The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1788-1802, March 11, 1802, Image 1

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GEORGIA GAZETTE. (No. 959.) Thursday, “march 11, 1802. |“* PUBLIC AUCTION. I to “ r '"7 WELL DISPOSED GANG OF Forty Negroes, African born, And accuflomed to the culture of cotton. fc-7 Conditions: One half cash, the remainder payable I OT thrift January next, the purchaser giving approved ujtes, bearing interest from the date. 1 ThomasH.Whitney,(Charleflon) HouCe Ship, Cabinet , and Coacb Carver , Looking J ’ Glass and FiSiure Frame Maker , INFORMS the citizens of Savannah, that he has com menced buiinefs in the above branches, at N°. 190 Ifeeting-ftveet, near the National Branch Bank. Figures for Ships, Gardens, and Country Seats, also Birds** for Pigeon Houses, Mantel-Pieces, Book-Cases, Gates, &c. executed with neatness. N. B. Filigree Frames made with neatjpfls; alio tmgliih Gilt Mouldings, of the newest faihiojpfor sale, by the piece or dozen, from Bd. to as. Bd. per foot. Frames for Needlework, or Piftures with enamelled glass, letters, &c. made in the course of 24 hours, by the piece or dozen, for M STT 0 in the above buiinefs will be received by Mr/F. S. Miller, jeweller, in Savannah, and immediately executed by T. H. Whitney. B. Fleming and Cos. Muslin Manufacturers and Calico Printers, GLASGOW, BUG leave to announce to the inhabitants of Savan nah, and its vicinity, that they have openedla fma 1 store in St. Julian street, nearly opposite Mr. Gibbons s trick buildings, where they have recaved, and are expof ine for sale, on very low terms, for CASH. UN LX, A neat assortment of muslins, confiding ot jaconet, book, crape, lappet, japan, draw loom, tambor, needlewotk, mulhnull, and fafhionable stained muslins; i'ine book, jaconet, and crape handkeichiefs, and hinged ftiawls; Patent cotton gauze and sewed veils, Fathionable ell wide printed calicoes, Pine pullicat and pocket handkerchiefs and blue ground ronials; , . , , , An afTortment of Irifli linens, camorics, long lawns, and cotton fliirtings; Ditto ladies, gentlemens, and youths honery; Ditto books and stationary; Ditto negro cloths, hats, (lockings, and caps; Ditto cotton bagging, firft and second quality; I Ditto flaxen and tow ofnaburgs, brown linens, &. I Ditto camp ovens, tea kettles, goblets, and Ikillets. ALSO , A few Carron grates or Pantheon stoves, with fenders and fire irons to match. | ROBERT ISAAC, | Agent for B. Fleming and Cos. THE Business carried on here,.and at Augusta, under the firms of I SCOTT and CO. and MEIN and MACKAT , ■ Having this day terminated by the mutual consent of the I I Copartners, all persons indebted will please fettle accounts 61 with the fubferibers; and all demands against either ol II 1 them will be paid by ■ MEIN , MACKAT\ and CO. K| Under which firm the business will in future be condufted. K: William Mein, SI Robert Mackay, k George Scott. B| January 31. ■ THE DRY GOOD BUSINESS, E Formerly carried on under the firm ot 1 SCOTT and CO. I I Will be continued by the fubferibers, under the firm of I RO3ERT FISHER and CO. K *■ George Scott, p. Robert Fisher. February 5. from the febomer Harvey, G apt. 1; Smith, from Trinidad, and for sale, ■lB hog/heads prime retailing I Sugar , 7 cajks Cocoa. 1 MEIN, MACKAY, and CO. February 9. To be RENTED, or for SALE, m TWO STORY HOUSE on B'v e.tfl common, with a good kitchen and other conveni- ■ ut ullt buildings. For particulars inquire of JOHN M‘FADZEN. The COPARTNERSHIP of 1 MEINS and MACKAY Expired on the ift instant. Their accounts, which they lequeft lettleinent of, will be attended to by MEIN and MACKAY. January 15, ißci. V NINE thousand Bushels SALT, Fifty Crates CROCKERY, and Seven ‘Pons COALS, Received per the (hip Sally, capt. White, from Liverpool, For SALE by MEIN and MACKAY. January 15, ißo_. Roderick Macleod TAKES this method of informing his friends and cuflomers that their accounts are now ready for de livery, and as he intends leaving the country early in the spring there will be an ablolute necessity of coming to a settlement whjiball who owe him, as well as thole to whom he inajpe indebted; he therefore hopes due atten tion will be given to this notice, to prevent the diiagiee abie necefiitv of having recourse^to coercive mealures, which must be the inevitable cnnfequthce of ntgleft. He further begs leave to inform the public in general, his f-Kiids in particular, th* he has taken Mr. JOHN RAE in paitnerfliip, and solicits a continuance of their favors to * ‘ V Macleod and Rae, WHO HAVE ON HA.UX A-S general an ASSOR 1 ML.NT of DRY GOODS As any in the* Cut. AND ON CONSIGNMENT , I 7 cases tapes and bobbins, well afiforted, 1 3 nuns, pound, and colored dreads; 3 jeans, jeanets, colored, andftriped nankeens; 2 7 Bths and 4 4ths Irish linert, 1 case 9 Sths and 5 4-ths Irilh ItoetiAg*, I 1 Irish dowlas; 2 cases cutlery, pins, needles, &c. All of which will be fold at a low advance for ca(h or produce. Savannah, January 28, 1802. Thomas and James Beggs, IN CONJUNCTION WITH Mr. Alexander Boyd, HAVING rented the valuable wharf and stores for merly belonging to Alexander Watt, deceased, offer their services to their friends and the public, under die Firm of BEGGS and BOYD, To receive, (tore, and forward produce of all deferiptions to any port in the United .States, or to Europe. 