The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1788-1802, March 07, 1799, Image 1

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(No. 802.) For LANCASTER, To fail in all next month, |[l _ The well armed and manned SHIP LANCASTER, Thomas Willson Commander, ‘/CARRYING 18 long nine and <o men. On her passage to this P—-* orJ . lhe off a44 gun French frigate and a2O gun (hip. Insurance on this iliip will be effected at a-low premium at New Lloyd’s. For freight of a few bags of cotton apply to E. SWARBRECK, at his ’ (tore under the Merchants and Planters Coffcehoufc, who lias for sale, low for cafli, ‘ £g 30 hogflieads mufcovado sugar, 8000 bushels fait, 800 pieces cotton bagging, 100 crates earthen ware, 80 tierces London bottled porter. N. B. Bills on London as usual. Wanted on purchase, a few bags cotton and a few rafts ranging timber. Savannah , February 28. . ■ Wanted to Charter, t jfiL A VESSEL about 100 tons burthen, to go to Philadelphia. Arl>ly : °Wm. BELCHER. Feb. 28, 1799 ~7~ Wanted to charter for Kingston, Jamaica, A VESSEL of about 170 to 200 tons, to which imme- difpatch and good terms, will be given, if speedy application is made to Wk. BEIINEWIZ. wtb February , 1799. - Lor CtREHNOCK, wrfh The Snow Jane, Joseph Watson Mailer, A flout new vedel, British bottom, and properly arnpd. For freight of ‘ a few hogflieads tobacco or rice apply to KENNEDY’and PARKER. Who have received by the above vejjil , 13,000 bushels Liverpool Salt, 30 crates Earthen Ware. KEN NEDYand PARKER Have received by late arrivals, THE FOLLOWING GOODS, Which they n nil dispose of on reasonable terms: IRISH and brown linens printed cottons Oznabrigs and cotton bagging Pewter copperas faltpetre alum Paints and linseed oil writing paper cotton {lockings Cloth cardinals bedtick checks Check and romal handkerchiefs window glass Gunpowder loie and duffil blankets 4d. 6d. Bd. 10. and 2od. nails. ALSO , Red and white herrings in kegs and hdf barrels • London porter in hoglheads’ and bottles. Savannah , 12 tb November , 1798. Dickjon and JohnJlon Have received, by the fleet from London, via Charleston, 4 large and general ASSORTMENT of SEASONABLE GOODS, Consisting of almofl every ufeful article, whjch they are now opening in Mr. Haul’s new building in Whitaker street, B ne ?Vx^ r to , Smith ! Soils i and Anderson, viz. LANKET S, plains, cloths, caffimeres, fluffs, silks, Mancheftry, cardinals, ozpabrigs, Carpeting, printed j 3 ’P er * 1, ” ler y flationary, /hot, hats, hosiery, gloves, a r a ery, linens, pins, needles, feathers, corks, twines, inoes, looking glasses, medicines, faddlery, turnery, spices, pie es, mustard, paints, oil, cutlery, ironmongery, call iron, gas ware aborted, window glais, nails, and pewter, V!t s^ mi^ rofot!ier ar^c^cs too tedious to enumerate. Ufh ghen for Sea Island Cotton. J A arrived i n the Ship ElizabeibfThomas Hall, jbewz Angola, on the Coajl of Africa , THREE hundred and thirty , Prime young NEGROES, sale °f whlc . h Wlll com mence on Monday the 17th f_ij an L ’ r , an continue from day to day till they are all • onditions: Gafli, Sea Island Cotton, or Tobacco -Member 1798. Alexander Watt. MADEIRA WINE: ftME LON DON PARTICULAR MADEI- Feb 6 ” INE in half by CAIG and CO. Fur sale: 1 Georgia Paper Medium. to J --as Mackintosh. THURSDAY, MARCIj 7, 1799. MUSCOVADO SUGARS tlhoertieads and tierces, and a conlidisrable qnantif at’ EIMENTA, for sale by .* .GairdnerlLH Mitchbl. • Who have received , 5000 BUSHELS OF 3 ALT, By tlw brig Two Sifters, from Lymiigton, which will be fold low if taken from on board. Feb. 6. CAIG and 50. 