About The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1860-1864 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1860)
■{Ctetinu*! from page 1-1 *isely and decide for themselves boldly and firm ly which is the better way, to rise in arms and throw off a government worse than that of old King George, or endure it another four years and then vote again. Such is the spirit —such the love to the Con stitution and Union of these States with which this religious element has entered into and seeks to control our party politics. But we deceive ourselves if we suppose that our present dangers are of a birth so recent as 1856. As the questions now before the country I rise in their magnitude above all party interests 1 and ought at once to blot out all party lines, so ■ their origin is found far back of all party organ- I izations as they now exist. An article published twenty years ago in the , Prii ceton Review, contains this remarkable ; language “The opinion that slaveholding is itself a crime mud ojH-rate to produce the disunion of the States and the division of all ecclesiastical soci- ! eties in this country. Just so far as this opin ion operates, it will lead those who entertain it to submit to any sacrifices to carry it out and give it effect. \\ e shall become two nations in feeling, which must soon render us two nations in fiict.” I’hese words arc wonderfully prophetic, and tl < * who read the signs of the times must see that the period ol their fulfillment draws near. In regard to ecclisi urtical societies the division foretold is already in a great measure accom plished. Three of our great religious denomi nation-. have been rent in twain by the simple qik stion, “Is slaveholding a sin?" It yet remains to be seen whether the Amer ican Tract Society ami the American Board of Foreign Missions will be revolutionized and di m nished by a contest which, we are told, is to be annually renewed. In regard to the Union of these States there is too much reason to fear that “we an* already two nations in feeling,” and to anticipate the near approach of the ca lamity which shall blot out some of thestarsin our ensign and make us two nations in fact. And. what has brought us to the verge of this precipice? What evil spirit has put enmity be tween the seed of those whom God by his bless ing on the wisdom and sacrifices of our father's made one flesh ? What lias created and fostered liiis alienation between the North and the South until disunion—that used to be whispered in comers stalks forth in open daylight and is re cognized as a necessity by multitudes of think ing men in all sections of the land. I believe bei -re God. that this division of feeling, of which act ual disunion will be but the expression and embodiment, was begotten of abolitionism, has been rocked in its cradle and fed with its pois oned milk, and instructed by its ministers until girded with a strength which comes not alto gether of this upper world, it is taking hold up on the pillars of the constitution and shattering the noble fabric to its base. There was a time when the constitutional questions between the North and South—the conflict of material interests growing out of their differences in soil and production, were discus- M-d in the spirit of statesmanship and Christian court.-y. Then such men as Daniel Webster •n the one side, and Calhoun on the ot her, stood up face to face and defended the rights of their respective constituency in words which will be quoted as long as the English tongue shall en dure, as a model of eloquence ami a pattern of manly delate. But aliolitionism began to creep : in. It came first as a purely moral question ; but very soon its dm trines were embraced by a sufli ieut number to hold the balance of power l<etvrcen contending parties in many Districts and States. Aspirants for the Presidency seiz ed tq><»n it as a weapon for gratifying their am bition avenging their disappointments. Un der the shadow ol their patronage, sincere abo litionists became more bold and abusive in ad vocating their prim ipks. The unlawful and * icked business of enticing slaves from their n asters was pushed forward with increasing zeah Men who in the better days of the repub lic could not have obtained the smallest office, were elected to Congress upon this single issue; ami ministers of the Gospel descended from the pulpit to mingle religious animosity with the boiling cauldron of political strife. Nor was this pmcvs' confined to one side in the contest. Abux always provokes recrimination. So long as human nature is passionate, hard wordswill lie responded to by hard* r blows. And now be hold tin r< suit! In the balls where Webster and Calhoun, Adams and McDuffie rendered the vt -y name of American statesmanship illustri ous, and revived the memory of classic elo quence, we have heard the outpouring of both N. rthvrn ami Southern violence from men who must l»e nameless in this sacred place; and in th< land where such slaveholders as Washing ton