The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1788-1802, April 08, 1802, Image 1

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GEORGIA £&uik GAZETTE. . 50©0®080®030®0i (No. 963.) Thursday, ‘ \ 7 ‘ tier annum. Mr. LANCON Most refpeftfully informs the ladies and gentlemen of Savannah, that A PUBLIC BALL >v jll be held, THIS EVENING, Thursday, Bth April, at the City Hall, when his pupils will perform a number of new, iafhionable, and elegant dances, for the firft time introduced. The Ball will open at 7 o’clock. The ladies and gentle men who honor him with their company will be furnifhed with every refrefhment during its continuance. On the pupils having iinifhed the dances the ball closes; WHEN music will be provided for the ladies and gentle men who may wish to amuse themselves; and THEN Mr. and Mrs. Gunn will attend, and will furnilh fiich refrefo ments as the company may call for. Tickets for the admittance of each person to be had of Mr. Lancon, the back of Major Harden’s, at 1 dollar jjo cents each. Savannah) B tb April , 1802. —rum"— 15 Puncheons, landing from the Brig Mary, Capr. Grow, from ‘Nevis, x FOR SALE BY Mu.v, Mackay, and Cos. Savannah, 6th March , 1802. - ‘ 1,1 ‘ “ “” —Cheap Plains. — ryiHE fubferibers have received a quantity of BLUE X PLAINS, which they will fell a: per cent, on the fteriing cost. JOHNSTON, ROBERTSON, and CO. 29 tb OElober , 1801. ~CI^RETWiW” In liogfheads and cases, for sale, by MEIN and MACKAY. March 9, ißot. B. Fleming and Cos. Mu(lin Manufacturers and Calico Printers, GLASGOW, BEG leave to announce to the inhabitants of Savan nah, and its vicinity, that they have opened a frnall llore in St. Julian llreet, nearly oppofitc Mr. Gibbons’s brick buildings, where they have received, and are expos ing for sale, on very low terms, for CASH ONLY, A nea: assortment of mu dins, confi fling ol jaconet, book, crape, lappet, japan, draw loom, tambor, needlework, mullmull, and falhionable stained muilins; Vine book, jaconet, and crape handketchiefs, anc! fringed shawls; Patent cotton gauze and sewed veils, Falhionable ell wide printed calicoes, Fine pullicat and pocket handkerchiefs and blue ground romals; An assortment of Irish linens, cambric*, long lawns, and cotton ihirtings; Ditto ladies, gentlemens, and youths hofierv; Ditto books and flationary; Ditto negro cloths, hats, stockings, and caps; Ditto cotton bagging, full and second quality; Ditto flaxen and tow ofnaburgs, brown linens, &c. .Ditto camp ovens, tea kettles, goblets, and skillets. ALSO , A few Carron grates or Pantheon floves, with fenders and ire irons to match. ROBERT ISAAC, Agent for B. Fleming and Cos. ‘~eu^llWcockeT HAYING entered into copartnerfliip, refpedlfully offer their MEDICAL SERVICES To the inhabitants of Savannah and its vicinity, alluring thole who may call on them that every attention will be rendered to merit their full approbation. I'hey beg leave to inform their friends, and the public generally, that they have just received, and are now open ing, at their Ihop on the Bay, a large and general affort ttient of Frefli Drugs, Medicines, &c. ‘Which they offer for sale on the moft moderate terms. Physicians orders will be particularly attended to. Country shopkeepers supplied with Patent Medicines and •'-hers at a great allowance. Medicine Chcfts for the Sea and Plantations put up in moft approved manner. Savannah, February 18, 1802. tgTbe leased’ A Five Acre Lot of Laud, near Savannah, an exceeding good situation for a garden or a ■Fi'ick yard. Inquire of the printers. Roderick Macieod TAKES this method of informing his'friends ahd customers that their accounts are new ready for de livery, and as he intends leaving the country early in the spring there will be an absolute ftect\Ui*y -of coming to a lettlement with and! who owe him, as fell as thole to whom he may be indebted; he therefore hopes due atten tion