The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1860-1864, December 28, 1860, Image 2

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iHticon Duiln t£ckgrapl).| >’ bm Rit* nt'NS.—Daily, ss.imi a year** advance; Wkkki.t, #2.00 a v<nr in advance. Subscribers t<. the Weekly will be put ot. a cash basis as soon as possible, and all subscript mss discontinued winch are not paid in advance. W e will endeavor in a few week* to render every mantis account,and stop all papers not paid in advance, after the lapse of a rea sonable lime. ~ . . a irvitTKfU ENT*.—lVrsons sending in advertise ments must be articular to specify whether they are intended for the Daily or Weekly, or tor both. X i advertisement* not edniinp under a special or mitral contract will be charred One Dollai Tier FL’ forth. first publication, and Fft) Cents per f or every subsequent insertion. A square r* ' or less, in length ol column. Double !?jnmu advertisements, it Insisted on, must come under a special contract for breaking columns.— nLrular contract advertisers ter the year can pur in the Daily at #2O an inch, for the » *r and in the Weekly at $lO. The contracts to run for the J*»r, and count, whether they occupy lb,, space or tint. No excess allowed, at any time except upon a special contract therefor. All such o-ntract* pavabw yi'sritrtj. iu iuntahtuenUi ol 25 per centum—and forfeited, on failure to meet the regular imymeut*. Standing professional l ards, ot tax more than a half au inch, will be inserted in the Daily at $lO, and Weekly at fS, payable b< ad wmet. Candidates .announced, in either paper, at s.l. payxM* tn advance. All transient advertising will be due and payable on demand. FAXTICI LAR NOTICE.—AII subscribers desiring their papers changed from one post-office to anoth er must ne particular to specify not only the office which thev wish their paper sent, but also the office from which they wish it transferred. ? tx» ADVERTISERS.—AiI advertisements from Con- I tractors must be handed in bv or before. 3 o'clock I*. m tarxo cuts fastened upon wood will be hereafter received under any circumstances. They are so ex tremelv dangerous that we must decline them. dec « •-•Subscriptions can be made to the Daily, for any time less than a year, at Fifty Cents a month. MACON, FRIDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 28. LETTER FROM REV. E. Y. McGEIIEE. To the People of Houston County. During a residence of more than thirty years among you, it has not been neceseary for me to ▼indicate (publicly) either my character or con duct, until the present time. In the Daily Telegraph’ of the 20th inst., I am misrepresen ted by an anonymous scribler over the signa ture of “ Dissenter.” Whoever he may be, it is not improbable that he is a disappointed as pirant for the honors of a representative of the 44 precipitatois in the State Convention, and hence has allowed himself to cherish per sonal feelings, and with unbecoming license at tribute motives to others which have not inllu enced them. I propose to give a plain statement of facts which can be corroborated by men of the high est respectability. For more than twenty years I have not participated in any political meeting for nominations or other purposes, and during that time, assurance of nominations have been tendered me with good prospects ol success, ail which 1 declined because ol my opposition to such meetings. Those not acquainted w ith me in the past, would conclude from reading “ Dissenter’s” report, that 1 had been, all my life, an office seeker. Now to the facts in the case. A short time before the occasions to which allusion is had, I was asked if 1 would serve the county in the approaching convention, it called on, to which 1 reluctantly yielded my assent, provided there should be but one ticket; desiring harmony, and regarding the position as one