The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1788-1802, October 07, 1802, Image 3

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■ fine's being degraded on boari of a French frigate* It IB plealWe to receive assurances that the lituation of W as produced by no iuteduion whatever, but as 9 flags were merely hung out to dry the American hap 9ed to be hung up laid. When, however, the several |V S were hoifbd for the real purpose of drefling the ihip, laid, the American obtained its proper place* ■| September 17. WMtrxV if a tetter f rom a young gentleman on board febooner Enterprise to bis parents in New Hamp- WKfcfe, dated Cadiz , July 16, 1802. iUL Ail our frigates are employed in convoying veflels up. |E} down the Straits, but notwithstanding their extreme ißilancc o ur savage enemy have taken a brig belonging to fßiladelphia. ... ‘ In May we had an engagement with a Tripolitan gun ■at of 90 men and 3 guns; it being calm (lie got away Bm and the next day we saw her in the harbor of Buis. We have been into Tripoli, and fired at the ftiip- Bg in the harbor; 12 gun boats were sent out to engage ■ but we drove them all back. The Constellation was BUged by two Algerine gun boata, both of which she funk. ■ The” emperor of Morocco has declared war again!! ■merica, and sent away our consul; in consequence of Bs declaration we are ordered to cruise off the Gut of ■ibraltar. I “ The Algerines have taken a 44 gun frigate from the Bortuguefe. The victorious vessel was the Crescent, a ■resent from America. Thus you fee how fortunate veflels ■re that are built in America, even if they are manned with Turks. I There are now lying in this harbor 30 tran! ports full lif French troops, bound to St. Domingo.” Wuofy of a decree of the ■viceroy of Buenos Ayres refpccl \ in* foreign vejfels, contained in a letter from the rher La Plata, dated x6 tb June. All those vessels which have brought cargoes fliall not he permitted to load. Their refpeftive causes lhall go through ■ regular course of law, that they may fuffer the penalties |hev > have incurred. All those that have arrived after the I, th of March ult. fliall depart as they came, as well as all that exceed 500 tons burthen, which may have arrived previous thereto. Those that have arrived in ballad, (un der contrast) consigned to the merchants who have permif lion to export the produce, or negroes, in foreign veflels, previous to the nth of March, will be permitted to load, but they fliall not'commence until the nth of Augurt, in order to give time to the Spanish veflels that are in port to load. Philadelphia , September 10. We mention with pain ful regret the death of the rev. dr. Ewing, late pallor of the full Presbyterian church in this city. To have lived well and.ufefulfy can rarely be the merit of men to the fame extent as it is of dr. Ewing. September 18. By the brig Hornet, capt. Love, from Cumana, arrived at Wilmington. On Saturday the 3d 0 f July a fliock of an earthquake was felt in Cumana, and along the main to Barcelona, Laguira, and the city of Carracas. It happened at midnight, and lasted about 25 seconds. No other damage was done than cracking the weakest of the houses, and occasioning a conliderable a larm. And on the 14th of Augurt, between xi and 12 a. m. a very remarkable violent ihock was alio felt there. Its duration was about 12 seconds, but so fevers that almost every house in the town was torn to pieces and ruined; a conflderable number were fhoak down, and fome persons killed. The agitation of the ground was To violent as to open it in several places, from whence sprung trelh water. It was very difficult to (land without support. A ship that was upon the ftoeks was moved fix inches in an eafterlv direction, and several houses were also moved from three to fix feet in the fame direction. In fome places the ground funk two feet, and in others rose as much. It was attended, as is generally the case, with a diftnal roar ing noise under the ground. -The dittrefs and alarm occa sioned is incredible; the houses were deserted and tents e refted in the streets. The damage was eftivnated at 200,000 