The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1860-1864, November 06, 1860, Image 1

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I1A1LY J O M W C . ^ RE C * i» I l or KEHTCCKT, FOB pronuHT. JOSEPH LAKE or OREOON, BOB VICB IWEtllPXBT. Elector* for the St&£t Large. »[j 1 **" 1 Riv8S Secretar y ofState * and beat Madi- > r n oAn Ktmcutlf in a fair Sfsfa ritrh^Jl Hon. C. J. M«;T>ONALl>, of Cobb. Hon. H. R. JACKSON, of Cb#tbam. ;fi> • - . \a» . ' WJ Elector» for the Du 1st Dist-TrPBTBfL.CONff at - - ■' * w-.wzL 6. C. GIBSON, of Spaulding. HUGH BUCHANAN, of Coweta. LEWIS TUMXiTN, of Cass. H. STRICKLAND, of Forsyth. W. A. LOFTON, of Jasper. M. McINTOSH, of Elbert to the Telegraph office, receive the news much sooner than in any otli^^way we can think of. The news must concentrate *t some point be fore it can go forth to the region round about Send your county vote here directed to the Ma con Tt legraph and then you will soon get re turns from all the counties in Middle Georgia. ■S' A CANDID ESTIMATE. The Columbus Enquirer, at a time when it is too late to accuse him of figuring for effect, makes what he claims to be a “ candid esti mate" of the Presidential result thus : For Lincoln—New England, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wis consin and Michigan, 88 For Bell—Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, Louisi ana, Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri, 72 For Breckinridge—All the other Southern States ex cept Delaware, 46 For Douglas—Illinois, India, la. Iowa, California, 32 Doubtful—Delaware, Oregon, Minnesota. 1q AVe should be glad to compromise upon that and say no more about it. But there’s no use raising hopes, when to-morrow’s news will «1y«K thsm-ta tha^arth and some distance be- - Wsfaate no idc;- of any such resuit, to disappoint us except If Lincoln does not make a ijr North, we believe it not to men. The |J*I1 doubt on the sub- fa hope of New York it hasty conclusions.— |New York. Private ad- Lincoln majority in and we should expeot^that majority against us any how.— the vote we aqEoifihte: rm'T 1'nM^ffjWl.llir non-sWveiholdiug; H«n6ie,’<?^*#j4C»Mlj|fia£; '"'jSjfSSSfv For Brecklmrfffire—ftajfofrfP|iia*Bi Fori Fqr Bell-Mull; ateveYr 'taking' $ace. - T&e;- experjv &^^fl^j&6wif«a^-S&9 r afip is^wiTKTfwSliern ry-actions. On the drib ' W irorky is a compact, enthusiastic, r^F,'ah"d on thrwfier a heterogeneous masS^vfitii ;pnly one sentiment in common, and " w«rlrmh‘fr.r-thitt, in a discordant and unsystc- maPrivate advices tell us New York go ^wctuhcoln by thirty to seventy thou sand atK&im Tshoiild believe as much without ttiem. Greeley gives a fusion majority of twenty-five thousand in the city and Kings county and claims seventy-five thousand abo lition majority in the rest of the State. If Lincoln is defeated, it will be the work of God and not of men. Let Georgians vote for Breckinridge to-day and leave results with Providence. Breckin ridge embodies our opinions and deserves our support. Gov. Johnson on thf. New York Election —The South Carolinian learns that Hon. He schel Y. Johnson passed down the Chariot Road on Tuesday night He says Penqsylv nia and New York are irretrievably gone. Tfi latter, he says, will give Lincoln 50,000 majc ity. Wc are informed that Gov. Johnson thinti there will be fusion voters enough to beat Li? coin in New York, but they will throw therj selves into a minority by scratching ticket! That is very probable. son himself in a fair, State rights administra- *tion of the Government, by a length and a half, •/if the South will only be quiet. If “lop” is not jjj right fa these particulars*w* haye^po doubt he- ||j tees or good conduct as the South will receive from the Lincoln Administration in the course eoiji few weeks; but inasmuch as all the assur ance she has ever yet asked, was drawn up a ‘good many years ago, signed, syoin&fo-’und printed, and has been steaddy^dUi^pSredby Lincoina(fjt~hi8 frfoiwfoforteB or twenty years, we arff^SjfflflJforfliflgttBfofnial obligations #ifl jjW': look into the decis- ion Of'ftcB^iim^Gburt. b the Br«£ Scott case, you will observe that tne GOar^distifict- ly affirms the Constitutional right ofjfte South ern.citizen to go into the Territories with his slaves. But the main article in the' Chicago Platform, which Lincoln has also qgomised ta enforce, declares, that the Southern citizen shall be divested of this rignt by act of Con gress, and Lincoln has declared repeatedly, that he would vote in Congress for such a pro hibition, Dred Scott to the contrary notwith standing. Mr. Lincoln then, will swear to sup port the Constitution, which declares the deci sions of that Court the S/upreme Law, while com mitted to violate it in this particular. He will, so far as we can arrive at a logical conclusion, (and if any body can get at any other reasona ble conclusion, we should like to. understand how he docs it,) begin his- administration by perjury in respect- to the Constitution, or by a fraud upon his own party. We are afraid his promises are not worth much. FAULTY ARITHMETIC. • ' A recent article we have copied from -the Richmond Enquirer, has drawn upon that print the anathemas of Judge R. H. Field, of Char lottesville, who says: “These Southern Disunionistswant a South ern Confederacy, mainly to openrthe slave trade and thereby become enabled to purchase Afri can slaves at one hundred and fifty dollars to cultivate their cotton lands. The price of ne groes here will fall at least one hundred per cent from the serious apprehension OLffuch a result The price of land will ^come’down in -the same proportion, and all persons'||ho $re much in debt will be broken up.