The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1788-1802, December 13, 1798, Image 2

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GEORGIA. By His Excellency JAMES JACKSON, Governor and in cukf of tlie Army and Navy of tlm State, and of the Militia ‘thcreo', ,• A H(OCLAMA l 1 O N. HAVING arranged and cast up the votes from Such counties as have made returns of ele&ions held for persons to reprelcnt this Rate in the Houle of Reprefenta lives of tx e Congress of the United States, and it appearing that James Jones and Benjamin Taliaferro, Elijuire*, liave the highefl: number of votes for the fame, I HAVE THOUGHT FIT to iffne this my proclamation, notifying the fame, in order that the said James Jones and Benjamin Taliaferro may fignify their acceptance or nefufal of their said appointments; and also that they adduce the tequifices and qualifications required by law. Given under my hand, and the great fcal of the ibid Rate, at the Statehoufc in Louisville, this thirtieth day of November, in the year of tmr Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety tight, and in the twenty-third year of American Independence* -fAss* JACKSON. .By the Governor, • Jno. Miltos, Sec’y. - GOD SAVE TflE STATE* WAN I S A SI iU ATION, IN a Grocery Store, a young man, who cart be well recommenced for honesty and so >nety. Wages at prtfent will be no object. Inquire of the printers. December ij. —— rIiD()N HIRE| A WENCH who can walh and irt>>, for 6 or 12 months, to be employed by tlie fubferiber. ALEXANDER JOHNSTON. Tfle cf Hope, Dec. 9, 1798. ~ Q BE S(JLD> Oi 1 the stb day of February next , in the city cf Savan nah, ALL the NEGROES of the Estate of the late John Houftoun, Esq. The gang consists of sawyers, job bing carpenters, and prime field (laves, amounting in all to upwards of an hundred. Persons inclined to purchale fca foned Negroes had 1 letter avail themfelvcs of this opportu nity, as perhaps so good a one may not occur for fome time to come. Will be ('Ad also at the fame time, Two valuable and highly improved RICE PLANTA TIONS; one of 2560 acres, being a moiety of a trad! on Cathead Creek, late the property of Sir Patrick Hotiftouh; one of 3 j°- acres, within a few inilc j of the above, called Turkey Camp, in the county of M‘lntolh f IndilputabJe titles will be given* John 11. MTntosH, “1 ’ Patrick Houstoun, >Executors. ‘( James E. J [December 7. HOST ON) November 14. ON 1 lie 12th instant a fire broke out in Roxlmry Jlj-cet, which tlcflroyed a double hovife atid fliop; levtral buildings nar owly escaped the conflagration; the house was owned by Mr. Partridge. New } ork, Novehtber 19. Died on Saturday evening the 17th ipH. Sir John 1 e tuple, Bart, his Britannic Ma jeilv s Consul General to the Northern States of America. i biladclpbia, November 21. The money which was (Men tram the Bank of’ Pennfylyania at t!,e cOßuntncc ment of the fever is now happily recovered to within 2000 dollars, and it is expelled even that will lie yet recovered. It feerns that the only persons engaged in the hufinefs were lfaac Davis, a carpenter, and tire Porter who slept in t’ e Bank. This Porter, we underhand, had applied for a vacant Clerkship in the Bank, hut as he Was not a fit person it wa c refuied'him. Determined on revenge, he concerted the plan of robbing the Ban!. With this Davis. One dav, .after,the Bank was (hut, and before the watthmen had taken their polls, heqiickcd the locks of the vaults, and handed the tnoney out to Davis, l ire/ then adjourned to lomc neighboring place and divided it. The next morning Jie Porter ran to the Cafhicr in a leemingly great fright, and informed lnm of the situation of till” Bank. As the man had borne the moll irreproachable chara&er, and told so fair ,1 tale, he was not fulix’flcd. In a fliort time after this thy Porter was ftized \vi li the prevailing fever. As loon as Davis learnt it he went to him ami defiled him to give his fiiare of the money into liis (Davis’*,) care until he recovered, left his phyla ian or fome attendant might find it, and thereby lead to a difeoverv. The Porter did so, and ih a few days after delirium ftized him, and he died without making any contelfion. 1 bus fur fortune teemed to f.vor Davis. 