The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1788-1802, February 04, 1802, Image 1

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* ‘ ‘’ ‘ ‘ (No. 954.) Thursday, ‘ ® February 4, 1802. FoorDolhrt \ * 7 per annum. for sale, THAT valuable PLANTATION on the Island of Saint Salvador*, known by the name ot UGNUMVITiE HILL, retaining iooo acres, of which 200 acres are walled in an d under cultivation of Cotton and Corn, for which the 1 nd is well adapted, as well as tor a Stock I lantation; 1 thcr with the Improvements thereon, viz. an over feeds*houfe, negro houses, gin house and gin, and a cot . And a mod valuable Gang ot FIELD NEGROES, rnofilline of 37 in number. Polieflion to be given in May next. If the land and Negroes are fold together, one third of the purchase money to be paid down, a cre dit of one and two years will be given for the other two thirds, bearing interest, (with good security) payable by two inftahnents, in approved bills of exchange on Lonuon at 60 (lavs fight; if the Negroes are fold lepanfte trom the hands, calh, or good bills of exchange as above fpeci 4’d will be expelled. Apply, at NafTan, to 1 ALEXANDER BEGBIE, HUGH DEAN. ai> December, 1801. PRINTS?” ~ ’full received, and now opening for sale, at the fub * ferfyr’s jlore, opposite Mr. Gibbons's brick build \nvSy little east of the Market, /1° VARIETY of very handsome ENGRAVINGS, XX among which are: Portraits of GEN. WASHING TON and THOMAS JEFFERSON in superb frames; Sea a nd Landscape Views, ditto; with a number of very beautiful Fancy Pieces, in single and double gilt frames; ill of which will be fold very low, for calli only. WILLIAM PO vVERS. ’ January 26, 1802. Roderick Macleod TAKES this method of informing his friends and customers that their accounts are. now ready for de liver}’, and as he intends leaving the country early in the tyring there will be an absolute necessity of coming to a settlement with all who owe him, as well as thoi’e to whom he may be indebted; he therefore hopes due atten tion will be given to this notice, to prevent the difagree ible necessity of having recourse to coercive mealures, which must be the inevitable consequence of neglect. He further begs leave to inform the public in general, lad his friends in particular, that he has taken Mr. JOHN RAE in partnerlhip, and solicits a continuance of their fevers to Macleod and Rae, WHO HAVE ON HAND, As general an ASSOR TMENT of DRY GOODS As any in the City. [ and on CONSIGNMENT , ■ cases tapes and bobbins, well aflorted; I nuns, pound, and colored threads; H jeans, jennets, colored, and striped nankeens; If 7 Bths and 4 4ths Irish linens, ■afe 9 Bths and 5 4th s Tdlh Iheetings, ■ Irish dowlas; Basts cutlery, pins, need Ns, &c. ■All of which will be fold at a low advance for calh or Bduce. WSavannab, January 28,71802. I —Cheap Plains.— g’ fubferibers have received a quantity of BLUE IX PLAINS, which they will fell at 33J- per cent, on P>e ftcrling cod. I JOHNSTON, ROBERTSON, and CO. I 29 th QBobcr, 1801. [DZyAMES'EiFELL^ I (Lately from Virginia) ■JAVING permanently fixed himfelf in Savannah, re- P-X fpeftfully offers to the inhabitants, and thole of its ■unity, his I MEDICAL SERVICES. ■ may tie found at his shop on the Kay, near the Ex ■‘•UKc, where he intends keeping a general alfortment of fEmcWLS for late. ■ Gftobcr 30. I Ihe fubfenbers have ‘imported, ■ tbs brig Independent , Capt. Clarke, from London, Affbrtment of Diy Goods, Whitii thi-y ure now opening at their store in Mr. Gib- Jooiu’s brick building, Market fqpare, and will dispose ■* t ' cm 011 ‘cry moderate terms for cafil or produce. I„ Thomas and James Beges. ■&J vannab, o ßuber 1, 1 too. bb THE lubferiber has taken stores and a counting-house on the wharf owned by Joseph Clay fen. Esq. where he has commenced The Commiflion and Factorage Business. JOSEPH HABERSHAM. Savannah, §tb January, 1802. -- clTret~wineT~ In hogflieads and cases, for sale, by MEIN and MACKAY. March 9, 1801. W.anTc^^MrTH BEG leave to inform those who are indebted to the late Concern of SMITH, SONS, and ANDERSON, that, unlets they difeharge their respective debts in the course of this Fall, they will be under the necessity of taking such steps as cannot but be dilagreeable. Were they ever so willing to grant a longer indulgence, their lituation is Rich as demands an immediate compliance with the above. They leave to inform their friends that they have received by the lhip Minerva, Capt. Thomas Choate, from Liveqx>ol, - A Quantity of GOODS, Suitable to the fcafon, which they offer for sale, on very low terms, for cash, produce, or approved notes at 60 and 90 days. They ccliuft chiefly of Superfine broad cloths Fine Caffimeres Bombazets Calicoes Muffins and mu din handkerchiefs Ronjal, PuHcat, and printed handkerchiefs Pound and packet pins and needics of every kind Ivory and horn combs