^ If their debts amount property is now ) utter ruin would ! The Encm IRS’ FAIR, the following com- BelgerAmerican » Com- ejopfinent of Direct Trade? We are informed ill be made in time for the and exhibition of the Goods, there will be no difficulty in a sale of them during the exhibition; * * ji .-jpacsg^iEs, 12th October, 186) ' Citpof* i Blithe has Behn rectly, so loug with legislai presume he must he well tary rules. We shall a formidable competitor . The Soil. B., Wffittf tioned as a gentleman er. Hecertainly is. \S. Henry; chartered by the Company, has sailed ^ .7^1ThTAnfrtgjpnrlntfthi from the port of Antwerp on the 4th instant ^-- —•" ’ *-— She carried out to the Macon Exhibition a’rich Sir :—Hating been informed by Mr. Howell Cobb, the Htfb. President of the Planters’ As sociation of Georgia, that the superior manage ment of the Exhibition of Foreign Goods of the Macon Fair, was confided to you, we have # the honor of informing you to-day, that the ship I of “Glo sent that <Ale t, theTSouth,” Stephens, has A MISREPRESENTATION CORRECT Montgomert, Ala., November 2.—-The patch published in the papers that the Breckin^ ridge Club of this city had a meeting on the 30th ult, and openly avowed their preference for Lincolns’* election, in order that the Union may be dissolved, is an unmitigated falsehood. J. C. B. MITCHEL. AY ATKINS PHELAN. Tho Hail Hoad Festival in Savannah. From a report ofjhe Republican of the Fes tival in Savannah-last Friday, on occasion of the completion of the Charleston A Savannah Rail Road, we see all the toasts and remarks took a political Turn. That paper says: “The last toast was as follows, and we can not better describe the speeches generally than by saying it embodies, with an exception or two, the pervading sentiment of them all. The last Straw that broke the CameVs lack —Lincoln. There was no response, nor, indeed, was it necessary, as during the evening the subject had been fully discussed, the sentiment of all the speakers who alluded to it being one of re sistance, in some form, to a Black Republican government RALSTON’S HALL Was honored with a fair audience last even ing to witness the “Romance of a Poor Young Man.” The performance was excellent in somo of its passages, as the wrapt attention and bursts of applause plainly demonstrated. Of the farce of “State Secrets" we think the “Tailor of Tam worth” fully maintained that “Old clothes is riz." See advertisement and programme for to night ^ THE VOTES OF THE STATES. It is not very probable that we shall receive the returns from any of the Northern Slates in time for to-morrow’s issue. We shall look for them about Wednesday morning—not very anx- kmdy yoa may be sure. We would engage to jEtake hetter returns than the wives will bring us for half the money. O. C. Gibson, Lewis Timlin, W. A. Lofton, Hardt Strickland, W. M. McIntosh. cargo of Belgian goods, and-a certain quantity of German, Dutch, and French Goods.*" AYe hope that she yfll happily reach Savannah, and •that all the necessary arrangements shall have been taken on-your side for the receipt and the 'ranging of the Goods when those arrive in Ma con. The cargo is' consigned to Messrs. Mullen & Michels in Savannah, who will forward the Goods toMacqn by railroad, and according to the special instructions, you may think fit to give to them to ^that effect. The superinten dence and sale of the goods at’the exhibition shall be confided to Mr. G. Eyronds, the spe cial agent of the Company, and who will leave Europe on the Persia^ the 27th instant from Liverpool. i We believe that the Belgian American Com pany, as well as the Belgian Manufacturers, have proved now their serious desire of promo ting Direct Trade, and that the people on your side will prove the same -by making successful, the first experiments in the great enterprise. By the next mail we will give to yoiq some more details, and hope that in the mean time, you will take every necessary arrangement in regard with the receipt of the Goods. J We remain, dear sir, J Very respectfully yours,- ^ - P. De BAVAYT V President Board of Director^ Julian Beoqubt, Business Manager. The ATtieft Hxpodition against China. The Swnsttah Republiean has some inte ing letters frefothe scene of the Anglo-F ' are to ti»il ‘ The friends of Gen. Cl Muscogee, are proposing tiori of Speaker. 