11 inking hin felf now fccure, Davis set up lfis carriage and pair, and pretended'that an Indiaman had arrived at New 1 ork in which he had lent cut an adventure. At U ngth he ventured to make a huge tlepolkc in tin Hank of l ennfi Ivanra. 1 h.e Cafliier perceiving so large a sum ear ned to the ere; it of this man was surprised, and infornied the Prvfident. As it bore a fnfpicious afpecLthev agreed th.i. ti e t.afiiier should inquire of the other Banks whether IL-. is bail made any dcpolites there also. Upon an invef rigHtion it was found that he had deposited 17,000 dollars n he t! ye Banks. The proper means Were then taken t. have him ft cured; and upon examination lie ccntefled his villany, and agreed at the fame time to give up all tlie mode i.i his pnffijltc.n. together with iiilxaniage and Nines, on’ condition of pardon. This was granted him. J lie sum recovered by the Bank is 158,000 dollars. Baltimore , November 20. By the schooner America, f.apt. Villen, iroin Cadiz, 45 da\s, the official accounts of tlie action between the British and French fleets in the mouth of the Nile is received in tnaniifcnpt, as received from on hoard tlie Ville de Paris, Admiral Jervis. l illeube Paj isy cf Cadiz. September 27, 1798* 1 lie CgnJinAiidcr in chief las ux'Xpreffible happinels *iir~ communicating to the officer*, seamen, and Wiriucs, of h Majesty’s fliips before Cadiz, that an ailioiv was fought at tlie mouth of tlie Nile on tiie id, ad, and jd of August, ■and under the bluffing of God, ami the intrepid conduit of the officers and crews of the fqitadron under the command of Rear Adirf Sir Horatio Nelion, Knight of the Bath, a moll signal and glorious vid rv was obtained over that of France, as will be the bt ft lien by the number of .their ffiips taken and blown up. Minutes of fa bis fated in the difpa'tcbes to Lord St. Vincent. “ The trench transports rail into the Nile, and Buona parte landed with only a few days provisions on hand, with about 38,000 men, 2000 having been cut to pieces in at testing to land at Alexandria, where they exptdleJ a paflive reception. The lalLdiiiuttches Hate, that the only fujiplies Buonaparte could get were a little rice and water, brought .0 him on camels by fclic Arabs; but that the Turks were taking measures, not only to cut off this succor, but to march againfl him. “ The crew of the Titfldleon, wlien that fiiip took firi, attempted to save thcmfclves on (bore, but were all cut to pieces. T!.e L’Urient’s people Were in part deftreyed in the fame manner, ape! blown up; only ?. Tew escaped, per haps into the woods to flu We. “ f■ t Ftttich fleet, at the time of the ail ion, had only five days provisions on board.” Wt further learn by Mr. Yates, who came in - the America, afrd vv'ho was favored by Admind Jervis him fe!f with the official paiticiiiars abiive related, that none ol the tranf]>orts were deflioyed, having, probably, ran up the bay ol Rofctta into fiiallow water, and that nothing certain had tranPaired to unravel the future projeils of Bu —slUßfy7®>. whether lie meniit to fettle down in Egypt, or whether he calf his wilhiul eyes on the HTflaiit ffiores of Mangalore. His situation, at bell, appeared to be hopeless; h:s armed I hips captured or uellroyed, his.tntnfpoi ts blocked tip, apd bis retreat cut off; his pro\ •lions nearly exhaulled, and a-supply precarious at least, if not unattainable; and above ail, prefled on all sides by-hordes yif Saracens, too barbarous to be worked upon even by French dclufion: The forebodings of the invader mud forcibly affine him, that the dclpoiier ol Italy and the conqueror of Egypt will never be united in the (amt man, and that he has, fortunately for the world, perhaps, left the channel of Britain toperilh on the banks of the Nile. Nbrjolk, November 19. I,< fl night arrived in town, Capt. William G. Knight; he came paflenger in the schoo ner Cygnet, Cajit. Blackwell, 15 days from St. 1 homas’s. In the Cygnet also arrived 39 seamen, being part of the crews ot the brig Ruby, Bartlett, of Newbury Port; brig Eflex, late, New York; schooner Nancy, Stevens, New Wrrk; schooner Charlotte, Strong, Portland; schooner Clarilfa, Ryan, Old York; (loop Julia, Green, East Had den; who were taken prifonert and confined to gaol, loaded witli heavy irons; the allowance for each 24 liotirs was two ounces ot rotten fait filh and a ihiall