The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1788-1802, May 13, 1802, Image 1

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pEOKGIA GAZE IT E. ■No. 9QiB.) Thursday, ‘ May 13, 18C2. w Drmrs ■ ‘ .z&Wtyy a per ani.uJJi. I *3- NOTICE. fubfcriber being about to leave this (bate has fold || the remaining Stock rs Goods cf B. FLEMING Bind CO. to Mr. ANDREW LOW, who is empowered Kn colleft the Handing debts, and discharge any accounts Bln- ma y be yet unfe*tled by said concern. ■ “ ROBERT ISAAC, if Agent for B. Fleming and Cos. Z Savannah, April 27, 1802. I Andrew Low RESPECTFULLY informs the public, that he has commenced the Dry Goods Business, Jn the store formerly occupied by Mtffrs. B. Fleming and Cos. near the Market, where he has on hand a neat and fartiionable Aflbrtment of 4 4ths, 6 4ths, and 7 4ths book ditto; 4 4ths, 9 Sths, and 6 4ths jaconet ditto; 7 Sths, 4 4ths, 9 Sths, and 6 4ths cambric ditto; 6 4ths figured cambrics, Taconet and mull handketchiefs; R mal, Pullicat, and Madrafs ditto; Printed calicoes and Ihawls, Fine stained muffins, Black printed cambrics and tambors, Tambor and satin work mullins, Rich colored ditto; Japan, draw loom, anc; lappet ditto; Linens and long lawns, Cotton and linen cambrics, Cotton Hurting and check; Cotton (lockings, mitts, and gloves; I inen pocket handkerchiefs, Sheetings and dowlas, Buff’ and Hriped nankeens; Threads, tapes, and bobbins; Cotton and lilk umbrellas, White and colored jeans; Li firings, mantuas, and perfians; Dimities and muflincts, Pocket bibtes and dictionaries; Cotton baggings, ofnaburgs, See . frc. ALSO, JUST OPENED , A CHEST fc.XCEU.EN t HYSON TEA, At a reasonable price, A. LOW will be thankful for a Hi re of th? public favor, being determined to fell on the mod moderate terms, for ca(h only. Savannah, April 27, 1802. FOR BALTIMORE, ZfTJn The regular and sass failing Packet Ship ML COMET, Will fail with all pofhble dispatch. For (reight r r passage apply to Capt. Brinton on boaah or to JOHNSTON, ROBERTSON, and CC. Who h vc received by the Comet, cna for pile, 1.400 bulhels corn, 100 barrels pilot bread, 1 phaeton, 3 gigs, and 1 coachte. The corn will be fold low if taken from or board. stb May, 1802. Thomas and James Beggs, IN CONJUNCTION WITH Mr. Alexander Boyd, HAVING rented the valuable wharf and {lores for merly belonging to Alexander Watt, deceased, offer their services to their friends and the public, under the Firm of BEGGS and BOYD, 1 o receive, (lore, and forward produce of all deferiptinns to any port in the United States, or to Europe. They flatter themselves that the convenience and fafety of their Pores vill be a recommendation to them as a place of secure depoliteV -end they alio solicit the patronage of their friends i\i the FACIhR/IGE and COMMISSION BUSI \ NESS,. Hopmg b Jplricl attention and punctuality to merit their tipprob.itirJi. SuvatMab, January 18, 1802. t —C H E>, PPLA IX S fubferibers have received a quantity of BLUE , , V ‘'-HNS, which they will fell at per cent, on the ftcWinjr *° 3 1 I _ JOHNSTON, ROBERTSON, and CO. 2 9 tv October, 1801. FOR GREENOCK, Active, ii* £ and by the 10th of next month. For f tight of a few of cotton 1 . wMAS and JAMES BEGGS. Who have received on consignment, per f id vijfel, ihe ! now;; g AR 1 ILL .S, II they will dfpofe rs on very low terms for ccifh or produce: 30 hampers bed Qu-lhire cUefe, 50 ditto ditto 1.