'Gen. map of ah ifity, ^graduate quite eoqffiBbis and and* ‘ _ Some of the newspaper con ispondents last Winter said he was the' h*uds mest and most . courteous member of the LegH^ature. <£en. AY. as a member, _ ectly and indi- 'e affairs, that we d in parliamen- rprised if he be ie>position. " is men- ified for Speak- ir in the Sanders- & of Representa tives will, by.conferrihS fj^Stiigh,bo»a^ipon 8 ins justly distinguished son ai' Georgmp not illy pay a merited oomplimenV to moral and intellectual worth, but honor themselves and please the^ople generally without distinction of party. In all probability the approaching session of the Legislature will be one of marked and momontous -interest in the history of our beloved State, and the necessity ofliaving a pre siding officer in the House of ripe experience, a big.heart, and a cool^head, cannot be too greatly magnified. The writer difiers now, and has, for several years, differed with Mr. Lewis on some leading questions of beth 'State and National policy; yet, notwithstanding this, Mr. L. has ever challenged flvlr confidence and respect, by his entire honesty, his patriotic manliness, and his marked ability; and we most-cordially urge his name for this .distin-* • guished post, feeling, that by so doing,’we are not only setting a good example in these trou blesome times of partisan strife, but making a suggestion which, if adopted, will redound to the good of the State.” * We have noticed the names of other gentle men mentioned, among them Judge Wm. Gib son, Of this coilnty. Our hope is, that the Representative branch will select a man best qualified forth* position. -— Constitutionalist. ARRIVAL OF THE ADRIATIC. New York, Nov.- 5.->-The Adriatic r&ched Sandy Hook this morning with Liverpooftiates to the 24th. Cotton Sales of four days 34,000 bales, with a quiet market. Consols urvchanggd. M *. ARRIVAL OF THE PRINCE ALBERT. St. Johns, Nov. 5.-—The Steamship prince Albert arrived to-day, with Liverpool dates to the 25th ultimo. Liverpool Cotton Market.—Sales of Monday and Tuesday, (24th and 25th) 18,000 bales, with a 'firm market and at unchanged quota tions. Consols unchanged. Italian affairs more threatening. Liverpool, Oct 26.—Sales jof. the day eight thousand bales with a quiet but firm market Havre.—Cottoa market active. Two thou sand,, hales “gold. -Orleans Middlings eighty- seven francs. ' . 'A COTTON SHIP IN- DISTRESS. ife* York, Nov. 3.—4htelKgen«e from Key tVedt to the 27th October has been" received.— The ship Ocean Star from New Orleans bound to Liverpool, got ashore on Triumph Beef on the 24th October and had two feet of water in her .hold. [The .Ocean Star left New Orleans- on tbeM lth of October, \vitk 2,763 bales of cot ton and 2,0£)Q staves.]' COTTON MARKET. Charleston, Nov. 5.—Sales of 17,000 hales. Prices irregular, at a-decline of T .to AuUusta, Nov. 5.—Sales of 300 bales. Mar ket iYregular and depressed. Great Freshet in Virginia.—Serious danv age to the Railroad—The Mails stopped.—AYe understand that a great freshet occurred in Vir ginia about the first of this week, which did an immense amount of damage to the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad and to all kinds of property. We are informed that nineteen bridges across Peat and Rgad creeks, between AYytheville and . Dublin Station, two miles this side of Newbern have been washed away, making a gap of twen- tf-eight miles. The.road has been built seven years, and no freshet has occurred in that region to injure any of these bridges. There has been no such flood since 1814. The destruction of THJSATRE—TUESDAY ! for tue state at large: ALEXANDER H. STEPHENS, of Taliaferro. AUGUSTUS R. WRIGHT, of Floyd. district eCectors : First District—JAS. L. SEAVARD, ofThomas, —B. Y. MARTIN, of Muscogee. —NATHAN BASS, of Bibb. —H. AYARNER, ot Meriwether. —J. AV. PARRIS, of Cass. J. P. SIMMONS, of Gwinnett. J. St HOOK, of Washington.' —J. CUMMING, of Richmond. M©nru@M a a I HAVE a large assortment of CuRery, Razors, Razor Straps, Bowie Knives, Purses. &c.., Ac., which will ho sold at Auctioh every evening until the stock is dis posed of. ALSO, A large nnnrber of Books which.will be disposed of In the same way. * J. J. MULER, Auctioneer. n°v3d —mh Fiiyir 1 O OOO SEGARSof theenri 1V,UUU * nd 0^ brands. sale bv v - sale by nov 3 d “ Great Eastern” •Fast received and for T. J. & D. LANE. loned Douglas, andtrecommends the peo- fhf Georgia to give Mr. Breckinridge a unan- tjjmous vote. However desirable such a fact uiight be—the (ruth must he told; it is no# a fact, Tia we all know. e CIRCULARS. > The mail of Sunday brought several very en ^gpuraging circulars to merchants'^ this place, from mercantile firms in New York, promising ’good news from Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York. We caution every body from bet ting on them, and if they are disappointed no money will be lost No doubt large expendi tures and intense efforts have been made by the New York fusionists within a fortnight, aad per haps they have had some effect; but the move ment has been too late to do any good. EXCITEMENT. \ T irginia and South Carolina are said to be in- :nselv excited. In the Old Dominion, Govs. ,atfcher and Wise are at loggerheads about de fensive measures, the Governor disapproving of Ex-Governor Wises’ extra legal soldiery, called “Minute Men.” In South Carolina, we under stand the hoys are armed and cockaded, and handle fheir weapons and their tongues so care lessly, that several Northern travellers have gone home intensely disgusted. This is bad, and if China berries were in season, we frould recommend the bo? s to practice awhile &ith pop-guns. - VOTERS, EXAMINE YOUR TICKETS! . Many a man has