The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1788-1802, May 06, 1802, Image 1

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(No. 967.) Thursday, **ts!jm'’ 6 1802. I rourM "‘ ’ ‘ | ? | per annum. • . ‘ - ■ f I j| Savannah, 28 tb April , 1802. THE subscriber having contracted withM.SHE ARER to tranlart the I Vendue and Commission Business I in his name gnd absence, and having rented the ftorefor :l snerly occupied by A. WATT anti CO. on Commerce I Row, near the Exchange, will be thankful to his friends I and the public for any business in that line. A , liberal I advance of CASH will be made, if required, on the de ll polite of produce, or any kind of property, for public or I private file. Strict attention will be paid to orders. | | ry* Regular Vendue Days EVERY MONDAY. (; JOHN HOLLAND, Aurtionier. * For Sale at the Printing Office in Broughton Jlreet , A FEW Copies of The PROGRESS of the PIL GRIM GOOD INTENT in Jacobinical Times, after the manner of PILGRIM’S PROGRESS; alio, The VAGABOND, A NOVEL, by George Walker. Final Notice. THE subscriber finding so little attention paid to his former notification, relative to the taxes of the County of Chatham for the year 1801, now allures all concerned, that, unless they discharge the fame by the 20th May next, executions will be ilfued again!! every de linquent without diferimination. JAMES ALGER, T. C. C. C. Savannah , 25 tb April , 1802. J 1 ’ ’ ■ m ■ ■ l - 1- L „ ■■ ■ i ■—■ • —Cheap Plains.— THE fubferibers have received a quantity of BLUE PLAINS, which they will fell at 33Y per cent, on the sterling cost. JOHNSTON, ROBERTSON, and CO. 29 tb OSlober, 1801. —rum’— 15 Puncheons, landing from the Brig Mary, Capt. Grow, from NevP, FOR SALE BY Mein, Mackay, and Cos. Savannah, 6tb March, 1802. H* NOTICE. THE Copartnerihip of BENJAMIN MAURICE and JOHN PA FRICK, trading under the Finn of BENJAMIN MAURICE and CO. is this day by mutual consent. Any person having demands upon* that Concern will present them immediately for payment to Benjamin Maurice, and those who are indebted will fettle their accounts with him, othervne they will be plac *d iu the hands of an attorney for collection. BENJAMIN MAURICE and CO. Savannah , 7 tb April , 1802. FO* PHILADELPHIA, ~~ ®The Ship FORTUNE, Samuel M‘Cutchon, Mailer, Will take freight or palfengcrs on very rea - i’ouable terms. MONTMOLLIN and HERON. Savannah , 7 tb Agril, 1802. ] for greenock; ,|“£. The Erig Active, Capt. Hugh M‘Ewf;n, by r^e °f next month. r °* a bales of cotton THOMAS and JAMES BEGGS. IF ho have received on conjignment , per ffiid veffiel , I he following ARTICLES, Which they will dispose of 011 very low terms for caffi or produce: 30 hampers bed Che 11 lire cheese, 50 ditto ditto Irish potatoes, 35 kegs belt Scots barley, 69 firkins ditto ditto herrings, aooo bulhels bed white fait, 10 tons of coals, 20 crates afibrted crockery ware, 8 calks Port wine, 10 calks belt London bottled porter, 4 cases mens hats afibrted, 2 trunks umbrellas afibrted, A handfonie afiortment of muflius. All of which may be ieen at Beggs and Bore’s counting houle. April 17. Wanted to hire by the Month, A small Negro Boy, to wait in a k, 0 Ltbei*sJ wages wilt be and regularly. Inquire at ;ce * February 2. FOR SALE, A flout young Negro Fellcnt, A good field Have. Apply to Lewis. April 29. Roderick Macleod TAKES this method of informing his friends and cufiomers that their accounts are now ready for de livery, and as he intends leaving the country early in the lpring there will be an absolute neceility of coming to a settlement with all who owe him, as well as thole to whom he may be indebted; be therefore* hopes due atten tion will be given to this notice, to prevent the disagree- # able neceility ot having recc urfe to coercive measures, which mult be the inevitable coniequence of neglert. He further begs leave to inform the public in general, and his friends in particular, that he has taken Mr. JOHN RAE in partnerihip, and iolicits a continuance of their favors to Macleod and Rae, WHO HAVE ON- HAND, As genes ai an ASSOR l ML NT of DRY GOODS As any in the Cirv. AND ON CONSIGNMENT, 7 cases tapes and bobbins, well afibrted; 3 nuns, pound, and colored threads; 3 jeans, jeanets, colored, and striped nankeens; 2 7 Bths and'4 4ths Irish linens, 1 case 9 Bths and 5 4ths Irilh fheethigs, 1 Irilh dowlas; 2 cases cutlery, pins, needles, &c. Ail oi which will be iold at a low advance foi cafii or produce. Savannah, January 28, 1802. Thomas and James Be IN CONJUNCTION WJTII Mr. Alexander Boyd, HAVING rented the valuable wharf and (lores for merly belonging to Alexander Watt, decealld, offer their services to their friends and the public, under the Finn of BEGGS and BOYD, lo receive, Itore, and forward produce ot all deferiptions to any port in the United States, or to Europe. They liatter themselves that the convenience and fafety cf tlitir Bores will be a recommendation to them as a place us Secure depolite. And tliey alio ioheit the patronage of their friends in the FACTORAGE and COMMISSION BUSI NESS, Hoping by ft rid attention and punctuality to merit their approbation. Savannah, January iS, ISO 2. The fubferibers have i-ip per ud v Per the brig Independent, Capt. ClatM, from London, An Aflortment of Dry Goods, Which tbev are now opsff.r.g at their litre in Mr. Gib bons’s brick building, Market Square, and Mil dispose of them on. very moderate terms for cash or produce. 