The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1788-1802, April 11, 1799, Image 1

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INo. 807.) pHErubfcriberstavetakentijeSrOßEm^.™^ I Kow lately occupied by MfciOrs. JAMLo WAL.- and CO. and have alio purchased Their stock in i hade, CONSISTING OF v general assortment of dry goods and hardware; j£ 4 d. to 3 °d. copperas, Glauber s Uts, . Window glass, Bby 10, 9 b > 1X ? 10 h S I2 Paints, and best double boiled lmfeed oil; Which they continue to fell on the former low terms. n, ev have likewise Jamaica and Weft India rum, brandy, hvfon tea, &c. old genuine Madeira wme, a: three doiur. WATT ani CO. [3d April, 1799* ‘ . I JUS l landing, At Tavhr and Miller's wharf from on board the brig Nancy, Henry Bond , Majicr, from St. Vincent s, Seven Tierces and Lignty-Ntnt Barrels MUS OVADO SUGARS, FOR SALE by D;ckfon and Johniton. March 6. ~ LAN D 1 N G, From on board the Jhip Eliza, CapU Brown, from \ Jamaica, AND FOR SALE, •?r Puncheons 4rh Prot 1 Jam ca_ Ri|rrv— JOHNSTON, ROBERTSON, and CO. ON HAND, 2 to 3000 Pieces Nankeen. B tb March, 1799. - - -y\~ , JOSEPH DAVIS HAS'juft received, and has for sale, the following Ar ticles, which he will diipofe of low for caih or pre face, at his store near Mr. Gibbons’s new building, corner of St. Julian and Whitaker streets, viz. 1 box handsome calicoes, 1 box ginghims; muffins, muf linets, dimities, and cambrics; a vanity of shawls and handkerchiefs, Iriili and brown linens, checks, India and clouded nankeens, counterpanes; durarys, velverets, and corduroys; umbrellas, 1 trunk ladies fancy Ihoes, gentle mens Ihoes, 8 bales oznabrigs, 1 box ladies and gentlemens falhionable hats, 8 boxes chocolate, mahogany furniture, and a variety of other articles Ratable to the present and approaching season. March 13. JUST LAN LTD, From on board the Sloop Two Brothers, C, pt Gtimes, 24 Puncheons’ Weft India Rum, 10 Hogsheads MoGfre?, FOR SALE BY ALEXANDER WATT March 8. Dickson and JohnJlon Have received, by the fleet from London, via Cbarlefton, A large and general ASSORTMENT rs SEASONABLE GOODS, Confiding of almost every ufeful article, which they ai e new opening in Mr. Haift’s new building in Whitaker iireet, next door to Smith, Sons, and Anderfcn, viz. BLANKETS, plains, cloths, callimeres, {luffs, silks, Mancheftry, cardinals, oznabrigs, carpeting, printed cottons, perfumery, stationary, {hot, hats, hofierv, gloves, Raberdafhery, linens, pins, needles, feathers, corks, twines, Ihoes, locking glafTes, medicines, laddiery, turnery, spices, pickles, mustard, paints, oil, cutlery, ironmonger-, call iron, glass ware allotted, window glass, nails, and pewter, with a number of other articles too tedious to enumerate. SCT Cash given for Sea Eland Cotton. Juf arrived, in the Ship Elizabeth , f homos Hall , Majler, from Angola, cn the Coaf cf Africa, niߣ£ HUNDRED AND THIRTY - Prime young NEGROES, The sale of which will commence on Monday tie 17th instant, and continue from day to c’ay till tl ev are all fold. Conditions: Cash, Sea llland Cotton, or Tobacco September 3, 1798. Alsiasdsr Watt. ‘ FOR sale, Georgia Paper Medium. Apply to J am£s Mackintosh. T—- . MEINS and M ACKAY G- w LnporJed, fin addition to their fall supply, per Alknomac a;uLCarolina) A general AftVr.xent o t GOODS, Fer th& brig Eerie, John Donaldfn, Naf.r, from *** they will fell upon the moll moderate terms’ for cash or motluce. BILLS on Lender. L:1 Ll,w-Ycrk f-r sale. ■December THURSDAY, APRIL ii, i 799 . Shipping, Factorage, and Commiffim iiujimfs. Smith, Sons, & Anderson, & Thomas Flinr, HAVING entered into Copartnerfiiip in that line, and having rented the large and commodious wharf and stores lately occupied by Meliks. Johnston, Rolertlbn, aud Cos. intend to pursue lac Shipping, Factorage, and C