lost his vote, or what is worse, voted for men he intended to vote Against, by not examining his ticket closely be fore going to the ballot box. Let every voter who values the institutip” <.f slavi ry, who loves the Union and reveres the Constitution of Otlr fathers, be careful not-Ip vote the wrong tioket. Here is the Breckinridge and Lane ticket, to be voted by all in Georgia who Jnfend that these gallant champions of right and justice s&ail receive, their support. See that each of these names is on your ticket before you depo sit it in the ballot box: For the State at Large. Charles J. McDonald, HENRY R. JACKSON. For the Districts. Peter Cone, W. M. Slaughter, Hugh Buchanan. ops, and in fron ondent says ariy so, of the flee) ey have been coming tficent scene,. There 8h-Men-of- .French Sh iaonsidered a A TYPE FOUNDRY IN THE SOUTH. The Richmond Enquirer says Messrs. Walk er & Pelouze have commenced operations as Type Founders in that city. Southern Office Ink.*—This Ink is manu factured by Prof. J. Horwitz, and for sale at McKeon’s News Agency, Cotton Avenue. So much to correct a mistake in the previous no-' ticc. AVe understand it is meeting with ready sale and is very popular. The Unhappv Sootch Woman who was Plagued with Dying Husbands.—“ 'Deed, minister, I think shame to come to you,” said an old dame who had sought the clergyman’s kindly offices for the same purpose on four pre vious occasions. ‘‘What’s the matter, Marga ret, that you should think shame to come to me ?” “ ’Deed, sir, it’s just this: I’ve come to seek ye to many me again.” “Well, Margaret, I do not see that ye have any occasion to think shame for such a purpose. Marriage, you know, is honorable to all.” “ ’Deed is’t, sir; but 1 hae ow’re muckle o’t already. I-believe there never was any poor woman plaguit wi’ such deeing bodies o’ men as I hae ms was afi the rear by the boats. The “The whole, arrived; all day senting us a mag at anchor, Eng Transports 180 46 ; this may b« tion. ’ I We have as yet received no of the the troops c lied forces; we •have formed a ever, which may?Be nearly coi the English wiff land 15,000 8,000 men, a sufficient force, it is thought, toifc- complish all, or as much as the “Allies” desire. The attack upon the. Taku forts has been postponed for 15 or 20 days, it is thought, as the difficulties to be encountered are of greater magnitude than was originally believed. The whole surrounding country is one immense-mud flat, through which a causeway leads in tpc di rection of the forts ; it is wide enough for 6 or 8 men to march abreast, and terminates about ’our miles from the village of Paytang. At this termination is planted a Chinese battery which weeps the causeway, and between it and the irts there are 4 or 5 entrenched camps which :st be stormed ere the forts are reached. The ;8 are constructed of mud and piles, are well ,ed and thoroughly garrisonedJby choice Tar- ‘ oops. The Chinese have completely bar ed the river, and have blocked up -the nel clear out to the bar about two miles nt, so as to prevent the approach qf tWe -boats. *' The Tartar Chief Sang-Kol-ling- hg is in command^fhe same chieftain who of- :iated as “Mastcfc of ceremonies” last year.— e was formerly a Lama Priest, but evincing a itrong prediction for a military life, and hav ing succeeded in quelling a rebellion in some of the Provinces, he was elevated jo the response ble position he now occupies. The Celestials seem to He better armed, and are more thorough ly acquainted with modern warfare than they have heretofore hod credit for; Tartars are toainly entrusted with the defence, and the Chi nese in the village told the Allies they had nev er before seen those men with whom they had a “brush” the other day; they described them as “men who ate raw rat meat, and smelled very bad.” LATER FROM"YUCATAN. New Orleans, Nov. 3.—The schooner Bril liant, with Campcaehy dates to the 13th ult., arrived here to day. She reports an outbreak and a new civil war nt Yucatan, caused by im position of inland duties on goods from Cam- peachy and a contention for the Revenues of Carmen Islands. The General Government and the neighbor ing provinces were prepared to invade Cam- peachy, but the latter anticipated their move ments and marching troops on the Capital, con quered it and compelled the Government to sign a treaty of peace. The Gold Dollars.—As much has recently been said in publi<^prt n t8 about thevecoinkig of gold dollars info pieces of larger denomina tions, it may be statedxhat orders have been issued from the TreasfoF Department in two special cases only, aud^fren a representation that the smaller coin* Mansion much incon venience, in the recdp&VagM, disbursement; for no sooner are they patf3j£ff than they are again returned in business ^§Sfe$ictiong, there appearing to be a redundance^oftfifei among the commercial classes. The AssistantgTre&surer at New York has, for the greatarJhcility in counting, authorized-to have abomjtwo mil lions of them recoined, and tho Aaaiii&pLTrea- surer at St, Louis, upward of one fifty thousand, for similar reasons. coinage, however, applies to the original our her issues, which it is known, are smal* circumference and thicker th»n the lai superior coin. Of the former, there nine millions, and of the latter si* mi circulation. The District of Columbia baa now a j tion of 75,000, haring increased about on part in tbs last ten years. road has been ive lost thirty (iafosge of the *nd There i it will be the road loftrains running iend the !