, which from the danger ous fituatioTi, and being in the might, its equal, in my o. pinion, is noton record in otir naval history.” May 3. At 12 o’clock on Tutfday the remains of the late gallant Capt. Hood \va3 brought on fliore at Plymouth, for the purnofe of being conveyed to his place of rtlidence n Somiertlhire, there to be interred. The corpse on ia being landed was met by all the Captains and other officers of n* Majesty’s fl.ips at Plymouth, and a Field Officer’* niard of marines, when a proceflion was formed in tlie fol lowing onion Field Officer’s guard, composed of marines; music play ing the dead march in Saul; Englilh colors under which the Vlars fought; Clerg; men and Surgeons; two Captains of the navy as chief mourners; CORPSE, and fix Captains as nail iiearers; Officers of tlie Mars; Captains of the Royal navy; Generals; Officers of the army off duty; colors of the enemy trailing on the* ground. - The whole proceeded through the principal streets, lined jv all the trr.ops in the garrison. A fiocere regret appeared manifeA amnngfl all descripti ons of jeoole. who, whilll they refit (Red upon the late he me. irmneA of his conduiß, fympathizeif .with every feeing lieart upon the lols their country fraX fuftaiived. y~ . This irave officer died Ihorcly- after he received hi* wound, having repeatedly exclaimed, “ Why was I brought below I’’ u Why I not fwffered to die at my poll* jk ifretched out his hand, received the J’wofd of his vanquished enemy, and inilantjy exjnredl . A_J_ * NASSAU, CNe a v ProvidenceJLJuly 6. ■ f r X HIS day arrivtoliere from 13c min go, his Maje* JL tyVfljips Profit lyte, Capt> Fowke, and .La Pion3p-v Cap*. Spread _• 1 ■ . * The port oi’ Cape FrancaTs was closely blockaded, all neptrsl veniels bound there were sent down to toe * lO ‘Hie thre?frigates which arrived there in April tro.m France vert riilk in port yith their fails unbent; and, ncarafing ieakmfw and ciflatis taction mamfelkd ToffiLiat and a: lesft probes J