The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1788-1802, August 19, 1802, Image 1

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GEORGIA GAZETTE. L 3&S*. jgfcf V* L 982.) Thursday, 19, 1802. \ **<*• f ‘ 7 I per annuui^ y_ Savannah, aBtl April, iSoa. fubfcriber having contracted withM.SHEARER ||i? to tranfaift the •endue and Coitimiflion Bufmefs ■,.;, name and absence, having rented the (tore for* ■V occupied bv A. WATT and CO. cn Commerce 1/ near the Exchange, will be thankful to his friend* K public for any bufinds in that line. A liberal ■Jance of CASH will be made, if required, on the de- S*e qf produce, or any kind of property, for pul.a. or Kite sale. Strift attention will be paid to ciders. EL, Regular Vendue Days EVERY MONDAY. m-J & JOHN HOLLAND, Au3ionier. gg s3* NOTICE. BpHE Copartnerfiiip of BENJAMIN MAURICE pi an( J JOHN PATRICK, trnding under the Firm of BktAMIN MAURICE and CO. is this day diilblved ■ mutual consent. Any person having demands upoq It Concern will present them immediately for payment ■ Benjamin Maurice, and thole who are indebted will ■tie their accounts with him, other wife they will be plac- I; n the hands of an attorney for collection. 1 BENJAMIN MAURICE and CO. MSavannab, 7 th April, 180*. | RECEIVED, £ JJy the brig Geres , from New Tork, P A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF I PAINTS and OIL, ■ Which will be disposed of low for cash. Bpyy Any orders in tne line of painting will be rxecut -9 w ith neatness and dispatch by ■ BUTLER and MACE, BrcughtonTfieat. mjune 8, 1802. I Roderick Macleod ■HAKES this “method of informing his friends and Ml customers that their account* are now ready for de- Merv, and as be intends Jiving the country early in the ling there will be an absolute necdlky of coming to a Klemcnt with all who owe*.tmlf, as well fca thorn to Rom he may be indebted; lie therefore hopes due atten- Bn will be given to this notice, to prevent the disagree- B|e necessity of having recourse to coercive meaiurcs, Rich must he the inevitable confiquencc of negledf. ■He further begs l*. ve to inform the public in general, Bd his friends in particular, that be has taken Mr. JOHN MAE in partnership, and solicits a continuance of their Rors to I Macleod and Rae, 1 WHO HAVE ON HAND, |1 As general a t ASSOR l MKNT of I DRY GOODS As any in the Ciiv. ■ JND ON CONSIGNMENT , ■ cases tapes and bobbins,- well after ted; * H ‘nuns, pound, and colored threads; H jear.s, jeanets, colored, and ft ripe and nankeens; 1 7 Bths and 4 4UIS Irilh linens, ■ case 9 Btbs and 5 4ths Irilh [lieetings, 1 Irish dowlas; I cases cutlery, pins, needle 3, Ac. 9 All of which will be fold at a low advance for cash or ■roduce. m Savannah, January 28, 1802. PsPR IN G GOOD s7 ~ rPHE fubferibers have received, direct from Mauchef- IA ter, |A.n AfTortment of Summer Goods, were laid in for cash, and are confequemiv confi- Bkrably lower than the general importations to this place, I . . Confijihig cf _ I Dimities, Muffins, H Prints, Quiltings, # U Durants, Umbrellas, ■ Nankeens, Jeans, &c. I Which .they will fell low, per piece or package. I MEIN, MACKAY, and CO. B Samannab, rß tb May, 1802. I Mein, Mackay, & Cos. I HAVE FOR SALE, ■TVIINIDAD ftigars in hogfl reads, B* Jamaica rum in ditto, R e 'l India ditto in ditto, ■Lira wine in wliole and half pipes, B ;)Wn hunt porter in hogsheads, Mm don bottled ditto in calks, ■wfgow bottled Port wine in ditto; I ALSO, B° hogflicads prime tobacco, on a liberal cre&vti B Savannah, May i8 1 s 0 *. fj-NOTICE. THB fubferiber being about to have this fta'.: has fold the remaining Stock of Goods of B. FLEMING and CO. to Mr. ANDREW LOW, who is empowered to colled! the standing debts, and diicharg- any account* that may unfettled by laid concern. ROBERT ISAAC, Agent for B. Fleming and Cos. Savannah, April 27, iSc:>. i. ■mmm/m 0 ■ —” —** -“ttht ill W !