A large quantity of mens, womens, and childrens hats, ■ aflorted in boxes Silk handkerchiefs of various kinds Olive jeanets Dimity Mnflinets and quilted Muneilles A large quantity of cutlery, ironmongery, &c. A large quantity of nails Carpenters tools 40 boxes Bby 10 window glass One trunk inkpowdei A quantity of pewter bafons, dilhes and plates A quantity of fliot of various kinds Blue, green, white, and kuaped negro cloths Blankets Humhums With various other articles in the dry goods line too tedi ous to insert. They have also received by tlie fame conveyance, 3000 bushels of fait 100 crates crockery ware, particularly affbrteu for coun try trade 100 grindstones, different sizes 500 fione bottles and butter jars. Savannah, Augujl 27. Jus r received; Per Brig Regulator, from Turks Islands, 2000 bulhels alum fait. Per Shi]') Superb, from Boflon, 24 boglheads New Eingland rum, n 59 calks fait, containing from 7 to( u r A 24 bulhels each, > cheap tor cam. 50 bandies best Englifli hay, ‘ Per Ship Stranger, frem Havana, 31 hogflieads mollifies, 50 baxes brown sugar. For SALE by SAMUEL HOWARD. January 7, 1802. ROBERT ALLAN, Stone and Marble C'uttlr, lately from New York, BEGS leave to inform the public, that he has opened a fione yard in this place, and will do all kinds of fione and marble work for buildings, viz. Ashlar water tables, window fills, and arches; also, fire place stones, hearths, mantels, and jambs, and all kinds of grave marble head stones, tomb Ifones, monuments, &c. where they will be found at his fione yard, on lot No. 3, Vernon tithing, Heathcote ward, situate in York street, owned by Moles Vallotton. Jaiiuary 7, 1802. William and Charles Smith HAVE TOR SALE, 20 Hogflieads and 8 Tierces MOLASSES, Which they offer for sale very low. December 2, 1801. To be RENTED, or for SALE, A TWO STORY HOUSE on tlie trail common, with a good kitchen and other conveni ent out buildings. For particulars inquire of ]OHN M‘FADZEN. The COPARTNERSHIP of MEINS and MACKAY Expired on the ift instant. Their accounts, which they lequelt settlement of, will be attended to by MEIN and MACKAY. January 15, ißci. NINE theufand Bulhels SALT, Fifty Crates CROCKERY, and Seven Tons COALS, Received per the lhip Sally, capt. White, from Liverpool, For SALE, bv MEIN and MACKAY. January 15, 1801. William & Charles Smith, lit addition to. their former importation by the Mi nerva, have jttjl received, by the brig Trio, from Glasgow, and brig Eliza, from Liverpool, An AfTortment of Goods, Suitable to the season, which they offer for calh on as low terms as any Importing House on the continent: 30 bales of cotton bagging of different qualities; Irish linens, 4 4ths and 7 Bths; Brown linens, platillas, and hollands; White-brown thread; Romal handkerchiefs, 7 Bths and 4 4ths; 40 pieces dimities; Tambored, laced, and lappet muffins, 6 4ths; Jaconet muffins, 4 4ths and 6 4ths; , Balaforq, book, and jaconet handkerchiefs; Printed calicoes, Sewing {ilk and twist. Savannah, 16 tb September, 1801. Received per ship Comet, from Baltimore, and for tale, at reduced prices, if taken from on board, or will be bartered for cotton, 2000 bulhels corn, 300 barrels and 100 half barrels fuperline flour, 100 boxes soap, j 3 small calks loaf sugar. JOHNSTON, ROBERTSON, and CO. 4 tb January, 1802. Horses for Sale. THE fubferiber has, on the Tlland of Great Waflaw, about IHIRIY HORSES, among the number fome very handsome ones, which he will fell a bargain, or exchange for STOCK that were bred on the salts. The borles to be taken up and carried off by the purchaser. Apply to s. WALL. 3c tb December, 1801. Thomas and James Beggs, IN CONJUNCTION WITH Mr. Alexander Boyd, HAVING rented the valuable wharf and stores for merly, belonging to Alexander Watt, deceased, offer their Cervices to their friends and the public, under the Firm of BEGGS and BOYD, To receive, store, and forward produce of all deferiptiona to any porcffii the United States, or to Europe. They flatter the ml elves that the convenience and fafety of their stores will be a recommendation to them as a place of secure depolite. And they also solicit the patronage of their friends in the FACTORAGE and COMMISSION BUSI NESS, Hoping by strict attention and punctuality to merit their Savannah, January 18, 1802. For Sale by the Subfcribei'i At bis store on the Bay, nearly opposite tbe- Excbaneet HOLLAND gin in pipes, * Malaga wine in quarter calks, Mess pork, Prime beef, Empty gin cases; ; ALSO, A Handsome ASSORTMENT of 7 Bthsand44ths widelrifti Linens; Which will be fold cheap for calh, produce, or approved notes. November 23. THOMAS SCOTT. FOR SALE, A LOT OF LAND at Yama craw, near the fiiip yard, with TWO BUILDINGS thereon. The lot ii 85 by 100 feet. Any person inclined, to purchase may apply to Mr. James Clark, living near the premiC*, or to ‘ WILLIAM LEWDEN. January 28.