The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1788-1802, October 28, 1802, Image 4

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■ay . or&rcs vcvi wtv c * ‘*'l %‘\< > >' ,; ' * H CijUcs Port wiitKs'j-,\j ** v y ■ % **. JlQUiv* j r * * • ‘-4 &. ~. a ,• ” V j (pflion of fto on the CofFeehoufe wharf conveniently I >.^Oat^A^y the oners L . i” f-1 j if h “ t BUTLER and MAGE, Broughton-ftreet. June 8, ifg>. ‘ if dBY 1 - mf* i Tennessee Company. “ •TpilOSE interefled in the Company, and who have not I figucd the deed of tvuft, are hereby notified, that the fttMeriber will attend at the city of Wafhingicn, on the 2bth of December to give them an opportunity of comn: ring with this regulation of the Company. . ‘ ‘ j AMES STR AWBRIDGE, acting trustee. ‘/ Philadelphia, May 21, 1802. ORPHAN-HOUSE. . /% N Overfoef is wanted for the plantation; one who can read and write, and be well recommended for S his knowledge of Rice Planting, bis honeliy, sobriety, and will meet with propfer encouragement, by aj>- plying to either of the fubferibers, a committee of the Truftecs. ’ W. Stephehj, ’w ; ‘ ‘ r Jos. Habersham, sear? \±lb Ocl/oer, ißox. them, on the fourth and* twenty-fifth days of Ocfobtr, and J on the eighth day of November next, at ten o’clock in the | c ° c < _ r • .. ,;•< ■<• ox tucii aay 5 fti vne courtftomy in tnc city oi 1 aiid effects whem and creditors *itc to J f w ■’ -j* j y |Y* *Y thy’ i . • * . I ■ “rt S * t * _ 1 blv „ ■ V,’ f but to-ig’ue notice to 3R A-t ,<•*'• I $ ■ + CI j g W. DAVIES, Solicitor. vj.Et/mviia• j r>y jn © dakeK) vMciiC oi trie ot ui** | / V f I<< / . :i . •f*f *1 ‘ *A. |_ ! m 'fft * * * I 1 oit <toy fniiiiwCti Toil l a ioieev or phiom hi **) j y, , << il 11 I ... j Ar. 1 \ P J. 1 ASSI.IS, ‘■—•* kT rt -tr 1 \ CHARLES HiIRRIS, (t. *.) Y. * D 11* li p ud j / ♦ ‘’ ‘ 1 , “ ‘ ~vT (• bt?.divt%d into two productive’ commodious tenements I’ourr of the Drill tors LCliC>4idiL9 li VA tl C pi fILC > J ‘l be vicinity of the above mentioned lands to this city tnuft render them an object to perlbhs’who wish for litua- ' m ‘ U tOW! JAMEsS&. Savannah, May, VBOI. — SHEgiFFS SALE. ON Tuesday the 2d day of November next, will be V'fold, by public outcry, at the courthouic in this ■efty, between thq homs of X. and ill. o’clock, j 400 Acres of Hard Marlh, In front of the town of St. Mary, laid out as part of laid towni ttrjfour acres each fcjuapc, /in the County of Cam den, ieized as the property of Mr. William Nonas. Con ditions cafln ‘A NoitTOif, s. c. c. j Savannah, aid September, 1802. Mnds for Sale. A TRACT, containing 300¥..cres, in Glynn county, and another of 600 acres, both fiirveyed in 1769; tbe former on a branch cf the Ri.fthlu lwamp, anti the latter about 20 miles from Bruiifwitk, in quality to any in thecoumy. A ,trad of upwards 3000 acres on Canouchie, excellent RittC land, on which was a mill feat before the revolution; it will bo divided so as to luit purcbal'ers. > -A . ‘ YygAg ii,Y^ 1 * jtffd ‘ i be f‘ 1 ] ‘ £ j * ‘ \ r ID I ni x V it* Dr !VifcwiV j Tfl'lON tV * ‘ 9 - r - ivti i<- \ I 1 \ (i 111*// /wu't'l I lint’ Kte E tlu* ’ tt . J j ** _ J UV jC’ “ AAv/it tutUHdli \ tUU.|> I tain Rju coiiLAe di l juit Claims wiiicii tte ot tlni i ttriv* >cu p- - u i,j s vHwtsii cUiU cciciuwCt any jtiitice I- jl t iZi’ (jYti etc ft} x fiat 4*l pC'rlops dr i itt? 1 *L i T 1 I*T'. /• . ‘ ‘ !if * * ■*■ ‘ P J * .m J % * V j’ • A 4.1 \Aj’ A V 8 ‘f- ___ /j. • | , ‘'•fyfM'JtC -■'*"• f ■ • ‘ -?• • XJt ‘i % ’ ‘ l 1 -!^PVB2 I The Vagabond, a Novel; I Watts’s Mv-” , v,. v I x lie oi I i wffo 1 iAJL j IN l I j I I 1-^ I—j—^ ‘k A, 7 ■■•'■■ ‘■ I Jolt n; : 1802. b the Weft will K pci mined to jiigl trda I Thomas Pitt, c. c. 8 day. xyhlii to"’ the ojx n^airy the l oitis of the veiiel. .1 vcmiidod in tl:t- Uft poftibic manner, and tbat, after dot J ■ ■ time,' ibry be permitted to come up as lagh a rise I ■ r 3 ti i ) rt*b-* “ 1 aatKrtjficate oi Uonltn trm fne ricaltli Uuiai. • A, ..t £*, , . 1 /* ’ fy* ii ‘"s * . ■ l d *■ r\ LQ tllC * 7 o y ’•* m ■i • / ■ • j* . /■* • . I /* - - - -.88 i the -lame in a decayed or nufound Rate, to land such articW | i f ? LtActfc hJC.i/ia pittiit. *Ar A A ,1 . . <r j j n. s t'*t ; ] . .■ *u T ,], ffoi ToH \TiJ£i j of bvforcltes a - ,V v . -- *j v Tr ‘ f’ a,,-, ;- ■■ j * ll<r t j ic f c oiuevs lhaii be frofetuted as the quarantine h* | j “7 1 t . TIE \LfH OEilvjE# M i . .. . n a ! f OKT OF dATAW"*° I | A 5 M