The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1860-1864, May 09, 1860, Image 1

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j 1 lac o n Wil® WlMtMfc |h Joseph ( lisby. daily telegraph- . ~v _:i,j. r s.*.<»» * vear in adraMt ; ~ 1 •* , at su advanced Subscribers to * : ‘Y V , » wnt on a cash basis as soon as discontinued which , _ ...... L..., We will endeavor iu a few fc ”‘ . - vrtTmjUJh j. !arcoan t > and stop ail ***Mj_L. u. •^nutce,after tbe i.ip-cuf area- P«-rs</!- sending in advertise .. i» = ' .y . ; if :ii . sr to ~p. city'whether they • . . >e W «-kiy. <>r tor Hotti. , ■/- 2, . ; ;* u ■: cowing under a special or * u . 7 be charged one Dollar per fir-t publication, and Ffty Cents per * ■ ./. T i . • , ..-nt insertion. A square *’ ‘ ,2 j, or i - • length of column. Double . .r' . u ». ;>i'. if insisicu on, must come ■MwgW ourtnrt fire breaking columns.— MBtrart advertisers for the year can pur .aHMKMMWtn !*« •' *t S2O an meh. for the Y -v ...-s. .a: fW. The contracts to 7 t ,. uT and count, whether they occupy ' v . r woi ’ So ex< ■ -‘ allowed, al any t hue a special c »niract therefor. All such \ «- a* *bu- < > •■■ '* ■ ■'>' in installments of 25 sin—a? d U»- 1.«» u failure to meet the 15;. -7"- ».ag profession?! Cards, 1 7*77*,*•*■•• than a half an inch, will be inserted in *K and U eeldy at $5. payable in ad "" *-«■>- ifciate* aawonneed. in either paper, at - a . <> /« ’ A>l transient advertising \ c«< and p.oable ot> demand. ■ ; \i; \«Hh K.—All subscribers desiring t, ~ ■■» .a.._■■■<» from one post -office to anoth par?«c»s*r to specify not only the office ■ .h the' * -•. their paper aent, but also the '*s which they wish it transferred. I Professional Carta. W. K. dr Cirsiii'riirvKl, « ,\r V A NSKLI-OR AT LAW, JMUWV, <;.<. »■> ), ■- Bibb, Jones. Pulaski, I*'. „ . u out < ford. Office on Cher s, k « n Building, over Menard & feb Hi d ly .1. f. BASS d 1 UKSKY Al LA W , ’* * . r- lrt ~'.x: R— k. 2*. Ist . over Bearden X feh 22 d-ly* KI V I' W S 1 A A LEI, *MI Lnw« IK'A IN I o\, <« * V no IX TIIEtH Ml I.LEE A SOI I'HERN < IRCt ITS. •' ’ Wtl.IV A. STANLEY i ><>(.’ ro iisi McDonald & van giesen* dentists. . . US'.TwX BIAS K, WEST SIDE. I )< >CTO RS SMITH & HOLT, ■. 1-/7<7.Vg’ /77)>7r/.1.V.S >! YCOYi, <SA. <Mnri' / 'K. ns-nsau's. RESIDENCE. - s . t 4 »xJ. It R. Dr. Molt, iu Vineville. e£ w e s>. i>. *. ui-:n ;-ris’r. i.AXIEI* lbtl’<E IVrtJLr -i " *■ «*-TR. A PIERCE, * > 11, EA"nIN gTo\ BLtH'K 9R B H. m>betT ot t l F»m < ’ :-T r y s-ns t. over Greer A Freeman s. — t,.» the Hill iu fnud of the Blind Asylum E'. YY-EtldlEmO?, Upholsterer and Mattress Maker, >4 .<?>,«•. t dtriiitn <(• lioitit. J/a- «»». (ia. , llvi. tig iaali it- branches done to order at short I .--.Conch ■- ■spriiu’ am I Hair Mattresses mad - . r. • i on«- d >ue up. Old Furniture neatly re and varnished. put up. Carpeta and Oil 1 ... d feb 28 d GREAT INDUCEMENT TO Tllo'F. WHO DESIRE I : 1.1 « JANTI << X >AI S. S. < OBCELH S, > .. L.’-..'r Erchange Hotel, Monti Homeric Alabama. Is jrfvpanai to do everything in the Paper Hanging Business I ,-um i* hands*»rae a style as Fresco Painting can be stone To he d*>ne in GOLD VELVET, \ud all other colon- to suit the taste. OlkA MIKBLE PAPERS, U’HV ?. .an he Varnished, and of which I keep larce assortment constantly on hand. t- :<> uv. . ompcteiu v in busine-s, I refertothcfollow mten for whom I have done work: Uaa«- Cro. Greensboro; Col. C. T. Pollard. M- >:_• ~i<ry; E. A. Blount and R. K. Pool. Marion; Dr Robert John >on and Capt. L. P. Weaver, at Selma. F».r r f t :. -* applv at the Lanier House. Macon. Ga., r. M Logan & co. I take pleasure in -.riving the following certificate: Montgomery. Ala., December 28.1858. Itak •. ry k' ph i~ure in recommending Mr. S. v orcvliu- o a paper nauger. he has done work for me at snv residence in thi-citv. and has jriven me entire sat -V;■«> CHAS. T. POLLARD. march 15 d-ly REV. H. LOWENTHAI, I>EAt Tic AL TEACHER of the Hebrew and German Lan«.cages. Poplar Street, opposite the residence • h Th -mas x. Harris. Macon. Ga. 1» ums -Ry the course, consisting of 25 lessons. .