The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1788-1802, December 10, 1801, Image 1

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GEORGIA A ZETTE: ■ JS'' *J&. vt f * Wjtgmjfc- J j JT* - Ni . • • “” -•’ 4i JaMjapfeyWwlig' 3? vgSJ a£3=g st>* * t lift (No. 946.) | Thursday, T&rcrmbkr ft), 1801. j W. andC. SMITH I BEG leave to inforojbbfe who are indebted to the late Concern of SMfph SONS, and ANDERSON, that, unlefa they difdftfee their refpe&ive debts in the tourfe of this Fall, i§y will be under the necelGty ot taking such steps as cMfot but be difagreeablc. Were they ever so willing i-grant a longer indulgence, tlieir situation is such an immediate compliance with the above. They beg leave inform their frieudi that they have Received by the ftfipMinerva, Capt. Thoma* Choate, from Liverpool, J A Quantity of GOODS, Suitable to the foallin, whjch they offer for laic, on very low terms, for calh, produce, or approved not** at 6o and todays. They confid chiefly of Superfine broad cloths Fine Cafltmbves Bombaaets Calicoes Muslins and muslin. handkerchiefs Romal, Pulicat, and printed handkerchiefii Pound and jacket pins and needles of very kind Ivory and liorn combs T : A large quantity of mens, womens, and childrens hats, assorted h\ boxes Silk handkerchiefs of various kinds Olive jeanets Dimity Muflinets and quilted Marftilles A large quantity of cutlery, ironmongery, &c. *. A large quantity'of naih Carpenters tools 40 boxes Bby to window glass One mink inkpowder A quantity bt bafafts, dift** ami plates A quantity of Ihot of various kinds Blue, green, white, and knaped negro clc*hs Blankets Humhums Witb various other articles In the dry £<*>ds line too tedi ous to insert. # They have also received by the fame conveyance, oo© biflhels of fait too craks crowkwy ware, particularly Sfforteu for Conn er ©cfjLrinijferms, different fixes 7 500 flone bottles and butter pm - ——- y *’ Savannah', Angiifi 27. B.. Fleming amTCo. Muffin Manufacturers and Calico Printers', GLASGOW, BEG leave to announce to the inhabitants of Savan nah, and its vicinity, that they have opened a finall (tore in St. Julian Greet, nearly nptxdiue Mr. Gibbons’s brir.k buildings, where they have, received, and are-expos ing for tale, on very low terms, for CASH ONLY, A neat assortment of muffins, coniiftlng of jaconet, book,, pfupe, lappet, japan, draw loom, tangbor, ncedfowark,. mulhrmll. and foiliinnnhfo ftnint*ff Fine book, jaconet, and crape handkei chiefs, and"fringed (bawls; Patent cotton gauze and sewed veils, Faihionable ell wide printed calicoes. Fine millicat and pocket handkerchiefs and blue ground rounds; , affortment of irifh linens, cambrics, long lawns, and • rv-v°° Ibirthigs; . tr, \dies, 2nd youths boUery; Ditto lotion ary; l);tto negro tVwhs, hats, ftrckintr, nod raps; Ditto cotton bagging, (uft and iVeoud qua lit v; Ditto flaxen and tow ofnaburgs, brown linens', fee. Ditto can:*) Qen.q tea kettles, yohlew, and (khh ts. A few Carron grates or Pafctheon Rov*, With fenders and hie irons to match. nuers and lumcirnsAAc, Agent for'fi. Fleming and Cos. landingT SFA LN hoglbeads sugar, of a very superior quality; i.u 1 ten puncheons Jamaica ruin; For SALE by ED WIN GAIRDNER and CO. loth March, iSoi* For Sile by the Subfcribeiy 41 , ,/K re ??'