loaf of bread divided between three persons. Not lun ing seamen fufficient to work their privateers, 01 compelled ti e Americans by f ri t ;o go on board them. Ihe above Americans were fortunate enough to make their escape front on board a privateer t hat put into St. ii onias’s, and were rendered every assistance by Capt. Blackwell, who geneioully g.ue them a pafl'age home. November 22. Monday lull arrived the brig Mermaid, *.,apt. Candy, 17 days from Gape Francois. Capt. Canby informs us, that about the 24th nit. an adtion took place at l‘ort Dauphin between the inhabitants of that place and a laxly of l oullaint’s troops, under the command of Iris nc phe\v. On the arrival of the news at the Gape Gen. He douville iflyed a pioclamation, offering a reward for the head oi 1 ouflVmt’s nephew, rhree days aftei wards, viz. on the 27th, -Gen. ‘louffaint apjieared btfoie Gape Francois with all his black troops, and sent in a flag, with’orders for Gen. Hedcuville and the white troops to embark imme diately aiid leave the island; this ton pi ied w ith, tmd on the 30th the three frigates lying at that place put to sea with the whole of them. Capt. Canby was embarg ed till alter the departure, and also informs, that it was ge nerally urklerftood at the Cape that Gen. Touffaint would in a few days declare the island independent. Some hours alter Capt. Canby was out was boarded by a British 74 and a frigate, an officer from whom informed him that the Frenchmen escaped them* t Monday evening arrived the schooner Hazard, Capt. Simtnons, from Antigua. 111 the Hazard came passengers four American seamen, part of the crew of the Ihip Wil -I’rnk, by whom we are favored with tlie following. “ 1 his is to certify, that on the 6th of September last we were captured in the fiiip W-ilbnk, Capt. Stewart, 103 day s out from Hamburgh, by a French privateer called La Conquife, Capt. Rogadine, and put on board tlie privateer,, tvhere we were kept in irons 21 days, on an allowance of three halt pints oi water a day, and provisions in proporti on. We were afterwards carried into Point Petre and pur on board the pi ion fiiip there, where wete upwards of ico American prii'oners. On the Ift of November we escaped in a fl lip’s boat to Montfeirat, from wlience we got a paf i.*ge in an Lnglifli Ihip to Antigua, and there (hipped on board the schooner Hazard, Capt. Sinnnons, for Norfolk. “ William Blades, James Stewart, . ... William Martin, David Gibson T ie ship Willink arrived at Point Petre about the 20th of October, and tlie cargo had l>een taken out btfoie the above gentlemen made their escape. NotW'thJlanding that tlie intcrcourfc between France and America was prohibited American produce v -s plenty and very cheap, and daily coining in from other Weft In dia isles. We could not learn whether tlie Willink had been tried or not. Her cargo consisted chiefly of glass ware, German riinens, &c Richmond, November 27* On Tliurfday morning lafl, about 8 o’clock, the town was alarmed with the erv ot fire! It was diftovered to be in the Bade part dTthe house on the main ilreet occupied by Mr. John M‘Leod, two doors be low the Horn of Meflrs. Gamble and Temple. Tb t - flames immediately communicated to the adjacent buildings, and in a very Ihort time became so tremendous as tojjtfflc tl.e moll ailive cxcrtloas of theewizens tojopthdr deflruaive i progress. Thus hi about tix- fpece o* three hours were confomH every b.Tdd’ug,. y lt h their apporten mr- % tween Mess s. Gamble and Temple’s and the ff, rc 0 ; iST* Jamet -I hompfon, confiffing of feven'ftores,\w 0 imuMlMps* one flioemaker's and one tailor s ditto W are happ ./ to learn that the principal part of the moveabV property (except 111 one or two of the firft houffs wen* burnt) was ffived from the devouring element - N„l'cr„, November On T„c% n, orai about 2 o’clock, this town was alarmed by the erv nf c ‘l'he kitchen of Mr. William Attmore was difeovir-d hit* the inhabitants colkaed, but before any could be relorted to to stop the devouring flime* i- dwl ling and warehon’es were consumed. The fire was prevent from eroding either streets, but every houie in the ouam was destroyed. , re Char left on, December r. Yeflerday being tlie anni verrary of St. Andrew, the tutelary Saint of Scotland, dawn was ulhered