$25. By the year, one pupil. 50. 2 of one Parents 75. d of one Parents KX). v ’it- tnay cuter the above Institution at any time the day or evening, and study both Languages, ’ pafer. Engagement? with Schools, Ac., &c?, is rvs.N-ctfiilly solicited. , c.-ments must invariably be either half in advance ■ ' *.*S! <>f thtf whok> - feb 2 Id CITY HO TEL TAIaX.AHASSE2 , FLA. j. L. 11EMILLY, Proprietor. -Hlk-e kept at this Hotel. feb 1 d BROWN'S HOTEL - the Passenger House, Macon. Ga By E. E. BROWN & SON. Meals ready on the arrival of every Train. The pro prietors w U spare nojiains to make their gnests com twtawe. feb 1 d-lv JOHN A. NELSON, i\- General 'Mmmission Macon, G-a.. \V I^iJZSS^, ?f OX^ L - Y - t 0 ™ coll ' Grai ’‘. and all other pro ■&dv^u«.“ ll ° 4 * u for Urtilrnab gliiucrtiscnicnts. Macon & Western Railroad. ww Macon. April 4th, iB6O. (X X and after this date. Trains will run as follows: J Leave .Macon. 12ni"ht Arrive at Atlanta 7.15 aTm. Leave Macon 1.45 p. ar Arrive Atlanta 7.15 p, M . Leave Atlanta 12 night Arrive at Macon 7.15 a.°m. laave Atlanta 2.15 p. m. Arrive Macon 7.45 p’ M The Night Trains will not be run on Sundays. The 12.00 train from Macon, connects with the Western and Atlantic Rail Road for Knoxville, Nash ville and points West, at 10.20, a. m. The 1.45 p. m.. train from Macon, connects with the W. A A. R. R. at 8.15 p. M. Through Tickets for New York via Knoxville,.. ..$33 00 “ N. Orleans via Gr d Junct'n, 28 00 ALFRED L. TYLER, apr4-d-tf Superintendent. Central Rail Road. BQ. -rift ( haiige of Schedule. (\N and after Sunday, February 26th 1860, the Trains / will run as follows: Leave Savannah 10.05 A. M., 1.30 P. m and 11.10 P. m Arrive at Macon 8.55 a. m. and 11.05 p. m Arrive at Augusta 6.30 A. M. and 6.35 p. m Arrive at Milledgeville 12.30 p. m Leave Macon 10.(10 a. m. and 10.00 p. m Arrive at Savannah... .7.29 a. m., 7.45 p. M and 10.40 p. m Arrive at Augusta 6.36 a. m. and 6.35 p. m Leave Augusta 12.30. a. m. and 2.15 p. m Arrive at Savannah 7.29 a. m. and 10.40 P. m Arrive at Macon 8,55 a. m. and 11.05 p. m Trains that leave Savannah at 10.05 a. in., only run to Milieu, arriving there at 3.10 p. in., connecting with 10 a.m., Macon train to Augusta. Passengers taking the 2.15 p. m. train at Augusta will leave Millen 5.50 p. m., and arrive at Savannah at 10.10 p. m. Passengers by 11.10 p. m. from Savannah will go thro’ direct to Augusta. Passengers by either 1.30 or 11.10 u. in. trains from Sa vannah for Macon, or points beyond, will meet with no detention at Macon. Passengers for Atlanta, or points beyond, on Western A Atlantic Rail Road, will leave Savannah on the 1.30 p. in. train; for Milledgeville and Eatonton on 11.10 p. 111. train; for South-Western Rail Road below Fort Valley, on 11.10 p. in. train ; those for Montgomery. Columbus Ac., by either train. Passengers from Augusta, for South-Western Georgia, should take the 12.30 a. m. train to avoid detention at Macon. Those for Columbus, Montgomery, Ac., may take either train. Trains connect at Macon with Macon & Western trains to Griffin and Atlanta, and the west; also with South- Western trains to Albany, Cut hbert, Eufaula, Fort Gaines, Americus, Columbus, Montgomery, Ac., and