ami Madison united with Hamilton and llan c* k m cementing the Union which they fondly hojied would l»e perpetual, commerce and man ufactures, and all our great industrial and gov ern mental interests, are trembling on the verge ! ot <1 -solutionand as abolitionism is the great 1 m s. hii f maker between North and South, so it is the great -tumbling block in the way of peaceful settlement of our difficulties. Its voice : is stdl for war. The spirit of conciliation and compromise it ■ utterly abhors, and mingling a horrid mirth with its madness, puts into the hands of the advocates of secession the very fans with which to blow the embers of strife into a llaine. One i man threw a t rch into the great temple of the 1 Ephe-ians and kindled a conflagration which a hundred thousand brave men could not extin- ; gtnsh. < hie man fiddled and sang, ami made ’ his 'ourtiers laugh amid the burning of Rome -and the abolition preacher “feels good” and overflow with merriment when he secsour mer chants ami laboring men running after their chests ami the bread of their families “as if all creation was after them." ami snuffs on the S them Irtveze the scent of servile and civil Mar Oh, shame—shame that it should come to this; and the name of our holy religion be soblaspl ltd! Let US hope in Christian charity | that such men do not comprehend danger , that stares teem in the face. Indeed, who of us does fully comprehend it? Tn the eloquent words of Daniel Webster, “While the Union la-t- we have high, exciting, gratifying pros ;*ecis spread out before us, tor us ami our chil- i • nvn. B yon 1 that I seek not to penetrate the vcl God grant that in my day, at least, that < urtain may net rise." A kind and wonderful . priHideme has >o tempered the body of these I State- together, so bound and interlaced them i wit! t'onuucnial and social ties, to say nothing of h gal obligati us. that no member can be se ' < rvd. ami esp< ciaily no contest can be waged among tl e i.iemb rs. without a quivering and mg n-h in every nerve, and a stagnation in the vital currents of a,IL Let one star be blotted out from our ensign, and the moral gravitation which hoi ds all it their orbits will be paralyz ed, if not utterly destroyed. The living exam ple <4 Micr« -.-ful secession for one cause, will -ugge-l the same course for another ; and un- God gives our public men a wisdom and forbearance of which the past few years have afforded too little evidence, the dissolution of , this Union will be the signal for the disintegra tion .»! it-elements, hi such a chaos let us not flatter ourselvt-that we shall be in entire {•race and safety. The contest on whose peril ous edge we >e< m to stand cannot be a section al ot» —all ti e North on the one side, and all the Seith <»n the other. It is a conflict that will run the ploughshare of division through every Stato ami neighborhood in the land. Ab olition orators may talk about what “ we of the i N >rth” will «i-< and will not do. as though all ■ the |<eop!e had bowed down to worship theim- i age they had ,-et up; but other men besides 1 them will claim the right to speak—other in terest- will no* I to be conserved besides the cause upon which they arrogantly assume that v>. t-rv jwrebes and the smile of heaven rests. L-t not him who putteth on his armor boa-t as he that pulleth it off." When the thou-ind- of working men whose -übtd-tence Jepemfe upon our trade with the ssnith, many of whom have been deluded by aliohtion ilemagogues, shall clamor in our street f >rbrra<L fr<e lalior may present some problems I which political economy has not solved. And when the commerce of this cosmopolitan city is parah zeti, and al! her benevolent and industrial institutions are withering in the heat of this un natural contest, it may liecotnea question—nay, is it not already whispered in your counting houses, whether this great metropolis can be separated from the p< ople with whom her inter est and her heart is bound up, and continue to be controlled by a legislative policy ga. ist which she is continually protesting? or whether, following the great lights of history, she will at all hazards set up for herself, and unbolting the gateway of her magnificent harbor, invite the free trade of the world to pour its riches into I her besom ? Such are a few of the problems which bring the question of a dissolution of the Union home to us. If we were sure of a peace i ful solution, at whatever pecuniary or social sacrifice, we would not feel so deeply nor speak so earnesly. But who knows that it will be peaceful ? ’ Where is the surgeon who can sever even one member from this body politic without the shedding of blood ? Where is the statesman , or political economist who will undertake to con l trol the parties, or direct the industrial interests of any one State, amid the confusion and alarm I of dissolution ? Let us not deceive ourselves. ' The chasm before us is a yawning abyss, into whose depths no eye but God’s can penetrate. Other men may cry “who’s