The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1788-1802, December 31, 1801, Image 1

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GEORGIA GAZETTE. (No. 949.) Thursday, \ December 31, 180i. | Roderick Macleod HAS received, via Charleston, and per the fhipHope, from London, His ufital Supply of FAL L GOODS , Which, in addition to his former flock on hand, lender* his aflortment as complete as any in the city* Among them are tbe following, vis. Super and fuperfine cloths and caflimeres; Second, coarse cloths, and elastics; White, blue, green, drab, yellow, and cllret plains; 6 4ths and 7 4tlis London dutfil and role blankets; | (ifiinti’es and furniture calicoes; Plain and tambored, jaconet, and book muslin; 5 4ths and 6 4ths cotton cambrics, and linen pocket hand* kerchiefs; Bed ticks and nwttrefles, with holders and feather pillows; Ladies newest fafhion hats, elegantly trimmed; Gentlemens fine beaver Eats; Mens coarse and fine hats, and Negroes do. Indies and gentlemens silk and cotton holt; 7 Bths and 4 4ths Irifli linen, and 9 Bths Iheeting; Gentlemens camlet cloaks, lined and furred great coats; Misses and childrens furtouts; Saddles, bridles, bits, spurs, and stirrups; —Manclieftry and-stationary ; Shot, bar lead, and ironmongery;* A few lets table china, and a number of other articles to# tedious to enumerate.’ All which will be fold low for cafli, or Ihort credit. _ zjJI Gftober, 1801. ~Di~JAMESET-FELI^ (Lately from Virginia) HAVING permanently fixed himfelf in Savannah, re fpedlfully oiler* to the inhabitants, and thole of its vicinity, his • MEDICAL SERVICES. He may be found at his Ihop on the Bay, near the Ex change. where he intends keeping a general aflortment of MEDICINES for i'aie. October 30. The COPARTNERSHIP of MEINS and MACKAY Expired on the rft infiant. Their accounts, which they recmell settlement of, will be attended to by MEIN and MACKAY. January 15, 1801. NINE thoufimd Bullicls SALT, Fifty Crates CROCKERY, and Seven Tons COALS, Received per the Hi ip Sally, capt. White, from Liverpool, Fur SALE ,bv MEIN and MACKAY. January 15. SMITH BEG leave to inform thole who are indebted to the fate Concern of SMITH, SONS, and ANDERSON, that, unlcfs they dilcharge their refpoctive debts in the ecurie of this Fall, they will be under the necelfity of t'king Rich steps as car.i.ot but be disagreeable. Were t'lev ever so willing to grant a longer indulgence, their fuettion i_s Inch foj th murids an immediate compliance v ith the above. They fx-g leave to inform their fiends that they have t-eceived by the Ihip Minerva, Capt. Thomas Oioate, from Liverpool, A Quantity- of GOODS, Suitable to the fcafixn, which th.-y offer fiu- fide, on very low terms, for calh, produce, or approved notes at Go and 90 davs. They con lift chiifiv of Superfine broad cloths Fiat Cuilimeres Bombaisets Calicoes Mi liias and muslin handkerchiefs R mal, Pulicat, and printed handkerchiefs Found and packet pins and needles of every kind ] vo> v mid horn combs A 1 rge quantity of mens, womens, and childrens hats, aforted in boxes —Sfli haiilkerchiefs of various kinds Oh e jeanets Dimity Muflioets anti quilted Mar lefties A large quantity of cutlery, ironmongery, See. A large quantity of nails Carpenters tnds 40 boxes 8 bv 10 window glsfs One trunk inkpoivder A quantity of pewter batons, tiilhes ind plates A quantity of Got of