at Millen with Augusta and Savannah Rail Itoadto Augusta and the north ; at Savannah with the tri-weekly steamships to New York; also, with Steamships to Philadelphia and Baltimore. By this change in Schedule, the connection, both ways, at Augusta, with the South Carolina Rail Road is secured, and passengers will have no detention at Au gusta or Millen, as heretofore. GEO. W. ADAMS, Gen’l Snp t. February 24th, 1860— d CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ' - "V~. • ta SOUTH-WESTERN RAIL ROAD. TWO DAILY TRAINS BETWEEN MACON AND CO LUMBUS. Leave Macon 9.45 A. M. and 11.50 P. M. Arrive at Columbus 3.30 P. M. and 5.35 A. M. Leave Columbus 3.15 A. M. and 3.30 P. M. Arrive at Macon 8.56 A. M. and 9.05 P. M. One daily Mail Train between Macon and Albany, and Cuthbert, Coleman and Morris. Leave Macon 10.25 A. M. Arrive at AlbanyX 4.55 P. M. Leave Albany .Z 2.00 P. M. Arrive at MacOu 8.26 P. M. The Mail and Passenger Trains from Coleman Station 10 miles west of Cuthbert, on the Fort Gaines Line and from Morris Station 11 miles west of Cuthbert on the Eufaula Line, connect daily with Albany Mail Train at Smithville, No. 10 S. W. R. R, The Read will be open to Hatcher's, on the Eufaula Line, 15 miles west of Cuth bert on the 15th of March next. Leave Coleman at 11.45 A. M. Leave Morris at 11,38 A. M. Arrive at Smithville, at 3.04 P. M. Leave Smithville, at 3.35 P. M. Arrive at Cuthbert, at 5.54 P. M. Arrive at Coleman 6,48 P. M. Arrive at Morris 6.57 P. M. Making the connection with the up and down Albany Mail Train. Trains to Columbus form a through connection to Montgomery. Ala., and Augusta, Kingston, Wilmington, Savannah, Milledgeville and Eatonton. Post < oaches run from Albany to Tallahassee, Bain bridge, Thomasville. &c. Post Coaches and Hacks make a daily connection with the Trains at Coleman for Fort Gaines, and at Morris for Eufaula. Hacks run six times a week from Fort A'alley to Per ry, Haynesville and Hawkinsville, and tri-weekly to Knoxville, Ga. Passengers for points below Fort Valley, should take the Night Train from Augusta and Savannah to avoid detention at Macon. For other points take cither'Train. VIRGIL POWERS Z Eng’r & Sup’t. M«eon, Feb. 29th, 1860. itliscellnncous. 1860. 1860. SPRING STYLE. GENTS' SILK.DRESS HATS! A first nite article for $3.50 The best quality $5.00 Call and see them—we will soon be receiving the Spring Stvle of SOFT FUR HATS, Together with an extensive assortment of Spring and Summer For Ladies and Gentlemen. Call and see us. feb IS d-ts BEARDEN, < lAINES & CO., Triangular Block. HORACE FITCH & CO., Triangle Block- HAVING just received their usual supply of Spring and Summer Clothing, are now offering great in ducements to any who may wish to purchase Summer Clothing, which they are satisfied they can sell as low as the lowest, and invite all who may want anything in their line, to give them a call. Also a large stock of Gauze Marino Shirts, which are very pleasant for these warm days. Also their usual supply or youths and chil dren's clothing: with a good stock of trunks, hat boxes, carpet bass and umbrellas. April 17- LOOK AT THIS!! VFTER this date, we shall refuse to fill any orders for lumber, unless accompanied with the Cash. And all lumber sent to our Factory to be dressed, will not be delivered until settled for. We are determined to spend no more of our time in running after small accounts.