afraid ?” and whis tle to keep their courage up ; but 1 confess my fears. Through the curtain that is about to rise, I I see shadows at w hich the horror of a great ■ darkness settles down upon my spirit and the hair of my flesh stands up. Let us appeal to the God of peace, in whose hands are the hearts of all men, to dispel the fearful vision, to infuse his loving spirit into our national councils, to give our public men the meekness of wisdom, I and to bind the hearts of all the people once ! more in bonds of brotherly kindness. But if we would have these supplications an swered, let us prove our faith by our works; take the beam out of our own eye, and obey the twofold precept of the text: “ These things ■ teach and exhort, and if any man teach other wise, fiom such withdraw thyself.” After prayer, by the Rev. Mr. Lee, of the i Green avenue Presbyterian church, and the singing of a hymn, the congregation was dis missed with the benediction. UEUiiLWmEIWAKATiOh lIELMBOLD’S BUCIIU for the Bladder. UEI.MBVLD’S BUCHU for the Kidneva. HELM BOLD’S BUCH (J for the tiravel.. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU for the Dropsy. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU for Nervousness. i HELM BOLD’S BUCHU for Loss ol Memory. HELMItOLD’S BUCHU for Dimness of Vision. HELM BOLD’S BUCH U for Difficult Breathing. HELMBOLD’S BUCHU for Weak Nerves. HELMBOLD’S BUCHU for General Debility. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU for Universal Lassitude. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU for Horror of Disease. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU for Night Sweats. HELM BOLD'S BUCHU for Wakefulness. HELM BOLD’S BUCHU for Dryness of the HELM BOLD’S BUCHU for Eruptions. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU for Pain in the Back.t HELM BOLD'S BUCHU for Heaviness of the Eyelid’ with Temporary Sutlusion and Loss of Sight. IIELMBOLD’S BUCHU for Mobility and Restlessness, with Want of Attention and Horror of Society. HELMBOLD’S BUCHU lor Obstructions. HELM BOLD’S BUCHU for Excesses aiising from Indis cretion, and all Diseases of FEMALES—FEMALES—EEMALES FEMALES—FEMALES—FEMALES OLD OR YOUNG. SINGLE, MARRIED. OR CONTEM PLATING MARRIAGE, TAKE NO MORE PILLS, THEY ARE OF NO AVAIL. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU IS THE VERY BEST REMEDY IN THE WORLD For all complaints incident to the Sex, whether arising fiom indiscretion, Habits of Dissipation, or in the DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LI FE, SEE SYMPTOMS ABOVE. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. Take no more Balsam, Mercury, or Unpleasant Medi cine, for unpleasant and Dangerous Diseases. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU CURES Her ret Diseases I In all their Stages, At little Expense. 1 Little or no change of Diet; No inconvenience, AND NO EXPOSURE. ” Use IIELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU for Excesses arising from habits indulged in By Youngr and Old, And for diseases arising from dissipation. It removes all improper discharges, and will restore the patient in a short time to a state of health and purity. Use IIELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU for diseases and ati'ections of the most distressing character. Use IIELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU for all aflec tions and diseases of the Urinary Organs, «« Whether existing in Male or Female, From whatever cause originating, and no matter of How Long Standing;. the above diseases and symptoms admit ol the same treatment and may originate from the same cause. Bead! Read! Read! IIELMBOLD’S BUCHU is sale and pleasant in taste and odor, but immediate in its action. appeared before me, an aiderman of the city of Philadelphia, H. T. HELM BOLD, Chemist, who being duly sworn does say, that his preparation contains no Narcotic, Mercury or injurious Drug, but are purely veg etable. H. T. HELM BOLD, Sole Manufacturer. Sworn and subscribed before me this 23d day of No 'vember, 1«4. WM. P. HIBBARD, Aiderman. Price $1 pbb Botti.e, or Six Botti.es forss, Deliver ed to any Address. Prepared by 11. T. lIELMBOLD, Practical and Analytical Chemist. 104 South Tenth st., below Chesnut, Phila. Beware of Counterfeits AND UNPRINCIPLED DEALERS, Who endeavor to dispose “oftheirown” and “other” Articles on the reputation attained by Helmbold's Genuine Preparations. “ “ Extract Buchu. “ “ “ Sarsaparilla. “ “ Improved Rose Wash. ; Sold by MASSENBURG & SON. AND A LL DD UQ GISTS E VER FB HERE. for Helmbold.'s, 'l'ake No Other. Cut out the advertisement and scud for it, AND AVOID IMPOSITION AND EXPOSURE. Aug 13- For Rent. \ COMFORTABLE Dwelling House containing eight Rooms, can be rented with or without Furniture, till Ist October. Apply at the office of the Daily Tele graph. Macon, Dec. 13th, 1860. d-2w Macon, December sth, 1860. — ♦ Direct Importation OF Bremen Boots,! Together with a Large Assortment of Boots and Shoes, made expressly lor this