The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1788-1802, December 27, 1798, Image 4

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CONSTANTINOPLE, September 6 THETfollowlngis the Declaration of Wa4% the Sub lime Porte agaiuß France, imblilhed yeflerday. At the moment when the Grana Virir Mehemet Pacha took polfcffion of this Ration it was his duty to be attentive to the welfare of the Rates of the Ottoman empire, and never to lofc‘ fight of the romliuß of its enemies; but not withfl tnding his duty* motives of ftlf intereß engroßed the whole of his attention, and lie did not provide himfelf with the knowledge of the hoßile preparations ’ making by tlie unfaithful French, nor did h| acquaint therewith in due time the* inhabitants of Egypt* ‘M e unfortunate tidings from that quarter came not to onr Imperial ears till one month after the disagreeable cir cumßamcs hajipencd, which have iucrealed our furrow and tineufinefs to fitch a degree that (we take God to witness) our tears flowed, and we were deprived of sleep and tran quillity. Wherefore we have judged it proper to diftnifr. the said Mehcmet Pacha from the Ration of Grand Vizir, and have named in his Read Jufluf Pacha, Governor of Erzerum; and until his arrival we nominate you, Muflapha Bey, to fill his Ration*‘ And as it is become the duty of all the faithful to make war against those infidels the French, and as it is the unal ienable duty of our Imjierial pcrlbn to deliver these blelTed and holy countries from their perfidious hands, and to take vengeance for those injuries done by them to the Muflitl inen, so no delay can be fufft red until the arrival ot tlie new created Vizir, but tlie Rrongcß measures are to be taken to oppose and attack them both by lea and land* Wherefore,- consulting the wisdom of tlie moR lea fried In our law, the mitiiflerS and chiefs of our fubjefls* and in A full Confidence in God and his PiiJphet, you are to exe cute the moR to deliver tlie province of Egypt from the hands of the French. Yon are to announce to the true *bdievers in tlie laid Country that we are at war with Fiance, and by day and light you are to life the moR eflldtual measures to take vengeance on them; You are allb to la? careful to watch and to secure the other Mahometan provinces, and our frontiers, i g.iinß tlie attacks and the iniquities of the ene my; and for this purpose to secure every harbor and place with neceflary flrengtb, troops, and war materials. .Allb, bn the fame principles, you are to employ all your zeal and attention to provide the fubjecls of this our Imperial rcfidence with the necessary pfovilions, and in tlie whole to watch for the concerns of every individual* until the new Grand Vizir fliall arrive. We will he attentive to your tonduft; and may the Almighty Cod with hi? godly grace support our undertak ings, and make us prol’perous in the defence of our cautc. Sf.lim. Naples , September 1 1. They fay that the Viceroy of Sicily ha. aovifed our Court tiiat, at the time when they were carrying off all the silver utensils at Malta, very fe riotis diß had ariftn, in which the malecontents gained fome advantage; Other reports add, that the French, who had retreated at the fort El go* had been com pelled to bombard the city Valctta, and that the maltcon tents of that city had kept up 1b heavy a fire on the French jhip of tlie line which had fled from Alexandria that fie soon after flrtick. As things are fimated, in case of a war with France, alter the fate of tlie Toulon fleet, the illand of Sicily need not be under any apprehention of an attack from the French; therefore nioß of the regiments which have been railed will be tranfpofted with difp'atth to the kingdom of Naples. Venice, September 30. In our neighborhood every tiling assumes a warlike appearance; in the magazines and founderies they are employed day and night inceflantly; here is the dejxffite of gunpowder and artillery for the Im jx rial army in Italy; our garrison confißs of 14,000 men. Near Venxia the Imperial troops lutve formed a camp of ~,0,c00 men; another of 18,000 is formed near Padua* The Archduke Jofcpli is daily expedited to review the troops. The French garrilbn at Mantua confißs of 6000 men. Koine, September 28. All tlie inhabitants of oiir Rc pubiic capable of bearing arms have been enrolled, in order to be in readiness to march if neceffary* Tliey write from Naples