The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1788-1802, October 07, 1802, Image 4

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Office of Difeount and Depofite* Savannah, Auguji 20, 1802. THE following REGULATIONS are publilhed for the information of thole who may have bulinels to tranfacl at said Office* , ift. That the Office (hall, for tlie prefont, he opened on every day, (Sundays, public falls, tHankfgiving clays, tire 4th of July, and Chrifluias day, excepted) titrm 9 o’clock in the morning until 3 o’clock in the aftemoorw 2 d. That the Office (hall receive and pay specie coins according to the rates and value that have been or ilia.ll be eftabUfhed by Congreft; and no gold, silver, 01 copper, coined within the United States, other than such as is or ffiall be authorized bv Congress, ffiall be received. 3d. That the said Office will take charge of the ffene of those who choose to place it there, (tree of expense; and ffiall keep it, fubjea to their order, payable at fight; and will receive depofites of ingots ot gold, bars of lilyer, wrought plate, and other valuable articles of small bulk, in the fame manner, and return them on demand of the depositor. 4th. That payments made at the Office ffiall be ex amined at the time, and no error fuggelted afterwards (hall be corrected. sth. That difeounts ffiall be made on bids, notes, or acceptances, payable in dollars, upon personal fecuritv onlv, with at lead two responsible names, (one ot which mull be a resident in Savannah) tor any term not exceed ing- sixty days; that three days of grace be allowed on all bills, notes, or acceptances, payable at the Office; and that difeount be taken for the fame, as well as for the day on which the difeount is made. 6th. That difeounts ffiall be made at the rate of 6 ■per cent, per annum; and such notes, bills, or accept ances, as are offered for difeount, ffiall be delivered under cover, direfted to the Caffiier of the Office ot Difeount and Dcpofite, on Monday, and laid before the Directors on Tuefdav, when the difeount ffiall be fettled and made known on that day, if necessary, and the following day, in every week, it ffiall be entered in the book ot the ap plicant. 7th. No note or bill ffiall be received at this Office, for difeount or collection, of a lets turn than 50 dollars; and all notes sent in for difeount or collection mud be en dorsed by those who fend them to Bank. 8 th. No man who owes the Customhouse ffiall have difeount without another name than the firft endorser. 9th. That, on failure, of payment before (hutting of the Office on the last day of grace, the note, bill, or ac ceptance, ffiall be protested, and notice given on that day to all and every endorser; and when the lad day of grace falls nii Sunday the bill or note mud be paid the preced ing Saturday. 10th. That all notes, bills, or acceptances, intended for collection at this Office, mud be lodged at lead one day before the fame becomes due, and (hall, as to notice, demand, and proted, be proceeded with as notes bills difeounted, unless the person depositing the fame direct otherwise in writing. nth. That the non-payment of any bill, note, or acceptance, when presented to an endorser, under proted, ffiall equally affeft his credit with that of the accepter or payer of said bill, note, or acceptance, so proteded. T2tb. That the Caffiit -of this Office (hall cause any base gold or Giver coin, offered in payment, depofite, or for change, at this Office, to be cut in such a manner as to render it notorious and impassable, and to be returned to the person offering the fame. JOSEPH HABERSHAM, Preiident. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. Louisville , \Btb June, 1802. \ RESOLUTION in the words following, to wit, ix “ Resolved , That his Excellency the Governor be, u and lie is authorized and requeded to pursue (ucli “ measures as in his judgment may mod effeClually after <4 tain and colled all just claims which the citizens oi this 11 date may have against the Creek Nation of Indians, <£ which said claims (liall, before they are exhibited, be “ duly authenticated, by the oath of one or more dffin “ tereded persons, taken and certified by any judge, justice <! of tlie peace, or clerk of the superior or inferior courts,” having passed both Branches of the Legillature, and re ceived tlie assent of the Executive, It is ordered, That all persons having claims againd the Creek Nation of Indians, for property of any del’crip tion by them taken or plundered, be, and they are hereby required to transmit the fame as soon as possible to the Ex ecutive Department, authenticated in the manner by the afore refolution pointed out. Taken from the Journals of the Executive Department , Geo. R. Clayton, Sec’y. TsJITEffTOCTOBER price of Flour being, viz. New York, 9 dollars, JL and Georgia, 6 dollars, per barrel, the weight of Bread for this month mud be as follows: cents loaf. 61 cents loaf. Os New York flour, 2 lbs. 5 oz. \ lb. 2± oz. Georgia flour, 3 o 18 Os which all bakers