mmijjion Business, In all its various branches, under the Firm of SMI I H, SUi\S, AivpEß ‘On, & FL: N r . From their experience and liability they flatter themselves they can, in all cases, render iktisfailion to thole who may think proper to make them condiments. I'iiey will have no oliy dions to make fome advances on Rice, Cotton, To bacco, or any other property committed to their care. bMI s H SONS. & ANDn.RsON k Continue their Wholesale Bulinels as usual, at their store In Whitaker street. Nov. 27. CAIG and CO. Have imported, in tbs Ship Alknomac , Gapt. Miller, from Hendon, A “enernl Aflortmcnt or FA LI. GOODS, Which they are now opening, and for sale , by the piece or package, cn moderate terms, conjijiing < f the fol lowing articles, sliF. WHITE, blue, brown, and green plains; London,. Bristol, and refe blankets; buck, swan, and final! fliot, assorted; nails assorted; a variety cf carpenters tools, iron pots, Dutch ovens, and other ironmongery; liotiery; clurancs, calamancoes, and camlets; ladies and gentlemens gloves, carpets and carpeting, paints and oil; bed cords, {ewingand seine twine; Hambro’ and leading lines, white, rope, alum, copperas, faddlery, blue and brown camlet cloaks and coats, spices; fuperfine, second, and York liiire cloths; elastic ditto, batli coatings, fwandown and tambored caliimere veils, tow and flaxen oznabrigs, color ed and white threads, cotton bagging, rice iieves, ftaticn ary, copying machines, London bottled porter, brown liout in hogiheads, calicoes and chintfes, huinhunis, Map. cheftry; 3 4 t'is, 7 Bths, and 4 4 ths linen; cambric, lorig lawn, Iheeting, diaper and huckaback, medicines, Hatch and hair powder; ladies, gentlemens, and: youths hats; ladies and childrens ihoes, pewter, gunpowder, handsome pier glasses, pyramids and jelly glalies, complete lets tea china, copper feales and weights, double and tingle barrel led guns and pilbls, fifh kettles, double gridirons, candle moulds, pickles, brai’s and wire fenders, Bath and Pantheon Roves, plate warmers, coal hodds, chaffingdiflies, horfunens p.ftois. Savannah, November 7, 1798. KEN N ED Yand PA R KER Have received by late arrivals, THE FOLLOWING’ GUOD\ Which they will dispose of on reafotiable terms: IRISH and brown linens printed cotters Oznabrigs and cotton bagging . - Pewter copperas iairpetrs alum Paints and linfecd oil writing paper co.ton {lockings Cloth cardinals . bed tick chedis Check and rornai iiandk ercifiefs window glass Gunpowder iofe ani dudil blankets - 4 d. 6d. Sd. 10. and aod. nails. ALSO, Red and white herrings in kegs and half barrels London porter in hogiheads and bottles. Savannah, 12th November, 1798. MUS JOVADOSUGARS in hotiftieads anti tierces, and a coniitler wUO quantity of PIMENTA, for dale by Gairdnebs and Mitciiel. Who have received , 5000 BUSHELS Or SALT, By tlie brig Two Sifters, from Lymington, which will be fold low if taken from cn board. Feb. 6. HYSON TEA, Just received by the Shep'ierdefs, Cant. Rogers, from New York, and one chest opened, for sale, by DICKSON id JOHNSTON. WILLIAM SCARBROUGH jun; having joined the Copartnerfiiip of TAYLOR and MILLER, their fcufinefs, in the usual line, will henceforward be con ducted under the Finn of TAYLOR, MILLER, and CO. Savannah, March 22, 1799. n o r 1 c e: r T~ , HE Grp’ rtr.erfhip under the Firm cf ROBERT and X GEORGE WOOD HOUSE is diflblved this day by mutual c< n r ent. All persons indebted to fiud Concern are hereby informed that, unless they come forward and pay otf their r^ipeclive accounts immediately to either cf the fubferibers, they will be lued for without diferimination; and thole to whom they are indebted will please render in their accounts foe Rttlemcut. Robert Woodeousf, George \¥|oduousk. B. Tlieir remaining S 1 Gv-K OF GOODS will Ls fold low for cafn or