1 nomas and James Beggs. Savannah, OSlober 1, ISOO. Fo be RENTED , or for SALE , A TWO STORY HOUSE on the eafl common, with a good kitchen and other conveni ent out buildings. For particulars inquire cf TOHN M‘FADZEN. Lands for Sale. A TRACT, containing 300 acres, in Glynn county, and another of 600 acres, both surveyed in 1769; the former on a branch of the Buffalo fvvarnp, and the latter about 20 miles from Brunswick, equal in quality to any in the county. A trad! of upwards 3000 acres on Canouchie, excellent pine land, on which was a mill feat before the revolution; it will be divided so as to suit purchasers. DAVID LEION, Broker. FOR SALE, A convenient Dwellinghoufe and Lot, situate on a corner in a central and healthful part of the city. ‘There is,- on the lot, an additional building, by means of which the lot and improvements may, with small expence, be divided into two productive; and commodious tenements. Inquire of. the printers. March 1, 1802. tCN Blue wrapping paper for fait at this office. SHERIFF'S SAL£. On Thursday the 1 yib day of May next, will be fold, by public outcry, at the Court heufe in this city, be tween the hours of X and 111 o'clock, /\ MOIETY of the SHIP RUFUS, her TACKLT, FURNITURE, and APPAREL, seized as the property of John Patrick, by virtue of attachments and order cf the Honorable the Judges of the Inferior Court. (Son ditions calli. T. Norton, s. c. c., 22d -April, 1802. ‘ T * FOR S A L F~ The Farm Lot, No. i, Percival Ward, Holland Tithing, containing 45 acres old survey; and j / Two Farm Lots, Nos. 9 and 10, in the Village of Hampftead, containing together lot acres old survey. * I'he vicinity of the above mentioned lands to this city mud render them an object to persons who wifii for fitua tious for imall farms near town. For terms apply to JAMES ROBERTSON. Savannah, 29 tb May, 1801. T O BE SOLD* Two hundred Acres of Land, 5n the county of Effingham, 15 miles from this city; it is good cotton land, 45 acres of it cleared, ready to plant this year, for the ftcond time, under new fence and good plantation buildings. Indiiputable titles will be given. For terms apply to J. CUYLER* 15/A February , 1802. TO BE LEASED, A Five Acre Lot of Land, near Savannah, an exceeding good situation for a garden or 2 brick yard. Inquire of the printers. March 1, In COUNCIL. Savannah, March 3, 1802. THE Health Officer having reported to Council that the l’mallpox prevails in the city of Charleston at this time, Ordered, 1 hat no person be differed to land from on oo.ird any vessel or boat arriving in this port from the city of Charleston until a certificate of health (hall firil be ob tained; and that any person violating this order fiiall be prosecuted as the quarantine law directs. Ordered, That the Health Galop; ’ oc required to en force tais, pi tha; a q: py G s j t be publifiied in the Cl L-xtrad. from the minutes, Thomas Pitt, c. c. Health Office , Port of Savannah . | n Wvfuance of the above order the pilots are directed taring ali vessels coming from Charleston to an anchor off Fort Wayne ‘or examination. William Cocke, m. and. Health Officer. Stephen Files T TXN the petition of Cun vsrfus ningham Newall, stat- Cunningham Newai.l. J ing, that he is confined in the gaol of Chatham county, by virtue of a ca. fa. issued from the Superior Court, at the suit of Stephen Files; that he is unable to fatisfy the fame, or to support himl’elf during his confinement; and that he is willing to deliver up all his eflate, real and perlonal, for the ule of his creditors; and praying to be admitted to the benefit of the aft for carrying into effort the seventh ftrtion of the fourth ar ticle oi the conflitution; it is ordered, That the creditor at whose suit the said Cunningham Newall is confined, and all those rtliding within the limits ot this state, be perfon aily lerved with a copy or copies of this order, or such copy 01 copies left at his or their notorious place of abode; and in calc any creditor or creditors reside out of this state, having an attorney or attornies within the fame, then (uch attorney or attornies to be served with a copy or co pies. And it is further ordered, That this rule be puh lilhea in one of the gazettes ot this city, at least once a week, for the term of two months, that all persons con ct rned may appear at the courthouse in Sa.vannah, on the fourth day of June next, at ten o’clock in the forenoon, to fiicw cause, if any they have, why the said Cunning ham Newall (hould not be admitted to the benefit of the said art, agreeably to the prayer of his petition. Extract from the minutes, 3 1 Jl March, 1802. J. Bulloch, elk. notice! ALL persons having demands again!! the Estate of Anti I .i ker, late 01 this city, deceaffd, are desired tu render the fame properly attested; and all those indebted thereto will make immediate payment to William Stephens, at Dr. Channing’s plantation, or to the subscriber in Sa vannah. William M‘F&rland> fnrviving and qualified executor. March 2, iScz.