■#_ - - _ibhu Andrew Low FJ ESPECTFUJLLY informs the public, that he has commenced the Dry* Goods Business, In the store formerly occupied by Messrs. B. Fleming and Co* near the Market, Where he has on hand a neat and lafhionable Assortment of 4 4ths, 5 4ths, and 6 4ths mullmull nniflins; a 4th.3, 6 4ths, and 7 4ths book ditto; 4 4ths, 9 Sths, and 6 4ths jaconet ditto; 7 Bths, 4 4ths, 9 Bths, and 6 4ths cambric ditto; 6 4U13 figured cambrics, Jaconet and mull handkerchiefs; Roma!, Puilicat, afrd Madrafs ditto; Printed calicoes and ftiawls, Fine ftaiued muffins, Black printed cambrics and tambors, Tambor and fa tin work mullins, Rich colored ditto; < Japan, draw loom, and lappet ditto; Linens and long lawns, Cotton and linen cambrics, Cotton fhirtiuig and check; Cotton blockings, mitts, and gloves; Linen pocket handkerchiefs, Sheetings and dowlas, Buff and striped nankeens; Threads, tapes, and bobbins; Cotton and li'.k umbrellas, White and colored jeans; ? L firings, mantuas, and perfiansj Dimities and mullinets, Pocket bib-es and dictionaries; Cotton baggings, ofeahurgs. *cc. ALSO , JUST OPENED, A CHEST’ EXCELLEN 1 HYSON TEA, At a reasonable price. A. LOW will be thankful lor a of the public favor, being determined tc fdi on the moft moderate terms, for calh only. j Savannah, April 27. 1802. Thomas and fames’ Beggs, IN CONJUNCTION WITH Mr. Alexander Boyd, HAVING rented the valuable wharf and stores for .merly belonging to Alexander Watt, deccafed. offer their services to their friends and the public, under the Firm of BEGGS and BOYD, To receive, store, and forward produce of all deferiptiem’ to any port in the United States, or to Europe. They flatter themfclves that the convenience and faf’ety of their | stores will be a recommendation to them as a place of ieCure depoiite. And tliey also solicit the patronage of their friends in the FACTORAGE and COMMISSION BUSI NESS; Hoping by ftricl attention and punclualiiy to merit their approbation. Savannah , January 18, 1802. To* SALE OR CHARTER] “I hc staunch burthen feme SHIP Wi 11 be fold, or chartered, upon moderate terms, if immediate application is made. She is about 300 tons burthen, is well found, and may be sent to lla at a trifling expence. Apply to JOHNSTON, ROBERTSON, and CO. Who have received by said flip, 4000 bushels l.ifbon fait, 75 crates assorted earthen ware, 20 tons coal, 2000 stone iugs from 1 to 4 gallons each, 5000 pantiles; Which they v/iUgfifli low’ for cafli, or on a short credit. Savannah, \sb July, 1802. 111 IM —*** M ** M *~—** ”’ ‘ 111 *’ ■ ■ 1 —'■■■ Subfcriber having pof fefllon of stores on the Coffeehoufe wharf, conveniently iitiated for the reception and delivery of produce, offers his services in the - Factora-ge and Commission Busi*ess. Any favors conferred on him in that line will be received with thanks, and executed with fidelity and dispatch. STEWART WALLACE. - Savannc.b } (ith July, 180^. I T homas and James Beggs Iliive received’ confignnient , per the brig A£hves Capt. M Hiven, from Greenock , ‘l he foH ‘■.virg AR iICLfc.S, Which they will dispose of on very low terms for tajb. or produce: 30 hampers bed Cheshire cheese, 50 ditto ditto Iriib potatoes^ 35 kegs heft Scots barley, 60 firkins ditto ditto fjerrings* aooo bitlhels