>? Wfly of Louis- hcfoqgh commu- piite-'J [merican of property along the line-of} immense. One man is said V lsaud bushels of corn. a consequence-ofohe« road, the mails haVe! ^— / four'“d“' 1 AYe undei^Tand^Cfen. Anl Northern and Eastern ma| ville this morning and until ! luxation is established.— the 3 d instant. AVIDE-AWAKE ON The Buffalo Republic is fifopomtibkT for the following humorous sketch In our quiet peregrinationilfon Sunday even ing last we ran across a-TSpecitnen of the genus VVUhfcAwake, whose ajrrns wqfe most affection- atelyentwined around a lamp post. Looking down Niagara street, his attention was attrac ted by a double row of lamps which line either side of the beautiful avenue. Holding on to thg lamp-post with one arm, he made several spasmodic efforts to move his hat from his brow, and after several fruitless attempts he succeeded in placing it firmly on the occiput. Straighten ing himself up, he gave eloquent utterance to the following soliloquy : v “Splend’ ’splay, (hie)ain’t? L’l Gints (hie) can’t get up such splep’ ’splay (hie) no ’ow.— Won’t it leek (hie) Linkin? AVantt’know sez’t wod’t’leek old dabe? Splen’ ’splay. . Speck’t they’re goin’ to Black Rock. Mus be goin’ (hie) to Black Rock. Splen’ ’splay. AViSh I’se gorn,’ (hie.) D’like to go, ’f my wife (hie) had’nt lock (hie) up my eape’n ’atan’ow". How’s she’spec to lee Linkin if she (hie) won’t let a velle ’ev iz cipejn ’at? Splen’ ’splay. ’Spect (hie) the Cbo'r an’ 'Public' 11 swear ’twaiitasplen”splay. 'Spre«s"\{ make it all rite. 'Sp-ess all’s makes (hie) all rite. ’Rah for Lii.kin! TigeMir! ’Rah for Lifkin an’ how! Ofii ’splay. Doug las feller.4 nev’r’d such ’splay. Twent’ thous’ (hie) gn’ torches. ’Rah for U’ide-Awakes !— Wish lad my eape ’n ’at (hie.) ( V’good mind V (hie) get drunk; guess’d make’.my ’ife give up_ nay eape’n ’at. 2*no use.’n livin’ yv’out eape ’n ’at. Splen’ ’splay. Seyen’ five thousan’ torches, an’ Coalr 'an 'Public ’ll swear ’t'visn’t over fifteen thou (hie) ’sn. 'Spress' 11 make it larj’nuff.— ’Rah for the 'Spress. At this crisis in the soliloqtiy of the Wide- Awake, one of the night policemen came up and tapping him on the Shoulder, diked-him Wr go along with him. AVide-Awake—“How’n h—o’spose a feller (hie) goin’ ’long w’out a cape’ii] at?” AYatchman—“You’re drunk,jand I want you to go home with me,” Wide-Awake—“Splco’ ’splty, an’t. (hie) splen’ ’splay! Rah for Linkin r Watchman, (shaking him from his reverie,) —“Come, come along with me—you’re in bad condition.” AVide-Awake—“Mi ’ife (bic)’t got eape’n at, hut can hold m’ oats if she’s—Splen’ ’splay, an’ ow.”' The Watohman'kindly devoted a few minutes to explanation of matters, but finding that he could not convince the ardent AYide-Awake of his error, he took him home, l'he last words of the Wide-Awake, a» be reluctantly Igft the scene which afforded him so much delight, were, “Splen’ ’splay, hie ’splay.” Florida’Election.—*'fhe officii# returns of the election in Florida show Milton’s majority for Governor to be 1,762 ; Hilton’s majority for Congreps*2,562. * KAOOK OOTTO N M ARjCMT. - Trlesraph Oft!©*, | Macon, Nov. 5,1863. I jtanday.—Receipts 686 bales,. Sales 688 balee as fol lows : 9 bales at 7c., 1 at 10 7 at 10X, 170 at 11,909 at 11K< 99 at U 3-16,196 at 11X- A One day’s operation for Monday. A New Coaedy & a Great Ledger Drama. The very successful new London Comedy in 3 acts, Everybody’s Friend! And the splendid Dramatization of the Gnnmaker of Moscow! Witha fkvorite Dance, by MR. FLEMING’S STAR COMPANY!!! nov 5 d _ Presbyterian Depository. rrllE Knowledge of God Subjectively considered, by Robt. S, J. Breckinridge, D. D. Divine Government, by McCash. Kitto’s Bible Illustrations, Gwinncss’ Sermof“ TheMissini Chalmer'e S Dick’s Lecti_ Discourses an Horqe’s Inti Captive Orp Bridge’s Ghrii , MeCneyne’s Wi Carter’s coaipic Also, just receivi ers, Catechisms. — Macon New Segar Store. J UST opened, under the Floyd House, on the corner, next door to the Savannah Bank, Third Street, where will be round all kinds of Segare, just imported from Havana. This is no humbug; All l ask ft to call and taste for yourselves. No charge for showing goods. The prices will suit the times. Price from one cent up to ten cents each. Also, all kinjle of chewing and smok ing Tobacco. Pipes; Snuff, &c. Call on-thc subscriber, nov 3 d-2m* C. MADSEN. New Boot and Shoe Store! “Gome one, come all, And give us a call.” H. COLEMAN, Second Sit., four doors, south of Mulberry St., MACON, GA. o I of our Lord, B>. D. *iy> }t and Fireside Libraries, r iot of Books, Tracts, Prim- Ceived »* r ' JNO, Southern manpfl A magnificent 1 Elegant rich & co’s. \ .CAROLINA CASSIMERE, t AND VELVET CLOAKS, SILKS AND D^ESS GOODS REAL LACE SETTS, EMBROIDERIES, WHITE GOODS, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, DOMESTIC GOODS, PLANTATION GOODS, CARPETING, ‘ ' VELVET, BRUSSELS, CARETS, DAMASK CURTAINS, LACE CURTAINS, At low prices at „ jriO.W.'KEIN ACO’S, Head-Quarters for Dry Goods, Second St., ffiacon <Ja. nov 6 d t OpMilOKBBB. Per Central K. R.