not to be Bought by electioneering, and thereby engen dering party strife and divisions among us, at a time when party trirk*. prejudices, and Mon# should have no influence on our decisions in reference to the gravest question on which we, as a free and sovereign people have been called to take action. On the 7th of December a meeting of the cit izens was held at Henderson, over which Col. W. M. Davis presided. A committee to pre sent business was appointed and was retiring when I entered the room. Going as a specta tor, and not intending to engage in the proceed ings. I took a position remote from the chair.— During the absence of the committee, the recent ftptech of Hon. T. R. IL Cobb was read. Res olutions were then presented, and a spirited ad dress delivered by Mr. 11. R. Eelder, followed by Col. J. D. Watkins, after which, 1 was called for, to which 1 responded briefly in some impromptu remarks, alluding to the circum stances in which our government was formed under the Constitution—the rise, progress, and success of the Abolitionists—the causes which contributed to the result; among which was unpardonable deoot ion to party. Spoke of the aggressions of the North upon our rights- li kened the condition of the South to that of a gallant, but disabled ship among the breakers --feared for her final safety, but with all on board (meaning the Southern States), would write “Southern Confederacy on her banner ami put her out to sea—wanted the border States, they having a common interest and des tiny—thought Mr. Lincoln’s administration would be conciliatory till the border States were alxditionizetl and slavery' would be confined to the Gulf States—had no faith in pledges from, or compromises with, Black Republicanism thought the Union virtually dissolved, hopeless ly divided in sentiment on the slavery issue that nothing less than decisive measures—an eternal settlement of the question, in ot out of the Union, would satisfy me without yielding our rights to the common territory, and though I did not enter into detail, I thought my posi tion clearly understood. Myopinions were pre sented for what they were worth, as 1 spoke tor no party platforms, and consulted no leader ot oracle. The “Constitutional resistance men conven ed on the 15th insL On the day before that meeting, I was informed that it was intended to nominate me as one of the candidates ; and cold as the day was, I rode fourteen miles for the purpose of preventing my name going before the meeting, and giving my views in detail on the policy indicated above. In my remarks on this occasion, I noticed the great lotion which is now agitating the country, in a politico-religious asp< present, past and future; pointed out the earors com mitted heretofore by Southern statesmen—the corruption of politicians —tffe rottenness ot Na tional platforms, intentionally framed tor a Nor thern and Southern construction, till platform builders had raised up a formidable sectional party at lbe < Norlh. This may have given of fence, or “disgusted” “Dissenter, though not (■tended for one party more than another. It can hardly be doubted now, that a criminally blind devotion to parties has contributed large ly to our present troubles; tor it is true that politicians at H ashington City have controlled public opinion at home, while a tew men about our county towns have dictated who should be their collectors, sheriffs, judges, clerks, legisla tors, Ac. It is time for the people to arise and rebuke all such <elt\xMistitutvd organizations, and listen and yield no longer to those whose patriotism is not bvoa<kr than party linos, nor lias any purjioses higher than selfish ambition. Ix*t Georgia, through her Convention, pass her Ordinance of Secession let it embrace her reasons for going out of the Union. Send a copy to the Governor of every State—invite a Convention of all the Southern Males, endeav or to get them to pursue a similar course. I'hey niav co-operate. Il they do, much will be gamed; if not, common courtesy, interest, and destiny will be respected. Then it the question of our rigli’s is not voluntarily settled, let her execute the Ordinance nt the appointed time.