-i.'h potatoes, 35 kegs bdl: Scots barley, 60 fi kins ditto Hitt herrinrs. (5 1 2 co builitls best white fait, 1 o tons cf coals, 20 crates afibrted crockery ware, 8 c.ifks Port wine, 10 calks bell London bottled porter, 4 cases mens l.ats aiTorted, 2 trunks umbreiias afibrted, A haiviiome ffortmt iu of mullins. Allot whicn may be lcen at Buggs and 3oyd’s counting huuie. April 17, None E. THE C. partnerlliip of BENJAMIN MAUBTCE an.i JO IN 0 \ i RICK, trading Milder the Fi m of BENJAMIN MAURICE and CO. is this d.iv diiTN ed by mutual confcnt. Any p rion having deman is noon toat Concern will pretent them immediately for via/men* to Benjamin Maurice, and thafe who a-p in Ybre 1 will iettie their accounts with him, other--.if* they will be plac ed m tne nanus ot an att / 'riv j,r f ‘■* * I.■ fO—, -, BE and [ A MIN MAURICE and CC. Savannah, yth April, licz. Roderick Maci.eod I AFCE3 this methoi of informing Lis fiends and * cuHomers that their accounts are now ready for oe liverv, and as he inten Is leaving the country early in t >e spring t, 1 ere *vill be an aatoiute neceliity of coming to a settlement with ail who him ..s'well as thofc to who n he may be iudebte ; he th< ret ore hopes due atten tion will be given to tins notice, to prevent the dif’.gree aole nvcedi’y 0 1 having recou-fe to cor reive meal Arcs, vviiir.ii nrju be the inevitable conirouenre id ue rT L’cti. lit* Inr the r begs leave to inhum the public in general, and his friends in particular, tint Z has Lken Mr. JOHN KA L in partnerllup, anti leiicLs a continuance of tiicir favors to Macleod and Rae, WHJ RAPE ON RAE JO, As ge.icia* a ‘ A -s >R ! vj KN T of DRY GOODS As jnv n tiv- C’"v. AND ON CONSIGNMENT, 7 cases tapes and bobbins, weii . fibrted; 3 nuns, pound, and colored threads; 3 jeans, j *anels, colored, and firipud nankeens; 2 7 Bths and 4 4ths Idlh linens, 1 case 9 Htiis and 3 4th> Irilh llieetings, 1 Irilh dowlas; 2 cases cutlery, pins, ne?dl?s, See. All of which will be i’oli at a low advance for cafii or produce. Savannah, January 2%, 1802. FOR SALE, A (lout youn V Negro Fellow, A £Ood fieid llavt. Apply to , Euwxx Lewis. ■April iCj. ■tor Sale at the Printing Office in Broughton Jlreet, \ FEW Copies of The PROGRESS of the PIL GRIM GOOD IN TENT in Times, after the maimer of PILGRIM'S PROGRESS; also The VAGABOND, A NOVEL, by George Walker NJt Final Notice. THE subscriber finding so little attention paid to his former notification, relative to the taxes of the county of Chatham for the year i 801, nova {Tares all concerned, that, unless they discharge the Line by the 2Gth May next, executions will be blued again ft every de linquent without diferimination. JAME.j ALGER, T. C. C. C. Savannah, ayth April, ibc2. y S.-vvinab, 28 th April 1802. P HF - rt,! havingvonti adt and withM.sHEARER JL to traniUdt the Vendue and Commiluon Business in his ilrne and absence, and having rented the {tore for merly occupied by A. WATT and CO. on Commerce Row, near the Eycha; ge, wiii be thankfu’ to his friends and the public for any Uif.ixis in that line. A liberal advance of CA >H will be made, if required, on the de pou.e of pioduce, or any kind of property, for public or private lale. Strict atteijrion will he pai lto orders. ICZ* Regular Vendue Days EVERY MONDAY. JOHN LOJL.LANI), AuAionier. r ‘I AX C( L s FCt OR’S SALE. On tee 24 th of May-, will be fold, at Snpclo E rid re, M'lntojb Gcurthov.fe, A. Negro Man, named LARJO, toe property o, Maj'r Lachlan MTntofli, for the year 18-00 ta.'ts and colts, tighty tic-liars. j.'