—Macon, Mbv. 6. Gov J E Brown, J O Tbomton A Co, Geo T Rogers & Son, N Weed, J A Nelson, W A Ross, Rogers A S7J N Kein AAlo, R P McEvoy, E E Brown A Son, J H Cherry A Co, J W Bnrke, J W Burke, J W Griffin, J H Damonr, C T Ward A Co, Carhart A C, J B A W A Boss, E Fenchiwanger J Youngblood, J Bassett, Tim Mullany, Hasdeman A G, E Bond A Co, A Ayies. Mix A K, S A Mos«s, T R Bloom, H N Ells A Co, L D Wilcoxson, T J A D’Lane.B A Wise, Wood, Bro A Co EElnstein, I,< min AM, LI Logan, Greer A ' ' ”” H M North, J. Russell, Clegbi Allbar, lbwaA A B R k. * Per M. It W. £. R.-Pov. 6. A Powell, W A Huff, Stratton A Seymore, A Ayres A Ljfoy. w MPahn, J B AW A asr el “ * . stein, A Lake, TS Holt, C Hanse, horn AS, D Bnahangi^ a which is situated a steam saw mill in operatii en Pond the late W.. W. ;y of the said W. In my hands in favor Ptopertjfbolnted out t of said Corbitt, lots of Land numbers d forty-five, in the ;ee now Ttylor coun- . rge W. Jones to sat- perior Court in favor of Lip- Baia Jones. Property point- ,Dep. Sheriff. KecelVi -f on ftBLS. A, B J.UU go Bblg- te Fine State Byrups octfldP* ./?* t-' Agency Of5ce. REMOVAL! nnHK undersigned having opened an office in the city A of Macon for the purpose of RENTING MOUSES, HIRING OUT NE GROES, SELLING STOCKS, and all other kinds of property, settling and collecting all claims, taking interrogatories and securing LOANS OJ? MONEY! And attend to all bnsiness that may be entrusted to him, and he would especially invite all who may have any busi- - ness to entrust to an Agent, to give him a call. I am also Agent for the long established, ; '' k’Aflf I-itfe nsffnutce Comp’y. This subject I invite every thinking man to consider before it is too late to make provisions foi his family af ter death. I am also Justice of the Peace for the 716th district, ,G, M„ city of Macon. £3^“ Office in the Granite Hnll Building, entrance from S the alley in the rear ofV. W. Skiff A Co’s store. E. C. GRANNiaS. Rkfekbnckb,—Judge E. A. Nisbet, Judge H. G. La mar, Judge Clifford Anderson, Lewis N. Wnittlc, Esqr, E. L. Stronecker, Esqr., Elijah Bond, Esqr. Oct 16,1860-d {MIND BUfffiLE IRQ! STEEL HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &C. NATHAN WELD! IMPORTER, MACON, GEORGIA, H AS now in store an unusually Targe and Wbll select ed Stock of HARDWARE, and is prepared to offer greater inducements to purchasers than ever before. His Stock, both as to quality and variety, will com pare with any in the country, and prices shall be as low as it is possible for them to be. TONS Swedish Iron, assorted, ail sizes, and im ported direct to this State. FFER6 AN UNRIVALLED STOCK OF Gents’ Boots and Shoes of all kinds, Ladies’ Congress Gaiters, Children’s Shoes of all kinds, Ladies’ and Gent’s India Rubber Boots & Shoes. Customers will please call and examine-before pnrehas- ng elsewhere. Custom work done to order and repairing done in the neatest style. Remember H. COLKMAN, Second Street, lour doors south of Mulberry Street. Wanted.—Six first rate Workmen can have steady employ ment by calling-it our Store, nov 1 d Carpetings and Bugs. O VER Five Thoneand Dollars worth of the newest designs; embracing Velvets, Brussels, Three Ply and Ingrain. This day opened at oct 16 d BOSTICK’S. A GOOD RIDING HORSE, stout pony size, for sale. Apply to E. A. NISBET. nov 5 d-3t Just Received and for Sale. H ALF bbls. Fulton Market Beef, Quarter bbls. Fulton Market Beef, Choice New York Hams, Choice Leaf Lard, Choice country Leaf Lard, Pickled Pork, TONS common English and Refined Iron. 100 100 fcftn BUNDLES Round, Square, Band, Hoop, Sheet, V/VJ Horse Shoe, Nail Rods aud OVal Iron. 100 TONS best English Plough Steel, made to order for this market. BARS Cast,. German. Spring, Blister and J*ire Steel. * - . 200 5 0Q KEGS Boorton Cut Nails and Spikes. 1500 LBS * Griffins Horsfe Shoe N ** ils * 6000 LBS. Horse and Mule Shoes. 0Q DOZEN Plow Hames,*extra quality. PAIR Trace and Wagon Chains. PAIR Walker’s Warranted Traces. 1000 500 150 100 . Brad- DOZEN Axes—S. W. Collins’, Townsend’s ley’s, Davis’, Ac., &c. WHEELBARROWS, Picks, Mattocks, Ames’ Shovels and Spades. Blaoksmlth’s Tools. ^QQ ANVILS—Foster’s, Wright’s Patent, &c. ^QQ 'VICES—Wright’s Solid box, common, &c. gQ PAIR Extra quality Smith’s Bellows. 2000 • A * V?00< ^ B Hand and Sledge Hammers. STOCK and Dies, Screw Plates, &c. 100 ! Kechanie’s Tools. S AWS, Chisels.""AugCrv, Braces and Bits, Plane*,:. Squares, Plumb and Level*. Files, Broadaxea.Buff ers Hardware ofhIVk&ds. Locks, Hinges, Scretgaritcc. Farming (nplei 1 AND 2 Horse Turn Fkrift lers, Com Mills, Hoes, ] ?>»:■' 4 XX and XiX Golden: White Fish, whole, ha! Mackerel, lqoarter t PEiRS & PRITCHETT. ■ ' otaer' I Stofe Trucks, Faj^lik's I, Piffle; Blocks, Ac. . Received and for Sale. QAA SACKS NEW SALT, Dl/U 6 Hhds. new Molasses, Piime Rice and Java Coffee, nov 5 d FEARS & PRITCHETT. Potatoes and Onions. 'JFy BBLS. Potatoes. 50 bbls. Onions, for sale by oct 20 B. POPE FREEMAN. One Hundred Tons O F the btst Anthracite COAL, on our Coal Yard, just opposite the Market, and will be delivered to par ties in any part of the city at short notice. Orders drop ped. in the Post Office or left at our store will have prompt attention. N. B.