— This is Ute better Secession—lst Because “ in union there is strength.” 2nd. I'he onus would rest upon the Republican party of dissolving the Vinon—they having failed m the last resort to comply with the spirit of the Constitution, on w hich our Ordinance was founded. .3rd. It we secured the co-operation of the border Slates much would In* gained. Uih. Because all might without much sacrifice of opinion unite on this policy, ami then we should have the moral power of a w/uW South. Lastly, the future historian of our times would exhibit us, what ever be our coming destiny’, as calm, deliberate, forbearing—and even God-like, towards a domi nant fanaticism which has, disre garded our rights. Once more, and 1 close this notice of “ Dis senter.” He says, “ that Rev. Dr. McGehee was requested to open the meeting with prayer. —- In this he told the truth, and I give him credit for the same. Is it right to pray ? If so, I did light in praying. I am afraid ‘‘Dissenter " don’t prav. lie says I made “ an out-and-out secession tpe*ch two weeks bet re.” Stop my friend— your imagination is rather fruitful. It was only nine days, and if “ out-and-out” secession then. it is out-and-out now —no change having taken I place in my opinions. Again, he says, 1 made a speech “ bidding for the nomination.” Mer cy! was there ever such a stretch of the imagi | nation to get away from the truth ? I publicly ! declined a nomination, if ten de re* I me. senter” says that I vyas “for dissolving the t n lion in certain contingencies, then, waiting f<>r the aUditionists to kick us out; was for de mand and against demands." etc. Was “Dissenter” present or reprcseiUed by proxy ? If present, he mn“t have been nnppiug.-l * deaf, or What the people call tiyiit. My opinion ' has been the same, in private and public, viz. : ’ That Georgia should co-operate with the other i Southern States, or resume her sovereignty j alone, or with any number ol them, without l demand, if our rights are withheld. “Disgusted all parties and shades of opin ion,” and took my seat. Does “D." know that the committee 0f*.21, while in conference, ten dered ine tho nomination, and th it I declined? It would teem th y were not Reader, mark well Mr. “D.” and see how easy it is for him to slide from the truth. Perhaps he wrote from the representation of others, if so, I take back everything said, 'or written, of a harsh character, and leave it for him to make, if he chose, the amende honorable. As to Messrs. Day, Castelo and Gilbert, who he terms “grand daddies” in their dotage, and ridicules for “Go'U, Dropey and Catarrh, they are abundantly able to take care of themselves. They are reliable men, and if “Dissenter” does represent them in dotage and “blossoming for the grave”—ap proaching “Abraham’s bosom,” or that “warm er place”—they have grown gray in the service j of their country —on battlefields, and in the , legislative councils of the State; and deserve a better fate than to be held up to public con- ; tempt by such self-constituted censors as “Dis- | senter.” I am pledged to no candidates, and in refer- i ence to Messrs. Giles, Gunn, and Brown, 1 will i say they are gentlemen, and I think would dis- > like to take a seat in a Convention where the , determining vote was to be cast by a man who is so full of contempt for old age, virtue, and honorable character in the persons of Messrs. Day, Castelo and Gilbert, as “Dissenter” seems to be. EDWARD Y. McGEIIEE. DO YOU WANT Y-G O<> IF YOU DO, CALL AT BOSTICK’S NEW STORED And purchase tlie latest style:- of