1 hey flatter them (elves that the convenience and fafety of their stores will be a recommendation to them as a place of secure depolite. And they alio solicit the patronage of their friends in the FACTORAGE and COMMISSION BUSI NESS, Hoping by drift attention and punftuality to merit their approbation. Savannah, January 18, 1802. ~eTTELL &COCKE, HAVING entered into copartnerfhip, rcfpeftfully offer their MEDICAL SERVICES To the inhabitants of Savannah and its vicinity, affurirtg thole who may call on them that every attention will be rendered to merit their full approbation. They beg leave to inform their friends, and the public generally, that they have just received, and are now open ing, at their (hop on the Bay, a large and general aflort ment of Frefti Drugs, Medicines, &c. Which they offer for sale on the mod moderate terms. Phylicians orders will be particularly attended to. Country (hopkeepers supplied with Patent Medicines and •thers at a great allowance. Medicine Chests for the Sea and Plantation# put up in the mod approved manner. Savannah, February 18, 1802. The fubferibers have imported, Per the brig Independent, Capt. Clarke, from Londott, An Assortment of Dry Goods, Which they are now opening at their (lore in Mr. Gib bons’s brick building, Market square, and will dispose of them on very moderate terms for cash or produce. Thomas and James Beggs. Savannah, OSlober 1, 1800. pzr Blue wrapping paper for sale at thfc office. —Cheap Plains.- — THE fubfenbers have received a quantity of BLUE PLAINS, which they will fell at 33J per cent, on foe fieriing cofl. JOHNSTON, ROBERTSON, and CO. 29* b OSlober, 1801. “ PRINTS. JuJl received, and now opening for falc, at the fub feriber's fore, oppzjite Mr. (Gibbons's brick build ings little exjl of the Market , A VARIETY of very haudfome ENGRAVINGS, among which are: Portraits of GEN. WASHING TON and THOMAS JEFFERSON in superb frames; Sea and Landscape Views, ditto; with a number of very beautiful Fancy Pieces, in fmgle and double gilt frames; all of which will be fold verv low, for calh only. WILLIAM PO A ERS. January 26, 1802. ““claret wineT In hogsheads and cases, for sale, by MElN'and MACKAY. March 9, 1801. In COUNCIL. March 3, 1802. THE Health Officer having reported to Council that the fmaltpox prevails in the city of Charleflon at this time, Ordered, That no person be fuflfered to land from on board any veflel or boat arriving in this port from the city of CharlefUn until a certificate of health shall firfl be ob tained; and that any person violating this order shall be prosecuted as the quarantine law direfts. Ordered, That the Health Officer be required to en force this order, and that a copy of it be published in the Gazettes of the city. Ext rest from the miwwtcu, Thomas Pitt, c. C. Health Office, Port of Savannah . In pursuance of the above order the pilots are direfted to bring all vessels coming from Charleflon to an anchor off Fort Wayne for examination. Willi am Cocke, m. and Health Officer. FOR SALE, A convenient Dwellindioufe and Lot, situate on a corner in a central and healthful part of the city. There is, on the lot, an additional building, by mea'is of which the lot and improvements may, with fmalt expsnee, be divided into two productive and commodious tenements. Inquire of the printers. March 1, 1802. ~ PUBLIC . AUCTION. ~ BY virtue of a rule or order of the Honorable the In ferior Court of the County of Chatham, will be fold at public auftion, at the Courthoule in Savannah, on Tuesday the 4th day of May next, between the hours of 1 o and 12 in the forenoon, All that Lot, Part, or Parcel, of Land, containing 60 feet in front and 90 feet in depth, being the Easternmost Half Part of a Lot situate in the city of Savannah, and fronting the market in Ellis’s square, known in the plan of the (aid city by thfe lttter L, together with the Buildings, Improvements, and Ap purtenances, unto the fame belonging, being the real estate of George Cuddy, deceased. Margaret Cuddy, administratrix. Wanted to hiie by the Month, A finall Negro Boy, to wait in a house. Liberal wages will be paid regularly. Inquire at this office. February 2. - - W AN i ED, A HEALTHY YOUNG NEGRO WENCH, AS A WET NURSE. One without a child will be preferred. * Apply to the Printers. NOTICE. ALL persons having demands against the Estate of John Currie, efq. late of Savannah, deceased, are requested to render them in, properly attested, to mr. A lexander Currie, at the late relidence of the deceased; and all persons indebted to the said Estate are called on to v make immediate payment, that provision may be made for difeharging the debts and legacies. Alexander Currie,"J Administrators, Joseph Miller, with the will Andrew M‘Credie, J annexed. (Savannah, 10 th June, 1800. Visiting and Message Cards for sale by the printers •f this paper.