in by the ringing of bells, whith conti nued at intervals through the day, the pleasures of which were confidtrably heightentd by ’ the cheering intelligence jilibhUied yeflerday morning of the total dcftruction of the Muffnlman fleet by the gallant Nelion. At 4 o’clock the Members of Sc. Andrew’s Society Et clown to an excellent dinner ] repared for the- ocoffion at W illiams’s, where good humor and co.n ividll y prrilded at the follive board, l'he following toalis were druuk, and at the end of each a band of mulic (truck up a lively air foited to the fentWnt. The day was ctofod with that innocent hilarity Whioli forms a charafter of tlie Sons of St. Andrew'. 1. Pious and immortal Memory of St. Andrew highland March. 2. Kirk of Scotland. —Duncan Davidson . 3. Land ol Cake -.—Mo nhnnf. 4. JVfiJent of die United States.— -Fref. dent's March. 5* Ihe Land we live in. —Hail Columbia. 6* His JBntaanic Majtfly. —*-God save the Kings 7. State of .Spilth Carolina, —Yankee Doodle. 8. Beggar’s Benifon —Willy was a wanton Wag. - 9. A’ the bonny Laflcs. —Maggy Lawder. 10. Aulii Reeky*— Flowers'of Edinburgh. 11. Rah Gib’s G ntradl. —Jenny dang the Weamerr 12. Pious and immortal Memories of St. Tammany, St. George, St. David, and St. Patrick.- —White Ccd adc. 13. The-Sons and Daughters of all the Saints round the globe. —Soldiers Joy. 14* American Navy. —Hearts of Oak. *s* Relief to all in diflrets.— Banks oi luvermay. - VOLUNTEERS. By the Vice Prejident. The Commander in chief of the American Armies.— Was mgton's March. By the Trcafurer. Admiral Nelson —Britons firike home. By the Secretary. Gen. Pinckney.-. -Sioney Point. By the Chaplain. Admiral Duncan. —Rule Britannia. The Junior St. Andrew’s Society also ciified at Mr. Burger’s in flreet. l'he President of the United States arrived in Philadef. phia on tne evening of the 23d ult. Much preparation was made to receive him with the rtfpeft due to the Chief Magistrate of tlie Union, but he evaded it by coming in, wl'.en le;dl expected. December 3. Meffis. Freneau and Paine, <i By pa ['lifting the following comparative fiatementoftfo Englt/h and French forces in the late naval action fought at one of the mouths of the Ntle, and <wbicb has so happily for the civilized world terminated in favor oj the former, you will oblige one cf your cor respondents. ■■■ ‘\. T Admiral Nelion, it is to be observed, had not a fmgle frigate with his Iquadron; and from another accourft, re ceived from a gentleman who had dined on boardXffldSt. Vincent’s (hip in Cadiz Bay on the 24th September, and pnblilhed in this day’s State it is not to be doubt* ed but that the Culiodeu, the leading fiiip of the Eng ifli Admiral’s squadron, was not in the action, having got a* ground in leading on tlie fleet* This mult have occalinpfd I a material lols to the seamen; for the vaiu of Capt. T row- I bridge’s exertions are on all inch occasions too wcll known. I Taking no notice, however, of this, when we bring into I view tiie uncommon advantages the French fleet mull have ■ poffifled, by being moored in strong line of battle, with ■ springs upon their cables; tlx fire which the Lnglifh force ■ must have fullained from the batteries on the island, and I t e gun boats in the bay; the time it mull have taken them ■ to cone to anchor, and to ride in tbermpft proper pofitioa ■ to bring the guns to bear on the Fi t nth fleet, so advantag- I eoufly nioortu aTrots, and occupying The iVlfble ‘entmtt K of tlie river: 1 aking all thole circumftarices into confida* 1 V ticn, together with the hostile fleet being superior to tbt ■ ol Admiral Nelfcn by 160 guns and 2623 men, we niaj I pronounce this naval victory, so honorable to Great BH* tain, and (o highly dclifed by Europe and America, 0 1 have been the moft llgnal and brilliant of any recorded i B the annals of the world. A Citizen ■ December 1, 1798. - ■ English Force. H Grins. 1. \ angi’.ard, (Admiral’s Ihip) . 74 ts! J 2. Minotaur, . , . . 74. Mi 3. Ciillodtn, . , , , 74- 4. 1 htfeus, .... 74 59*8 5. Alexander, .... 7+ 6. Swiftfure, . . . . 74 7. Audacious, . , -. 74 8. Defence, . . . 74 9. Zealous, .... 74 10. Orion, .... 74. ’ . 11. Goiiah, 74 12. Majtllic, . . . 74 B 13. Bellerophon, ... 74 E Leander, . . . . ; La Mutine brig, (force not mentioned) fay, 18 Toni, 1 : j 3 Sl *U