The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1788-1802, March 28, 1799, Image 1

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■No. 805.) Brandy for Sale. * ■ A FEW Pipes of FIRST PROOF BRANDY for l/\ CJe by CAIG and CO. Savannah, zotb March, 1799. ... ■"Mrs. liiVIROD, o:n oilte Uapt. Divic's, m&as opened , and has for jfale, on the moft moderate 1 terms , for cajb or country produce, AN elegant Assortment of Queen’s Ware, and Gro ceries of every kind. V ALSO, |t Seven large Hoglheads of Queen’s Ware. , Merchants and Captains ot vessels can be supplied at the f Ihorteft notice by applying as above. Savannah, February 13, 1799* Smith, Sons, & Anderjon, Are now landing from on board the schooner Concord, just arrived trom Boftcrx, _ j o quarter calks 10 puncheons country rum, 40 quarter calks 3 pipes apple brandy, , “%r quarter calks Sherry wine,. f quarter calks and 10 half pipes Malaga wu ic| •ij a boxes soap, 50 calks raisins, 50 boxes chocolate, 5o barrels and 20 half barrels mess beef, yards tow cloth, 4 chests hyfon and 4 ditto fouchortg teij A quantity of sugar, 20 barrels cider, 6 crlks 4ft. cut nails, A large quantity of Northward stone jugs, A quantity of fiorentine and fancy llioes. And just arrived also by the fame conveyance, from cn board the Fair American, from London to Boston, , A large quantity of dry goods, confiding of, linens white jmd brown, a quantity of woollens, a luige aflortment of fiats and stationary, which, together with their former Hock, will be fold at the usual low rates for caih or produce. N. B. Just landing, 40 hoglheads mclaffes. Savannah, February 20, 1799. *“IMFO R T F D, in the Ship PEGGT. Cafit. OBED COTTLE, from LIVERPOOL, and NOW OPENING in a fore under Commerce Row, lately occupied by Mr. J, D .. JOicktnfon, A Urge Assortment of seasonable GOODS, Consisting or FORTY bales Cotton bagging, 3 do. assorted woollen cloths and caifimeres, j pieces fine black velvet; 480 do. 4 4ths, 9 Bths, 5 4ths, and 6 4ths plain, sprigged, striped, and tambored mullins; 40 do. dyed and printed do. 100 dozen plain and colored bordered muffin handkerchiefs, 250 pieces printed calico, ■3O do. do. jeanet and satin crossovers, 120 do. dimity; 40 do. muflinets, Colored a fid plain} too do. ginghams, 9 Bths and 6 4ths cambrics, i6o dozen romal and check linen handkerchief, 4o do. fine pullicats, 40 do. do. Weft India and Madras do. 4o do. fancy printed and do. TSO pieces 3 4ths, 7 Bths, arid 4 4ths Cl reck and stripe linen; 1 chests silk arid cotton hoficryi f bale thread, i box rteedles afforted', } cates fiats, 13 Calks assorted nails; £4 boxes and cases containing a complete aflortment in Sheffield and Birmingham ware of penknives, knives ihd forks, carpenters tools, pit and crosscut saws, hinges, locks, wrought brass and pewter ware; japaned and en tmeled tea pots, coffee pots, tea trays, waiters, fnuff frid tobacco boxes; gilt medals and rings, combs, j-ock ttbooks, &c. See. t trunk silk and cotton umbrellas, .J 9 crates well assorted earthen ware; 504a fforie jugs, butter pots, See. tierces bottled porter, $3, 060 wt. lead iri pigs, 3600 bushels stove fait, 3 bales oxnabrigs. Which will be Fold by the package or piece, at the mod fcduced prices, for cash or approved produce. December 25. WILLIAM WILSON. MADEIttA YViNE. FO R S A L E, Genuine London particular Madei ra WINE in half pipes, by CAIG and CO. Feb. 6. MUSCOVADO >UGARS in hoy (beads and pierces, arid a coniidcrable quantity of PIMENTA, for •I* ky Gair&ners and Mitch El. mo have received, poo BUSHELS OF SALT, By the brig Two Sifters, from Lymington, which will be HU i#w if taken Horn on board. Feb. 6. Georgia G^azette* THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1799. ‘Shipping, Fa ft or age , jmd Qmm.ijjiw thyjmejs. Smith, Sons, & Anderson, & Thomas Flint, HAVING entered into Copartncrfliip in that line, and having rented the large and commodious wharf and , stores lately occupied by