— We do not desire to give any offence to any of our pat rons. and hope we shall not do so. by adopting the course as above. We have been informed of late, of the enor mous increase in the boot and shoe trade of our city, and it is not surprising to us. for we wear out our shoes in dunning. Please send your orders written in ink. and properly signed, accompanied with the Cash, and we ’-bail be’ happy to wait upon you. D. B. & J. W. WOODRUFF. April >i Ee°priet>»'S of the-Enterprise Hansing Mill. A Card. ” HLIA vrvn Macon, Ga., Feb. 25th. 1860. A j ING dispossed of Wheeler <fc lltAson'a Sewing Ma chine Agency to Messrs. E. J. Johnston & Co., we most cheerfully recommend them to the patronage of our friends and the public. J. B. & W. A. ROSS. marl d WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 9 r 1860. (Confectioners, (Srocers, FEARS iV PJiITCHETT, GROCERS, MACON, GEORGIA. KEEP constantly in Store a heavy stock of Groceries and Planters’ Supplies, which they stand pledged to sell to the trade at the very lowest market price, consisting heavily of Gunny Cloth. Whiskey Rope and Twine, Brandy, f Negro Blankets. Wine, Shot’s, Tobacco, *■ Hats, Cigars and Snufl, 1 Kerseys. ofla and Paints, Osnabergs, Putty and Glass. i Homespun. Sugar and Coffee, Nails and Salt, Bacon and Lard, Molasses, Powder and Shot. Syrup and Candy, Candles and Starch. I “ ,ce ar *d Fish, Soap and Pickles, j F lour and Meal, Peppers, Spice’&c. „ , G-UANO. I apr 9-d “Let us Live While We Live.” CALL ON C. H. FREEMAN & CO., COTTON AVENUE, • MACON, GA. W HERE will be found, at all times, the following ar t I ticles and many others to tedious too mention : Family Groceries. Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Flour, Meal, Rice, Savannah Grits, Butter, Cheese. Lard, Salt, Pepper, Spices, Pickled Beef, Pickled Pork, Shad. Mackerel,White Fish, Pickled Tripe, Pickles, Preserves, Her metrically Sealed Fruits and Veg etables, Soap, Starch, Candles, Syrup and Vinegar. Fine BRANDY and WINE. Superior brands of CHAM" PAGNE. Longworth’s BRANDY and BITTERS. i (onfectioncries. Superior CANDIES of our own make. Also, all kinds of French Candies, Gum Drops. &c. NUTS of all kinds. Raisins. Figs, Dates, Prunes, Apples, Oranges. Lemons, Pine Apples, Bananas, &c. Parties Furnished with PLAIN and ORNAMENTAL CAKES neatly, pack ed and sent to any part of the country. FRESH BREAD every morning. Toys and Fancy Articles. A large assortment of TOYS and FANCY ARTICLES which we will sell low. Fish, Oysters and Vegetables. We are daily receiving, from Savannah. SHAD and other fish. Also, OYSTERS and VEGETABLES of all kinds. Tennessee Beef & Poultry. We arc receiving from Tennessee fine Beef and Poultry every few days. Also, GAME of all kinds that can be had from about the country. GIVE US A CALL we will do our best to please you in quality and price. All goods delivered to any part of the City free ol charge. A large assortment of IMPORTED and DOMESTIC SEGARS. Also, SNUFF and TOBACCO. Planting Potatoes. • Just received a fine lot of MERCER. PEACH BLOW and PINK EYE POTATOES. feb 6 d-ts C. H. FREEMAN & CO. Geo. T. Rogers & Son HAVE on hand and are daily receiving one of the largest and best selected assortments of Groceries kept in Georgia, which they offer to the trade at very small advance on cost—consisting of 200 Barrels A. B. and C. Sugars. 