The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1788-1802, November 12, 1801, Image 1

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GEORGIA GAZETTE. No. 942.) Thursday, I B. Fleming and Cos. Muslin Manufa&urers and Calico Printers, GLASGOW, In EG leave to announce to the inhabitants of SaVan mj nah, and its vicinity, that they have opened a small lore in St, Julian street, nearly opposite Mr. Gibbonses I rick buildings, where they have received, and are expof lig for sale, on very low terms, for CASH ONLY, II neat aflortment of muslins, conlifthig of book, I craj-Jf, lappet, japan, draw loom, tambor, I mullmull, and fafliionable flained muslins; Bine bonk, iaconet. and crane handkerchiefs and frino-^d .... . j . t, - - 1 q-- I ihawls; l atent cotton gauze and sewed veils, I ailiionable ell wide printed calicoes, . l ine pull icat and pocket handkerchiefs and blue ground I romals; lin aflortment of Irish linens, cambrics, loug lawns, and I cotton Ihirtings; Bfe ladies, gentlemens, and youths hosiery; fca books and flationary; fcro negro cloths, hats, (lockings, and caps; Bfc:o cotton bagging, firtl and second quality; IfAo flaxen aftd tow ofnaburgs, brown linens, &c I ito camp ovens, tea kettles, goblets, and Ikillets. ALSO , I few CarFOn grates or Pantheon floves, with fenders and lire irons to match. ROBERT ISAAC, Agent for B. Fleming and Cos. i^JJMESWFELL^ (Lately from Virginia) IT AVING permanently-fixed himfelf in Savannah, re |l fpeelftilly offers to tl e inhabitants, and thole of its Hnity, bis —- | MEDICAL SERVICES. I; nay be found at his fliop on the Bay, near the Ex- Knor, where be intends keeping a general aflortment of ■EDKOINES for fide. mMober 30. |iiriftie,M‘Lachlan,G > Go.’ I -received by the late arrivals from Britain, and |j-; now opening, at-the for e. lately pojfejfed by In AlTortment of the following Articles, viz. BROAD and narrow cloths, P Coatings and fwanfdowris; Ilians, thicksets. and queen’s cords; I fe and Bristol duffil blankets; I nkts, bombafets, durants, and calanlancoes; I nted x^licots, I ilieAnd flannels; I hite, blue, greeh, brown, and drab plains; Itonet and book muslins, iv n cambrics, Bn valid womens ribbed and plain cotton hole; ■ : and dark Pullicat handkerchiefs, fced linen and cotton pocket handkerchiefs; Biro, cbints, and muslin fliawls; Bthii 7 B.ths, and 6 4ths muslin check; ■ik and 4 4ths Irish iiuen, fucking; ■wliiiy, ounce, and all colors thread, assorted numbers; white fliirting, and brown Holland; ■ , ;T.;.'H-,k-caps, mitts, and gloves; fliell, born, and ivory combs; Brticls and Dundee cotton bagging, Hand tow ofnaburgs; H>; lead, Spanifli brown, yellow ochre, and Venetian ground in oil; in lb. kegs; I ’ 1 infeed oil in jars r? 2 ar.d 3 gallons, Ii (hot tiom No. 1 to 6, buck fliot, I trad in 1 lb. bars, Bting paper and other flationary, r I tr ana mixed pins, Idina broad hoes from No. I to 3; I td. 6d. Bd. 1 od. and 2od. nails; B ‘Oing hoes and telling axes, l from i gallon to 6 gallons; I !r > ovens and covers, assorted sizes; ■ rons, gridirons, frvingpans, and chain traces; (i cutlery, and'queen’s ware, assorted, in calks; *B assorted, in cases; London pewter in casks; B S •’fforted, in bales; ■* casks Glauber salts. ORober 29, 1801. J I RECEIVED by the Jhip Bellona, Capt. Kii- J- . from Jamaica , and FOR SALE by the sub- H r ‘ ‘trs, on eajy terms; hoglheads prime inufcovado fug°rs, t Hj7 puncheons high proof* Jamaica rum, JT tierces coffee, H'4 bags pimenta, jH*! barrels limes. “M JOHNSTON, ROBERTSON, and C.O. •H S.vtmber, 1801. On Consignment, AFLVV Packages of Cambrics, Muslins, and Pulli cat Handkerchiefs, which will be ibid at the GJai gow manufacturing prices, for caih only. Alio, Country Wheat Hour in barrels. ‘ * , : JOHNSTON, ROBERTSON, and CO. 25™ June, 1801. “"” ■■■ ■ - The COPARTNERSHIP of MEINS and MACKAY Expired on the ift inflant. Their accounts. which they requeit iettlement of, will be attended to by MEIN and MACKAY. January 15, 1801. . 1 ‘ ■■ . Tin NINE thoui'and Bufliels SALT, Fifty Crates CROCKERY, and Seven lons COALS, Received per the fliip Sally, capt. White, from Liverpool, For SALE bv „ MEIN and MACKAY. January 15. The fubferibers have in ported, Per the brig Independent, Capt. Clarke, fiotA London , An Aflortment of Dry Goods, Which thev are now opening at their Here in Mr. Gib bons’s brick building, Market square, and will ditpofe of them on very moderate terms for cash or produce. Thomas and James beggs. Savannah, October 1, 1800. Hamilton and Monnox Haj-e just received, per Julius Pringle, from London, A gtnetal Aflurtment of FALL GOODS; ALSO, 20 Calks of excel len r BO FILED PORTER, an n 10 Calks of heft BROWN STOUT; All of which they will uilpofe of upon moderate terms foi cafli or country produce. , 9 tb Sept . 1800. p . Hamilton, Monnox , and Co s. . Have received, per Julius Pringle, from Londop, A neat Allortmem of DRY GOODS, Which are now opening for sale at the southwest corner of Bolton’s new buildings, Market fquare'. ALSO ON HAND, -iA general Allbu men; of (. i ROGER IES, Which will be disposed of upon moderate terms. 