Market, to which we invite ail in want, to call and examine. dec6dtf MIX & KIRTLAND. GOOD NEWS!! THE BARK HENRY HAS ARRIVED. EVERY BODY COMING FAIR! GRIER & LAKE Means to help Red them, and have just received a lot o F I N E ENGL 1S II \G H E EjS E, Made from Pure Cream. KEGS AND TUBS EXTRAS GOSHEN BUTTEK, A lot . f PIG HAMS, BEEF TONGUES, FULTON MARKET BEEF, PIG PORK. WHITE BEANS, WHITE FISH, CKEREL —all sizes anti Packages, BUCK’ WHEAI A A'DiR YE EL U UR. CIDKR nnd AJL.E in C?ne»liis AND HALF CASKS, fßf“Pure LIQUORS of all grades. All the finest brands of Cigars. Give us a call. GREER & LAKE. dec 3 Light for the Million. COAL OIL LAMPS! . AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. BOLSHAW & HERZOG. nov 27—d a w GRAND SALE? [ -* $33,000 WORTH OF FafsVCF DRY GOODS, Carpets, Clothing eto. AT NEW YORK COST, FOR O S SL, AT ELIAS EINSTEIN’S.' In order to make a change in the business January Ist, 1861, the entire Stock will be sold out as above. Now is the time to buy your winter ntpplies. Wt are determined to sell, and you can buy CHEAP. Don't miss this opportunity. We have a large Stock of SILKS, POPLINS, VALENCIAS, REPPS, Plain and Figured English and French MERIMOB, Figured and Plain DeLAINES, Also a full Stock of all other kinds of Fancy Dry Goods. CLOAKS! CLOAKS! ! A new and large lot just received. Bed and Negro BLANKETS, KERSEYS, dbc. fgf Everybody call and examine for yourselves. ELIAS EINSTEIN. please copy, [nov 13] PUGHTBRO! PREMIUM ; BEAUTIFULLY COLORED IN OTL OK PASTEL* Will now be produced for all who desire ARTISTIC PORTRAITS, At a LOWER PRICE than we have ever offer ed them before, and which will be for LESS MONEY Than Portraits (having half the Artistic merit) can be obtained elsewhere. HIE SUPERIORITY AND DURABILITY OF PIIOTOG I* A I’llJS Colored in OIL, is known to every one familiar with Art, and we trust that all will ex amine our collection, both in Oil and Pastel, now on exhi-| bition at the F A l K, And also our Plain Photographs LIFE SIZE, and our VIEWS, which we claim to be the Largest and BEST ever pro duced in this Country. Ambrotypes, Daguerreotypes, &c. We are still producing, in a Stye equal to any in the STATE, and at PRICES SO LOW, that EVERY’BODY can afford to HAVE ONE!! Be sure you call on J. A. PUGH & BRO., Triangular Block & Mulberry St- dec 15 OPPOSITE LANIER HOUSE. NEW GOODS: The subscriber is now receiving his Stock of -TF"o,ll jaixcl go ons, Which will be sold as LOW as any House in the town. Him Friends mid the IPublic re requested to call and judge for themselves. Sept 19.1860- GEO. W. PRICE. DO YOU WANT I>RY-aOOl)S? IF YOU DO, CALL AT .BOSTICK’S NEW STORE« And purchase the latest styles of DRESS SILKS, SILK ROBES, MONTMORENCY ROBES, MERINOS, DELAINES, VALENCIAS, CLOAKS, EMBROIDERIES, JCURTAINS, CARPETINGS, And all kind* of FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, AT REDUCED RATES, As I am determined to reduce my stock by offering Goods VERY" CHEAP. I have a splendid assortment of Shawls and Misses Cloafcs, And a large invoice just received, of North Carolina Cassimere, For sale at low prices. Call and].see*the Goods—hear the Prices, Jand secure BARGAINS. Al. G. BOSTICK. Opp. LANIER HOUto. nov 13 C CONCENTRATED LYE, for making Soap—A sup» I > rior article to the common Potash. For sale by MASSENBURGI & SON. | ■ov 20 to E. L. Strohevker. WBMIS’ PREMIUM GALLERY!! IS STILL THE Place of all Places! TINT WHERE GOOD PICTURES ! CAN BE OBTAINED AT Reasonable Prices! Notwithstanding the blowing of others’as any one can see by examining. PERSONS VISITING THE FAIR ARE P ART IC IT LAR L Y R EQUEST ED to compare WOOD'S PICTURES with any others on ex hibition. N. B.—Recollect Wood's Gallery is on the corner, nearly opposite the Lanier House. dec 13 Pianos at Private Sale. 1 Handsome 7 octave Carved Rosewood Piano, 1 .. -j .. Plain “ “ These Pianos are from first hands and will be sold v Manufacturer’s prices. Those in want will please call and see them. J. J. MILLER, oct 31 Auctioneer. KEROSENE. KEROSENE, or Coal Oil, equal to any manufactured, just received and for sale by MASSENBURG & SON. nov 24 Successor to E. L. Strohecker. For Sale. 2 AH A SACKS SALT in fine order, at Central Rail Road Depot. ASHER nov 27 d I I.OIIHI. QQT BLS. Superfine qyid Family Flour, on consign meat, and for sale low by dec 6 BOWDRE & ANDERSON. Notice. OFFICE OF CUSTOMS, Macon, Ga. 1 PERMISSION having been granted by the Executive Committee of the Cotton Planters’ Fair to Messrs. Robert Adger & Co., Direct Importers of STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS! Charleston, S. C., to remove the Goods to the office of Customs in Macon, they will be on exhibition and sale during the continuance of the Fair. The public are re spectfully invited to call and examine. 