that Admiral Nelson was expected there with a part of his fleet on the 18th inßaiit* There has palled through our city a French officer from Malta, who it is said is-charged with dilpatclies to tlie Di redtorv of great importance from Buonaparto relative to his -deplorable fituatiun in Egypt. Otltri pretend that lie only carries an account of the present situation of Malta. The French have diiarmeiL all Tti€~inh<diilauU (if liter Roman Republic on the borders of Naples. The Qmlul Angclucci, who relfdes here, has resigned bis place. Italy, September 28* By the laR enrolment 40,000 men have betn enlißcd in the territory of Naples. Avery mortal disorder it is said rages at Cairo. Tb* Ligurian Republic, induced by tlie French, is greatly incleafing its military four; they have granted the Minii ter of War 500,000 livres/ We have at prelent another detail reljiedting the defeat cif the French in Kr ypt. Agreeable thereto the iR of Auguß was appointed by the French Admiral to celebrate Buonaparte's entry into Cairo* 7*he French Admiral’s Ihip wasnioß fplendkllv dreiTed with colors of ererv defeription. \v !x*n the Britilh fleet appeared in fight of tlie French the Britilh tars huzzaed hi ft manner as if thev were certain of vidtnrv. It i? reported tiiat Admiral Nellbn laid, u To- JII n r:v lJk*U be either J herd or an Angel.” I jcnrui, September 22* The French Admiral’s fliip ElOnt nt wys blown up, owing to tlie tnagazinc taking fire. On board of her was the military cließ and all tlie trealures . <*f M*ilta. - Tn coniequencr of the vjftory of Nelson the Egyptians hate kept rejoicing !or three dais along the Cvmß. . September 2b. A private letter Irani Conßantincple n*wio<N|* d*at .tin- Siguior lias gWan as a prefentto d'*e victorious Admiral Nelflm an aigrette of the value of -at iLiafl doiUrs currency of Gonßantinople. This ca h ornament is off i much diilincTion that it is never worn hit urHbn 4>uc’b . the Grand Siguior on his turban. In *1 U|ii& Wli* privilege yfrfi only .allowed u> tlx .Khan of tin.’ Turtay. (VilsPAd -4 dlo:iiitt!e beginning of tlie engagement was Wounded in his face by j splinter; but, although bleeding, he continue don occk during the whole of the battle without having lus wound drtfled. He exiierts 1 urkifl* lire Ihips to deftray the French transports in the harbor of Alexan dria. During the battle the French threw into the lea fcvcral chefls of gold and fiber. G&obcr 3. The Turkish Ambassador lids received dis patches from Gonßantinople bv an extraordinary courier, v* liich mention, tiiat the treaty of alliance is figiied lietween England, Russia, and the Porte; Immediately the report was Ipread that the situation of Buonaparte would induct him to capitulate; but it appeal's that alt these reports were fabricated* The courier brought no account relative to Buonaparte, but merely dilpatches relpetting the treaty of friemllliip and alliance wliich the Sublime Porte was dilpofed to form between RuiTia and other powers. It is certain that Buonaparte, a few days aft, r the defeat of the French fleet, sent dilpatches to tlie Directoryy and informed it of the Rate of his army, which had fudered very much from the climate and bad weather. He requtfts the Diretflorv to feud him, with die greatefl expedition, a reinforcement of a large body of troops; and to fend but the second dirifion of the Toulon fleet, to place Admiral Brutys in such a fitu* ation that lie may have no reason to fear the Englifli fleet. The contents of tin?, dilpatches of Buonaparte had been made known at Ckinßantiiiople officially through the T urkifli Minißer to the foreign Miqißers. Yeflerday the Ehglilb AmbafTador, Sir Morton Eden, received difparelies from his CDurt forfxuißantiwMile; they contain, it is ioppofed, a complete plan of the alliance be tween-the Porte and the Quirt of London. Tlie French garrilbn in Corfu confißs of about 4000 men. A part of the Ruffian troops which are at prelent on the inarch are laid to be deflined for Italy. On the 3d of October tlie firß column of the Ruffian troops is exported at Cairo. The Greek inhabitants of tlx- Morea have taken the oath of allegiance’ to the Turkilh Emperor, and have pledged the children of the firß rank for the fulfilment of their obligations. There will yet be raid'd in the Turkilh dominions 100,000 men* ‘ The Erigantine aigrette whic h the Tii'kiffi Emperor has inade a prelent of to