DRESS SILKS, SILK ROBES, MONTMORENCY ROBES, MERINOS, DELAINES, VALENCIAS, CLOAKS, EMBROIDERIES, |J('URTAINS, CAIITETIN(.S. 4 ? And nil kinds of FANCY & STAPLE DEY GOODS, A T REDUCED DA TEA. Ah J am dctcnniiie*! t<> n all ice my »t<>ek by ptl’erinss Goods VERY CHEAP. J have a splendid assortment of Shawls and Kisses Cloaßs, And a large invoice Just received, of North Carolina Cassimcre, For sale at low prices. CalLnnd .sec’the Goods—hear the Prices, ’and secure BARGAINS. A.. G. BOSTICK. Opp. LAXIIiIi HO, nov til GRAND sale. ® e S 0,000 Wurth of; J’.f.VCl’ Carpets, Clo"tliin.g etc. AT NEW YORK COST, FOR O -A- S TX , « AT ELIAS EINSTEIN’S. In order to make a change in the business January > Ist, 1801, the entire Stock will be sold out ns above. Now ie the time to buy your winter sviylies. We art i E to sell, and you can buy CHEAP. Don't miss this opportunity. a large Stock of SILK S, POPLINS, VALEN C 1 A S , REPPS, Plain and Figured English and French MERINGS, Figured and Plain DkLAINES, Afeo a full Slorlt of <dl Otlor kinds of b'anry T)riJ ftvods. ' CLOAKS! CLOAKS! ! A new and tarire lot just received. Bed and Negro )'>LA.\ KETS, KERSEYS, <(••’. IST Everybody call and examine for yourselves.^aA ELIAS EINSTEIN. "itizen please copy, fnov 13] Light for the Million. C() A L (> 1 L LA M PS! AT PIUCES TO svrr THE TIMES. BOLSIIAW & HERZ.OG, nov 27—d a w I VNTTED ST WES MARSHAL'S SALE.- Willbesold . I at the Court House in the city of Macon. Bibb coun ; ty. ot, the first Tuesday in December next, within the • legal hours Os sale, the following property, to-w it: Lots of Laud Nos. 22, 13 awl SG. also the north half of Lot N0.••33. and Lot No. 11. all lying on the we.-t -ide of Kinchafooiwe Creek, below tiie road leading from Buena ■ Vista to Pineville, and lying In the 31st District ot orig imiliv Lee now Marion county, rite whole containing acres more or less, and levied on as the property of \\ ui. H. Butt to satisfy a ti. fa. issued from the. .sixth . C rcutt Court of the t inted States for the Southern Dis- * trict of Georgia, in favor ul W yiwun Mo»c» A Co. vs. said Willitun B. Burt. F. M. Bib MIKS, nov 5 T. S. Dept. Marshal. GREAT DEDICTION' IN HIE Jewelry Business. I f FAV TNG nwole urHuiceniwin* forDirect Importation II I will sell out my entire stock, ,*>jie of the larg, -t iu the State? as low, if not lower than those who <<■■! at New York <s»Ht. My assortment consisting of Lathes’ and Gentlemen s Fine Gold and Silver English anti Swiss Wutiffies, Diamonds, Full and Hall'Sets of Jewel ' rv. Solid Silver Pitchers. Waiters. Goblet*, Cup-. Forks, Spoons, Fancy Silver, Ac., all warranted to be of the best quality. 1 keep no Pinch Dal good- but articles that will give entire satisfaction to the purchasers. Also, a large as sortment of Violins, Guitars, Banjos, Violiucellos, V io- ! 1 lin Strings. Fancy Goods. Ac. dec 21 F. 11. BVRGHARD. t 'WINNETT MANUFACTURING COMPANY.-H< a ' ’ vy Osimburgs manufactured by Gwinnett Mauufac turing Conipanv, Lawrenceville, in store and for sale by dec 22 ' WHEELER A WILBUR. SOUTHERN MANUF.GTI RED.—Two case* of va rious st vies Southern Manufactured Goods for -ale j by dec 22 WHEELER A WILBUR. JLNUFACTUREK S BANK BILI.J- will be taken at par fora fine, gentle Family and Buggy Horse, by J. 11. ZEB.IN, de c 24 dSt at the Drug tore, op. Telegraph Office Mules for Sale. I HAVE twenty broke Mules, young and very fine, ! 1 that 1 will sell on twelve months t ime, at my place i 12 miles front Macon, on the Macon A Western R. Road, dec 25 A- LOCKETT. A Riding Horse for Sale, I XILLS ®f the Manufacturers' Bank will betaken. Ap . B ply to [decW] E A. NISBET. 