—Cash on delivery, T. J. & D LANE, nov 2 d-tf to arrive, for sale by WHEELER & WILBUR. CIRCUS. A Cards, Press s, Cotton Scales,-Bied) xeryr WEED * . 3 the attention of Merchants and orhere'to — ■ cry large and desirable assortment of Pocket' and Table Cntlery, embracing all the newest patterns and finest qualities. POCKET KNIVES. Firth's, - - - - 1 to 10 blade. Wostenhol t’s, - - - 1 to 16 blade. Rodgers’ - - 1 to 4 blade. Needham s, - - - -lto 6 blade. ' Hobson’s, - - - lto 4 blade. Butcher’s, - 1 to 4 blade. Butler’s genuine Planters Knives. TABLE CUTLERY. Russel’s, Lamson. Goodnow & Co’s., Ankham’s and Rogers’Knives and Forks. FINE KNIVES—Ivory and Pearl Handle, in sets of 27 and 51 pieces, Carver’s Steels, Knife Sharpeners, Batch er Knives, Pallet Knives, and Shoe Knives. FINE RAZORS. Wade & Batcher’s, Wostenlioim’s, LeCoulter’s, Elli ot’s and Rodgers' extra quality Razors, in pairs and sets, Dressing Cases complete, all of which will be sold at prices to compete with any market, oct 30 DRUGS AND MEDICINES. CASTLEN & VARDELL. * * H. T. VAKDEl.L FORMERLY WITH E. L. STROHECKER. T. Ti. CASTLEN, FORMERLY MENARD A CASTLEN. VVE announce to Phvsicians. Planters, Merchants, ahd ’’ the trade generally, that we have now in Store tt large and new stock of reliable Drugs and Medicines, PafntB, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Brushes of aU kinds and sizes. Perfumery from the be-t manufacturers, both domestic anjl Foreign. In inviting ypur attention to onr Stock, we would only say that they are warranted genuine aud - pure, and that we cannot be undersold. A fuH assort ment of all things In our line always on hand. Saltpeter. Quinine, Hair Brushes, Hluestone, Morpiue, Nail “ Copperas, Blue Mass. T^oth “ Epsom SaR-i, <&c., Fluid Extracts, Paiut > “ Alum, Alcohol, White Wash “ Camphiae, Fluid, ^ And Turpentine. nov 6—dtf WHITTLE & WHITTLE, ATT OR FTE YS t&c., AT LA W, . MACON, GA. Office next to Concert hall, and over Payne's Drug Store, W ILL practice in Bibb, Twiggs, Wilkinson, Jones, Houston, Macon, Crawford, Monroe and Sumter countleB, and in any other County in the State by special agreement; also in the United States Courts at Savan nah and Marietta. L. N. WHITTLE. P. B. WHITTLE. Nov. 6,1860—d-3m w-ly - T AYLOR SHERIFF SALE.—Will be« sold before the Court House door in the toMCof Butler, Taylor coun ty, Ga., on the first Tuesday in December next, between the usual hours of sale, the following property to-Wit: Lot of Land number not known, in the fifteenth-, Dis trict of originally Muscogee now TayJer county, on --*-*—*- js... ‘ ; levied ’ * a fi. Le- tlfl’s attorney. ” Also, at the some time and place, willdte acrid all that portion of lots of Land numbers two hdMrad and nine and two hundred and ten, in the tbirtMath district of originally Muscogee now Taylor couqtf^Iylng east of tb« road leading from Bntlcr, l~ to Lowe's brldgS, the place ’ Corbitt resided; levied on the W. Corbitt to satlsly sundry fl. of E. Battel at vs» said Corbl by Jariies W^parter, Admlnlsl Also,-at the same time and twelve, seventy-one. twelfth district of on ty; levito on as the ] isfy a fi. fa. from Tal -pincott, Grambo St < 'fed out" by plaintiff’s nav 6 tor Sale. ykAKB & PRITCHETT,* PER and^APPLES, receiving by GKO. T. ROGERS & SOS. NIXON'S ROYAL AMPHITHEATRE, or Kiblo’s Garden, New York, Aatley’e, London and the PHlIadctphla and Boeten Academies ot Music, ON ITS SOUTHERNS BY RAILROAD PROPRIETOR.. MR. JAS. M. NIXON MANAGER MR. T. BARTON, of Baltimore ADVERTISING COURIER.....MR. T. U. TiDMARSH, o. New Orleabs and Texas. COURT JESTERS MESSRS. WARD & DAVENPORT SUPREME OF THE ARENA MR. R. ELLINGHAM Dictated by a desire to concentrate at Niblo’s Garden New York, such a combination of Equestrian and Aero batic ability as would surpass every other in the world I proceeded to Europe and brought over to New York the wonderful troupe that has filled the vast theatre of the metropolis, ana the Boston and Philadelphia Academies ol Music, for months to overflowing. My engagement with the great tragedian, Mb. Edwin Forrest, who after a four years absence from the stage has at length yielded to my solicitations to re-appeai- at Niblo’s Garden, occupies for his term this favorite cosmopolitan temple of the drama, and enable* me to indulge a loog cherished desire, and at the same time accede to the earned solicitation of hosts ot Southern ladies and gentlemen, te send my Great Troupe to visit the principal citios ot the South; aad I assure the thousands of ladies and gentlemen of the Sooth who have seen the Company at Niblo’a and elsewhere, and the pnb- He, that thero will be no diminution of its numbers, or change In Its propria persona. J. M. NIXON. •j-'-r-t, ta COMPANY. MLLE. ELLA ZOYARA. The renowned Sensation Lady Equestrienne. THF. 6 HANLON BROTHERS, Tho mighty Acrobats, THOMAS, ALFREX GEORGE, EDWARD, WILLIAM, and FREDERICK. SIG. SEBASTIAN, ' • The dashing Italian Equestrian. SIGNS. DI VERNKY, The man of a Thousand Forms. HERR CHARLTON, The Comic Aeriel Stilt Foat Porformer and Dancer. MONS. DE BACH, Tho E’questrian Rovolving Orbit Porformer. MR. GEORGE ROSS, The daring and graceful Principal Rider and Bridgo Leaner MR. JAMES