Mcffrs. Johnston, Ilobertfon, and Go. intend to puri’uc Foe Shipping, Factorage, and. O.mmijJionßufineJs , In all its various branches, under the Firm of SMI IH, SOi\S, ANDEKoOi\, & FLiN V. From their experience and {lability they flatter themselves they'can, in all cases, render fatisfaction to those who may think proper to make them conlignments. They will have no obje&ioris to make fame advances on Rice, Cotton, To bacco, or any other property committed to their care. bMi t H bOtNS, & ANDk RbUM, Continue their Wholesale Bulincfs as usual, at their store in Whitaker street. < Nov. 27. wI o i T C K THE Copartncrfliip under the Firm of ROBERT and GEORGE WOODHOUSE is difi'olved this day by mutual consent. All persons indebted to fuel Concern are hereby informed that, unless they come forward and pay off their refpeftive accounts immediately to either of the fubferibers, they will be sued for without diferimination; arid those to whom they are indebted will render in their accounts for settlement. Robert Woodhouse, George Woodhouse. N. B. ‘Their remaining STOCK OF GOODS will be fold low for cafli or produce. Savannah, January 1, 1790. jo, and iTsliJyTV.k T TAS for (rile, at his store St. Julian street, Mr. Hogg’s LX buildings, a genera! assortment of GROCERIES, LIQUORS, and PROVISIONS, and sundry other ar ticles, which he intends to dispose of low for cafli or pro duce only, confiding of, .Imperial, y oung hyfon, and bo hea teas; coffee, double refined loaf and lump sugar; East India, Jamaica, and Spanilh ditto; molaffcs, cloves, cin namon, mace, nutmegs, pepper, pimenta, Cayenne pep per, faltpetre, chocolate, ratlins, currants, salad oil, bas ket lalt, starch, mustard, Scots barley, black eyed and Engliih peafe, soap, mould candles; excellent London particular Madeira, Sherry, and Malaga wines; Bourdeaux brandy, Jamaica and New England rum, Holland Gene va, cherry brandy, Lon lon and Philadelphia porter, white wine vinegar, pickled salmon, herrings; pine apple, brick, and other Engtilh cbeefe; tar and turpentine, Liverpool fait. Also, a very neat let of blue table china complete, china tea pots, sugar diflies, &c. a general assortment of queen’s and glass ware, stone jugs and jars, iuridry other articles. icp An Apprentice wanted at the above store. Savannah, January 1, 1799. The fublcriber has received, in the last vessels from Boston, The following Articles, Which he offers for sale, on the moft reasonable terms, for cafli or produce, viz. BRANDY in pipes New England rum in hoglheads and barrels Loaf, Jamaica, East India, and Spanilh sugars Madeira, Sherry, Port, Lisbon, Malaga, and Fayal wines Best Hollandie gin in cases Spermaceti, mould, and dipt candles White and turpentine soap Rumney’s best chocolate Raisins in casks and jars Jordan almonds fhdled Almonds in the shell currants Scotch barley Dumb fifli best mess beef in half barrels Rounds beef in kits tongues in kegs Best mess pork in kegs English split peafe Pickled oysters corks in bags Nutmegs, mace, cloves, cinnamon, and cafli* Ginger and all-lpice crockery ware assorted . tar iron. A L S 0, A box well assorted ftationarv and one ditto of tin ware. JAMES BELCHER Nov. 19. MEINS and MACK AY ‘ Have imported, (in addition to their fall supply, per Alknomac and Carolina) A AflHtfment of GOODS, Per the brig Kerie, John Donaldson, Maser , from London, Which they will fell upon the moft moderate terms for cafli or produce. | CT” BILLS on London and New-York for sale. December 26. ~~SAUWDERS MOTT A, Hair Dresser, RESPECTFULLY informs his customers and the pub lic, that lie has removed from Mr. Cummings’s to his new shop in Lincoln street, nearly opposite Mr. Dillon’s boarding house, where he will endeavor to merit a conti nuance- of their favors. ~ - I cr GASH IS OFFERED FOR ten young healthy FIELD HANDS, that have. been at two years in the country. Apply to tl # JVmuoSt Fob. 7. (4 dollars per ann.) JUSr L ANDING, •At Taylor atu} Miller's wharf, from on hoard