dollars. The earth continued (baking llightly at intervals until the 17th Auguff, when we failed; and about three hours after we left Cumana, being about five leagues dtft ant from it, and the nearest land, (off soundings) felt on beard a hidden and severe Ihock, which no doubt completed the definition of the (battered houses in Cumana. The churches being lofty buildings were ail unroofed. Accord ing to tlie custom of Catholic countries the Holy V irgin was carried through the streets night and day, elegantly clreffed and illuminated, followed by thousands tinging Milliicoi'dia., (have pity upon us.) Great apprehension was entertained for tlie city, of Carracas, the buildings there being lofty. Should the earthquake have happened as was exceeded it mull have been deldroyed. V/aJhingtln, September 17. The John Adams yerter day hauled off from the wharf and chopped down the eald ern branch with her full complement of officers and men. She will proceed hence on Sunday next to join our squa dron in the Mediterranean. Pcterfiiir'g, September 17. We are informed that a malignant ft-Xer prevails at Norfolk, and tint it would be ad . Table’ in itrangevs to be cautious in viiiting that borough. Chat lejlon, September 23. Arrived, brig Harriet, WaAlburn, Hull, 87 days. September 27. Arrived, brig Fame, Meffroon, Bour dcaux, 72 diys. September 28. Capt. Meffroon, arrived here on Sun day Lit from Bourdeuux, on the 4th instant, in lat. 35. lon. 60. at 8 a. M. saw a vessel to windward difmafted. We flood lor her, and sent the b -at on board. She proved to ire anew deep wairted brig, both lower muffs cut away below t’ e tons, and the wreck lying alongside. She had a hrimflone bottom, her sides and mouldings painted yel low, piv.l a billet head. Her hold was full of hoglheads, and tlie forecuftle full of ftavts in bulk. The break of her jfftek about four feet high, and about fix feet before the bad one port on each fide. On her main deck were hanc’ C').’ rails* Bcc. calculated for carrying cattle. Her stern was S b*eply immersed in the water that her name could not he f*->. ’ • October 1. Yeflfc.'day arrived, the bng Patley, Kane, Rotterdam, <6 days. The (hip Nancy, capt. the fame nay with the y for this pert. OSlobcr 4. The Montezuma, Morgan* from Ciafgow.; anchored in Five Fathom hole on Friday evening, in 44 days. Her latell papers are to the xoth of Augurt. Ihe Ranger, Lovell, trom hence, arrived at Gravelend on the 22d July. Ihe 1 horn, Bryant, failed from Liverpool for this port on the 4th ot Augurt. Ihe 1 homas,. Higgins, and Live Oak, Dyer* were to fail the 12th Augurt; and the Boyne, Stanord, and Juno, Miller, uncertain. Ihe Sarah, Borden, from this port, and Union, IVrgu fon, from Savannah, arrived at Greenock 28th Jul*. dhe 1 wo Friends, M'Ntil, was to lad from London for this port on the 20th Augurt. SAVANNAH, October 7. , % MARINE.LIS T. Entered Inward. Schooner Friendship, Bennington, Richmond Brig Trial, Mitchell, New York Schooner Union, Lamb, Ditto Brig Levant, Davidson, Collon Schooner Savannah Packet, Conyers, Gharleffon Susannah, Spooner, Ditto ‘ Riling Sun, Burke, Port au Prince Ship America, Watson, Liverpool Cleared Out. schooner Endeavor, Russel, New Providence Sloop Rachel, Brown, Chariefton Schooner Diipatch, Maxwell, Philadelphia Friendlhip, Bennington, , Richmond On Tuesday arrived, the (hip America, Capt. Watson, from Liverpool, 49 days. YefUrday arrived, the fliip Minerva, Capt. Choate, also from Liverpool. CHATHAM COUNTY ELECTION on Monday the 4 tb injlant. Joseph Bryan, John Milledge, Matthew M £ Alliffer, and Samuel Hammond, Efqrs. Members of the House of Representatives of the United States. Edward Harden, Esq. Senator, and George M. Troup, James E. Houftoun, and Thomas U. P. Charlton, Efqrs. Members of the House of Representatives, in the State Legislature. Married, on the 29th ult. Mr. Thomas 11. Gouldaly, to Mrs. Abigail M‘Cafkill. Rapid disorganization of the human body . A letter to gen. William Shepherd contained informa tion, that, on the night of the 16th day of March, 1802, in one of the towns of the (date of Massachusetts, the body of an