The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1788-1802, April 29, 1802, Image 1

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[GEORGIA GAZETTE. &c>£ INo. 966.) Thursday, April 29, 1802. } Four Dollar FOR GREENOCK, | The Brig Active^ Capt. Hugh M‘Ewen, Will fail by the ioth pf next month. ,/Jmi For freight of a few bales of cotton Thomas and james beggs. Who have received on confgnment, per fuid vejjfel , The following AR IICLF.S, Whx'j they will dispose of on very low terms for. eajb or produce: jo hampers best Che (hire cheese, jo ditto ditto Irish potatoes, jj kegs best Scots barley, 6o firkins ditto ditto herrings, 2000 buthels best white fait, 1 o tons of coals, 20 crates assorted crockery ware, 8 calks Port wine, io calks best London bottled porter, 4 cases mens hats assorted, 2 trunks umbrellas assorted, A handsome assortment of mullins. All ox which may be seen at Beggs and Bovs’* eounting houfe. April 17. FOR PHIL A DELPHI A, The Ship FORTUNE, / J&Eht 1 Samuel M‘Cutchon, Matter, I Will take freight or passengers ou very rea- VSfflf Ibnable terms. Ap?ly * MONTMOLUN and HERON. Savannah, “jtb April, 1802. 63* NOTICE. THE Copavtnerflnp of BENJAMIN MAURICE and JOHN PATRICK, trading under the Finn of BENJAMIN MAURICE and CO. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Any person having demands upon that Concern will present them immediately for payment to Benjamin Maurice, and thole who are indebted will fettle their accounts with him, otherwise they will be pUc ed in the hands of an attorney for coile&ion. BENJAMIN MAUEItE and CO. Savannah, ytb April, 1802. B. Fleming and Cos. Muffin Manufacturers and Calico Printers, GLASGOW, BEG leave to announce to the inhabitants of Savan nah, and its vicinity, that they have opened a- small Sore in St. Julian street, nearly opposite Mr. Gibbons’s brick buildings, where they have received, and are expos ing for File, on very low terms, for CASH ONLY, A°neat assortment of mullins, confiftmg of jaconet, book, crap;, lappet, japan, draw loom, tsmbor, needlework, mulimull, and faftiionable stained mullins; Fine book, jaconet, and crape handkeichiefs, and fringed thawis; Patent cotton gauze and sewed veils, Fashionable ell wide printed calicoes, Fine pullkat and pocket handkerchiefs and blue ground rentals; An assortment of Ivifti linens, cambrics, long lawns, and cotton Huttings; Ditto ladies, gentlemens, and youths hoilery; Ditto books and stationary; Ditto negro cloths, hats, (lockings, and caps; Ditto cotton bagging, full and second quality; Ditto flaxen and tow ofnaburgs, brown linens, &c. Ditto camp ovens, tea kettles, goblets, and skillets. ALSO, A few Carron grates or Pantheon stoves, with fenders and fire irons to ma^ch. ROBERT ISAAC, Agent for B. Fleming and Cos. —Cheap Plains. — HHMK fubferibers have received a quantity of BLUE A PLAINS, which they will fell at 33} per Cent, on, tlxe fterllng cost. JOHNSTON, ROBERTSON, and CO. 29 tb OSloher, iSoi. -=RUM^- Puncheons, landing from the Brig Mary, Capr. Grow,” from Nevir, FOR SALE BY Mein, Mackay, and Cos. Savannah, 6 tb March, 1802. 1 ASSIZE for APRIL , 1802. TjM.OUR 8 dollars per barrel; weight of Bread mutt cents loaf. 6a cents loaf, lbs. oz. lb. oz. 27 1 3i JOFIN GIBBONS, City Treasurer. The fuhfcribers have imported, P<r the brig Independent , Capt> Clarke, from London, An Assortment of Dry Goods, Which they are now opening at their store in Mr. Gib bons’s brick building, Market iquare, and will difpole ot them on very moderate terms for calh or produce. Thomas and James Beggs. Savannah, October 1, 1800. EPFELL & COCKE, HAVING entered into copartnerfhip, refpe&fully offer their MEDICAL SERVICES 1 o the inhabitants of Savannah and its vicinity, alluring thole who may call on them that every attention will be rendered to merit their full approbation. They big leave to inform their friends, and the public generally, that they have just received, aud are now open ing, 3. their Ihop on the Bay, a large and general aifort ment of Fresh Drugs, Medicines, &c. Which they offer for He on the moft moderate terras. Phylicians orders will be particularly attended to. Country foopkeepers supplied witlvPatent Medicines and others at a. great allowance. Medicine Cherts for the Sea and Plantations put up in the moft approved manner. Savannah, February 18, 1802. Thomas and James Beggs, ’ IN CONJUNCTION WITH Mr. Alexander Boyd, TTAVINCr rented the valuable wharf and stores for 1. i merly belonging to Alexander Watt, deceased, offer their services to their friends and the public, under the Firm of BEGGS and BOYD, To receive, store, and forward produce of all deferiptions to any port in the United States, or to Europe. They flatter tbemfelves tint the convenience and fafety of their stores will be a recommendation to them as a place of secure depoiite. And they also solicit the patronage of their friends in the FACI OR AGE and COMMISSION BUSI NES V, Hoping by Uriel attention and punctuality to merit their approbation. Savannah, January 18, 1802. Roderick Macleod TAKES this method of informing his friends and customers that their accounts are now ready for de livery, and as he intends leaving the country early in the ipring there will be an abiblute necefflty of coming to a settlement with ail who owe him, as well as theffe to whom he may be