tire br%g hi any, Henry Bond, Majier, from St . Vincent's, v beven l icicts an! higuy-Ninc bands MUSCOVADO SUGARS, FOR SALE by D ck'on and Johnftn**,. L A NDI N G, “ From on hoard the Jhip Eliza, Capt. Brown, front. j.tmiica, AND FOR SALE, 35 Puncheons Proof f JOHNSTON, ROBERTSON, and CO. O N H AN A 2 to 3000 Pieces N mkecn. Btb March , 1799. : jum j a -1 , u, Fi om 011 beard the Sloop Two Brothers, Crime/, 24 Puncheons Well India Rum, 10 Hegfheads Ma'afF-’, FOR SALE BY ALEXANDER WATT. March 8. ss JOSEPH DAVIS HAS juß received, and has for sale, the following Af. tides, which he will dispose of low for cash or pro duce, at his ftere near Mr. Gibbons’s new building, corner of St. Julian and Whitaker Erects, viz. 1 box handsome calicoes, 1 box ginghams; mu/tins, fhuL Unets, dimities, and cambrics; a variety of fliawls and handkerchiefs, Xiiili and brown linens, checks, India aj}L clouded nankeens, counterpanes; and vtlverets, and corduroys; umbrellas, 1 trunk ladies fancy fiioes, gentle mens shoes, 8 bales oznabrigs, 1 box ladies and gentlemens faihionable hats, 8 boxes chocolate, mahogany furniture, and a variety of other articles suitable to the “present end approaching season. March 13. Dickson and Johnson Have received, By the fleet from London, via Oharleflon, A large and general ASSORTMENT of SEASONABLE GOODS, Consisting of almoE every ufful article, which they are now opeping in Mr. H liE’s new building in Whitaker Erect, next door to Smith, Sons, and Anderson, viz. BLANKETS, plains, cloths, caflimeres, fluffs, Elks, Manchcßry, cardinals, o/pabrigs, carpeting, printed cottons, perfumery, Bationary, fliot, bats, hofierv, gloves, haberdafliery, linens, pins, needles, feathers, corks, twine',, llioes, looking gkdTes, medicines, faddlery, turnery, fpicCT,, mußarJ, paints, oil, cutlery, ironmongery, caR iron, glass ware aborted, window glass, nails, and pewter* with a number of other articles too tedious to enumerate. Cash given for Sea Illand Cotton. CAIG and CO. Have imported , in the Ship Alknomac , Capt. Miller , from London , A general Aflormum o! FALL GOODS, Which they are now opening, and for sale , by the pieces or package,, on moderate terms, conjijting of the fol lowing articles, viz. WHITE, blue, brown, and green plains; London,* BriEol, and rose blankets; buck, swan, and small fliot, assorted; nails assorted; a variety of carpenters tools, iron pots, Dutch ovens, and other ironmongery;- hefieryj durants, calamancoes, and camlets; ladies and gentlemens gloves, carpets and carpeting, paints and oil; bed cords, fewingand seine twine; Hanibro’ and leading lines, white rope, alum, copperas, faddlery, blue and brown camlet cloaks and coats, spices; fuperfine, fccond, and York fliirc cloths; elaßit ditto, bath coatings, fwandown aw*L. tambored caffimtre vefis-, tow and flaxen oznabrigs, color-"” ed and white threads, cotton bagging, rice sieves, Eation- machines, London bottled porter, brown Eout in hogflieads, calicoes and chintfes, humhunis, Man cheEry; 3 4t! s, 7 Bths, and 4 4ths linen; cambric, long lawn, Electing, diaper and huckaback, medicines, Earcb and hair powder; ladies, gentlemens, and youths hats; ladies and childrens flioes, pewter, gunpowder, handsome pier glafles, pyramids and jelly glalles, complete sets ten china, copper {calcs and weights, double and Angle barrel led guns and piEols, fifli kettles, double gridirons, candle moulds, pickles, brass and wire fenders, Bath and Pmtheorf floves, plate warmers, coal hodds, chaffirgdifhes, horfemens piEols. Savannah , November 7, 1798.7^- Just arrived, in the Ship Elizabeth , Thomas Hall , Majier, from Angola, on the Coafi of Africa, to rHK'fcE HtNDRtD AND THIRTY g'L Prime young NEGROES*,?. The sale of which will commence on Monday the inEant, and continue from day to day till thev are a r fold. Conditions: Cash, Sea Island Cotton, or’ Tobac’ September 3, 1798. Alexander |0- BLANK LAND CONVEY A a the Printing OSdct in Broughton Brett.