The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1788-1802, October 25, 1798, Image 4

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ITALY, Augufl i. ALL the recounts which have been received in the different Italian ports agree that the Englilh apd y reach fleets have mjit. According to fome Admiral Nclfon, and according to others Euonapartc, is killed. It is likewise said in fome letters that fonie frigates have been taken. Other accounts fay that the French, after the tattle, which was fought near Alexandria, arrived at that port, and efftdfod a landing. No ofHcial intelligence how ever lias yet been made public. Vienna, Augufl 21. According to all the advices re ceived from Italy fome events of importance have taken place between Buonaparte and Admiral Nvifon, of the cir cumstances of which we can fay nothing certain, as the reports are extremely various, and no official accounts have been received. Almost all the accounts we have received? however agree that Admiral Nelfoo has taken several French Ihips of war and transports. . London, Augufl 23. In a second edition we yesterday •announced the diiagreeable intelligence of the capture of tlie Raymond and Woodcot E;ift Indiamen, by a Frerxth frigate, in ‘Fellichery lloads; and the loss of the Princess Amelia, by fire, off Pigeon Island. ■ The following account was lent from the India Hotffe for the information of the gentlemen at Lloyd’s and the Stock Exchange: Eafl India Itoufe, Augufl at. __By a letter received from Mr. Tooke, the East India Company’s Agent at Constantinople, dated July 23, it appears, by the report of the Captairi of the Port of Alex andria, who escaped from thence to Cyprus, from whence lx: has forv arded a dispatch to Constantinople, that Buona parte actually disembarked at Alexandria, on or about the Bth of July, from ij to 20,000 men, and that he net with little or no reliftance from the Turks. Buonaparte’s fleet, (Lips of war, and transports, is Uatcd to be near 300 fail.” Government received similar accounts from Mr* Smith, cur Charge d’Affaires at Constantinople. From tncle accounts there can be little doubt that the gveatdi part of Buonaparte's fleet has cfcaped Admiral Nclion. It is not impo/hble, however, that the rear di vision may have been overtaken by our fleet, and that we may yet receive plealing intelligence rcfpccVmg the event. It is reported that before the Meffengcr left Conftantfo nople the Prate had declared war again!! France. Augufl 27. The Earl of Elgin arrived yesterday after noon at the Countess of Elgin’s Jkiufe in Downing street from the Court of Berlin. Count Gobenzel left Berlin on the 13th of August, and h was thought that the Ruffian Prince Repnin was likewise about to leave that city. *1 he French fpcak of no loss than three naval expeditions which they are now preparing. We rejoice to hear it, for we know that our fleets arc perfectly prepared to meet them. Letters bom St. Marcou, of the 22d August, state, that Admiral Mu/keyn is preparing to leave Havre, with be tween 40 and 50 gun boats, for Dunkirk, to join tlie ex pedition fitting out there anti at Brest, said to he destined for Ireland, and which is to compote 20,000 troops* Sir R. Strachan* whole, zeal and enterprise are always c.cnfpicuou3, having difeovered 40 gun boats moored in the inner road of Havre, from Cape la Meve round the Pier head, and thence half way*acrofs the river Seine towards Honfleur, on Sunday attacked them. A.fmart fire ensued, in which fome of the enemy’s vefiels were funk, and from the great confulion they betrayed they are fuppoft-d to h.ave loft a conlidcrable.. number of men. The Diamond was struck Bor 10 times, but /he had not a man hurt. One /hot uyder Water has given employment to the hand pumps. The Arethufa received one lltot; but the Ripley schooner lied her Commander, Lieut. Bond, an officer oi’ excellent abilities, wounded in three places, and another killed, all in confluence of a (hot from ohe of the enemy’s boats having struck a carronade, and split it into many pieces. She is returned to Portsmouth to land her wounded, aid fhilt her foremall, which was sprung in chaff. Dear Sir, Hamburgh, Augufl 21. Many rep its arc in circulation here concerning a very bloody engagement which is said to have happened between Admiral Nclion and Buonaparte near Alexandria. The Englilh Gonful at Leghorn has announced a capital victory on the fide of Nelson over the French; and ti e