produce. Savannah, January 1, i>S9* \ (4 dollars per arm.) Want and o OiiVter, “ A VESSEL about 100 tons burthen, to go to Philadelphia. Amilv to W.v. BELCHER. Feb. 28, 1799. —r- Wanted to ci arter for Kingiion, J ul,a!Ca JftSvseZcExD* /\ Y fcSSuLof about 170 to 200 tons, il to which immediate dispatch and good terms will be given, if fpeedv applk ation i made to Wm. BEItNLYMZ. \\ib February, 1799* ‘ The Ship Clermont, Will on or before the 10th of next month, having the greater part of her cargo engaged* For freight of the remainder apply to K . KENNEDY and PARKER* U r bo have received by the above vejfd, 6800 buihcls Liverpool Salt. Siavannah, to tb March, 1799* “john F sLtiTKir HAS for talc, at his store St. Julian street- Mr. Hogg’s buildings, a general afforunent of GKCMEI.iLd, LIQUOiB, and PROVISIONS, and fundrv other ar ticles, which,ho intends to dispose cf low for call: or pro duce only, ccnfifting of, Imperial, young hyicn, anu Oc hoa teas; coffee, clcuh-c 1 dined loaf and lump ftigar; E.<il India, Jamaica, and Spunifh ditto; mclAftts, cloves,' eiij namqn, inace, nutmegs, iiepper, pimenta, Cayenne jxp per, l'altpetre, chbcckt.e, ramus, currants, fulad oil, •e: f it,, u.ircli, mustard, Scots barley, black and Eng ifli pe’afe, soap, mould candles; excellent Lcndtu particular Madeira, Sherry, and Malaga wines; Bouideaux brandy, Jamaica and New England rum, Holland Gene va, cherry brandy, London and Philadelphia porter, white wine vinegar, pickled salmon, herrings; pine apple, brick, and othsr Eagiilh cheese; tar and turpentine, Liverpool fait* Also, a very neat let of blue table china complete, china tea pots, sugar dishes, sfc. a general affoi tment of queen’s and glass wajv, stone jugs and jars, funury other articles. gO® An Apprentice wanted at the above store. Savannah, January t, 1799. Thy fubferiber Uas received, in the last vellels iiom Boston, The following Articles, Which he offers for sale, on the moft rcafouable terms, for cafli or produce, viz* p RANDY in pipes New England rum in hogsheads and barrels Loaf, Jamaica, Eaff I alia, and Spaniftl sugars Madeira, Sherry, Pore, Ldlon, Malaga, and Fayal wines Hollan'dfe gin in ta‘cs Spermaceti, mould, and dipt candles White and turpentine soap Romney's best chocolate Raisins in .calks and jars Jordan almonds shelled Almonds in the flic ii currants Scotch barley Dumb filh best mess beef in half barrels Rounds beef in kits tongues in kegs Best mess pork in kegs Englilh 1 piit peafe Pickled 0) Iters corks in bags Nutmegs, mace, cloves, cinnamon, and caftia Ginger and atl-fpice crockery ware assorted bar iron* ALSO, A box well assorted ftationarv and one ditto of tin ware. j AMES’- BELCHI R. Nov. 19. —■ I Smith, Sons , & Anderjon, Are now landing from on board the fchocner Concord, just arrived from Boston, , 50 quarter calks 10 pu cheons country rum, 40 quarter calks 3 pipes apple brandy, 20 quarter calks Sherry wjne, 30 quarter calks and 10 half pipes Malaga win** 50 boxes foay>, 50 calks raisins, - ‘ - 50 boxes chocolate, 20 barrels and 20 half barrels mess beef, 5000 yards tow cloth, . ... 4 cbefts hyfon and 4 ditto fouchong tea, A quantity of sugar, 20 barrels cider, 6 calks 4 d. cut nai's, A large quantity of Northward Hone jugs, A quantity’ of florentine andYancy Hires. And just arrived also by the fame c< nveyance, from oa board the Fair American, from London to Rollon, A large quantity of dry good?, confifii.g of, linens white and brown, a quantity of woollens, a large assortment of hats and stationary, which, together with their former stock, will be fold at the’ usual low rates ftr calli or produce. N. B. Just landing, 40 hogsheads molaffcs. Savannah, February 20, 1799. Brandy for Sale. A FEW Pipes of FIRST PROOF BRANDY for sale by CAIG aod CO. Savannah, zctb March, 179J*