20 “ Crushed “ 30 “ Powdered '• 20 “ Granulated 10 Boxes Loaf “ 150 Bags prima Rio Coflee, (X) '■ Java and Laguyra Coffee, 200 Barrels Corn and Rectified Whiskey,, 100 “ Pikes’ “ 100 “ Gin, Rum and Brandy, 100 Boxes Tobacco, various grades; 400 Sacks Family and Superfine Flour, s<> Casks now Tennessee Clear sides, 25 “ “ •’ •’ Shoulders, 20 “ “ “ “ Hams, 50 Barrels new Leaf Lard, 200 Kegs Nails, 40 Bags Live Geese Feathers Snaps, Candies, Molasses, &c. feb 2 d-1 Groceries and Planters’ Supplies! HARDEMAN A GRIFFIN, Corner Third \ Cherry Sts., Macon. VRE daily receiving and keep constantly on hand, one of the largest and most complete assortments of Groceries to be found in the State, which they offer to Planters at the lowest prices. The stock includes laree amounts of Gunny Cloth, Super Carb. Soda, Rope, Soda and Butter Crackers Baling Twine, Herrings, Coffee—Java, Porto Rico, Rio Ashton’s Table Salt, and Laguira, Well Buckets, Black and Green Tea. Blue Buckets, A. B. & C. Sugar, Tubs, Loaf Sugar. Georgia Pine Buckets, Fine Port Rico, Leveritt Axes, Liverpool Salt, White Lead and Zinc. Alum Salt, Tanners’ and Machine Oil Adamantine Candles. Castor Oil, Sperm, “ Linseed Oil. No 1 Soap, Lemon Syrup, Family Toilet Soap, Rose Cordial, Assorted and Fancy Candy. Peppermint Cordial, Starch, Sewing Thread. Snufl', English Pickles, Kegs of Powder, Worcestershire Sauce Duck shooting Powder Clear Bacon Sides, Shot, Hams, Cigars, various brands, Shad, Tobacco, Mackerel. Magnolia & Mt. Vernon To-White Fish, i bacco, $1 Salmon, j Osnaburgs and Stripes Plantation Whiskey, I Homespun. Bleached. Pine Apple Brandv, j Georgia jKersey, Cut Loaf Sugar, I Northern ’ Soft Shell Almonds, ; Blankets, all prices. Pecan Nuts. Piper's Heidsick Wine. Brazil Nuts. La Perle Wine. Anderson's Solace Tobacco I Cabinet Wine, Mackerel, Ginger »t Blackberry Wine Prime Fresh Butter, and Brandy. Prime Fresh Lard, Rye and Corn Whiskey. Com Shellers, Extra old Bourbon. ' Brooms, Gin. Rum and Brandy, Common Matches, j Maderia. Port & Sweet Wine, German “ ; London Dock Gin, New Cideiu Baker & Stoughton Bitters. Blacking, Lemon Svrup, Cotton Cards, Ale and Porter. Yeast Powders, Ginger Preserves. Prunes Ground Paints in Oil of al and Figs, colors. Assorted Pick!es, feb 1 d-ly I PLATED CASTORS. JUST RECEIVED A FINE ASSORTMENT OF PLATED CASTORS. SPOONS, FORKS, &C. For sale low. BOLSHAW <fc HERZOG. April 2(Vd No. 11, Cotton Avenue. Cakes for the May Celebration. desirous of getting cakes for the children's May Party, will please leave their orders sooner than i the very last day, at HENRY HORNE'S April 19-d Confectionaire. ' 3nsnrmicc ionipmiies. FIRS RISKS ONLY TJZtEN. GJ RA lib FIRE AXD MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, PKILADELPIII \. CASH CAPITAL. $200,000 JOEL JONES, President. A. S. Gillett, Vice Prest. Jas. B. Alvord, Sec. '-bl d-ly T. R. BLOOM, Agent, Macon. Continental Insurance Company, OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Cash Capital ssoo,ooo*—Assets July Ist, 1860, $906,601,85 Inabilities, $16,- 514,37. TNSI RES Buildings, Merchandize, Household Fnnii ture, Rents, Leases, and other insurable property at <■ ivT-nal Three-fourths of the nett profits of the business of this Company are divided annually t& the holders of its policies in scrip bearing interest, which scrip will be redeemed as rapidly, and to the extent that the profits accruing to the policy holders exceed the sum of $500,000. GEO. T. HOPE, President. 11. 11. Lamport, Secretary. T. R. BLOOM, feb 1 d-ly Agent, MaCon. Insurance Companies. CITY FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY—NEW HAVEN, Capital $300,000. SPRINGFIELD INSURANCE CO.