elderly woman evaporated aiid disappeared, from fome internal and unknown cause, in the duration of about one hour and a half. Part of the family had gone to bed, and the rest were abroad. The old woman remained a wake to take care of the house. By and by one of the grandchildren came home, and difeovered tlie floor near the hearth to be on fire. An alarm was made, and a lioht brought, and means taken to extinguilh it. While these things were doing fome lingular appearances were observ ed on the hearui and the contiguous floor; there was a fort of greasy foot and allies, with remains of a human body, and an unusual smell in the room; all the clothes were continued, and tlie grandmother was miffing; it was at fir ft luppofed she had, in attempting to light her pipe of tobacco, fallen into the lire and been burnt to death, but on considering how final! the fire was, and that so total a consumption could scarcely have v happened if there had been ten times as much, there is more reason to conclude that this is another case of that spontaneous decompolition of the human body of which there are several inftimees on record. It is to lie regretted that the particulars have not been more carefully noted. [ Medical Repository. Attguji i, September 29. On Monday evening, the 20th instant, John Williams, of Oglethorpe county, his wife and two children, were all found dead with their throats cut from ear to ear. A razor was found in Williams’s hand. From this, and other cir cumstances, the jury gave it as their opinion that the mur der was committed by him. [ Monitor. Court of Common Pleas , London. FisHER v. Ward. This cause, which for a considerable length of time ex cited tlie interest of tlie commercial world, (having already been tried and argued) came to be again tried by a special jury before lord Alvanley, in order to determine a ooint in which ship owners and seamen were peculiarly concern ed. . The plaintiff, in the month of September, 1800, sign ed articles, at London, as chief mate on board the ship Fishburn, of which the defendant was master, to proceed on a voyage to Riga, and back to England, on board the said ship, at the wages of 61. 16s. 6d. per month. The ship proceeded to and arrived at Riga, and during her stay there an embargo or restraint was laid by tlie Russian government on all British ships in the ports of Russia, which lasted for about the space of six months, when the plaintiff and the rest of the crew returned on board the ship without signing any new articles, and brought her with a full cargo to Plymouth. This aftion was brought to recover wages during the time the ship was thus detained, and in support of this claim the ship’s articles, which the plaimiffWgped to per form the voyage, were produced, and given of Ilia having faithfully performed his duty during the voy age. There was also another point statedfto the jury, that, if the plaintiff was not entitled to recover his during tlie time of the embargo, he had a right to so much more wages as lie could prove was paid, after the embargo ceased, to seamen returning to England; but this bring a point which the witnesses could’ not with precision ascer ! tain the plaintiff rested on tlie former ground. Mr. sergeant Shepherd contended, with great ingenuity, on the part of the defendant, that th put an end to the contract between the plaintilSand defendant, and that the right of wages Ceased at tTO commencement of the detention. After having dwelt at considerable length on the hardship which the owners would suffer if bound to pay the wages he called some captains of ships detained at ’ Russia to prove that a low rate of wages was given to ; seamen after the embargo. Mr. sergeant Cocke!', t; 4 f the plamiiff, in a most ele gant and animated reply, argued, that no power or aft could dissolve tne eontrßift while the ccnduft of the par ties manifested that they considered tlie same to subsist; he made a forcible appeal to the feelings of the jury in fa vor of the .plainand also stated how much it would *end *0 tlie injury 01 commerce if opportunities were af foided to sailors to say that any thing during a vovage couhl dissolve tlie articles they had entered into. /liter an able.and impart!.