The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1788-1802, January 14, 1802, Image 1

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GEORGIA GAZETTE. (No. 951.) Thursday, January 14, 1302. | # “ rr *' h * s THE fubfcribcr h4s taken (lores and a countmg-houfe on the wharf owned by Jofcph Clay fen. Esq. where he has commenced The Commiflion and Factorage Business. JOSEPH HABERSHAM. ‘SaWnnab, stb January, 1802. RQ BERT ALLAN, Stone and Marble Qjittcr, lately from New York, BEGS leave to inform the public, that he has opened a (lone yard in this place, and will do all kinds oi {lone and marble work for buildings, viz. Alhlar water tables, window fills, and arches; also, fire place hones, hearths, mantels, and jambs, and all kinds of grave marble head, (tones, tomb (tones, monuments, &c. where they will be found at his (tone yard, on lot No. 3, Vernon tithing, Heathcote ward, situate in York street, owned by Moses Vallotton. January 7, 1802. JUST RECEIVED, Per Brig Regulator, from Turks Islands, tooo bushels alum (alt. Per Ship Superb, from Bolton, 14 hoglheads New England rum, -v 59 calks fait, containing from 7 to/ . f<jr ca j h . 24 bushels each, ( jo bundles belt English hay, ‘ Per Ship Stranger, from Havana, 31 hogfiieads molasses, jo boxes brown sugar. For SALE by ’ SAMUEL HOWARD. V - January 7, 1802. ___ Tor LIVER POO l 7 SThe faft failingShipSuperb, Burthen 335 tons, will fail with all polfible dilpatch. She is to be loaded without delay, and will not wait for freight, unless it readily iply to Capt. Hammond on board, or to SAMUEL HOWARD. S 7, 1802. FREIGHT or CHART HR, EUROPE or the WEST INDIES, The New Ship Stranger, ver Burthen 2j o tons, being her firlt voyage.— Apply to Capt. Delano on board, or to SAMUEL HOWARD. January 7, 1802. For LONDON, fgv The Ship JUNO, John t. Clarke, Mailer, •sSsSeSSaS**-A ftatjnc'l well found (hip, has the greater part of her cargo engaged, and will fail early in Novem ber. For freight or palfage apply to the matter on board, •r to M‘Cael and Miller. October 6. . a The fait failing coppered Skip CLEOPATR A, An and rew Ro ne r tsom, M a (It- r, To fail with all polfible dilpatch. For freight r P? Thd*’ having good accommodations, apply to the mas .Aon board, or to 1 Johnston, Robertson, and Cos. 0(3. 15. For”BALTIMORE^ • fXt The faft failing PACKKT SHIP :Mg. COMET, Richard Pitt, Mailer, ™” Has handsome accommodations for passengers, and will fail in all next week. For freight or palfage apply to JOHNSTON, -ROBERTSON, and CO. itb January , 1802. RECEIVED per (hip Comet, from Baltimore, and for sale, at reduced prices, if taken from on board, •r wii) be bartered for cotton, 2000 bushels Corn, 300 barrels and 100 half barrels fuperfine flour, 100 boxes soap, 1 3 (mall calks loaf sugar. JOHNSTON, ROBERTSON, and CO. 1 4tb January, 1802. The fubferibers have imported, Xer the brig Independent, Capt. Clarke, from London, An Aflfortment of Dry Goods, Whirl, tbev are now opening at their (tore in Mr. Gib. bans’* brick building, Market fq'yare, and will dispose •f them on very moderate terms for cash or produce. Thomas and James Begcs. Akj nnab, OHtber 1, 180®. CLARET WINE, In hoglheads and cases, for sale, by MEIN and MACKAY. March 9, 1801. IF. JAMESEIFELLf (Lately from Virginia) HAVING permanently fixed himfelf in Savannah, re ipectfully offers to the inhabitants, and thole of its vicinity, his MEDICAL SERVICES. He may be found at his (hop on the Bay, near the Ex change, where he intends keeping a general aflortment of MEDICINES for sale. OSiober 3°. JO ST RECEIVED by the ftp Bellona, Capt. Kil gouf, from Jamaica, and FOR SALE by the fub feribers, 011 easy terms, 28 hoglheads prime mufeovado sugars, 57 puncheons high proof Jamaica rum, 3 tierces coffee, 64 bags pimeuta, 21 barrels limes. JOHNSTON, ROBERTSON, and CO. s tb November, 1801. W. and C. SMITH BEG leave to inform those who are indebted to the late Concern of SMITH, SONS, and ANDERSON, that, unless they difeharge their respective debts in the course ot this Fall, they wilt be under the necelfity of taking l’uch Heps as cannot but be disagreeable. Were they ever so willing to grant a longer indulgence, their situation is fucji a* demands an immediate compliance with the above. They beg leave to inform their friends that they have received by the (hip Minerva, Capt. Thomas Choate, from Livetyool, l A Quantity of GOODS, Suitable to the lcafon, which they offer for sale, on very low r terms, for cash, produce, or approved notes at 60 and 90 days. They coulift chiefly of Superfine broad cloths Fine Caffimeje’s Bombazets Calicoes Mullins and muffin handkerchiefs Romal, Pulicat, and printed handkerchiefs Pound and packet pins and needles of every kind Ivory and horn combs A large quantity of mens, womens, and childrens bats, assorted in boxes Silk handkerchiefs of various kinds 01 ive jeanets Dimity Mullinets and quilted Marseilles A large quantity of cutlery, ironmongery, &c. A large quantity of nails Carpenters tools 40 boxes Bbv 10 window glass One trunk iukpowder A quantity of pewter bafons, xli flies and plates A quantity of ihot of various kinds Blue, green, white, and knaped negro cloths Blankets Humhums With various other articles in the dry goods line too tedi ous to insert. They have also received by the fame convetance, 3000 bushels of fait 100 crates crockery ware, particularly assorted for coun try trade . 