Admiral Nelson is eßimatedat 5 0,000 pialtrcs; • A 1 ttef from Gonßantinople advids, that the Porte is making every polTible preparation for war. The Dutch Aitibaifadpr exerts himfelf by every p illible means to cptm tera<?l it. Agreeable to private letters from Semlin, dated 25th September, it is aflerted that the greatcß part of the ‘Fufkilh army lias departed trom Wiudo i, and the Pacha of Nagolien is dcßined, with 50,c05-men, tooppofe PalTawan Oglou. At present the city of Widden is bombarded without mtcrmilfion; and -Paflawan .Oglou replies to this bombardment with tlie moR terrible and well directed can nonade; lo that to the present moment nothing material has been eflfe&ed againß him. ‘l’liirty different attacks by tbe Turkilh army he moR fortunately counteracted, and wc are at present waiting tlie result of the 31R. After the firll battle with the Governor of Romelia, wliere on both lides upwards of 1400 l urks have fallen', the laid Pacha has been compelled to retreat to Niffit, where, by the loss of bis head, he will be obliged to account for those 101 l battles, as also for imnienle unnecelTary expences. At prelent iie has prom ued to Sophia, to reinforce bis army with 30,000 mountaineers, and he has wrote to the Grand Sultan that he w*uld appear himfelf at Gonßantinople to give an account of his condmß. Paris, O&obcr 4. Letters from Breßof the 26th Sep tember mention that a$ yet of the fquadrnn tiiat failed out oi that port, confifling of one Ihip of tlie line and three fri gates, none have yet returned, and that finee the day of their departure no news or accounts have been received concerifing them* A i oulon fquadrAn that failed from thence lately, of three line of battle Ihips and one frigate, with fome trans ports, has returned to that port; it was reported (but with out ground) that they were to take pofleflfion of Leghorn. Yeflerday Borgafle Laziroul said, in the Council of Five Hundred, that there was at prelent a deficiency of 300 millions exißing, and that -means tuuß be reported to for reinßating that sum; upon which it was refblved to unite the old Finance Commission with the new Goimniffioiiers of indirert expences, and to make a report to them thereof,, as also of the means for reinßating and eflablifliing an equal balance between the receipts and the expenditures. ike taxes and aflVffijients to* the 7th year are fixed at 216 111 ill ions, jokl the plan for raffing the fame is already accepted* The Directory feiit a message to the Council of Five -Hundred, wlyitin they, strongly rccomoiend the neceflary contributions tor the 7th year, which are valued at 6co millions* London, October 2. The tea plant is found to fuccecd to admiration in tlie new colony of Sierra Qone; fome specimens of tea praduced there have reached England, and been found of a quality equal to the belt brought from China* WBESB^tSSSEZZm SAf.ES bY IT ill Cl l \ marshal. On TueJ'day the stb day of February next, wll be fold, by public exit cry,_ at the Court bottj'e in this city, be tween the hours r fX and 111 o'clock, ALL that Trull l/it of Land, lituate in this city, known by the letter (j, on which the pretent gaol Raruls, in Wright’s fquarc, Percival ward. All that Truß Let, letter E, Percival ward, Wright’s square, on which the Guardhouse Rands. All 1 ruR I.ot, letter Y, Reynold’s Iquare* Rey nold swanl, at pi dent occupied by the Federal troops. Alto, 1 lie Edtecn Moiety of the Trail Lot, letter H, Wright’s Pquare, Percival ward. Tlit* conditions of sale as follow, to wit: One half of the purthafe money to lie paid on the day of sale, and the other lulf in twelve months thereaftei; or,'one fourth on the day of sale, anti the n maining tl ree fourths in four, eight, and twelve months, at tlie option of the purchaser; and in case tlie payments Riall not be made as they reTpeftiyelv become due, fuel* paynwnts as mrv have been made to be forfeited to the ulc.ol the city, and no titles to be given till the whole money be pakl, agreeable to contra^. c ~ T. Norton, c. m. s. Savannah, December i 7f i 79 p. ; NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT sealed proposals will be received for a quantity of bricks, lime, and other materials, until The ift | of February, for the building of a Gaol and Workhouse in this city. By order of Council, Thomas Pitt, c. c. Savannah, December 17, 1798. St, John the EvangdiJ}. Notice is