will be given to this notice, to prevent tire dilagree able necelTity ol having recourse to qpercive measures, w'hich must be the inevitable conlequcnci of neglect. He further begs leave to inform the public in general, and his friends in particular, that he bac taken Mr. JOHN RAE in partneriliip, and solicits a tdntinuance of their favors to ’ Macleod and’ R-ae, miO RAVE ON RANJ\ As general an ASSOR I'M EM T of DRY GOODS As any in the Cnv. AND ON CONSIGNMENT, 7 cases tapes and bobbins, well assorted; 3 nuns, pound, and colored threads; 3 jeans, jeanets, colored, and striped nankeens; 2 7 Bths and 4 4ths Irish linens, 1 case 9 Bths and 5 4ths Irilh lheetings, 1 Irish dowlas; 2 cases cutlery, pins, needles, &c. All of which will be fold at a low advance for cash or produce. Savannah) January aB, 1802. The COPARTNERSHIP of MEINS and MACKAY Expired on the ift inflant. Their accounts, which they icqueft lettlement of, will be attended to br MEIN and MACKAY. January 15, 1801. [ INE thousand Bushels SAI /I', X Fifty Crates CROCKS#! Y, and Seven ’Pons COALS, Received per the fiiip Sally, capt. White, from Liverpool, For SALE by ‘ MEIN and MACKAY'. January 15, ißor. Thomas and James Beggs, IN CONJUNCTION WITH Mr. Alexander Boyd, HA v iIW rented the valuable wharf and (lores for merly belonging to Alexander Watt, deceased, offer their lervices to their friends and the public, under the Firm of BEGGS and BOYD, To receive, store, and forward produce of all deferiptions to any port in the United States, or to Europe. They flatter themselves that the convenience and fafety of their stores will be a recommendation to them as a place of feeure depoiite. And they aifo solicit the patronage of their friends in the FACTORAGE and COMMISSION BUSI NESS, Hoping by ftridl attention and punctuality to merit their approbation. Savannah) January 18, 1802. The fubferibers have imported, Per the brig Independent , Capt. Clarke, from London , An Assortment of Dry Goods, Which they are now opening at their (lore in Mr. Gib bons’s brick building, Market lquare, and will dispose of them on ve-y moderate terms for cash or produce. Thomas and James Beggs. Savannah, October 1, ißco. ’PUBLIC AUCTION. BY virtue of a rule or order of the Honorable the In ferior Court of the County of Chatham, will be fold at public auction, at the Courthouse in Savannah, on Tuesday the 4th day of May next, between the hours of 1 o and 1 2 in the forenoon, All that Lot, Part, or Parcel, of Land, containing 60 feet in front and 90 feet in depth, being the Easternmost Half Part of a Lot'lituate in the city of Savannah, and fronting the market in Ellis’s square, known in the plan of the laid city by the letter L, together with the Buildings, Improvements, and Ap purtenances, unto the fame belonging, being the real estate of George Cuddy, deceased. Margaret Cuddy, adminiflratrix. Foreign Entries of Merchandise, Liquor Eatries, Baggage Entries, Inward and Outward Foreign Manifefls, ant; Chaffing Manifefls, for sale by the printers hereof. FOR S A L E, A Plantation in Effingham coun ty, containing 600 acres of pine and cypress land, plea faiitly fftuated on the river Savannah, aiid was formerly cultivated in torn, rice, cotton, &c. For farther parti culars inquire of JAMES CLARK. TO THE PUBLIC. A NEW MAP ofihe S LATE o/G EO R GIA. HAVING been frequently solicited by mv friends in this and otiicr ft .res to publiih A MAP of GEOR GIA, I have devoted much time and labor for these fix yi ars pafl to tnat object, and having acquired such materi als as I approve of, I shall be prepared in a short time to offer to them, and the public, a Map, which, from its accuracy, I have tHe Left hope will meet with general ap probation, and that I /hall secure to myfelf (through their bounty) a handsome emolument as a reward for r.iy induff try and perseverance. I lie size of the above mentioned Map is 4 feet 6 