1 LITTLE, SIIITID CO.. AfAXUrA CTUHE ANP SELL z-aAKRIAGE Harnere, Buggy Harness. Two-Horse V , XVason Hamess, Aoad Wagon Hamess, and Cart Harriees very low. to suitjhe times;. Also, an extensive assortment of Saddles. Bridles, Carriage Trimmings, s.itlillery and Harness Hnrdware, Carnage Material, Shoe Findings, ; GIN BANDS. Leather of all kinds. Trunks, J’alises, Ac., CRASITE FROST STORE, Near J. B. A W A Hoss, and next door to E. Bond & Co., Cherry Street, Macon, Georgia. oct 31 daw U ' AVatcheH, Jewelry, Fancy Goods, &c., &c. G B DAY would respectfully inform his friends and the public eenerallv, that he is again in Macon, aS < SASiSip he will give particular attention to W atch n pairing. oct 1G d&w 3m J—- J<>LD BAM> AND WHITE ©BiMMEIS & SEIfT® 8 BOLSHAW & HERZOG. Oct23dd& - ■ ■■■ VaiuabiePlainaiion for Sale T WILL sell my Flantalion, situated in Macon and 1 Houston counties, five miles from Winchester, on South Western Rail Road, and containing 2400 acres, lev el oak and hickory land, with about IMacres in culti vation. The place is healthy, with good water, and well improved, with all necessary buildings, and, if desired, can be divided into two or more settlements. For terms, Ac., address the undersigned at Macon, Georgia. Sept 27-d&wtf N- BASS. TO THE MUSICAL PUBLIC. WIN. OABE&CO., Baltimore, MOST EXTEXSTVE SOUTHERN PIAXO FORTE MANEFA OTURERS HAVE on exhibition at the Fair Ground Buildings, one sever, octave li<>se-* « M A n wood SPLENDID FINISHED PIANO U » ■ J J Forte which is one of the Best Instruments ever turned out uisU.vir Factory. For great power, sweetness of tone, and delicncv ol touch, it stands unexcelled. 'lh< tone i.- also of long duration. Professors. Amatuers and the Public in •••cncral, are respectfully invited tocall and examine t bi" fnstr.nncnt and Judge for themselves. Ov«r two hundred of these Pianos have been sold in the State of Georgia the last four years, and all have given great satisfaction. , , , „ Durability of these instruments are warranted for five years, and. a privilege of exchange granted on their own expense, if the Instrument should not 'rive entire satis faction. UM. KNABK A < O. decl‘Kd2w L. N. WIIITTUC. P - B - WHITTLE. WHITTLE & WHITTLE, A T TOR NEY S, & c., A T I*A W, J/.I CON, GEORGIA, Office n< j t to Concert Hull and over Payne's Drug Store, W’ILL practice iu Bibb, Twiggs, Wilkinson, Jones, Houston, Macon, Crawford, Monroe and Sumter counties, and i any othereounty in the State by special acreuuent; also in the United States Courts at Savan nah and Mai ietta. nov 0, ’GO, d 3m wly True Independence CONSISTS IN Rt iia/ aide to produce all that we require AT HOME, And the first step towards it is to obtain GrOOD SEEDS. Z EILIN & HUNT havpjn 8t received one of thcjlarg est, freshest, and best sclented lot ol GARDEN SEEDS ever before brought to this country. The Stock consists of every variety CABBAGE. TURNIP, ONION. RADISH, SQUASH. EGG PLANT, ONION SETS, LUCERNE, KENTUCKY BLUE GRASS, Ac. These Seeds are from a New Gardner, put up express Iv for this Firm, and warranted. They have'not an OLD Seed in the Jionse, and the present Stock is what they intend to SELL OUT, and get no more this year. Call early and get as sortment. Also, FLOV7ER SEEDS, over 500 different varieties; enough for all the Ladies. ;» ’AGENTS for Mitchell & Crosdale’s Super Phos. Lime—the Chemical Manure that has never failed. Call ami see home certificates, showing the crop of 1860 pro duced by it, were as large as Ihe year before. Dry or wet weather has no effect, and it permanently enriches the land. dec 11 d & w JNIiIW FIRM. C A STLEN VAR DELL, D l i U G (il S 1 S AND A. F O TH E C yr I E s , At the old stand of Aler.ard <t Castlen’s DRUG STORE. VA ’E have this day formed a Copartnership, for the purpose of transacting a First Class Whoksale and Retail Drug Business. | We invite the at tent ion of city and country customers to our Stock, which will consist of the best and most reli- ' able assortment of ! DRUGS, MEDICINES, PERFU MER Y, PAINTS, OILS, Ac., Ac., Ac. We will be prepared to furnish any article that can be found in our line, as cheap as in any Drug establishment ' In the clt v. ; - Physicians and others may rely upon their pre scriptions being prepared with accuracy and dispatch. 