various kinds Blue, green, white, and knaped negro cloths r Blankets Humbiim# With i-arious other articles iu the dry goods dice too tedi ous to iuiert, Tliev have dfi> received by the fame conveyance, 3000 bufliels of fait 100 cratvsJ crockery ware, parti culaH v a Sorted tor coun try trade grmdftoaes, diiKnect fixes 1 foo stone bottles and buutr jics. out annah, Augufi 27. * 0‘ The fubferibers have imported, Per the brig Independent, Capt. Clarke, from London > An Aflortment of Dry Goods, Which they are now opening at their store iu Mr. Gib* bons’s brick building, Market square, and will diipofe of them on Very moderate terms ibr calh or produce. Thomas and James Deggs. Savannah, OBtbcr 1, 1800.- William & Charles Smith, In addition to their former importation Ay the Mi nerva, have jujl received, Ay the brig Tno, from Glafgave, and brig Eliza, from Liverpool, An Aflortment of Goods, Suitable to the season, which they oiler for cath on as low terms as any Importing House on the continent: 30 bales of cotton bagging of difierent qualities; Irish linens, 4 4ths arid 7 Sths; Brown linens, plfitillas, and Hollands; White-brown thread; Romal handkerchiefs, 7 Bth* and 4 4t!; 40 pieces dimities; ■Tambnrfd. Inrrrl. and h-npet mufti ns. 6 .iths; Jaconet mullins, 4 4ths and 6 4th?; Balafore, book, and jaconet handkerchiefs; Printed calicoes, Sewing silk and twist. , , Savannah, 1(1 th September, iBoi L For Sale by the Subscriber, At his fore on the Bay, nearly oppolite the Exchange , Holland gin in pipes, Malaga wine in quarter calks, Mess pork, Prime beef, Empty gin cases; ALSO, A HcMfomc ASSORTMENT of 7 Bths and 4 4ths widclrifh Linens; Which will be ibid cheap for call), produce, or approved lioter. November 23. ~ THOMAS SCOTT. HTilicim of’ Charles Smith, ■ Iy ■aduidon to then- former ASSGRTMEN'F, Iwive re ceived, by the Ihip America, Capt. Watson, AQUANTFI Y of daiKl and role blanket?, A large quantity of lwanfdown, A quantity of lu.y priced and i’upwfine cloths, A quantity of durante, 21 boxes liu.s, Irifli linen, Coatings of different kinds, Zee. &r. September 29. Landing, SEVEN hoglheads sugar, of a very Ihperior quality; And ten , auditions Jamaica rum; For SALE oy EDWIN GAIRDNER and CO. 18 th March, 1801. • JUST RECEIVED by the flip Bellona, CV pi. Kil gottr, from Jamaica, and FOR SALE by the fib - Jvribcrs,- on eajy terms, 28 hoglheads prime imifcovado sugars, 57 puncheons high proof Jamaica rum, 3 tierces ccliu, 64 bags pinknta, 2 l barrels limes. JOHNS'! ON, ROBERTSON, and CO. ‘ sth November, 1801. F. S. Miller, GOLDSMITH and JEWELLER, - INFORMS his friends and cuflomers he has for fome time pall removed to the corner of Bull and Duke Ibeets, Johnfou’s square, where he has just opened a neat alfortinent of a LAI ED CANDLESTICKS, and olbtr PLATED GOODS; Like wife almost every ARTICLE in his line that is to be found in lengthy advertilements; Which will be fold merely above tlie prime cost, .being desirous of declining tlie felling line. He returns his fmcere .acknowledgments for past favors when Miller and Powers, and liopes for a continuance to himfelf. —Cheap Plains.