hereby given, that the g™i Anniversary and General Gommuaication of the MOST ANCIENT AND HONORABLE SOCIETY i OF FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS IN GEORGIA will be holden in Savannah, on Thursday the 27th instant, 1 at the Filature, where the Members of the Grand Lodge* j and the rtfpeftive Lodges, are deli red to attend precisely : at the hour of 9 o’clock in the forenoon; and id! transient 1 Brethren wifliing to celebrate the day are requefled to joist fome of the Lodges in this city. |Cr* Tickets for tlie Fcßival, without which none caj be admitted, may be had of Brothers Joieph Prelcott and I Robert F. Murdoch, Grand Stewards. William Belches, Grand Secretary. ! Extract from the Minutes of the Grand Lodge, De* cember 1, 5798* j Whereas it is represented that returns from many of i the Lodges may be expetted by an absent Brotlier of the Grand Lodge, it is then fore Rcfolved , That the Reso lution of the Quarterly Communication of June, 579.8, be extended to the Quarterly Commuaicatioir in March, 5799. f y Ordered, That the aforefaid Resolution be ptlbltfhed in the Gazettes of Savannah and Augtißa. William Belcheh, Grand Secretary. December 3, 5798. i O ii l'j Ltk A Sib D, 7^ For three, five, or [even years, THE LAND fronting Savannah river, adjoining lands of Mr. Clay and Dr. ike croft, called the G: TB! L AND OF CHRIS I’n CHU <CH. ft is well known that this spot is well provided with wood and clay, and adyantageouily situated for a brick yard. The rent will be required in bricks, with -other particular conditions, as will be made known, by applying to John I?,labejisham,~l , %T , W. Sran.™, J December 18, 1798. ** FO BE KikN i I’D ‘ ‘ A I.OT in Yamacraw, wliereon ds-a-foralL-dweUiag. l ioufe. Inquire of the Printers. ‘lb< Siihfcriber <ff: rs for Sale, r l he following Property In Camden County: too of high valiuD.e Salt Marfli on Weflem Shore River. 400 Acres excellent Pine Barren and Meadow Land, between Colerain ami the Bdrnt Fort. 1 17 Acres ditto, near ditto • 400 Acres well timbered Land, not far off navigation* 700 Acres of Pine and Meadow Land, on Bailey’s Rranch. 200 Acres of Ditto, on Ditto. Also, A few LO 1 h in the Town of St. Mary; and a Store one Rory high, 18 feet by 40, in twp apartments, and shelved; they rent at 7 dollars each per month* I'he terms of fide will be made easy; warranted titles wiUjfe given, and a renunciation of dower and thirds. Apply to JOHN JAMIESON. St. Mary's, Augujf 30.* GEORGIA, Camden County. •“ is to certify, That I have carefully examined JL the records of the Superior and Inferior Courts in my office, and that there is no judgment entered up in said Courts ag tinfl John Janiiefon, nor no mortgages executed by him 011 record. Given under my hand and leal, at my office (l. s.) in the town of St. Mary. a (Signed) Isaac Crews, c. s. c. c. C. A true copy from the original in ray pojjejfion. July'i6. To be Refred ov t c Yei, or fui sti yl ALL that LOT OF LAND, containing 50 acres, with a good dwellinghoufe and out houses, 4 miles from Savannah, on the White Bluff road. Pcfleffion will be immediately given. For further particulars inquire of JOHN EXLET, in Savannah. lWJbcVn DOLLARS REWARD WILL be paid to any per fun who may lodge in the gaol of Savannah, the following NEGROES: Tom, a very well made smart little fellow, has his bait tied behind, or rather on the top of his head, or near it; he is a cooper by trade. Fanny, his wife, a very likely ( young wench, about 5 feet 6 inches high, drdTes very , neatly, and has been a house Tenant. They are well known about Savannah and moR of the plantations in the vicinity, where they have always lived till lately. R ls fuppoftd they will lurk about the plantation of George Mi lien, Eiq. or fome other in tiiat neighborhood, from whence they will make frequent visits to the city. I** dollars will be paid for the delivery of either of them fr parately. Fanny run away about two wheks ago, Tom yeflerday. ’ JAs. JONES. Ship Tard, July iS, 1798. r | ‘AKEN UP at t e fubferiber’s plantation, X countv, cn the main road leading fiom Savannw to Augußa, about the i“t!i May lafl, A BA\ HORSE* 1 about Bor 9 ) ears old, one hind white foot, blaze fete* I branded on the mounting fiioulder 20, and on the nc- T I buttixk IN, trots an! canters, about 14 hinds high. I * Augufi 2q, 1797. STEPHEN PEARCE. I I bAYANNAii: Fkimeo ev N. JOHNS 10-* axp Gb I