—SPRINGFIELD Capital $150,000. LORRILLARD INSURANCE COMPANY—N. YORK. Capital $200,000. With a large surplus security invested. Policies in the above first class. Companies Issued and losses promp - ly adjusted bye. j. JOHNSTON, Agent feb 1 d-ts Macon, Ga. i Fire and Life insurance Agencv, rpHE Subscriber is Agent for the following first class j -L Insurance Companies: i Southern Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Southern Mutual Life Insurance Company. Augusta Insurance and Banking Company. Unity Fire Insurance Company, of London. Applications received. Policies issued and Losses adj Justed by [feb 1 d-lyj J. M. BOARDMAN. CHARTER OAK Fl KE AND j MARINE INSURANCE ( ()MPANY r , I lui’tlovcl, Oomi. CASH CAPITAL 300.000 DOLLARS. Joseph 11. Sprague. Sec'y. Raph Gillet, Prest. icb 1 d-ly T. K. BLOOM, Agent, Macon. Incorporated 9560! HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE l COMPANY, OP HA KT FORI), CONNECTICUT. Capital and Assetts - - - - $937,708.00, IJOLKTES issued and renewed; Losses equitably ad justed and pair/ Immediately upon satisfactory proofs, in Eew iorkfunds, by the undersigned, the duly author ized Agent. E. J. JOHNSTON, Agent - march 16 d-ly 1 ho*. I£. t'asfijpbe!l, OF THE WELL KNOWN Home Insurance Comp’v, OF nT\V YORK. CASH CAPITAL $1.000,000- Silt ELI'S over SIOO,OOO. > And the PAft> INSURANCE COMPANY, 4 OF NEW YORK, CASH CAPITAL $200,000. WITH LARGE SIH PLUS. inarch 16-til Ist Jan. • fiardware, jfon, Steel. am ent s! IN THElft N EW Iron JF'zfoxxt Store! I I CONSISTING in part of Fan Mills, Grants, Clinton i VJ and other makes; Spike Thrashers, Emery, McConnel, Winship and sev- ■ eral other makes; ! Horse Powers, Emery, Rail Road. Bogardus and sev j eral other makes of Lever; i Also. Grain Cradles, 5 and 6 fingered ; Scythe Blades, Grass and Bush Hooks, Corn Shellers, Masticators, Straw Cqtters, Plows, Forks, Rakes, Hoes, &c., Together with everything else usually kept in their I line. All of which will be sold at the lowest market i prices. Call and see. march 29 d WASHINGTON BLOCK | BOOK STORE. IM. BOARDMAN keeps constantly on hand Law, ■ Classical, Medical, Theological and Miscellaneous Books, Blank Books of all kinds, Record Books for County purposes; Stationery, Drawing Paper, Water Colors, Artists’ Oil Colors, Mathematical Instruments, Mathematical and Engineering Books, Copying Presses and Books. Writing Desks, Portfolios. Pocket Books, Gammon Boards, Writing Fluids and Inks of ail kinds; Faber, Lubin and Lessing’s Pencils; Steel and Gold Pens; Stereoscopes and Views; Paintings and Engrav ings, and all articles usually found in a Book Store. feb 1 d-ly MACON ICE HOUSE A G E TSTC Y. Having transferred the Agency of the ICE HOUSE IXROM D. Demsey, Jr., to Messrs. GREER & FREE- . MAN. we respectfully solicit a continuance of the patronage hitherto extended to the former, and would also invite new customers. Messrs. Greer & Freeman i will at all times kee » on hand a full supply of TOE, Guaranteed to be as good an article and at as low a price as can be found in the South. They are now erecting a NKW ICE HOUSE, Near the Passenger Depot, for the convenience of ship- i ping, and consumers may rely on being promptly and 1 faithfully supplied. M. POWELL & CO. feb 13 d-ts Attention! Attention ! Messrs. Newcomb & Pattersou XT7OULD respectfully call the attention of the Citi ' V zens of Macon and vicinity to their Great South ern Eclipse Shingle Mill, Which is now in successful operation at Nisbet’s Fonn drv. All persons interested will please observe that this machine will turn out from ten to twenty thousandshin gles a dav. makes them uniform in thickness and taper, and perfectly smooth in finish, with less waste of tim ber and time than any other machine in existence. The public are requested to call and witness the oper ation of making Shingles by this machine. Any infor mation in regard to the machine can be had on applica tion to "Messrs. NEWCOMB & PATTERSOA. At “The Georgia,’" Mulberry St., Macon, Ga. march 15 d CALL aud examine my splendid Stock before you go farther to fare worse F. H. BURGHARD. march 21 d Cry (Snobs, &c. - —— ROSS & COLEAIAN, AT