3 Have imported, in the Ship Alknmac, Capt. Miller, from London, A general Aflbrnnent of JALL GOODS, Which they are now opening , and or (ale, by the piece ‘ or package, on moderate teruis ifonjijling of the fol lowing articles, viz •_/ WHITE, blue, brown, and green plains; London, Bristol, and rose blankets; Enel-, fwarr, and final! fliot, assorted; nails assorted; a vari ty of carpenters tools, iron pots, Dutch ovens, and other ronmongery; hosiery; durants, calamancoes, and camlets ladies and gentlemens gloves, carpets and carpeting, pai its and oil; bed cords, fewingand feme twine; Hambro’ ad leading lines, white rope, alum, copperas, faddlerv, bl e and brown camlet cloaks and coats, spices; fuperfin, second, and York shire cloths; elastic ditto, bath costings, fwandown and j tambored calfimere vests, tow and fixen oznabrigs, color ed and white threads, cotton bagging, rice sieves, ftation avy, copying machines, London iottled porter, brown flout in hoglheads, calicoes and chirjfes, humhums, Man cheftry; 3 4ths, 7 Bths, and 4 4ths linen; cambric, long lawn, fheeiing, diaper and huckatjick, medicines, starch and hair powder; ladies, gentlemans, and youths hats; ladies and childrens flioes, pewter, gunpowder, handsome pier glasses, pyramids and jelly glasses, complete sets tea china, copper leales and weights, double and iingle barrel led guns and pistols, fifh kettles, double gridirons, candle moulds, pickles, bral’s and wire fenders, Bath and Pantheon stoves, plate warmers, coal hodds, chaffingdiflies, horfemens pistols. Savannah , November 7, 1798. lAYLUR and MILLER Have received, by the packets from New York, A frejb Supply of SHIP CHdNDLERT, Consisting of the mod ufeful articles in that line; ALSO, All kinds of paints linseed and lamp oil Best French brandy Jamaica, Weft India, and Country rum, Elollandfe gin in cases Sugar and coffee by the barrel or smaller quantity Nails and spikes of all kinds writing and wrapping paper Slops of all kinds ■■ crates crockery ware. And on Conlignment, Beef and pork in barrels flour and fliip bread in ditto Gunpowder in ditto, 108 lbs. each Negro cloth by the bale or piece Window glass, different sizes flaxen and tow oznabrigs. All of which they will fell on moderate terms for cafli or produce. Likcwife all kinds of LUMBER, and will have a con stant fupplv during the winter. |Cj°* They continue the Factorage and Gorhmiflion Business, and have on hand for sale, Rice, in whole and half barrels. FOR SALE, Bills of Exchange on New York, at short fight. Apply as above. Savannah, 20 tb November , 1798. The fubferiber has received, in the last vefftls from Boston, The following Articles, Which he offers for sale, on the mod reasonable terms, :for cafti or produce, viz. Brandy in pipes New England nun in hogflieads and barrels Loaf, Jamaica, East India, and Spanifli sugars Madeira, Sherry, Port, Lisbon, Malaga, and FayaL wines Best Hollandfe gin in cases Spermaceti, mould, and dipt candles .White and turpentine soap Rumney’s best chocolate Raisins in casks and jars Jordan almonds shelled Almonds in the fiiell currants ‘ Scotch barley Dumb fifli best mess beef in half barrels Rounds beef in kits tongues in kegs Best mess pork in kegs Englifti ipiit peafe Pickled oysters corks in bags Nutmegs, mace, cloves, cinnamon, and caflia Ginger and all-spice crockery ware assorted bar€ron. A L S O,” A box well assorted stationary and one ditto of tin ware. JAMES BELCHER. Nov. 19. —— ■ ~ Mrs. TIM ROD, oppoftce Capt. Doyle’s, Has opened, and has for sale , on 4be mofl moderate terms, for cajh or country produce, AN elegant Assortment of Queen’s Ware, and Gro- • ceries of every kind. ALSO, Seven large Hogflieads of Queen's Ware. Merchants and Captains of vessels can be supplied at the fliorteft notice by applying as above. Savannah, February 13, 1799* KZT CASH IS OFFERED “ ” FOR ten young healthy FIELD HANDS, that have been at leaf! two years in the country. Applv to the Printers. * _iA Feb. 7. (4 dollars per ann.) Shippings Fuel or age, and Cotnmjton ttujnieju Smith, Sons, & Anderson, & Thomas Flinr, HAVING entered into Copartnerfliip in that line/and having rented the large and commodious wharf Slid stores lately occupied by Messrs. Jobnfton, Rolertfon, and Go. intend to piiifue fve