1 F. S. BLOOM, dec 13-d4t Officer of Customs, Macon, Ga. WHITE’S Colton Seed and Guano Planter, OF MILLEDGEVILLE, GA. HAS taken more Premiums than any other Cotton Planter ever exhibited from North Caaohna to Ala bama, and more orders from Southern Agriculturists. The Adam’s Scooter Ploughstock, OF PUTNAM COUNTY, GA., Has taken Premiums at every Fair where it has been exhibited, except at Raleigh and Montgomery, where no premiums were offered for such an article, but where it was recommeded, and can show volumes of testimoni als in its favor. Call and see them at the Fair Ground, dee 13-d9t M. M. HALL, Genera I Agent. Groceries and Planters’ Supplies! HARDEMAN & GRIFFIN, Corner Third <s* Cherry Sts., Macon. ARE daily receiving and keep constantly on hand, one of the largest and most complete assortments of Groceries to be found in the State, which they offer to Planters at the lowest prices. The stock includes large amounts of Gunny Cloth, Super Carb. Soda, Rope, Soda and Butter Crackers* Baling Twine, . Herrings, Coffee—Java, Porto Rico, Rio Ashton s Table Salt, and Laguira, Well Buckets, Black and Green Tea, Blue Buckets, A. B. & C. Sugar, Tubs, Loaf Sugar, Georgia Pine Buckets, Fine Port Rico, Leveritt Axes, Liverpool Salt, White Lead and Zinc. Alum Salt, Tanners’ and Machine Oil Adamantine Candles. Castor Oil, Sperm, “ Linseed Oil. No 1 Soap, Lemon Syrup, Family Toilet Soap, Rose Cordial, Assorted and Fancy Candy,Peppermint. Cordial, Starch, Sewing Thread, Snutf, Em sh Pickles, Kegs of Powder, Wo» stershire Sauce" Duck shooting Powder Clear Bacon Sides, Shot, Hams, Cigars, various brands, Shad, Tobacco, Mackerel, Magnolia & Mt. Vernon To-White Fish, bacco, fl Salmon. Osnaburgs and Stripes Plantation Whiskey Homespun, Bleached, Pine Apple Brandy Georgia [Kersey, Cut Lour Sugar, Northern “ Soft Shell Almonds, Blankets, all prices, Pecan Nuts, Piper's Heidsick Wine, Brazil Nuts. La Perle Wine. Anderson's Solace Tobacco* Cabinet Wine, Mackerel, Ginger & Blackberry Wine Prime Fresh Butter, and Brandy , Prime Fresh Lard, Rye and Corn Whiskey. Corn Shelters, Extra old Bourbon, Brooms, Gin, Rum and Brandy., Common Mat ches, Maaeria,Port&Sweet Wine, German “ London Dock Gin, New Cider, Baker A Stoughton Bitters, Blacking, Lemon Syrup. Cotton Cards, Ate and Porter, Y’east Powders, Ginger Preserves, Prunes Ground Paints in Oil ol al| and Figs, colors. Assorted Pickles, feb 1 d-ly Three Exhibitions Combined! The INFANT^II ANT, Seven Years of Age, Out-measuring any living man, accompanied by his mother, who is but 24 years of age. The Walters Family of Dwarfs, Three of whom are over 40 years of age, and about the size of Tom Thumb, very intelligent and perfectly pro portioned. Also, WAi: STATUARY Os some of the Greatest Human Curiosities that ever lived. Exhibition open during the day, under the double Pavilion near the Fair Ground. Tickets, 50 cents; Children and Servants half price. dec 18-dtf A Riding Horse for Sale, BILLS of the Manufacturers' Bank will be taken. Ap ply to [dec 19] E. A. NISBET. ‘ CHEAP!CHEAP! AHORSE and Wagon for sale, apply to dec 14 B. A. WISE, Cherry St. Direct Importations OF- HARDWARE! IV a tli aii AV ee d J MACON, GEORGIA, Offers for SALE at REDUCED PRICES, FOTI CASH, Best Brands of Swedes Iron, English, Refined, Bar and Bundle Iron, Extra quality English Plow Steel, Wright’s Patent Solid box Vices and Anvils, Atwood’s Hand and Sledge Hammers, Wedges, Brades Patent Hoes, Brades Grub Hoes, Brades Warranted Cast Steel Hoes. Walkers Trace and Wagon Chains, Tinned AVell Chain, Coil Chain, Griffins Horse Shoe Nails, Pad, Chest, Drawer and Stock Locks, Iron, Steel and Brass Shovel and Tongs, MECHANICS’ TOOLS. Firmer, Mortice, Socket and Turning Chisels, Firmer and Turning Gouges, Plane Irons, Adzes, Hand Vices, Plyers, Punches, Awls, Frees, Ibbotson’s Warranted Files of all kinds. CUTLERY. Rodgers, Wostenholm’s Needhams, Butchers, Firths, Wade and Butchers, j Hobson’s Pocket Knives. Double Barrel Guns Os Superior Quality, just received direct. dec 18 THOS. A. EAKKIrt. WX. 11. ROSS. HARRIS & ROSS, (Successors to Thos. A. Harris,) WAR E- FI oU S E A N D General Commission Merchants, Cor. of Second & Poplar St?., Macon, Ga., WILL give their special personal attention to all busi ness entrusted to them. Cash advances made on pro duce is store. Particular attention given to the storage and sale of Cotton. aug 6 daw-firn DRY GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES! OWING to the scarcity of money, we will offer, after this date, our entire stock, very low for CASH. — Those who desire anything in our line will do well to | give us a cal), as we have determined to reduce our stock at very small profits. We have in store a large assort ment of DRESS GOODS, ELEGANT SILKS, ((Ae latest Styles,) MERINOS, DeLAINES, POPLINS, &c., CLOTH AND VELVET COVERINGS, EM BROIDERIES, LACES, Ac. HOM ESP UNS, SHIR TINGS, SIIE E T INGS, PLAIDS, LINSEYS, KERSEYS, BED BLANKETS, rs- NEGRO BLANKETS. LA M. 1 R & WILL IA MSON. nov 30 CHAS. 11. BAIRD Now’ offers Extra Inducements to Buyers of REAI I) A YI A. D E THING F O It C --V H 11. To those who would Encourage HOME INDUSTRY, He would say he is prepared with G- oo d "W" ork m e ii E To make any article of (J 1 