'l'he old friends ofMenard A C'astlen are requested to continue their patronage, and as Mr. Vardell has had seven years experience in the business, withE. L. Stro hvekcr and E. L. Strohecker A t 0., in.this city, he hopes to merit the approbation, and receive the custom of ma ny new ones. F. G. CASTLEN. M. D. 11. T. VARDELL. Maron, May 1, IbGO d&w i BREAKERB j\HEAD! ONE PHIC23 AND CASH ONLY ’ J.\o. X. KELX & CO’S He? d Quarters for Dress Go ds. ON AND AFTER THE riKST IHI OF JAM AKY, 1861. i We will sell our Goods I OR cash or city acceptance only? We return our best wishes to onr numerous friends and patrons, and assure them that nothing shall be wanting <m our |»art to retain the reputa tion so long enjoy by us of being Head Quarters for Dress Goods! Our stock will at all times be found to contain all the Novelties of the season, and at the i>owbst cash vkicbs. JNO. N. KEIN & CO., Skcoxd St., Macon, Ga. JTust*ißoceived.— A full line of NORTH (. AROLINA CASSIMERES AND JEANS, AT li< in's Head Quarters for Dress Goods. 4< c 21 MOTIFS. MESSRS. ROBERT ADGER&CO. \ 1 ’ILL jmsitively close their sales In Macon on Satur r » daj afternoon. All who have not yet supplied ’themselves witli Rich and Goods at uiy LOW PRICES, had betk r du so at once. dec2O-d2t WANTED, I'lOR the ensuing year, several experienced HOUSE 1 SERVANTS. Apply to 1 dec 2ILS;I LOGAN A MEARA, Lanier House. attention G- E O H. Cl- I W sf Who would not have a good REPEATER! At the present excited time ? E. FEUCHTWANGER Has just received a large supply of POCKET FIRE ARMS, SUCH AS Smith & Wessen’s Cartridge Re PEATERS, (Seven Shooters) Latest & best patterns, suitable to carry in a vest pocket. 1 o o Xj Celebrated and well known REPEATERS, Beal’s REPEATERS, and Marston’s “Life Guard Pis tols,’’ Three Shooters, with BOWIE KNIFE! &T" Call soon. Prices and qualities will certainly suit you. E. FEUCHTWANGER, nov 28 Cherry Street. GRATES I ORATES I I AM now receiving a second supply of che Grat apse oct 6 d B. A. WISE. . A NEGRO WOMAN 21 years old. and her daughter A about six years old. 'l'he woman is.a good house servant, plain cook, and good wash* ’ ' Tronery War, ranted sound. Terms cash. •'■’’-vi Macon, Oct. 30 d . i Fire Irons, &c.,&c.! —— IRON, BRASS & STEEL SJtiovols cfc Tongs, Shovel and Tong Stands, Pokers, Sausage Meat Cutters, Meat Stuffer , Meat Saws, Meat Knives, WOOD SAWS, AXES, WHEELBARROWS, Ac. for sale by NATHAN WEED. nov 30 | A. UST D w liwA ° GQ PRICES REDUCED. WE are authorized to announce a reduction on the price of the above machines, of from $5 to $lO on each, with hennners included. machines warranted 12 months. Send for a circular. E. J. JOHNSTON & CO., nov. 30 Agents. advertising for us will ,please substitute the above. E. J. J- * Co., Agents. I L AKD W A. Ft K, IRON & STEEL CARIIAIIf & CURD ’ Are now receiving their Fall DIRECT IMPORTATIONS, CONSISTING IN PART OF 350,000 lbs. Assorted Swedes Iron, 224,000 lbs. “ Refined Iron. 20,000 l bs. “ Band Crabs and Hoops. Wi.(XX) 1 bs. “ Plow Steel. 5.000 lbs. Cast and German Steel. 54XX) lbs. Nail Rods. IIKI English Anvils. 