— THE fuldcrtbers have received a quantity of BLUE PLAINS, which they will fell at 33 }. per cent, on the fkrlmg cost. “ 3 JOHNSTON, ROBERTSON, and CO. V)tk C'fliicr, iSc u FOR LONDON, A The faft Failing coppered SlffP CLEOPATRA, Andrew Robsrtsok, Matter, To fail with all polftble dispatch. For freight or paflage, having good accommodations, apply to -the mallet* on board, or joo > —: JoHjss'ron, RouEßimit, and Cos. ■Oct. 1 ,ii >n in ■ m*mm , him ■ , ■ 1 ■#■,) m For LONDON, The .Ship JUNO, John L. Clarke, Matter; ’ ftannch well found Ihip, lias tire greater past of her cargo engaged, and will fail early in Kovci i - For freight or palTagc apply to the matter on board, or to M‘Call and Miller. October 6. Chriflie, M‘Lachlan, £?Co. Have received by the late arrivals from Britain, and *r;y now opening, at the fore lately pojjcjjed by Mr firs. !i illiam Dixon and Cos. “ - An Aflortment of the following Articles, viz. BROAD and narrow cloths, Coatings and fwanfdcwnc; Fuilians, t'hicklbts, and queen's cord*; Roll- and Brifiol dullil blankets; Camlets, bonibaict*, durants, and calamancoes; Printed calicoes, Liiifies and ‘flannels; Wh.ite, blue, green, brown, and drab plains; Jaconet and book nuiiim., Cot: x cambrics, Mens and -womens ribbed and plain cotton hos; Light and dark Pullicat liandkerchjefs, _ Pr.intedTinen and cotton pocket haudkerGhiefsf- Calico, cbints, and muslin lliawls; 3 4ths, 7 Sths, -and 6 4'ths muslin check; 7 Bths arid 4 4ths Irifli- linen, Twilled lacking; Oliiaburg, ounce, and all colors thread, aflorted numhersy Whits dowlas, white Ihirting, and brown Holland; Kilmarnock caps, mitts, and gloves; Tortoise lliell, horn, and ivory’ combs; Invcrntfj and Dundee cotton bagging, Lint and tow oihaburgs; White lead, Spanish brown, yellow ochre, and Venetian red, ground iu oil, in 28 lb. kegs; Boiled linibed oil in jars of 2 and 3 gallons, Lead shot from No. 1 to 6, buck fliot, Bar lead in 1 lb. bars, Writing* paper‘and other stationary, Paper and mixed pins, Carolina broad hoes from No. 1 to 3; 4d. ;d. 6d. od. 1 cd. and aod. nails; Grubbing hoes and felling axes, Iron pots from L gallon to 6 gallons; . Canrp ovens and covers, alforted fists; Sad irons, gridirons, ii'yingpans, and chain trace*; Hardware, cutlery, and queen’s ware, aflorted, in aiks} Hats, aflorted, in cases; Bell London pewter in calks; Slops, alforted, in bales; A few calks Glauber fidts. Savannah, OSlobcr 29, iß©i*. ■ 1 ■ •—I mmmmmm— ” B. Fleming and Cos. Muslin Manufacturers and Calico Printers, ‘ GLASGOW, BEG leave to announce to the inhabitants of Savan. nah, and its vicinity, that they have ojjened a final! (lore in St. Julian llreet, nearly oppolite Mr. Gibbons’s brick buildings, where they have received, and art* expofi ing for sale, on very low terms, for GASH ONLY, A neat aflortment of mullins, confiding of jaconet, book, crape, lappet, japan, draw loom, tambor, needlework, niullmull, and falhionable flained muslins; Fine book, jaconet, and crape handkei chiefs, and fringed lliawls; Patent cotton gauze and sewed veils, Falhionable ell wide printed calicoes, Fine pullicat and pocket handkerchiefs and blue ground rcmals; An aflortment of Irifli liaeus, cambrics, long lawns, and cotton {flirtings; Ditto ladies, gentlemens, and youths hosiery; Ditto books and stationary; Ditto negro cloths, hats, {lockings, and caps; Ditto cotton bagging, firfl and second quality; Ditto fla&n and tow ofnaburgs, brown linens, &c. Ditto camp ovens, tea kettles, goblets, and Ikillets. ALSO, A few Carron grates or Pantheon stoves, with fenders and fire irons to match. ROBERT ISAAC, Agent for B* fyavipif W*;