best white fait, lo tons of coab, 20 grates afibrted crockery wans* 8 calks Port Wine, io calks best London bottled porter 4 calls mens hats afibrted, 2 trunks umbrellas afTorted, A handlbine alfortment of mullins. All of which may be.feen at Begg* end BoYje'sj countii^f; ■ fcoL’lli April 17. Tennessee Company. HP HOSE interested in the Company, and who have nest .JL signed the deed of trust, are hereby notified, thatt the fubteribef will attend at the city of Waftiington, oil the 20th ol December next, to give them an opportunity of complying with tins regulation of the Company. JAMES STRAWBRIDGE, aSiug tmftee. Philadelphia , May 21, 1802* Board of Comm iTiorers ot Pilotage. Savannah, June 16, 1802. DESIROUS of conveying that Branch of the Rivsjf between Arrvle and Hotchinfon’s Blanks into the River Savannah, the Commiflioners of Pilotage offer to contrad! with any person or persons capable of completing the fame; for which purpose they will receive propolala for four months. A Plan of the River may be seen a* the office of the Commiflioners. Richard Wayne, “> William Hunger, | William Belches, > Commillionenk JMEs Robertson, j William Wallace, J Valuable Rice Larfds for Sale. A TRACT of 500 acres, on the Mortar Swamp, In the former parifii of St. Andrew, bounded at tl.ft time of l’urvey by land vacant. ANO I tIER 1 RAC TANARUS, on f"iJ swamp, cont - ining 2 ■£* acres, bounded at the time of survey by land of Stephen Drayton southeasterly, and on every other fide by vacant land. The plats and grants may be seen in the hands of tb fubff riber, by whom - e terms of be mad# known# DAVID LEION. §Or NOTICE. BY virtue of an order of the Honorable the Inferior Court ol the County of Chatham, will be fold- at public auction, at the Courthouse in Savannah, on the firft Ttiefday in October next, between the hours of ten and twelve in the forenoon, ALL THE REAL ESTATE Ob JOHN SHlCiv, late ot the city of Savannah, de ceased, for the benefit of the heirs of the said John Shick, confining of the Lots and Traits of Land following, viz. All that tract of land, containing 500 acres, in tht late pariih of St. Paul, bounded, at the time of the sur vey, fouthweftwardly by Lnd of Daniel Nicar, Nathaniel Woods, and land laid out, Northwardly by lands of John Parker, Daniel Aichardfun, James M‘Farland, JatTieu Grierfon, and vacant land. Ail that trait ol land, containing 100 acres, in the pa riih of St. Matthew# bounded, at the time of furvev, fouthweftwardly by land of Francis Jones, and on all other sides by vacant land. All that trait, containing 50# acres, in the parish of St. Paul, bounded caftwardly by land of Thomas John ston, northwardly by land of Edmund Cartledge and Littl# Kioka creek, and on ail other sides by land vacant. Thote two lots of land in the town of Sunbury know* by the numbers 395 and 396. t All that lot of land, situate in the village of St. Gall, containing 90 feet ;u \)iuth and 195 feet in length, being two lots, known in the general plan of tiie said village by the numoers 49 a nd s°. bounded to the east on'lbe com* | mens ot Savannah, now Weft Broad street, to the foutbt 01: a street, and to the northward and westward nn a lot belonging to said village; together with the buildings and appurtenances unto the fame belonging. Frederick Shick,T . , , fctones Surer, J Adm rfc Auguf 5 1802. ASSIZE for AUGUST, 1802. average price of Fiour being 8 dollars per barr*L JL weight of Bread must be: Y§[jj , 12 y cents loaf. 161 cents. loaf% ‘ Superfine flour, 2 lbs. 7 oz. r lb. 3! oz. V JOHN CUtfI&NS, <Tuy I rfc.Trr