75 “ Vices, at their new Iron Front Store, CHERRY STREET. HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &c. 3,(XX) Pair Trace Chains, 100 Dozen Assorted Hoes, 1,000 Kegs “ Nails, Together with a large Stock of every thing usually kept in their line. Call and see. CARHART & CURD, oct 31 Iron Front, Cherry Street. FALI’tBADE of I@€lO, ROSS & COLEMAN’S tc Jßazaar of ITasliion.” TATE are now in the full tide of successful operation, VV with the largest and most choice stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods that it has ever been our pleasure to offer to the public. It is impossible to convey the slightest idea of the magnitude of our Stock, and to at tempt a description, through an advertising medium, of oar rich foreign fabrics m Ladies Dress (Hoods, would be superfluous; suffice it to say that etyles never were so elaborate, and that we have them in all their grades and colors. We append a list of a few rich Goods entirely new tn this market: Ottoman Valours; Droquet De Brocades: Minnivers in full setts; Velvet Embroidered Soies; Brocade Vel ours; Violets Des Alps; Plaid Lance,’ in all Colors. Gro D’ Epsom, in various hues; Zouave Burnous; Kept Robe De Chambres; Rept Persians a la Mazaona ; Snow Flake Isadoras; Madapilans in chintz colors; Diamond and Magic Rufflings: Zephyr Sontags; Crape Broche Fat icy Colors; Gold Belts and Gilded Dress Prim ings; Velvet. Cloaks; Cloth Arabs; Cloth Cloaks; Car petings from the Richest. Medallion Velvet Tapestry down to the lower grades. Our Stock is unusually full and we invite the public to tin examination of the same. ROSS & COLEMAN, Macon, Sept 12- Cotton Avenue. MAYNARD! S RIFLE AND SHOT OTJTSTJS, A T MA NCFA CTCRERS PRICES, B K HODGBXNS & SONS. DOUBLE AND SINGLE Os every variety, by HODGKINS & SONS. Purchasers of TIRE ARMS sos any description, will do well by examining the extensive assortment of dec 6 D. C. HODGKINS & SONS. Musical Instr.iction. OSCAR VON BRIESEN, Professor of Music having been permanently located in Macon since December last, continues to offer his services to the citizens as instructor on tne Piano, Guitar, and Harmony at the residences of pupils or in schools. Terms $15,00 pet quarter of 24 lessons. References —L. N. Whittle, Esq., I. C. Plant. Dr. E. L Strohccker, Mrs, Butler and others. Applications may be left at Messrs. E. J. Johnston A Co.’s Piano and Jewel ry Store. Repairing and tuning Pianos will be done faithfully and at reasonable prices by the same sen 10 New Arrangement. lITITH the facilities and long experience we possess I V in the Musical Business, we did not only select the BEST PIANOS, as regards tone and durability, but have also effected the most advantageous terms to our customers for the supply of superior Instruments. We partly selected our Pianos and partly had them made to order. We are now receiving, w ithout doubt, the best selection ever before brought to Macon, consisting of 6 1-2, 7, and 7 1-4 Octaves in plain an higdhly finished cases to suit every taste.— These Instrument’s we are prepared to sell either for Cash, on time, or monthly installments, at the lowest Factory prices. The latter arrangement, we think, will be accepted by many persons in want ot first class Instruments, who are perhaps not willing to pay the entire amount at once, and to whom it will be easier to pay in monthly installments. Our object is to assist such persons in procuring a first class Piano, for whose superiority we willgive a five year’s guarantee.— We intend to effect large sales, and are satisfied with small profits. Come and see our Stock to be convinced that we ought and really have such instruments as we repre sent them to be. JOHN C. SCHREINER & SONS, oev Cotton Avenue. At Private Sale. I HAVE about 21 Gallons of very fine Old Brandy, that will be sold for Manufacturers* Notes. dec 18 fcj. j. MILLER, Auctioneer. NEW HOTEL.