French Consul at the Fame time obffrved a profound lilcncc. There is even intelligence hv a private letter from a gentleman of ponlequence at Florence, in which it is.faid Buonaparte is entirety defeated, and made prisoner. I remain, &c. J. W. llankey. August 31. A Frcmh paper of the 26th inll. entitled, Ia: Clef dn Cabinet, received in town yesterday, has the following important detail, which wo can lav obtains very general belief in the big hell and bt ft informed circles. The article is dated from Frankfort, and “states, that by advices bom Trie He, and likewise from another port in It aly, an account had been received of an aibion having taken place between the Englilh and French fleets in tlte Medi terranean. ’i’he circtnnflances which arc particularly de tailed are as follow: “On ljtb Meflidcr, (July 5J the hoflile fleets •jm/ in the morning. Avery elefe and warn: engage ment ensued, which Lifted the whole day, and ended at night, without viHory having declared on either Jidc. The two following days, the bth and Jtb of July, were calm, and the fleets lay in fight repairing their dam ages. On the B th the Er.rlijh fleet, being favored by an eaftrriy wind, fueeeeded in cutting off 8 French flips of the line, with which a eery clofc and desperate - aTion immediately took place. It ended, however, by the yielory declaring in favor of the Briiijh , the whole 8 flips being taken or funk. “ The chiton was extremely bloody on both flues, the Crew of the L’Orient (Buonaparte's flip) having been repeatedly reinforced by drafts from other flips which were not jo closely engaged. The L'Orient at Lift funk , as well as Sir Horatio Nclfon's flip, (the Vanguard.) The Britifl Admiral, who was'badly wounded, was re moved on board the Culloden, where he had the fatif faction of receiving Buonaparte and his whole Etat Major, about two hours before be (Sir lloratio) died es bis wounds.’’ Such is the detail of this article in I e Clef du Cabinet, to which* as we lia>e already olderved. great credit is at tached here, and which fectns to be too circumftnnual to be wholly the fi&ion of a French editor, for which he would be liable to pay the forfeit of his life. We leave it to our readers however to form their own opinions and concluftofis. The article likewise states the English force very corredl ly; twelve 74 gun fliips, one 64, and a 50, hefides frigates. We are concerned to find in the Paris jotynals an official account of the loss of his MajtTty’s frigate L’Aigle of 3S guns, Capt. Tyler, on the Hie of Planes, in the Mediter ranean, as it was on its voyage to join Admiral Nd lon’s fquadron* This vessel was burnt by order of the Captain, to prevent her falling into the hands cf the enemy; and the crew, of whom it does not appear that any were lo’ft, were carried, we do not learn in what manner, into Tunis. Plymouth, Augufl 16. Yesterday the Tiger, Sir Sid ney Smith, went out of harbor to Spithead; /he carries 42, 36, and 24 pounders, and is to be employed on a secret expedition planned by’ Sir Sidney on the ccaft of France. Portsmouth, August 27* All the men of war arvtcc ett flute are this evening getting under weigh to carry troops for Ireland. The greater part hi’the troops intended for India are //lifting on board these flips; and expresses were* this afternoon lint from Bradley’s to Southampton and Winchester or the South Devon and Dcrfetlhire regi ments of militia immediately to embark on the fame Fervice. We underfranc! the Lancafliira regiment is alio to accom. pany them. Dublin, Augufl 29. Dublin Cafllr, Augufl 2*, 1708. It appear:: ‘jg advi-es rect i red from the Hon.‘Major Gen. Hutclunfoii, o dated Caftlebar, 26th in the evening, that the enemy had not then attempted to move from Kil lala. Their three frigates had fttiled from the coast. The Major General expected Ihortly to be in force to move a gainlt the enemy. The province of Connaught continues in perfect tranquillity. Ext raid of a htterfrom Baliinrobrj August 2;. • u Friday mo:;.ing, at 2 o’clock, we were alarmed by an e-'prefs for the carabinee rs, the Frenc h being about to land at Killala, about 42 miles from hence. Sir Thomas Chapman iml.iediai.riy let off, and found they had really off;died a landing, and raid taken nvifoners the Biihop of Killala, his two ions, Dean Thonspfon and his wife, Mr. Thomas LHifon, &c. ami had thrown in- fome tntreneb mer.ts. Sir Thomas, on reconnoitring thrir works, was attacked, but after