± yl, 1002. j v j. M‘Leod, t. a Fy AN A vVAA , on Sutid .y night, ti e 25'h rs April, N from the subscriber, i. NEGRO WENCH, nau,- e.i ROSE, or MILLd, about 20 tears rs age, Him made, about 5 Let 4 or 5 inches hgh, oi a dark complexion, {peats good Enghili, and sicma L tbly pletifil It; it is im pG.Lll le to deferiofc htr as file carried a variety of domes witii lei, amongit thc'ii a yellow ground calico wrapptr and coat, with a pink colored fid; bonne*; Ihc ‘■•'as lately purd.uLd liom Mis. Sarah Huiwley, cf Sun l-.ury. to width place- probably (he may attempt to get, or to A ‘ o tdhi, as hie-had a ncihand in o;ie of tlie Augulta flats, anti was ittn link ng -about tl cm the night Hie went oil. A reward it 10 dollars will be paid, with all reu icU ‘bi t iiarges, for iier delivery in Savannah gaol, and 30 Hoi 1 wiioever will prove to conviction her being eau ieu oil or harbe-re.i. M \TTHEW JOHNSTON. Savannah, ph M:y, 1802. . (vOF A\ anrrd to Hie hv the Moivh, A final 1 Negro boy, to wait in a !l , on e V Wu b vS Wl ‘ l pdd regularly. Incu'mt- at this educe. February 2. GEORGIA.') By N. B,.kcr, Cle-k of tlie Court rs Or (r„ s.) |> dinary for Liberty county, in the Rate i-*. Baker, j afi.r.Tai l. ArT/TIRRE AS William Davies and Robert Sallet have A applied t r letters ot a Iminiftration on the e'Lte of Ll-nfiopht r Hudlon senior, deceased, d'htle are the-e ----tore t-’ cite’ ali and lingular the kindred an 1 creditors of fai l deceased to appear before t e Court of Ordinary, at Rice borough. on the fir't Monday in June next, to flicw cause, if any they have, why letters of administration Ihould not he granted them. Given under my hand and seal, thb taßi dav of Ap vi, 1802, and in the 26th year oi Amt.icail Independence. By N. Baker, Clerk of the Ccur cf OrJin (l. s.) L ary for Liberty county, in the (late a- N. Baker, j sere said, W r HEREAS Beckannah Wood and Hnry Wood have* applied for letters cf admini/lraticn on the efiate of Henry Wood, Esq. late of said county, deceaf !, These are theres re to cite all and lingular the kindred and creditors to'appear before the Court of Ordinary, at Rice-! borough, in bid county, to make their objeHions, if any! they have, otherwise letters of adminklraticu will be e-rant td them. Given under mv hand and seal, this Bth day nf March, 1002, and in the 26th year cf Ameri can Independence. By Edward White, Clerk cf the Court ( l. s. ) of Ordinary for the county of Chatham, Ed. White. J in the (Ltc afoieftid. WHEREAS Francis S. Miller and, John B. Gib bons have made application to me for letters of adminiOration on the estate and effcfts of John Miller, late 01, Chatham county, planter, deceased, as nearell of km. These are therefore to cite and admonish all *nd j lingular the kindred and creditors of the deceased to filej their Q -qtcbons (if any they have) in my office, on or be fore the 19b day of May next, otherwise letters of ad mmidration w ill he granted them. under my hand an 1 seal, at Savannah, t -e 19th day cf wpril, in the year of our i-.ord 1802, anti in the 26th vear cf Ameii can Independence. f ICP* BL.kNK MOK 1 GAGES may be bad of the Printers hereof.