and fellers of bread are to take due notice. JOHN GI3BONS, City Treasurer. TO BE SOLD, at the ccurtboufe in the ci;v of Sa vannah, on Tuesday the ibtb day of October next, between the hours of X and II o'clock , f our Negroes, being the Personal Estate ot Jeffiua Gngel, deceased, (the former fate not complied with) for the payment of debts of tlie said de- Ccaled. Terms ca(h. Christopher Gugel, adm’r. Isaac N. Meskrve, Sophia Meservk, adm’x. iplA September, 1802. ALL persons having any demand* againd the Estate ot John Wifonbaker, deceased, are desired to fend dx-m in, properly'attefted, and thole indebted thereto are nqutlied ;o make payment. Mary Wisp.nhakkr, executrix* Jk remix r CovLERf executor. In COUNCIL. Savannah, July 19, 1802. Ordered, r I'MIAT the Health Officer be requeded to notify the JL Pilots, that no vessel from any port in Spain, or tlie Wed Indies, will be permitted to come higher than Rive Fathom Hole, without having fird obtained a certi ficate of h€alth. Extrad from the minutes, Thomas Pitt, c c. HEALTH OFFICE, PORT OF SAVANNAH. THE Pilots are dire died to attend ftri&fy to the above •rder. William Cocke, m. and. Health Officer. In COUNCIL. Savannah, August, 2d, 1802. INFORMATION being laid before Council, that the Yellow Fever has made its appearance in the City of Philadelphia, It is ordered, That the Health Officer be direded to order all vessels coming from the Port of Philadelphia to be brought to at Cockfpur, and there to perform a qua rantine of fifteen days, including their days cf failing, and that, during the peiformance of the said quarantine, the woollen and cotton goods on board ffiall be, on every fair day, exposed to the open air, and the holds ot the vessels ventilated in the best possible manner, and that, after that time, they be. permitted to come up as high as Five Fathom Hole, and there remain until they ffiall receive a certificate of health from the Health Officer. Provided never tbdefs, That the above goods (liall be exposed to die air, and the vessel ventilated, at lead three days before the said vessel be permitted to come up to the said last place, notwithstanding the fifteen days from the failing of the said vessel may have before expired. And it is further ordered , ftffiat the Health Officer compel the masters or commanders of vessels coming to this port, with any articles iubjeCt to putrefaftion, and finding the fame in a decayed or unlound state, to land such articles at any place which the said master or commander may think proper, so that the said place be not higher up the river than Five Fathom Hole; and that in such case the said vessel ffiall be well ventilated, at lead three days after the dis charge of such decayed or unsound articles, before ffie is allowed to fail up to Savannah. And it is further ordered , That all persons contraven ing these orders ffiall be prosecuted as the quarantine law dire&s* Extract from the minutes, THOMAS PITT, C. C. HEALTH OFFICE. Port of Savannah. THE pilots are hereby ordered to bring all vessels com ing from Philadelphia to an anchor off Cockfpur, there to remain and perform a quarantine agreeable to the above order of the City Council. WILLIAM COCKE, M. D. Health Officer. In COUNCIL. Savannah, August 23d, 1802. FURTHER information having been laid before Coun cil, that the Yellow Fever lias spread coniiderably in Philadelphia, and rages at present with great violence, Resolved, That the term of 15 days quarantine, or dered by the resolution of the 2d instant to be performed by vessels arriving from that port, be extended to 21 days, and that all woollen and cotton goods be exposed, and the vessel ventilated, at lead fix days, in manner directed by the said resolution of the 2d instant; and that tlie Health Officer govern himfolf in all other refpedts agreeably to the said resolution. Extratt from the minutes, Thoma-s Pitt, c.- c. In COUNCIL. Savannah, August 24th, 1802. W"HEREAS information hath been received by the Mayor that the Yellow Fever rages with violence in the city of Baltimore, whereupon the Mayor hath caused a lpecial meeting of Council to be convened, to whom he hath communicated such information, IVherefore resolved, That vessels coming from the said port of Baltimore lhal! perform, in all rclpects, the fame quarantine as is preferibed to vessels coming from Phila delphia by the re dilutions of Council of the 2d and 23d instant. Resolved, That,” ffiould any case occur that, in the o pinion of the Health Officer, a longer term of quarantine than 21 days may be necessary to be performed by anv particular vessel, he (the Health Officer) be and “he is hereby authorized to order such further quarantine to be performed as he inay think proper. Extract from the minutes, Thomas Pitt, c. c. Health Office, Port of Savannah. ots are directed to bring all vessels coming from Baltimore to an anchor off Cockfpur, there to remain and perform’ quarantine, as required of vessels arriving from Philadelphia. WILLIAM COCKE, m. and. Health Officer. SHERIFF’S