o t li i ii g At short notice, and at the LOWEST CASH PRICE. TELEGRA PH PRINTING BUILDING. Corner of Cherry and Second Sts. dec 5 CHAS. H. BAIRD. FAIR GROUND Eating Saloons!! J. W. ADDERHOLD A CO., RESPECTFULLY give notice to the public that they have prepared buildings and accommodations on the Fair Ground, for supplying the hungry with every delicacy of the season. These will include a Dressing Apartment ami Eating Saloon for LADIES EXCLUSIVELY, which will be in charge of ladies, and where every convenience for re freshments can be procured. The Gentlemen’s Saloon will be furnished with all ne cessary appliances for comfort, and also with as good a table as can be supplied. Meals at all hours from 7 in the morning till 9 at night. Regular Meal hours from 7t09 in the morning, aiid 1 to 3 in the afternoon, and from 5 to 8 o'clock at night. [nov 30] J. W. ADDERHOLD & CO. DU BI NO the: COTTON PLANTERS’ FAIR And after, until the Goods are disposed of V. 'W. SKIFZF" Will sell his entire Stock of JEWELRY, FANCY GOODS, WATCHES and SILVER WARE AT COST, Without deviation. We have a Splendid Assortment of SILVER, And the BEST STOCK OF IM TCHES in the City, GOLD AND SILVER. Solid Gold Chains, Rings, Diamonds, And all etruscem styles, which must be sold. Call and see us, and you will buy, UNDER GRANITE HALL, Opposite Lanier House, Macon, Ga. Store to Rent, and Ixtures for sale after January Ist, 1861 [dec 6] Cook Wanted. W" ANTED to hire for the next year, a good Cook, one ’’ who understands her business, and not afraid to • work. Apply to [dec 18] NATHAN WEED. Professional ifitrite.. p - c C I PH TS I C 1 A M , OFFICE on Third Street, next door to R. W. Phillips Negro Mart. oct 8 d DB. R. H, NISBET. OFFICE on Cherry Street, over Freeman’s Provision Residence on the “Hill,” in front of the 1- emale Col ege. [oct 3 ’6o] ~jT(TMcRE YiYO LDS, DENTIST, (CORNER of Mulberry and Second streets, above La j nier House, over Methodist Book Store. All opera tions warranted. [May 31 DENTIST, OPPOSITE LANIER HOUSE. feb 11 d-ly ___ i DOCTORS SMITH & HOLT, PRA CTICING PHYSICIANS MACON, GA. OFFICE.—Over Greer Js Freeman’s. RESIDENCE.— Dr. Smith at J. B. Ross’, Dr. Holt, in Vineville. _ feb _ 1 dly DR. A. PIERCE, HOMOEOPATH, OFFICE IN WASHINGTON BLOCK feb 1 d-ly Dr. €. J. Hoose veil, HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. Residence and Office, corner Walnut and Third Streets. MACON, GEORGIA. June 16- I>K. JOHN IIA HOEM AN, Office over Dr. E. L. Stroheckers Drug Store aug 10 d DR. 11. A. IIETTAUKK, HAVING spent a portion of three successive years in tlris city,during which time be has limited his prac tice almost exclusively to Surgery, now respectfully off ers his services to the citizens of Macon and surround ing country, in all the branches of his profession. Office on the South East Corner of 3d and Cherry streets, over Mr. Asher Ayres’ new Grocery Store. May 10 DOCTORS McDonald & van giesen DENTISTS. OFFICE IN WASHINGTON BLOCK, WEST SIDE.fi feb 2 d-ly A CARD. SAMUEL T. BAILEY, Esq., having returned to Ma con to reside, the undersigned have formed a part nership and will practice Law’ in the U. S. Courts at Sa vannah and Marietta, in the Supreme Court of Georgia, in the Courts of the Macon and Ocmulgee Circuits, and in other counties when specially employed. Office three doors below Telegraph Building, up Stairs. SAMI EL T. BAILEY, WM. K. DeGRAFFE.NRIED. Messenger & Citizen copy 4t may 8 d J. F. BASS, AT T O R N E Y A T LAW, MACON, GA. OFFICE in Triangular Block, 2nd St., over Bearden & Gaines’ Shoe Store. feb 22 d-ly* 1 Attorneys at Law,.... IRWINTON, Ga., WILLPRACTICE IN TIIEOCMULGEE & SOUTHERN CIRCUITS. jona. rivers. [feb 29d-ly*] rolin a. Stanley CULVERHOUSE A ANSLEY, Attorneys at Law, Knoxville and Ft. Valley, Ga. G. P. Culverhouse, F. A. Ansley, Knoxville. Ft. Valley, oct 19 d Im DR. B. < • HARDIE. OFFICE on Cotton Avenue, one door above Geo. R. Barker’s. oct 30 d-tl jan. REMOVAL. SPEER & HUNTER. Attorneys at Law. have removed their office to the new building on Mulberry Street, directly opposite the Lanier House, over the store of A. G. Bostick.oct 30 d JOHN A. NELSON, Warehouse 8f General Commission Merchant, JSrtJSt TV! o, OOTV , Gra., AVTILL ATTEND, PERSONALLY, to the Sale and V V Storageof Cotton, Bacon, Grain, and all other pro duce consignedto him. Also, to the tilling all orders for Bagging, Rope and Family Supplies. feb. 1 I 7 *. HEICUERT, Upholsterer and Mattress Maker, On Cotton Avenue, Opposite Ross, Coleman <k Ross, Ma con. Ga. Paper Hanging in all its branches done to order at short notice,Lounges,Couches,Springand Hair Mattresses mad to order; old ones done up. 