Shipping , F\i Borage, end Ommiffwn Business, In all its various brandies, under the Firm of SMH H, SONS, & FLIN T. From their experience al {lability they flatter tbemfelveS they can, in all cases, render fatisfadlicn to those who may think proper to make thtm consignments. They will have no objeclions to make foiqe advances on Rice, Gotten, To* bacco, or any other property committed to their care. SMI i H', SONS, & ANDFRSON, Continue their IVholefale Business as usual, at their store in Whitaker street. Nov. 27. ; - -- v N O r 1C E. ’ npHE Copartnerfliip under the Firm of ROBERT and J.. GEORGE WOODHOUSE is dissolved this day by mutual consent. All persons indebted to said Concern are hereby informed that, unless they come forward and pay off their refpedive accounts immediately to either of the fubferibers, they will be sued for without diferimination; and those to whom they are indebted will please render in their accounts for settlement. Robert Woodiiouse, ‘ George WoorniotfsE... N. B. Their ‘remaining STOCK OF GOODS will be fold low for cafli or produce. . , Savannah, January 1, 1799* JOHN iTsLUYTER ~ HAS for sale, at his store St. Julian street, Mr. Hogg’S buildings, a general assortment of GROCERIES, LIQUORS, and PROVISIONS, and sundry other ar ticles, which lie intends to dispose of low for cafl: or pro duce only, consisting of, Imperial, young hyfon, and bo* bea teas; coffee, double refined loaf and lump sugar; East India, Jamaica, and Spanifli ditto; molaffls, cloves, cin namon, mace, nutmegs, pepper, pimenta, Cayenne pep per, faltpetre, chocolate, raisins, currants, falad"*oil, bas ket fait, starch, mustard, Scots barley, black eyed and Englifli peafe, soap, mould candles; excellent London particular Madeira, Sherry, and Malaga wines; Bourdeaux brandy, Jamaica and New Engl and 'rum, Holland Gene va, cherry brandy, London and Philadelphia potter, white wine vinegar, pickled salmon, herrings; pine apple, brick, and other English cheese; tar and turpentine, Liverpool lalt. Also, a very neat fit of blue table china complete, china tea pots, fiigar dishes, See. a general assortment of queen’s and glass ware, stone jugs and jars, sundry other articles. ICP An Apprentice wanted at the above store. Savdnnab, January 1, 1799. TST Fo R TEL In the Ship PEGGT, Cap. OBED COTTLE, from LIVERPOOL, and NOW OPENING in a fore under Commerce Row, lately occupied by Mr. J. D. Dickinson, A large Allbrtment of seasonable GOODS, CONSISTING OF FORTY bales cotton bagging, . ’ 3 do. assorted wool lea cloths and caflimeres, 5 pieces fine black velvet; 480 do. 4 4ths, 9 Bths, 5 4ths, and 6 4ths plain, fpriggedi striped, and tambored muffins; 40 do. dyed and printed do. 100 dozen plain and colored bordered muffin handkerchiefs, 250 pieces printed calico, . 20 do. do. jeanct and satin crossovers, 120 do. dimity; 40 do. muflinets, colored and plain; 200 do. ginghams, 9 Bths and 6 4ths cambrics, - 160 dozen romal and check linen handkerchiefs, 40 do. fine pullkats, 40 do. do. Weft India and Madras do. ‘ 50 do. fancy printed and bandano do. 150 pieces 3 4ths, 7 Bt.hs, and 4 4ths check and stripe linen; 2 chests silk and cotton hofiery,^ 1 bale thread, i box needles assorted, 3 cases hats, 13 casks assorted nails; 24 boxes and cafis containing a complete assortment in Sheffield and Birmingham ware of penknives, knives and forks, carpenters tools, pit and crosscut saws, hinges, locks, wrought'brafs and pewter Ware; japaned and en ameled tea pot-, coffee pots, tea trays, waiters, fiiuff and tobacco boxes; gilt medals and rings, combs, pock etbooks, &c. &c. 1 trunk silk and cotton umbrefi's, 39 crates well assorted earthen ware; 2040 stone jugs, butter pots, &c —- 42 tierces bottled porter, 33,000 wt. lead in pigs, , ofico bufliels stove fait, J 3 bales oznabrigs. Which will be fold by the package or piece, at the mofl reduced prices, Tor cash or approved proitvce. . December 25. WILLIAM WILSON.