inches! by 3 feet 6 inches, fufficiently large to exhibit the sound ings of the several Bays and Inlets, and render it of ufeto Mariners. It will be placed in the hands of an Engraver withqj the term of four months from this date, where Piatea will be prepared with all possible expedition. A number of copies will then be struck off under my own superin tendency in the town of Louisville, and circu lated through the various Rates where fubferiptions may have been obtained. Price for plain Mans 5 dollars, and for thole canvassed and elegantly ornamented 8 dollars. Subscriptions will be received in Louisville at the Sur veyor General’s Office; at Washington, Wilkes county, by Gen. Meriwether; at Sparta by Martin Martin, Esq. iii Augusta at the Poftoffice, and in Savannah by Major Thomas Johnson. / DANIEL STURGES, Surveyor General* Surveyor General's Office, November 25, 1801. Notice is hereby given, r piIA F, nine months from the date hereof, I fliall X niake application to the Honorable the Inferior Court of the County ol Chatham for leave to fell the fol lowing Tracts anil Lots of Land, to. wit: Ail that tracl of land, containing 500 acres, in the late pariffi of St. Paul, bounded, at the time of the sur vey, louihweftwardly by land of Daniel Nicar, Nathaniel Woods, and land laid out, northwardly by lands of John Parker, Daniel Richard lon, James M'Farland, James Grid-foil, and vacant land. All that trad of land, containing 100 acres, in the pa rifli of St. Matthew, bounded, at the time of survey, fouthweflwardly by land of Francis Jones, and on all other iides by vacant land. All that trad, containing 500 acres, in the pariffi pf St. Paul, bounded eaftwardly by land of Thomas John ston, northwardly by land of Edmund Cartledge and Little Kioka creek, and on all other sides by land vacant. Those two lots of land in the town of Sunbury known by the lumbers 395 and 396.’ All that lot of land, feu ate in the village of St. Gall, containing 90 feet in width and 195 feet in length, being two lots, known in the general plan of the laid village by the numbers 49 and 50, bounded to the eafl on the com mons of Savannah, now Weft Broad flreet, to the south on a street, and to the northward and westward on a lot belonging to said village; together with the buildings and appurtenances unto tlie fame belonging. • Which laid several tracts and lots of land are the real estate of John Sliick, late of Savannah aforefaid, deceas ed, and will be iold lor the benefit of the heirs of the said ■deceased, pursuant to the act of Assembly in such cal* made and provided. Joseph Welscher, attorney for the administrators. September 30, 1801. TAKE NOTICE. NINE months from the date hereof we fliall apply to the Judges oi the Inferior Courts of the county of Liberty for perrniffion to fell all those several Tra£ts of Land granted Lieut. Ilary Mtinro in several parts of this Rate, agreeable to “ An aft for the relief of the heirs of Simon Munro, deceased,” passed at Louisville, Bth Fe bruary, 1 797? vesting said property in said heirs, forth* purpoie of making an equal distribution of the fame. James Smith, and as guardian to the minor heir*. John Bettis. December 14, 1801. NOTiCET AF FER the expiration of nine months from the date hereof application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Chatham county- for leave to fell a Part ol the Real Estate of Robert Woodhoufe, late of the said county of Chatham, deceased, confifling of Two Lots in the Town of Hardwicke, No. 211, 212; A Tract of Land, containing 200 acres, lituated in the county of Chatham; One other Tradt of Land, in the said county of Chatham, containing 50 acres; and Two Lots, No. 1 and 2, in the Town of Darien; the sale of the said pro perty being for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of th Estate of the said Robert Woodhoufe. W. Davies, Attorney for the Executors* February