*.! charge by lord Alvanley to the jury, they retired, and returned with a verdict for tlie plaintiff, 40!. 19s; being the amount of wages for the time the ship was uncier the embargo. O WILLIAM WILSON XJ"AS received, by the Brig Happy Couple, Capt. Starks; from Liverpool, A large and general Assortment of P a l l an and Winter Goods, AMONGST WHICH ARE, COTTON bagging; Plain, tambored, and lappet Negro cloth, various muffins and cambrics, fa colors; fliionable; London duffil and rose 4 4ths and 7 Bths printed blankets, calico, ditto; Superfine and second cloths; Linens, Cassi meres, elartics, and Hats, coatings; Cutlery, Flannels, Ironmongery, Durants, Haberdalbery, &c. Ac. Cotton and woollen hosiery; \\ fcicu will be fold at a moderate advance for caffi, coin ton, or approved notes at two, three, and four months. Savannah, QSlobcr 7, 1802. DISTRICT OF GEORGIA. ‘ BANKRUPTCY. IN the matter of Samuel Sau'oere, late of Savannah, merchant, the major part of the commissioners, and ;• number of the creditors, having granted to the Ibid Samuel Saubere a certificate, notice therefore is hereby given * > the creditors, and others concerned in the said conimiffic n of bankruptcy, that, unless objeftions are regularly filed in the clerk’s office aforefaid, by the 27th day of Oftober instant, again ft the said certificate, the fame will be allowed and confirmed, on its being (hewn that this notice has been duly publilhtd. Richard M. Stites, elk. Savannah, 4 th QSlober , 1802. SEPTEMBER TERM,Afc™ ~ THE following persons being drawn as Jurors to serve in the Court of Mayor and Aldermen, to wit, Robert Fiflier, Thomas Miller, James Robertson, John S. D. MontmoJlin, John M‘lntoffi, and John Fitzpatrick, and, being duly fnitnnoned, did make default, it is order ed, l hat the defaulters be fined in the sum of ten dollars each, unless an excufi , on oath, be filed with tlie Clerk, on or before the firfd day of next Court; and that this order be puolilhed in the Gazettes ot this city twice fuccelfively. Extract from the minutes, _ W. 131.0GG, Clerk. F O R S A LE, At the Printing Office in Broughton street, BLANK Bonds, Foreign Inward and Out- Mortgages, ward Manifelds, Bills of Sale, Coasting Manifolds, Powers of Attorney, Entries of Merchandise, Apprentices Indentures, Liquor Entries, Land Conveyances, Baggage Ditto, Bills of Lading, A few Boxes of Types fo* Prices Current, marking of Linen. A L S 0, The Vagabond, a Novel; Watts's Hyrtjps and Pfahns The Prog refs of Pilgrim bound together; Good Intent in Jacobini- New Testaments, cal Times', after the.Man- Psalters, and ner of Pilgrim’s Progress; Hornbooks. Watts’s Piiilms, Valuable Rice Lands for Sale. A TRACT of 500 acres, on tlie Mortar Swamp, in the former parilh of St. Andrew, bounded at the time of lurvcy by land vacant. ANOTHER TRACT, on said swamp, containing 250 acres, bounded at the time of lurvey by land of Stephen Drayton foutheaflerly, and on every other fide by vacant land. The plats and grants may be fepn in the haiiSs of the fubferiber, by whom the terms of fide will be made known. ’ DAVID LEION. Lands for Sale. A TRACT, containing 300 acres, in Glynn county* and another of 600 acres, both lurveyed in 1769; the former on a branch of the Buffalo swamp, and the latter about 20 miles from Brunfwickj equal in quality to any in the county. A traft of upwards 3600 acres on Canouchie, excellent pine land, on which was a mill feat before the revolution; it will be divided lb as to suit purchasers. DAVID LEION* Broker. F O R S A LE, A TRACT OF LAND, containing 300 acres, a great fjL part of which is inland swamp, the remainder good corn land, lituated on the Three Runs in Effingham coun ty. A TRACT, containing 200 acres, of the fame quality, and joining the above. A TRACT of 450 aerqj of exceeding good provifioit land, on Credit Ogeehee river, about 45 miles by land from Savannali. A TRACT of 150 acres river fwajfip joining the above. Inquire of the Printers. *** All persons indebted to the Printers hereof are requested to make payment.