*“. ®.9'’ ‘ leiJ '!y ~pp'fit‘ the Exchange, 1~l in pipes, -fi -fi- Malaga wine m quarter caffes, Mefi> pork, Prime beef, F npty giu cases; A L S 0% - - ( A Jlandfovie ASSORTMENT of 7 Bths and 4 4ths widelrifli Linens; ‘V iiich will be ioid cheap for cash, produce, or approved notes. A hvenber 23. , THOMAS SCOTT. CLARET WINE, L' hogfixaxls cades, for sale, bv ‘ MEIN zrri MACKAY. March ft ißok v*'*'! - f * *• -> Charles Sj^tb,; In addition to their former importation rif-’f?-'* Mi nerva, have just received , by the brif l+ti i Jr#* - Glafgovi, and brig Elixa , from Livery j||* An Assortment of Suitable to the season, which they t6er low terms as any Importing House offth* coatiaeut: 30 bales of cotton bagging of different qtialj^^ Irish Brown linens, platillas, and bollan&l White-browmtßssmdify “ 7 ‘ Romal handkerchiefs, 7 sths aad 4 4tfcj; 40 pieces dimities; f Tanxbqrtd, laced, and lappet muflnn, 6 4 <l# Jacouet muiiiiw v 4 4uG and 6 4ths; Bulafore, book, and jaconet handkerchiefs; _ Prints*:! calicoes, ’ . 7~F Sewing silk and twist. * 4 ‘“''w 1 Savannah , ihtb Septcmhmr^xiP x *’ ■ ■ *■— 1 ■. —— ‘-- ■■*< m- - j CLOCKS’ and WATCHES retired, \ L S O) “T - GO LD ami SILVER d&lCUff ail tihdi HMrit dnd repair,'d. * ‘ THE fubferiber rtfpe£ifuHy informs that j the above mentioned work will be dtfiti at hk ihop on the Bay, juli below the large that every carc will be taken to render’ thofe who may be plcafed to favor bin: with pmofn. m:gmmain. —O HK AP PLA 1 N if**-* TFTE fubfcilbers have received.,* of BLUE PLAINS, which they wilt LB at 33^[ner ccut on the sterling cost. JQHNS’FON, KOBERTSO , an d CO. : Ohltlnr, iioe- - 1 1 ■ ‘ •- ‘ - JF. S. MiLLEft, 1 Y:iii L rc'Ucd’ 7 tbe^clni!? 1 Greets, Johnlon’s Iquare, where he has jull opened a net affortiuent of CLACED CANDLESTICKS, and other ELATED GOODS; ... Likewise almost every AR'I ICL.E in his line that is to be found in lengthy advertife.utnts;” “” Which will be fold merely above the prime cost, being tiefirous of declining the felling line. He returns his (incere a< xnovvlydgments for paG favors when Miller and Powers, and hopes for a continuance to himlcif. Dr. jjmeseTfell, (Latkly from Virginia) HMc ING permanently fixed liiniieif in Sav?n>v.ih, re fpectfully oilers to die inhabitant, 214 those of its vicinity, his 6 MEDICAL SERVICES. He may be found at bis (iiop on ,the Bay, near the .ekaiYye, wliere lie intends keeping a general aiforliucut of MEDICINES loi laie. October’ 30. jusyt dj -Jir.Uona, Capt, Kil gour, from Junhica y and FOii SALE by the fub* Jcribers , o?jr eajy terms, 28 Irogflicads priine mulcovatlo sugars, 57 puncheons high proof Janiaica°i um, 3 tierces coflee, 64 bags, pimenta, y v 2 1 barrels limes. JOHNSTON, ROBERTSON, ami CO. s tb November, 1801. f JOHN MILLER^ North corner of Mr. Gibbons's building, Has imported in the last veflels from London and Ulafgo*, A Quantity of Mercbandife, Consisting of almost every article that is mentioned in lengthy advertisements. IC7* Country fiiopketpers will be supplied on good tcrnis * December 25, 1800. The fubferibers have imported, Per the brig Independent, Capt. Clarke, front London, An Assortment of Dry Goods, Which thev are now opening at their store in Mr. Gib fcens’s brick building. Market square, and will dispose •f them on very moderate terms for csA or produce. • _, 1 hor^a ’ *wi James Begga. F ‘SltvatfHah, OSMer 1,4 8 0 ca MrT f J-niidm *<s. Carles SM, in tddiifon td .idir ArsOHl MENT, J.c !