The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1788-1802, February 11, 1802, Image 1

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3<.^SsO^O<SiOS:s>t>Ss!_3<Ss<.j (No. 955.) Thursday, February li, 1802. | Fo “ rDo "' lr *; JUST RECEIVED, - | Per Brig Regulator, from Turks IBandi, 2000 ballads alum fait. Per Ship Superb, from Boßog, 24. hogfneads New England rum, a 59 calks fait, containing from 7 for cafl] . 24 bufliels each, v CO bundles bell Englifli toy, J Per Ship Stranger, from Havana, 31 hog (Beads molafies, <0 boxes brown sugar. For SALE by SAMUEL HOWARD. January 7, 1802. ROBERT ALLAN, Stone and Marble Cutter, lately from New York, BEGS leave to inform the public, that he has opened a {lone yard in this place, and will do all kinds of {tone and marble work tor buildings, viz. A hilar water tables, window fills, and arches; alio, fire place hones, hearths, mantels, and jambs, and all kinds of grave marble head hones, tomb hones, monuments, &c. where they will be found at his hone yard, on lot No. 3, Vernon tithing, Heathcote ward, situate in York hreet, owned by Moses Vallotton. January 7, 1802. ~ CLARET WINE,” In hortflieads ar.d cases, for fate, by 6 MEIN and MACKAY. March 9, 1 Sot. rpHE fubl'criber has taken hores and a counting-hcufe 1 on the wharf owned by Joleph Clay fen. Esq. where he has commenced The Commiflion and Factorage Business. JOSEPH HABERSHAM. •Savannah, stb January , 1802. The COPARTNERSHIP of MEINS and MACKAY Expired on the ih instant. Their account?, which they lequcit settlement of, will b# attended to by MEIN and MACKAY. January 15, 1801-. NINE thousand Bushels SALT, Fifty Crates CROCKERY, and Seven Tons COALS, Received per the Blip Sally, capt. White, from Liverpool, For SALE by MEIN and MACKAY. January 15, 1801. li'*— 1 ‘ 1 ~ 1 ’ ■ ~ -n- . 1 1.1 T “ * Thomas and James Beggs, IN CONJUNCTION WITH Mr. Alexander Boyd, HAVING rented the valuable wharf and hores for merly belonging to Alexander Watt, deceased, offer their services to their friends and the public, under the Firm of BEGGS and BOYD, To receive, store, and forward produce of all deferiptions to any port in the United States, or to Europe. They Batter theihfelves that the convenience and fafety of their hores will be a recommendation to them as a place of secure depoiite. And they alio solicit the patronage of their friends in the FACTORAGE and COMMISSION BUSI NESS, Hoping by drift attention and punctuality to merit their approbation. Savannah, January i3, 1802. I lories for Sale. THE fubferiber has, on the Tfland cf Great WafTaw, about THIRTY HORSES, among the number Come very handiohie ones, which he will fell a bargain, or exchange for STOCK that were bred on the salts. The horfrs to be taken up and carried off’ by the purchaser. Apply to * S. WALL. 3oth December, i3or. ~Dr7jJMES EWELL, XLately prom Virginia) tT AVING permanently fixed himielf in Savannah, re -1_ ipefttidly oilers to the inhabitants, and thole of its vicinity, his MEDICAL SERVICES. He may be found at his (hop on the Bay, near the Ex change, wlitre lip intends keeping a general afiortment of Medicines for file. October 30. L ’ Blue wrapping paptr for hk lit thfe Sce. The fubferibers have imported, Per the brig Independent , Capt- Clarke, from London , An Afiortment of Dry Goods, Which tihey are now opening at their lie re in Mr. Gib bons’s brick building, Market square, and will dilpofe of them on very moderate terms for cadi or produce. Thomas and James Beggs. Savannah, October j, ißcc. —Cheap Plains.— THE fubferibers have received a quantity of BLUE PLAINS, which they will fell at 33J per cent, on the Berling cost. JOHNSTON, ROBERTSON, and CO. 2C)th October, ISOI. Roderick Macleod TAKES this method of informing his friends and cuHomers that their accounts are now ready for de livery, and as he intends leaving the country early in the luring there will be an absolute necelfcty of coming to a settlement with all who owe him, as well as thofs to whom he may be indebted; he therefore hopes due atten tion will be given to this notice, to present the disagree able necessity of having recourse to cocrciv* measures, which mull be the inevitable coni'equence of negleft. He further begs leave to inform the pi.• lie in general, aixl his friends in particular, that he has taken Mr. JOHN RAE in partnerftiip, and solicits a continuance of their favors to Macleod and Rae, WHO HAVE ON HAND, As general an ASSOR IMF NT of DRY GOODS As any in the Cny. AND O N CONSIG NMENT, 7 cases tapes and bobbins, well afTorted; 3 nuns, pound, and colored threads; 3 jeans, jennets, colored, and (biped nankeens; i 7 Bths and 4. 