'Old Furniture neatly re paired and varnished. Curtains put up, Carpets and Oil Cloth laid. feb 28 d THE BAB AND BILLIARDS, Macon, Grcorgia. A. PATTERSON R. S. NEWCOM Feb 1. BOOK binding. JACKSON BARNES manufactures to order everv de scription of BLANK ACCOUNT BOOKS,andBLNDS in any style desired, Magazines. Law, Music and .Mis cellaneous Books, CLERKS’ RECORD and DOCKET BOOKS, with or without PRINTED FORMS, and war ranted best quality paper. Engineers profile paper made from the best English drawing to any length or width. All orders from the country promptly and carefully at tended to. Office, No. 13 Cotton Avenue. feb 1 -ly 11ii Sparks, Warehouse & Commission Merchants, MACON, GA., i WILL give prompt attention to the selling and 2storing of Cotton, and o the filling of orders j w —-r-rl for Plantation and Family supplies, and hope, bv strict attention to business, and with our long expe rience, to give general satisfaction to all that may favor us with their patronage. Liberal advances made when 1 required THOS. HARDEMAN, Sr. ■ Aug 13-d OVID G. SPARKS. CITY MOTEL TALLAHASSE , FLA. J. L. DEMILLY, Proprietor. Stage Office kept at this Hotel. feb 1 d GREAT INDUCEMENT TO THOSE WHO DESIRE r: L I2GA.N T ROOMS. S. GORGE LI US, Commerce St., below Exchange. Hotel, Mont gomery, Alabama. Is prepared to do everything in the Paper Hanging Business! In just as nandsome a style as Fresco Painting can be dene. To be done in G-OLD VELVET, And all other colors to suit the taste. OAK &l 11 IRRLE PAPERS, AI/'IIICH can be Varnished, and of which I keep a V V large assortment constantly on hand. As to mj' competency in business, I refer to the follow ing well known gentlemen for whom I have done work: Col. Isaac Croom, at Greensboro; Col. C. T. Pollard, at Montgomery; E. A. Blount and R. li. Pool, Marion ; Dr. Robert Johnson and Capt. L. P. Weaver, at Selma. For reference apply at the Lanier House, Macon, Ga., to Messrs. Logan & Co. I take pleasure in giving the following certificate: Montgomery, Ala., December 28,1858. I take very great pleasure in recommending Mr. S. Corcelius as a paper hanger, he has done work for me at my residence in this city, and has given me entire sat siaction. CHAS. T. POLLARD. march 15 d-ly I). G. HODGKINS & SONS, MANUEACTURERS OF CrXJKns AND DEALERS IN Every Snorting Article. MULBERRY STREET, MACON, GA. feb 1 d-ly. rye PACKAGES New Crop Mackerel, all sizes and / 0 numbers, arriving to-day at GREER & LAKE'S. fIYWO HUNDRED Barrels of Extra Flour in store and JL to arrive, for sale by WHEELER <fc WILBUR* oct 18 Insurance itoinpanits. INSURANCE AGENCI. THE underslgn«d Agent is prepared to cover m . cription of property, in the following K 1 Class Companies: 'itti [I JEtna Insurance Company, Conn. Phcenix Insurance Company, Conn. *3 North America Fire Insurance Company, Conn fIW State Bire Insurance Company, Conn. ’ ■ La Fayette Fire Insurance Company, Brooklyn Isgf”Losses promptly adjusted by 3 ' May 26- RICHARD CURD, | $330,000. FEARS & PRITCHETT, I The Selma Insurance and Trust Compam I Located at Selma, Ala. ’fl Organized in 1856. I Capitol Stock, all paid in,f.300 0M k 1 I Cash premium on nand 'd | W. M. SMITH, PreSi? I R. Lapsley, Secretary. Reference.—E. A. &J. A. Nisbet, Macon, Ga. A CARD, We would say to the business men and citizens of Mi 9 con. that being satisfied from letters, statements ar«' a the list of Stockholders in the above Company, that th- ■ Company is safe, and deserving patronage. We have;, I ken the Agency, and are now ready to take risks or I stocks or buildings, at as low a rate as any other respot. I sible Company or Agency. “This is a Southern Uompi I nv, located in a Southern city, owned by Southern p«. pie, and we ca.l on Southern Merchants” to patronize us, ail things being equal. May 4, 1860- FEARS & PRITCHETT. Continental Insurance Company, OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Cash Capital ssoo,ooo—Assets July Ist, 1860, s9o6,6ol,Bs—Liabilities, $16,. 514,37. INHERES Buildings, Merchandize, Household Furni ture, Rents, Leases, and other insurable property at the usual rates. Three-fourths of the nett profits of the business of this Company are divided annually to the holders of its policies in scrip bearing interest, wind scrip will be redeemed as rapidly, and to the extent that the piofits accruing to the policy holders exceed the sum of $500,000. GEO. T. HOPE. President. H. H. Lamport, Secretary. T. R. BLOOM, feb 1 d-ly Agent, Macon. ' Incorporated I KAO! HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPAN Y, or HA RTFORD, CONNECTICUT. Capital and Assetts - ---$937,708.00, IJOLICIES issued and renewed; Losses equitably-ad j usted and jmld immediately upon satisfactory proofs, in New York funds, by the undersigned, the duly author ized Agent. E. J. JOHNSTON, Agent, march 16 d-ly Tlios. K. Campbell, Agent, OF THE WELL KNOWN Home Insurance Comp’v, OF NEW YORK, x CASH CAPITAL t\,OM,UOA~SURPLUBmer $UM),Ofl(i. And the PARK INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW YORK, CASH CAPITAL H-XiO,WO, WITH LARGE SURPLUS inarch 16-til Ist jan. Insurance Companies. CITY FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY—NEW HAVEN, Capital $300,000. SPRINGFIELD INSURANCE CO.