9t h Sept . 1800. just imported” ’ r lit the Jhip Cleopatra, Capt. Robert [on, and biig In dependent, Capt . • Clark, from London, and now opening by the fubferibers, at their Jlorc on the Bay, A VERY LARGE ASSORT MENT OF Seasonable GOODS, Among which are the following articles, viz* TTTHERE, bine, and brown plains; . W 7 4tiis and Baths dufiil blankets; 6 4ths, 8 4ths, 10 4ths, and 12 4'ths role blankets; One elegant B ruffe Is carpet and an aflortment of Scotch carpets, A large affurtfnenr of fuperfine cloth and cafli me res; Ladies fafliionable hats, ‘bonnets, and feathers; Muffs and tippets, An aflortment of hair mattresses; Two seines, 30 and 40 fathoms; Wicker halkets of different ihapts, Wax tapers, Bath stove grates, v . ‘ N '“'v iEolian harps, . y Beil Port wine by the box; Which will be fold either wholesale or bv retail. DICKSON and JOHNSTON. Sept . 16, 1800. jOHN MILLER, North corner of Mr, Cibbons's building , Has imported in the last vessels from London and Glasgow, A Quantity of Merchandise, Cvnfifting of alnivfl every article that is mentioned in lengthy advertisements. Country lhopkeepers will be supplied on good terms. December 25, 1800. —Cheap Plains.— THE fubferibers have received a quantity of BLUE PLAINS, which they will fell at 33. J per cent, on tlie ftetling cost. JOHNSTON, ROBERTSON, and CO. 29 tb October, 1801. - • Blue wrapping paper for sale at this office. W. and C. SMITH BEG leave to inform tbofe wlio are indebted to the late Concern of SMITH, SONS, and ANDERSON, that, unless they difeharge their refpeftive debts in the course ot this Fall, they will be under the neceflity of taking such ttqis as cannot but be disagreeable. Were they ever so willing to grant a longer indulgence, their flotation is such as demands an immediate compliance with the above. They beg leave to inform their friends that thev have received bv the (hip Minerva, Capt. Thomas Choate, front Liverpool, A Quantity of GOODS, Suitable to the fcafon, which they offer for sale, on very low terms, for cafli, produce? or approved notes at 60 and 90 days. They conlift chiefly of Superfine broad-Cloths Fine Gaffitneres Bombazets Calicoes Mullins and muslin handkerchiefs Romal, Pulicat, and printed handkerchiefs Pound and packet pins and needles of every kind Ivory and horn corhiis , A large quantity of mens, womens, and childrens hats, allotted in boxes Silk handkerchiefs of various kinds Olive jeanets Dimity Muflinets and quilted Marseilles A large quantity of cutlery, ironmongery, &r* A large quantity of nails Carpenters tools 40 boxes Bby 10 Window glass One trunk inkpowder A quantity of pewter bafeus, diflies and plates A quantity of Ihot of various kinds Blue, green, white, and knaped negro cloths Blankets Hilmhums With various othei* articles in the dry goods line too tedi ous to iniert. 1 They have alfb received by the fanie conveyance, 3000 bufliels of fait 100 crates crockery ware,’ particularly allotted for coun try trade 100 grindflones, different sizes $00 ‘{lone bottles and butter jars. ‘ Savannah, Augujl 27* 1 -i- . 1 1 1 i'.i .1 Frelh Drugs and Medicines. THE fubferiber has just imported from New York, and is now opening tor sale, at his store in Bull street, near the Bay, a complete aflortment of -and MEDICINES, Which having feledled himfelf with great care he can warrant to be genuine, and can afford to fell at the lowed prices. ALEXANDER HABERSHAM. *C7* Medicine chests, suitable for planters or captains of vessels, can he put up at the fliorteft notice. Savannah, March 19, 1801. Alex an and e r Watt £rp Cos. HAVE received, by the fliip Auguffa, Gabriel Hav ens mailer, from Liverpool, A lurge and general A (Tort went of fall goods, Which, with their former flock on hand, confiffs of almost every ufeful article. Alt of which they offer for sale, on the mod reasonable. terms, at their store in Commerce Row, on the Bay, where they continue to. keep 1 eas Sugars Wines Coffee Brandy Spices, & c. &c. Gin and rum Savannah, October 9, 1800. LANDING, ~ SEVEN hogflieads fttgar, of a very superior quality; And/ten puncheons Jamaica rum; For SALE by EDWIN GAIRDNER and CO. i8l& March , 1801. . * CLOCKS and HATCHES repaired, • ALSO, GOLD and SILVER ARTICLES of all kinds made and repaired. THE fubferiber refj*ftfully informs the public, that the above mentioned work will be done at his shop on the Bay, just below the large new brick building, and jhat every care will be taken to render fatisfa&ion to those who may be pleased to favor him with tlieir enftom. . M. GERMAIN. ■; THE Copartnerfhip of GEORGE PONSONBY and CO. diflolved the ft May last, by the death of Mr. John Stapleton of Baltimene. The business will be carried on in future by the fubferiber, who is alone authorized to fettle the accounts of the late firm. GEORGE PONSONBY. Savannah, lift ORaber, 1801. XjT BLANK LAND CONVEYANCES Hot fidetf (he Printing Office i ft Jraiglito* street.