indebted; he therefore hopes due atten tion will be given to this notice, to prevent the di(agree able necefflty of having recouffc to coercive me am res, which must be the inevitable consequence of negleCt. Fie further begs leave to inform the public in general, and his friends in particular, that he has taken Mr. JOHN RAE in partnerlhip, and iblicits a continuance of their favors to ~ Macleod and &ae, V/RO HAVE ON HAND, As general an ASSOR nVIIiNT of DRY GOODS As any in the Citv. AND ON CONSIGNMENT, 7 cases tapes and bobbins, well assorted; 3 nuns, pound, and colored threads; 3 jeans, jeanets, colored, and striped nankeens; 2 7 Bths and 4 4ths Irish linens, 1 case q Bths and 5 4ths Irilh ftieetings, 1 Irilh dowlas; 2 cases cutlery, pins, needles, &c. All of which will be fold at a low advance for calh cr produce. Savannah, January 28, ißq2. Frefli Superfine Flour, an and Jamaica Sugar of firft quality, FOR SALE BY JOHNSTON, ROBhR i SON, and CO. Sanaa nab, is]b April, 180;. TO BE LEASED, A Five Acre Lot of Land, near Savannah, an exceeding- good Situation for a garden dr a brick yard. Inquire of the printers. March 1. I TO BE SOLD, Two hundred Acres of Land, in the county of Effingham, 15 mites from this city; it is good cotton land, 45 acres of it cleared, ready to plant this year, lor the second time, under new fence and good plantation buildings. Indisputable titles will be ‘given. For terms..apply to J. Ct/YLER. 1 stb February, 1802. - ■ FO'i SALE, T'BA f valuable PLAN IAI ION on the Island cf Saint Salvadore, known by the nsune of LIGNUMV VtM HILL, Containing 1000 acres, of which 20c acres are walled “13 ana under cultivation of Cotton and Coni, for which the Lui i is well adapted, as well as for a Stock Plantation; together with the Improvements thereon, viz. an over fed s home, negro houies-, gin house and gin, and a cot ton houle. And a moft valuable Gang of FIELD NEGROES, Confitling of 37 in number. PofFeffion to be given in May next. II the land and Negroes are fold together, one third of the pure hale money to Ire paid down, a cre dit c,f one and two years will be given for the other two thirds, bearing interest, (with good fccurity) payable by two itifhdments, in approved bills of exchange on London at 60 days fight; if the Negroes are fold separate from the hands, calh, or good bills of exchange as above fpeei fied, will be expected. Apply, at Nassau, to ALEXANDER BEGEIE, HUGH DEAN. Nassau, 21/ December, 1801. In COUNCIL. Savannah, March 3, 1802. PHE Health Officer having reported to Council that X the Imallpox prevails in the city of Charleston at this time, Ordered, 1 hat no person be fullered to land from on board any velfel or boat arriving in this port from the city of Charleston until a certificate of health (ball firft he ob tained; and that any person violating this order shall be pnfecuted as the quarantine law directs. Ordered, 1 hat the Health Officer be required to en force this order, and that a copy of it be publilhed in thft Gazettes of the city. Extradt from the minutes, Thomas Pitt, c. c. jHsaltb Office, Port of Savannah . In purfuancc or the above order the pilots are direded to bring all vessels coming from Charleston to an anchor oif fort Wayne for examination. William Cocke, m. and. Health Officer. taxes! TFIE fubferiber hereby notifies the inhabitants, that the taxes of the county of Chatham, for the year 1801, have been due lince October last; he therefore re quests all concerned to call and fettle the fame without loss of time, as the delay in the commencement of col lodion (owing to the late receipt of the digest) will pre clude any farther procrattination. 1 lie owners of E. O. and billiard tables will attend to the following extrad of the law paffeJ on the ift day of December, 1800: “ That the tax on E. O. and billiard tables may be levied and colleded, at any time after the passing of this ad, wherever such tables may be found; and every tax colledor is hereby required to proceed im mediately againfl such periods keeping such tables as is direded ir cases of non-payment of taxes on other pro perty. Attendance will be given, at bis office in Yamacraw, each day, from 8 to v o’clock a. m. for the purpose of receipt. JAMES ALGER, tax colledor Chatham county. Savannah, 6 tb April, 1802. r i ‘’PE Copartnerffiip pf SPENCER and BURKEIa X this day dissolved by mutual consent. _AH persons having any demands against the said firm will render them in immediately to W. j. Spencer; and all indebted thereto will make immediate payment to him, at the house for merly occupied by Mr. Benjamin Wall. W. J. SPENCER, W. BURKE. I JI April, 1802. FIFTY DOfoi.Ai<S KiivVAkL). RUN AW AY, on Tburfday night last, the 28th idt. A Negro Boy, named JACOB or MAY, he for merly belonged to Mr. John Anderson, baker, is a Guinea Negro, had mi when be went off white overalls, ofnaburgh fliirt, blue jacket with a white collar and white pocket facings, green fwanfdown waistcoat, no hat or ffioes. He has been seen frequently ft nee about town, goes to the daughter pens near Spring Hill, keeps about Yamacraw, and was seen yefteitlay. The above reward will be .paid on his delivery at the gaol, or to me, and ONE HUN- - DRED DOLLARS if harbored, on convi&ion; - - February 2. R. H. LEAKE. ’ N. B. If he returns of his own accord he will be for* given.