a tnort /kirnliMi hal on’v a tw men, about 8, /lightly wounded, and a i’erjenni miffing. Our troops killed one of their officers, and retreated to Caftle bar, where they now arc waiting for a !apply of troops, who are hourly- parting through tiiis quarter, and it is thought will to morrow proceed to attack them. “ On Sir ThoriVasfll-rapmairs- retreat the enemy auvaftc oil as far as Baltina, (7 miles nearer u.) but did not keen it long, having conceived it prudent to return to their firft polition. They picked up several prisoners, among them Sir William Boyd. The alarm occafioncd by the appearance of the enemy has crowded this town, a number of families having de ft, r ted their habitations, hot only from the neighborhood of Killala but from parts within two miles of us. Thank God there is a conuderab’e body of troops and ordnance in motion, and the ccnmon peoplp teem fteadv and well af fected; a few days will terminate the bufiuefs.” ‘Dublin Caflle , August 29,’ 1798. Advices were received lad night from Lieut. Gen.’ Lake, by which it appears, that early on the morning of the 27th t’ne French attacked him ;n his poii- ion near Caftlebar, be fore his force was alunubied, and compelled him, after ?. ihort aeftion, to retire to 1 lollymount. The Lieutenant General regrets that (> fieldpicces fell into the enemy’s hands; hut states that the loss of the King s troops in men has not been confide; able. Dublin C.tftls , 3 bth Augufl, 1798. Advices have been received this morning from the head quarters at Kneckhill dated the ill inst. His Excellency was advancing towards the t.ncmy, and Col. Crawford is puihing his pr.trcL to Caftlebar. that the num bers of the enemy have been exaggerated, and that they have been joined by a \ cry inconliderable number of the inhabitants. September 3. We have every concurrent reason to hope lor a tjjeedy and glorious account from- our gallant Viceroy. ‘Doc troops made rapid marches, and arrived in the lrigheft spirits at Athloue on ‘J’utfda ,r last. From thence on Wedncfday morning Lord Cornwallis, with a -orce ol almut poco men, moved forward on the road to Tuain; and it Was expebled that tx: w'outd tiif e yesterday morning reached chat part of the county cf Mayo in which the French ‘croons wee. ‘ Gen. Lake, with nearly 2000 men, has taken post in Tuarrr, and, aided by Gen. Btiff from Limerick, covers Galway from, any attempt of the enemy, while Gen. Tav lor, at Boylis, is so situated as to advance and cut off the retreat of the enemy, or fun ound them, as m::v be deemed ne ceil ary* The enemy’s forces are commanded hv a French Genera! named Toufan, whole second in command is laid to be an lrilh priest, named Kane, a native‘of the countv of Mavo; the third in command was killed in tile disembarkation by Sir Th.omas Chapman and the carabineers# Gen. Kihnaiu is not with this armv. Notwitliftanding th.e unprepared state of Gen. Lake’s fortes, and his inferiority in number, the event would not have been so unlucky had it not been for the superior force of artillery with which the French were provided; they had 16 fieklpieces, our troops but 6. The Kilkenny regiment lx hai ed with great gallantry, and loft a moft valuable of ficer in Major Alcock, who wa c killed in the firft a/fault. Belfaft, Augufl aS. The Balias, Capt. Waterman, from New York, arrived in the Lough this morning, after a fine paflage cf 25 davs. I.a ft Saturday Capt. Waterman saw three frigates, which he supposed to be French, under a press of fail, fleering to s. w. about yo leagues w. x. w. of Torey 1/land. Next morning she was brought to by an Englilh squadron, ccn lilting of a 64. three frigatesEand a ciYtter, about too miles astern of the Frenchmen, who were also under a press of fail in pursuit. Cork , September 5. Bv private letters received In town this day vrefcear tliat Col. Crawford attacked the re bels who have separated from the French w<. I them with considerable loss. ’ 3nd Cove, September 2. This morning arrived re. a• I nia extra rtiip from Bengal, taken by a French J Cajje Clear, and retaken bv his Majeftv’s Ihin'v. Also arrived the Halifax Packet from TSt o fo } ctay /poke a large French frigate, a prize, and tv o F I frigates in company, off Cape Clear. ’ ‘treasury Jrxn.27, 1795. * Notice is hereby given, That, t y V rtl . an aa, passed during the present session of&, * so much of Hit aft entitled, An AS making Provision for the Support of Public Credit, and it , Redemption