WARD. The great Rope Susponslomst, a la Blondin, and Profeesoi of the Art Magique. MR. WILLIAM KINCAIDS, The best General Performer in the World. MASTER FRANK STARK, Tho renowned Doubts Soiumersault Thrower. MASTER WILLIE. The Juvenile Petite Equestrian ib his Double Act of Obda. ... tapingnn hi*Twin Ponies. HR. L SAMPSON, The Herculean and Acrobatic Artist. .The Troupe will be accompanied by * fine Brass Rand led by HERR KOPP. ’ The world’s favorite, THE MARE ZAIDKK. the incarnation of Equestrian Beauty and Intelligeace- The beautiful TWIN PONIES, CUPID AND S#AR*ND A superb Stud of Ring and Trick Horses, In spl«dl* condition—fresh and vigorous—os Railroading aavea « K'lf oommence ** P. M.; T P. M„ tc , » cents; Seats are covered, and of a width to maze mom per 'ectly comfortalffo. Ushers in altoodan e- . ion the Court Honse lay day and night, [at and 7 o’clock. Performancestocoiamence at8 and 7gf- Columbus, Monday. 19th. *M«fotgomeiy, Tuesday and Wednesday. 18th and 14th. SL Charles Theatre^ New PUGH cto BRO’S P HOTOGRAPHS are acknowledced by all to be the best made in the State. We were warded the FIRST PREMIUM at the Annual State Fair last year, and again this year in the Fair just closed, which is an evidence thatX>ur Pic tures arc still considered THE BEST by those appoint ed to judge. We do show by our Works that we still stand at the head of the business in Georgia. With our NEW SOLAR PROCESS and the aid of First Class Art ists in our employ, we are producing finer Likenesses and Works of Art superior to any ever offered in the State. Call and see onr Spe cimens. J. A. PUGH & BRO., Macon, Ga., Oct. 30,1860. Triangular Block. Wheat. Rye, Barley aaaat Oats. ^ELECTED especially for Sse.iL b. -: - re and for sal a 5 by McC....t..E & JONES, cot 10 d nEORGIA—BIBB COUNTY: To all whom it nwy concern.—Whereas, E- L. D. Riggins. Guardian of the person and property of Sarah A. L., formerly Riggins, now Hightower, formerly of said county and State, but now State of Texas, having lully discharged his trust, applies to the undersigned to he dismissed from his Guardianship, as aforesaid: Therefore all concerned are herebv notified and re quired to appear at my office on or before the second Monday in January next, and show cause, if any they have, why said E. L. D. Riggins should noth dismissed from his Guardianship. Given under my hand and official signature, this Oct. 31st, ISfiO. WM. M, RILEY, Ordinary. nov 2 w GEORGIA—HOUSTON COUNTY: VJ Ordixahv’s Office for said County, Whereas, Robt. A. Crawford applies to the undersigned for Letters of Administration on the estate of Sarah Jane Crawford late of said county, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all persona interested to he and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in December next, to show cause, if,any they have, why said letters should not be a-anted. Given under mv hand and official signature, this 81st day of October, lteo. W. T. SWT.FT, Ordinary, nov 3 tf H OUSTON SHERIFF SALE.—Will be sold at the Court House in Perry, Houston county, on the first Tuesday in December next, between the nsual hours of sale, two lots of land No. 206 and 206, lying in the 6th District of Houston county; said .property levied on as the property of James Q. Rodgers to satisfy one fl. fa. issued from Cherokee Inferior Court in favor of John R. Hill. Property pointed out by B. Hill, plaintiff's attor ney. J. A. AVERA, 7— nov 2 , Dep. Sheriff. U NITED STATES MARSHAL’S SALE.—Will be sold at the Court House In the city of Macon, Bibb coun ty, on the first Tuesday in December'next, within tho legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: Lots of Land Nos. 22, 43 and 66, also the north half of Lot No. 23, and Lot No. 11, all lying on the west side of Kinchafoonee Creek, below the road leading from Buena Vista to Pineville, and lying in the 31st District of orig inally Lee now Marion county, the whole containing 912y$ acres more or lees, and levied on as the property of Wm. B. Butt to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from tbe Sixth Circuit Court of the United States for the Southern Dis trict of Georgia, in favor of Wyman, Moses A Co. vs. said William B. Butt. „ F- M. BROCKS, uov 5 U. S. Dept Marshal. Wednesday,iBtn ana n Orleans, Monday 1W. n EOBGIA—HOUSTON COUFTY: ' . (j a Ohimnabt's Ornce tor said Connty. Whereas, Wm. P. Simmons applies to the undersigned for Letters of Admiaistratfon on the estate of Abner P. Stnbbs, late of said county, decayed, he bating inter married with tbe Executrix of said deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish aU persons interested to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in December nAct, to show cause, if any they have, why said letter* should not be Started. Given under my baltdand official slgnatarertMii 81st day of Oct., 1860. ' ' W. T. SWIFT, £ovS _ _ _ Ordinary. TYlfeB SHERIFF SALE.—Will ba sold before the Ofnrt' D House door In the city of Macon; on the first Tues day in December next, within th* usual town oT sale, the following property »o-wtt: . Five bay-Mules, one a large Mole, and me Road Wag gon, the wagon is in good running order; Iwjpl on a* the property o' ” — — fa. from Bibb I Vs. James Van nov 9 a