*. • h by tM ftiip Ainet tfoti aVI'AN .T!” ‘ ;: and util -a V nVr. hl.vt! i.VJ large . 7 \ A quantity of low -priced and iupeijiue tlotV-, J A quantity of du rants/ 25 boxes hats, Irish linen, t Coatings of different kinds, St C. &Cr September 29. -A* Chriftie,M‘Lachlan, oCo. Have received by the late arrivals from Britain x and are now opening, at the fore lately pqffcjfcd by Mcjfn. IVilliam Dixcu and Cos, A. Ailortmcat of Articles, vi?s* 1 TIRO AD and narrow cloths, |J Coatings and fwanfdowns; thickfets, and queen's cords; ttbfe and Bi iftot cluftil blankets; Gamlets, bomba&w, durants, and calanaacoe*| Printed faUcoes, LinGes and fomneJs; White, blue, green, bfo#n, and drab plaiusf Jaconet and Ifook mudins, - Cott .ft iambrici, -• Mens and wohiens ribbed and plain cotton Uoic^ Light and dark Rullicat handkerdlie&v Printed dingx pocket skfljp jitawfe; 3 4ths, 7'-eth% and f> 4ths maUin cheek* 7 Bths and 4 4ths Lifti liucfl, Twilled fackiug; Ofnaburg, ounce, and all colors, thread, assorted White dowlas, white (hirting, and.brown holland; Kilmampck caps, mitts, and gloves; Tortoifc Utcll. horn, and ivory combs} InvcrneiVand Dundee cott;on bagging, Liirt and tow ofoabnrgs; ii White lead, Spanilh brown, yellow ochre, add VeftetUtfl plb. kegs; Boiled 1 infeed oil in juiTot 2 and 3 gallons, Lead (hot from No. 1 to 6, buckJhot. 1 lb. bars, Carolina broad hoes from No. 1 to 3; 4.d sd, 6d. Bd. tod. and 20d4-nails; Grubbing hoes and felling axes, Iron pots from J gallon to 6 gallons; Camp ovens and covers, assorted sizes; Sad irons, gridirons, frymgpans, and chain traces; H irdware, cutlery, and queen’s ware, assorted, in caffel Huts, assorted, in cases; . Best London pewter in casks; Slws, assorted, injbiles; A few calks Glauber salts. Savannah, OSlober 29, ißot. Hamilton and Monnox Have just received, per Julius Pringle, from London, A gciieiai Allotment of FALL GOODS* ALSO, 20 Calks of excellent BO TTLED PORTER. AND “TaC=ffks-ofbelt BROWN STOUT, All.ot vyhiph they will dispose of upon moderate terms so Cadi at country produce. Sept, 1800.- T 1 ’ - - ■ - n Hamilton, Monnox, and Cos. Have received, per Julius Pringle, from London, A neat Afforrment of DRY GOODS, Which are now opening for sale at the southwest corner of Bolton’s new buildings, Market square. *ALSO ON HAND, A general Assortment of GROCERIES, Wmch will be disposed of upon moderate tends. 9 tb Sept* 1800. - „■ c/ ‘The COPARTNERSHIP of MEINS and MACKAY Expired on the ift instant. Their accounts, which they request settlement of, will be attended to by 7 MEIN and MAGKAY. January 15, 1801. NINE thousand Bnfhels SALT* -Fifty Crates CROCKERY, and Seven Tons COALS, Received per the fbip Sally, capt. White, from Liveipoof* For SALE by v „ * 7 - MEIN and MACKAY. January 15* ~ Jwrapping paper for bk U|h gSk^