of the Public Debt,” parted the third dj March, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-fn bars from fcttlemeiit or allowance Certificates comn* called 1,020 Office and Final Settlement Certificates! Indents of Interest, is suspended until the twelfth day June, which will be in the year one thousand seven so red and ninety-nine. % That, on the liquidation and settlement of thefuidC tmeates, and Indenls cf Interest, at the Treafurv • Creditors vdll be .entitled to receive Certificates es F'rai Three per Cent. Stock equal to the amount of the foid dents, and the arrearages of interest due on their said ( tificates prior to the firft day of January, one thoufandfe hundred and ninety-one. ’ That the principal sums of the fold Lean Office 1 Final Settlement G rtificates, with the interest them fine? the firft day of January, one thousand seven hii anil ninety-one, will be difeharged, after liquidation at- Trea/liry, by the payment cf interest, and reimburfea cf principal, equal to the sums which would havejj payable thereon if the said Certificates had been fußfcrib pi; if: ant to the afos making provilion for the debts of; United States contracted during tiie iate war, and by payment of other sums, equal to the market value of 1 remaining Stock, which would have been created by fa lubferiptions as atorefald, which market value will be deti mined by the Comptroller of the Treasury. OLI VER WOLCOTT, Secretary of the Tmfl Philadelphia, June 30 tb, irngj pUBLiC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pi L to the ac\ of Gongrefs, parted on the 12th day of Jm 1798, entitled, “AnA hi refpccling Loan Office and lis Settlement Certificates, Indents cf Interest , and t Unfunded or Regflered Debt credited in the fox’ the Treasury,” 1 ft, That, on the application of the Creditors refpecfti ly, or their legal atternies, at any time after the la!i& of December in the present year, the principal fan the unfunded or registered debt of t!ie United States, 0 dited op the books of the Treasury, or ComniilTioneiv Loans, will bgreeimburfed at the I’reafury of the Unis States. 2d, That interest upon the unfunded or registered del afordaid will cease from and after the last day of Decs her in the- present year. 3d, That the Creditors rcfpe&ively will be entitled,; requisition, to receive from the proper officers of the Tit fury certificates of funded three per cent, flock equal tot arrearages of interest due on the debts aforefaid prior tot 11ft day of January, 1791. By order cf the Board cf CcmmiJJicners cf the Sim Fund, EDWARD JONES, Secretary. N OTIC E. f\ LL persons having any demands again ft the Elk: i 1 of Gideon Dowse senior, of Liberty county, 4 ceased, are requeftecl to make them known to the fubferibe by the ift of March ensuing, there being a neceffity k thole debts being afeertained as soon as possible. Openn cotinrs must be attested. Thos. Bradwell, Esor. 051. 9, 1798. N O r 1 C E. ALL persons having any demands again/! the Efe of Gideon Dowse junior, late of Liberty co® deceaffd, by bond, note, or open account, are request to fend them in to the fub/cribers within twelve monthsu a day from the date hereof, after which time the affais laid Eilate will be closed, and all accounts.not rends wSI be excluded. N. B. No open accounts unattcftedrivill be received. — Susannah Dowse, Aiuat 951. 9, 1798. T. Bradwell,! Jos. Law jun. J “ STATS cf GEORGIA,A TOHN DICKSONj bi f County of Burke. J J fence of the fubferibingj nefies, declares, that if he did at any time heretofore It* any hasty expressions to escape him with refpett -ft chastity and good behavior of Mrs. Sophia Tract, wife l Mr. Joiin Trant, of this county, it was entirely cwsf passion, and perhaps to the effedts of intoxication, and’J he has no just cause to imjieach the behavior and moral duel of the said Sophia Trant. John DicSsos Present, Jno. Day ies, H. G. Caldwell. FOUND a few days ago by a Negro Boy, A NEW BEAVER HAT. The OYvner, by proving his property, paying for lo cation, and giving a small gratuity to the finder, my W it again. For further information apply at the P-' l ’'-” Office. IVanttd immediately, AN OVERSEER to take charge of a Rice PteJ on, fbr whom generous wages vrili be given. * need apoly unless well recommended. Apply to “ ■ james surra New Land, Liberty County, qtb July, 1798. -r - BLANK LAND CONVEYANCES n.:MI the Printing Office in Broughton street. SAVANNAH; Printed bt N. JOHNSTON j