THEIR BAZAAR OF FASHION. Oh! What beautiful Goods! I OUR Spring Stock has arrived, and myriads of NEW GOODS are coming in every day. Large consignments, to be sold, without regard to price, comprising every novelty. Arrangements have been effected with importer ethat throw them far ahead of competition. LADIES, we can't particularize, call, see, wonder and admire. The only DRY GOODS IMPORTING HOUSE in i the city. ROSS & COLEMAN. Macon, April 14—ts Cotton Avenue. N. S. PKUDDUX & CO. ARE novv prepared to offer a larger and much more attractive stock than ever before, of Spring- Dry Goods. All the new designs, colors and novelties in DRESS GOODS! Traveling Dresses, Dusters, Mantillas, Misses' and Childrens’ Talmas, Embroideries of all kinds. Point. Lace Collars and Setts, Lace Mitts, Gloves, Hosiery, Hoops Skirts, small figured Goods for children, Striped Linens and Satteens for boys wear. House Furnishing and Goods for FAMILY USE, Linens, Table Damask, Towelings, Linen Sheetings, Pillow Casing, Piano and Table Covers, together w ith a j full and complete stock of Staple Dry Goods! We invite special attention to our varied assortment of MOURNING GOODS. N. S. PRUDDEN & CO. Macon, March 16th, 1860—d-ts _____ SPRING GOODS The subscriber has commenced receiving his Stock of FANCY So STAPLE DRY GOODS! HE WILL OFFER SOMETHING NEW EVERY WEEK. His Friends and the Public ARE REQUESTED TO ! (41 VE HIM A CA.LE G. W. PRICE. I feb 1 H. N. ELLS & CO.. 7 SUCCESSORS TO 0. A. ELLS & SON. iceTice ! EVERYBODY LIKES IT! HAVING completed our arrangements for a supply of ICE this season, we would state to our numerous ■ friends and customers that we are now prepared to fur- I nish them as low as any house in. Savannah or Macon can furnish it. That the old firm of C. A. Ells & Son has ■ built up the Ice trade in this city and vicinity is well ' known, and we would most respectfully solicit a contin uance of the same. We will deliver ICE on board the Cars, packed in Bar rels, Hogsheads, Sacks or Bulk, directed to any point ! above or below Macon, or we will sell in Macon in any j quantity, as low as any house in our city. Please call | and see us on Mulberry St., opposite Lanier Ilonse, or send your orders in for any kind of goods and they will be faithfully filled. Onr Ice House is at the lower end of the Passenger Depot along side of the Rail Road track and is the most convenient one for shipping. Our motto is to attend to our business faithfully, fill our orders punctually and never to be undersold. Henry N. Ells, 1 11. N. ELLS & CO. : Charles W. Ells, f march 17 d Groceries A Provisions, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Brandies and Wines of the best quality, and all kinds i of Goods usually found in a Family Grocery and Provis ! ion Store. Cigars, a fine lot of superior brands, warranted equal to any kept in the Southern country. Candies, Preserves, Sauces, Pickles, Figs, Raisins, Teas, &c., and everything for culinary purposes. Oil, Camphene, Fluid and Coal Oil, also, Camphene and Coal Oil Lamps. Oranges, Lemons, Apples, and all other Fruits, by the barrel or box, always on hand. We will deliver all goods bought of us in any part of the city free of charge ; also, deliver goods to the Rail Road Depot free of charge, to our country customers.—. There will be a man in attendance at the arrival and de- - partureofall trains to fill orders punctual without any delay. march 17 d H. N. ELLS & CO. I HAVE ON HAND A FINE LOT OF China Tea and Dinner Sets, GLASS WARE, ICE PITCHERS, cyxsTonsi, cfcc. April 25- R. P. McEVOY; LOTTERIES. SHIVERS'LUCKY OFFICE Cx EORGIA STATE LOTTERY—McKinney & Co. Maa- I T agers—Capitals of $60,000. $20,000, SIO,(XX), &c.. At’. CONSOLIDATED LOTTERIES—Hodges, Davis & Co., Managers.