—SPRINGFIELD Capital $150,000. LORRILLARD INSURANCE COMPANY—N. YORK Capital $200,000. With a large surplus security invested. Policies in the above first class Companies issued and losses pronip ly adjusted by E. J. JOHNSTON, Agent, feb 1 d-ts Macon, Ga. Fire and Life Insurance Agency r pilE Subscriber is Agent for the following first class A Insurance Companies: Southern Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Southern Mutual Life Insurance Company. Augusta Insurance and Banking Company. Unity Fire Insurance Company, of London. Applications received, Policies issued and Losses ad justed by [feb 1 d-ly] J. M. BOARDMAN. CHARTER'OAK FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, Hai*tlor<l, Conn. CASH CAPITAL 300,000 DOLLARS. Joseph 11. Sprague, Sec’y. Raph Gillet, Prest feb 1 d-ly T. It. BLOOM, Agent,Macon. Fire mid Life insurance Agency* r I' , IIE subscriber is Agent for the following first class 1 Insurance Companies, viz: The Southern Mutual Insurance Company, Athens, Ga. The Augusta Insurance and Banking Company, Au gusta, Ga. The Georgia Home Insurance Company, Columbus, Ga The Alabama Insurance Company, Montgomery, Ala. Tne Unity Fire J nsurance Company, London, England, The Southern Mutual Life Insurance Company, Co lumbia, So. Ca. Applications received, Policies issued, and Losses ad justed, by [nov Hij J. M L BOARDMAN, Agent. A NEW BAKERY. lUK. JACOB OIAKCBIC, the past six years engaged with Henry Horne, F Esq., in the baking business, would respectfully in form the citizens of Alacon, and surrounding country, that he has opened, on Cherry street, below the Georgia Telegraph Office, and next door to W. T. Nelson s, a Cake Bakery and Confectionery. Persons may rely on finding a good assortment of pakes, gotten up in the best style o’.' the culinary art, snd of the best material. He is determined not to be Curpassed. Parties furnished at short notice. A share of public patronage solicited. J. DINKLEIi. Macon, hept. 5,1860-d3in (k Jl:igasin des Modes Pai'esieniie.” Ivliss ZElizeLbeUh. Kilts HAS the pleasure to announce that she will open on the sth of OCTOBER, at the store formerly occu pied by Mrs. Dessau, and adjoining Messrs. John N Kein it, Co's., a full und complete stock of MILLINERV GOODS, Consisting in part of Bonnets, Feathers, Flowers, Rib bons, Head-Dresses, Dress Caps, Calflures, Head Netti, Velvets, Japanese Flats, Ruches, Blond Edgings, Drern 'Frinimings, Thread Laces, Gimps, Gilt Braid and Gold Trimming, Belts, etc., etc., of tfie latest and richest de signs, and at prices which will challenge competition. Miss Kilts has just returned from New York, where she made arrangements with some of the leading Milli ners, by which she will receive, during the season, ev ery desirable novelty in her line which may, from time to time, make its appearance. fV The DRESS .MAKlNGDepartment, which will be presided over by an experienced and competent assist ant, wili be so conducted in all its details, that it can not fail, she trusts, to give entire satisfaction to ail who may favor her with their patronage. [oct 3] LOOK AT THIS!! VFTER this date, we shall refuse to till any orders for lumber, unless accompanied with the Cash. And all lumber sent to our Factory to be dressed, will not be delivered until settled for. we are determined to spend no more of our time in running after small accounts We do not desire to give any offence to any of ourpat roue, and hope we shall not do so, by adopting the course as above. Vve have been informed of late, of the enor mous increase in the boot and shoe trade of our city, and it is not surprising to us, for we wear out our shoes in dunning. Please send your orders written in ink, and properly signed, accompanied with the Cash, anti "f shall be happy to wait upon you. D. B. A J. W. WOODRLFE. Proprietors of the EnUrprise Planr.ln<j Mt April 21-dtf •J tiisL Kecoivod. AND FOR SALE LOW. CtOAL OIL, perfectly colorless and odorless. / Burning Fluid aiid Lamp Oil of superior quality. Potash and Pearlash of superior quality. Saleratus, Mustard, Spices, and FAMILY SOAPS. Superior TEAS and flavoring Extracts. Dr. Bowen's Domestic Wine, much superior to the worthless, said to be imported wine, good lor delical* females. Dr. Branham’s Liver and Dyspeptic Medicine by the quantity, ior sale low to Druggists and Country Mer chants and the trade generally. AU of tlje above to be had at the reliable Drug and Chemical Store of GEORGE PAYNE. Macon, Ga., Sept. 25. Hope 500 COILS and Half Coils liichardßon’s 250 COILS Machine Rope, other brands, 100 “ Hand Made Rope, for sale by Sept 7- BOWDRE & ANDERSON Musical Lard. WE are again prepared to commence our Musical In structions from the 15th of September inst. Sept 13- H. L. & S. A. SCHREINER Just Received and for Sale- HALF bbls. Fulton Market Beef, Quarter bbls. Fulton Market Beef, Choice New York Hams, Choice Leaf Lard, Choice country Leaf Lard, Pickled Pork, Choice Butter, 20 lbs. kegs, Family Flour, Buckwheat, XX and XXX Golden Syrup, White Fish, whole, half and quarter barrels, novsd ktrt! ’ FEARS X "I c BBLS. Fresh and new Buckwheat Flour, wid* 1 oct b 3i EXUa Syrup, on x LAKE'S-