SALE. ON Tuesday the 2d day of November next, will be fold, by public outcry, at the courthouse in this city, between tlie hours of X. and 111. o’clock, 400 Aafcs of Hard Marsh, In front of tlie town of St. Mary, laid out as part of said town, jn four acres each square, in the county of Cam den, seized as the property of Mr. William Norris. Con ditions cadi. T. Norton, s. c. c. Savannah, 22 d September, 1802. GEORGIA."] % Edward Write, C! c .t. n t fll (l. s.) J> of Ordinary for the county cf(?S Ed. White. J in the state afordaid. ‘ . WHEREAS William Naylor, of the city M vannah, wheelwright, hath made apptJLSHI letters of admmiHratioli cm the etate and effl'cL f R ‘Si Parker, late of the lanyj place, ffiopteei/ A These are therefore to cite and aumonifli ai! the kindred and creditors of the deceased to fit. W®|| jeiftions (if any they have) in my office, on orbefiJß# 20th day of October next, othenvifo letters of ad turn will be granted hurt. Given under my hand and seal, Hi the ’ JR Savannah, the 20th dav of SentemK.. year oi our Lord 1802, and m the 27th ÜBS of American Independence. •;GEOKOIA.-| By Nl Bra, Clrrk of thTcouitofoM (l. s.) denary the county cf Libertv 5 N. Baker. J },la '| WHEREAS Jc.foph Way fen. Joseph Way J and Martha Way, have applied for letL jBl administration on tiie eihtte cf Peter Hoffmire, late of -u B ’ county, deceased, These are therefore to cite all and 5 ■ gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to anoll before the Court of Ordinary, at Riceborough, ontffiß Monday in November next, and (liew cause (if any tU® have) why letters of administration fliould not be I them. 8 Given under my hand and foal, this 17th davrfß September, A-D. 1802, and in the 27*yj* of American Independence. 1 K BANKRUPTCY. I WHEREAS a comtaiffion of bankruptcy is awards 1- and issued forth against Matthew Shearer, ofS.B vannah, merchant, and he, being declared a bankrur I is hereby required to firrrender himfolf to the comraiffi I ers in the laid coinmiffion named, or the major pan of ■ them, on the fourth and twenty-fifth days of October, and I on the eighth day of November next, at ten o’clock inti* I forenoon cf each day, at the courthouse in tlie city {I Savannah, and make a full difeovery and difclofore of he I estate and effedfs, when and where the creditors are to I come prepared to prove their debts; and, at the fecori I fitting, to choose assignees; and, at the last fitting, tbe fail I bankrupt is required tofiniffi his examination, and tlie ere-1 ditors are to assent tp, or diffeut from, the allowance of his certificates; all persons indebted to the said bankrupt, or that have any of his effects, are not to pay or deliver the fame, but to give notice to W. DAVIES, Solicitor. 27 tb September , 1802. To be RENT ED, or for SALE, A TWO STORY HOUSE on the east common, with a good kitchen and other convene eat out buildings. For particulars inquire of JOHN M‘FADZEN. FOR SALE, : A convenient Dwellinghoufeand Lot; situate on a corner in a central and healthful part of the city. There is, on the lot, an additional building, by means of which the lot and improvements may, with small expence, be divided into two productive and commodious tenements. Inquire of the printers. FOR SALE, The Farm Lot, No. i, Percival ward, Holland tithing, containing 45 acres old forvey; and Two Farm Lots, Nos. 9 and 10, in tlie Village of Hampftead, containing together io acres old survey. The vicinity of the above mentioned lands to this city muff render them an object to persons who wiffi for (itua ti'ons for small farms near town. For terms apply to JAMES ROBERTSON Savannah , 29 tb May, 1801. FINAL NOTICEr ALL persons that are indebted to the estate of John Zane, deceased, are desired to make immediate payment, and those that have demands against that estate are also desired to render them, duly attested, on or be fore the firft day cf November next; after that timelflall apply to the-Court of Ordinary to be difiniffed from the administration. Balthaskr Shaffer, adrn’r. Auguji 19, 1802. N O T I C E. ALL persons having demands against the F.ilatc of John Currie, efq. late of Savannah, deceased, are requested to render them in, properly attested, to nir. A lexander Currie, at the late residence of tlie deceased; and all persons indebted to the said Estate are called on ti make immediate payment, that provision may be for di(charging the A bts and legacies. Alexander Curric,") Adminiftmtors, Joseph Miller, )> with the will Andrew M‘Credie, J annexed. Savannah , 1 oth June, 1800. RAN AWAY, from Colerain plantation, about weeks ago, A NEGRO FELLOW, named NERfe he is a stout thick black Negro, of tbe Guinea country, bout q feet 6 or 7 incites high, with filed teetb; it is fupj ppfed he is gone up the countrv. Ten dollars reward wi be paid on delivering him to the fubforiber, and five dollar* for lodging him in any gaol of the state. May 31. WILLIAM MEIN. # W r7~I IN G 7N K For fate at tlie Printing Office in Broughton Intel* SAVANNAH: Printed by N. JOHNSTON an