1 too grindllones, different frzes 500 Rone bottles and butter jars. Savannah , Augujl 27. ■■■■!,,- , —Cheap Plains.— THE fubferibers have received a quantity of BLUE PLAINo, which they will fell at per cent, on the f . ling cost. 3 JOHNSTON, ROBERTSON, and CO. 29/5 OSiober, ißor. William & Charles Smith, In addition to their former importation by the Mi nerva, have jufi received, by the brig Trio, from Glafgon', and brig Eliza, from Liverpool, An Aflfortment of Goods, Suitable to the leafon, which they offer for cash on as low terms as any Importing House on the continent: 30 bales of cotton bagging of different qualities; Irifli linens, 4 4ths and 7 Bths; Bown linens, platillas, and hollands; White-brown thread; Romal handkerchiefs, 7 3ths and 4.4th*; 40 pieces dimities; Tambored, laced, and lappet muffins, 6 4th?} Jaconet muffins, 4 4ths and 6 4ths; Balafore, book, and jaconet handkerchiefs; Printed calicoM, Sewing (ilk and twill. . Savannah, xbtb September , iBoi Horses for Sale. THE lublci iber has, on the Iffand of Great Waflaw, about THIRI\ HORSES, among the number lome very handsome ones, which he will fell a bargain, or exchange for SI OCK that were bred on the (alts* The horses to be taken up and carried off by the purchaser. Afldy to S. WALL. 3° December , 1801. FFilliam Charles Smith, In addition to their former ASSORTMENT, have re ceived, by the (hip America, Capt. Watson, QUAN 111 \ot diiflil and role blankets, X A. A large quantity of fwanfdown, A quantity ot low priced and fuperfine cloths, A quantity of durants, 25 boxes hats, Irifli linen, Coatings of different kinds, See. Sec. September 29. Roderick Maci.eod HAS received, via Charleffon, and per the Ihip Hope, from London, His usual Supply of FALL GOODS , Which, in addition to his former (lock on hand, tenders his aflortment as complete as any in the city. Among them are the following, viz. Super and fuperfine cloths and calfimeres; Second, coarse cloths, and elastics; White, blue, green, drab, yellow, and claret plains; * 6 4ths and 7 4ths London tluffil and rose blankets; Chiutfes and furniture calicoes; Plain and tambored, jaconet, and book muffin; j 4ths and 6 4ths cotton cambrics, and linen pocket hand* kerchiefs; Bed ticks and matlrefles, with holders and feather pillows; Ladies newest iafhion hats, elegantly trimmed; Gentlemens fine beaver hats; Mens coarse and fine hats, and Negroes do. Ladies and gentlemens silk and cotton holt; 7 Bths and 4 4ths Irifli linen, and 9 Bths sheeting; Gentlemens camlet cloaks, lined and turned great coats) Misses and childrens furtouts; Saddles, bridles, bits, spurs, and stirrups; . Mancheftry and stationary; Shot, bar lead, and ironmongery; A few lets table china, and a number of other articles to# tedious to enumerate. All which will be fold low for calh, or ffiort credit. 21 st OSiober, 1801. B. F LEMiNG and Cos. Muffin Manufacturers and Calico Printers, GLASGOW, BEG leave to announce to the inhabitants of Savan nah, and its vicinity, that they have opened a fmali store in St. Julian street, nearly opposite Mr. Gibbons’s brick buildings, where they have received, and are expos ing for fide, on very low terms, for CASH ONLY, A neat aflortment o( muffins, confiding of jaconet, book, crape, lappet, japan, draw loom, tambor, needlework, mulimull, and faihionable stained muslins; l‘ine book, jaconet, and crape handkeichiefs, and fringed (bawls; Patent cotton gauze sewed veils, Faihionable ell wide printed calicoes, Fine pullicat and pocket handkerchiefs and blue ground romals; An aflortment of Irifli linens, cambrics, long lawns, and cotton (hirtings; Ditto ladies, gentlemens, and youths hosiery; Ditto books and stationary; Ditto negro cloths, hats, flocking*, and caps; Ditto cotton bagging, firft and second quality; Ditto flaxen and tow ofnaburgs, brown linens, Bc c* Ditto camp ovens, tea kettles, goblets, and ikillets* ALSO , A few Carron grates or Paßtheon (loves, with fenders and fire irons to match. ROBERT ISAAC, Agent for B. Fleming and Cos. For Sale by the Subscriber, At bis (lore on the Bay, nearly opposite the TTOLLAND gin in pipes, 1 X Malaga wine in quarter calks, Mess pork, Prime beef, Empty gin cases; ALSO, A Handsome ASSORTMENT of 7 Bthsand44thswidelrifli Linens; Which will be fold cheap for ca(h, produce, or approved notes* November 23. THOMAS SCOTT. Ks BLANK LAND CONVEYANCES for fidTat (he Printing Office ia Broughtea ftrtety