—Capitals SIOO,OOO, $70,000, $50,000, $20,- 000. &c., &c. WALTON FEMALE COLLEGE LOTTERY.—W. C. Dawson & Co., Managers—Capitals $60,000. $30,000. $20,- 000. $10.(M». &c., &. Grateful for past favors would solicit a continuance of 1 the same. Remember that I have sold and returned more Capitals, than any office in the State of Ga. Be sure to call at or send your orders to Shivers’ Lucky Os flee, if you wish a large prize, Office, Floyd House Build ins. Macon, Ga. WM. SHIVERS, Jr., feb 22 d Agent for all the above Lotteries. COAL ! COAL! COAL! BEST RED ASH zAK)TiXl®A©D'irig 2 Constantly on band and deliveredtopartieson the side J walk. T. J. &. D. Lane. i feb 1 d-ts Jjotejtnps, i£totl)ing, £t. CLOTHING!! FLANNEL COATS, FLANNEL PANTS. CASHMERE COATS. DRAP D'ETECOATS. LINEN COATS. LINEN DUSTERS, WHITE LINEN PANTS. LINEN BOSOMS, BALTIMORE SUITS, LINEN SUITS, CHILDREN’S SUITS. LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, MERINO GAUZE SHIRTS. CARPET BAGS, YT BA-IRD’S FINE MARSAILLES VESTS, LISLE UNDERSHIRTS. LINEN DRAWERS, ALPACCA COATS, ALEXANDRES GLOVES, UMBRELLAS, TRAVELING TRUNKS, VALISES, MONEY BELTS. SUSPENDERS, JLOW FOK CASH. April 26- TRUNKS! TRUNKS] I TX D- have row one of the largest and most varied y T stocks of Trunks ever offered in this city, for la dies and gentlemen; fine Sole Leather Trunks, line Iron F ranie 1 ranks, French Trunks, Eugenia aud Saratoga 1 ranks ; they are something extra for the Ladies. —ALSO— a large assortment ot Hat or Bonnet Boxes, a good many I other styles of Tranks, Valicces. Enameled Bags and I Satchels too numerous to mention. Our stock of Fine Dress Shoes cannot be surpassed by any House in the State. The above goods we are selling very low for the Cash Come and see us. , A „ L. L. BRICKHOUSE & CO., 1 A|>rl ' Triangular Block NOTICE. Tire undersigned has on hand a lot of j MEN AND BOY’S SPRING AND SUMMER HATS. | Not being in our line of business, we will sell them j much below the regular prices. J. STRAHAN & CO., Mulberry St. opposite the Lanier House. Macon, Ga., April 18-ts CLOTHING! CLOTHING!! A FINE LOT, , FOR THE SUMMER. ' ( gentlemen and see for yourselves, they will be a 80 -\ d J ery low - ELIAS EINSTEIN, April 23- 'Triangle Block, Macon, Ga. COME AND EXAMINE Our new Spring and Summer J SOFT AND STRAW GOODS I MENS’, • BOY AN ft CHILDRENS’ STRAW HATS and CAPS! From $1.25 jxr Dozen to .<6.00 Each. Caps from 10 Cents to $2.50 Each I SILK DRESS HATS $3,50, $4 A $5. Casfiiniere Wrens Mitts* 44’ $45 AVool Hats I I rom .*5,50 per Dozen to Extra Heavy and Fine, $15.00 per Dozen ! Opposite Lanier House, Macon, Ga. C. B. STOME A BKO’S. aprl 6 d ~SOJ3X* X VAI ’ER!?' OF DELICIOUS quality, with full assortment of SYR UPS, made from the fruits of the PINE APPLE, STRAWBERRY. BLACKBERRY. Also the other beverages drawn from our NOVEL! V FOUNT, freezing cold, and sparkling. ZEILIN & HlsiT, nruggiete, April 26- Opposite Telegraph Office. HATS AND GAPS, A good article < 7 I V E TV For the price, and finished in ; A. NJV A. Y ! To please the most difficult, at WM. BELDEN’S. 2JTeb 25 d-ts E. SAULSBURY MANUFACTL’REi: OF, AND DEALER IN CLOTHING! nASin store everything new and desirable in his line to which he will add during the season all the choice novelties of the Pans, London and Southern markets. march 30 d A M. BLACKSHEAR & CO. ARE NOW OFFERING A LARGE AND CHOICE STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING FOR BOTH MEN AND BOYS, TOGETHER WITH GOODS In large variety. Also TRUNKS, VALICES, CARPET BAGS, UMBRELLAS, &c. mar 23 d No. 85.