4ths Irifii linens, 1 case 9 Sths and 5 4ths Iriih ihsetings, a Irilh dowlas; 2 citfes cutlery, pins, needles, &c. All of which wiil be fold at a low advance for caih or produce. Savannah, January 28, iSc2. printsT Juf received, and now opening for fade, at the fub feriber's Jlore, tpfofte Mr. Gibbons’s brick build ings, little cap of the Market, A VARIETY of very h.vndfomc ENGRAVINGS, among which are: Portraits of GEN. WASHING TON and IHO MAS J EFFEKSO'N in superb frames; Sea and Landlcape Views, ditto; with a nuintor of very beautiful Fancy Pieces, in (ingle and double gilt frames; all of which will be fold very low, for cash only. WILLIAM POWERS. January 26, 1802. FOR E, THAT valuable PLANTATION on the Iflawl of Saint Salvadore, known bv the nam- of LIGNUM VITAL HILL, Containing icoo acres, of which 20* acres are walled in and ujider cultivation of Cotton and Corn, for which the land is well adapted, as well as for a Stock Plantation; together with the Improvements thereon, viz. an over leer’s house, negro houfe*, gin house and gin, and a cot ton house. And a moft valuable Gang of FIELD NEGROES, Confifling of 37 in number. PofiTelfion to be given in May next. If the land and Negroes are lold together, one third of the purchale money to be paid down, a cre dit of one and two years will be given ;jr the other two thirds, bearing interest, (with good security) payable by two infialments, in approved bills of exchange on London at 60 days fight; if the Negroes are fold ieparate from the hands, calh, or good bills of exchange as above fpeci fied, will be expefted. Apply, at Naflau, to ALEXANDER BEGBIF., f HUGH DEAN. Nassau, mfi December, 1801. FOR SALE, A LOT OF LAND at Yama craw, near the Blip yard, with TWO BUI I DINGS tnereon. Ihe lot is 83 by 100 feet. Any perfoiV inclined to pitrehafe may apply to Mr. James Clark, living near the premises, or to WILLIAM LEWDEN. * January 28. , rr BLANK LAND CONVEYANCES Hr laic at the Printing Oifice i Brought* 11 Brvet. For LIVERPOOL, J3|L ThefaftfailingShipSuperb, ® nrt “ en 335 tpns J “id fail with all pofiible SJie is to be loaded without delay/ “*4SSdfi.and will not wait for freight, unless it readily offers. Apply to Capt. Hammond on board, cr to SAMUEL HOWARD. January 7, 1802. For FREIGHT or CHARTER, To EUROPE or the WEST INDIES, ew Ship Stranger, Burthen 210 tons, being her firfi voyage.—, fcfUß&a Apply to Capt. Delano on board, or to SAMUEL HOWARD. January 7, 1802* B. Fleming and Cos. Muffin Maim fafturevs and Calico Printers, GLASGOW, BEG leave to announce to the inhabitants of Savan nah, and its vicinity, that they have opened a finall Bore in St. Julian Brest, nearly opposite Mr. Gibbons’s brick buildings, where they have received, and are expos ing for sale, on very low terms, for CASH ONLY, A neat afiortment of muffins, confiding of jaconet, book, crape, lappet, japan, draw loom, tanibor, needlework, mullmull, and falhionable stained mullins; Fine book, jaconet, and crape handkerchiefs, and fringed {bawls; Patent cotton gauze and sewed veils, Fafliionable ell wide printed calicoes, Fine puliicat and pocket handkerchiefs and blue ground romals; An afiortment of Jrifh linens, cambrics, long lawns, and cotton fliirtings; Ditto ladies, gentlemens, and youths hosiery; Ditto books and Bationary; Ditto negro cloths, bats, Bookings, and cap; Ditto cotton bagging, firß and second quality; Ditto flaxen and tow oliiaburgs, brown linens, Sec. Ditto camp ovens, tea kettles, goblets, and Ballets. ALSO, A few Carron grates cr Pantheon Boves, with fenders and fire irons to match. ROBERT ISAAC, Agent for B.jFleming and Cos. JUST RECEIVED by the jhip Bcllona, Copt. Kil gour, from Jamaica, and FOR SALE by the fub feribers, 011 easy terms, 28 hogflieads prime mufeovado sugars, 57 puncheons high proof Jamaica rum, 3 tierces coffee, 64 bags plmenta, 21 barrels limes. JOHNSTON, ROBERTSON, and CO. s th November , 1801. FOR SALE, The Farm Lot, No. 1, Percival Ward, Holland Tithing, containing 45 acres old survey; and Two Farm Lots, Nos. 9 and 10, in the Village of Hampßead, containing together ioa acres old lurvey. „ The vicinity of th* above mentioned lands to this city muß render them an objeft to persons who wilh for situa tions for small farms near town. For terms apply to JAMES ROBERTSON. Savannah, 29 th May, i3oi. To be RENTED , or for SALE , A TWO STORY HOUSE on the eaß common, with a good kitchen and other conveni ent out buildings. For particulars inquire of JOHN MTADZEN. Will be fold, at Public Audit on, On Monday the sirs day cf March next , at the town of Frederica, All the TOWN LOTS of that place, that clear titles are not exhibited for to the Com miflioners before the day of sale, they having advertiled agreeably to law. Conditions: One half the purchase mo ney to be paid down, for the remainder twelve month* credit, giving bond and mortgage on the proper*) 7 . Salt* to commence at 10 o’clock. Samuel Wright, “J - ‘ James M‘Leod, I J. MTntosh, YCcaimiffioners, James Shear wood, Joshua Morgan, January 4, 1802. BLANK MORTGAGES may be bad tl.a Printers hereof.