- PLANTER'S HOUSE—Two squares from the Rail Ml Depot, Cherry Street, Macon, Ga. dec 11 d ts J. O. GOODALE, Proprietor. GIBBONS HOUSE, GA., HIS New Hofei ia o r open to the T liing Public. The Rooms are rt d- •‘u suit*, and ea su tof rooms are supplied w ith Hot and Cold Baths, Wn r Closets and I Gas making the accommodations of this House superior Hotel in the BARK HENRY! HAS ARRIVED, AND einstein i Has just opened a splendid lot of CLOTH CLOAKS, ME RINOS, delaines, valencias, repps, Figured SILKS, POPLINS, &c, Eng lish, Brussels, Velvet, and In- : grain CARPETINGS, ' I Embroidered and Plain HANDKERCHIEFS, Embroid’d Collars and Sleeves, Window Damasks, and Embroidered Lace and Muslin tor CURTAINS. PIANO A N I) TABLE COVERS, Goods will be sold very low during the Fair* ' to close out our Stock. Every body call and examine. Also, a flue lot of CLOTHING will be disposed of very cheap. ELIAS EINSTEIN. ,] ec 11 Cotton Av, MACON & WESTERN, SOUTH-WESTERN & MUSCOGEE RAIL ROADS. . rpHE above Roads will transport Stock for Exhibition w- X to tho MACON FAIR, Free of Charge, and will be returned free if not sold. They will also sell Tickets from all points on either of the above lines, charging full tare to Macon ; return Tickets free will be given, to expire on the 24th of December, 1860. A. L. TYLER. Supt. M. & W. R. R. VIRGIL POWERS. Eng. A Supt. S. W. R. R. W. S. CLARKE, Supt. M. R. R. nov 30 A Great Bargain. A HOUSE and lot near the Female College, in the city Zk of Macon, for sale, cneap for cash, having six rooms, with fireplaces in five of them, with good double kitch en, smokehouse and stable, with a good well of water on the lot. The lot contains half acre, and is convenient to the business part of the city, and to the College an " other male or female Schools, and a very desirable place. Any one wishing to purchase would do well to examine the premises. E. C. GRANNISS, Aug 30,1860- Agent. FLINT HajUSET H’HIS House has become noted for every! hing necessa -l ry to a first class Hotel. Within a few minutes walk of the centre of the city. It is unsurpassed inatten tive servants, good table, and comfortable rooms. The Traveller and Boarder will find pleasant accommoda tions on reasonable terms. The whole is under the su perintendence of Mrs. FLINT & SON, who will spare no pains to oblige the public who give them a call. oct 21 TO RENT. riMIE Store and largo Room over said Store, adjoining 1 the Store of J. Strahan A Co., corner of Third A Cherry Streets. A good stand for any kind of business. if®’ Possession given immediately. Apply to J. STRAHAN A CO" nov 20 d • SOUTHERN CLOTHING! MADE OF NORTH CAROLINA AND MARYLAND CASSIMERES Into. Handsome SUITS, and offered FOW FOR CASH. E. WINSHIF. CLOTHING! ES. WIMSIIII? OFFERS IIIS STOCK OF « B -s « ® ■ iw «- VERY LOW FOR CASH. E. WINSIIIP. IRON SAFE. One of S. C. HERRING’S Fire Proof Safes, but little used, for sale Cheap by E. WINSIIIP, dec 6 FANCY DRY-GOODS. N. S. Prudden & Co. HAVE replenished their stock, and can now supply their customers with many articles that have been scarce in this market, GIMPS, BRAIDS, BLACK LACES AND BUTTONS. Reduction in the price of Dress Goods, Some of them just received. CLOTHAND VELVET, MISSES’ AND CHILDREN’S CLOAKS. RICH EMBROIDERIES, PLAIN RIBBONS, CORSETS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, SKIRTS, AND STAPLE GOODS, ogether with almost every thing required for a com plete stock of Dry Goods. N. S. PRUDDEN A CO. nov 30 H. B. CLIFFORD, SR., PRODUCE BROKER !j FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, NO. 281 MAIN STREET, Louisville, Kentucky, Personal attention given to all orders and con signments. All goods forwarded with dispatch. All orders filled the same day the order is received, if possible. From my thorough knowledge of the markets, and my long ex perience in the Grocery and Produce and Commission business, I know that 1 can save those who order goods from this market, a Fair Profit. No business man can help seeing that this is the only correct way to order goods—through one that gives his personal attention to that branch of business. I inspect each article, buy nothing but the best, and I buy and sell for CASH only, consequently, can buy much less than those who buy on thirty or sixty days time, as is customary with most bus iness men in all markets. They who order their goods throwth me, gets the best article, and at much less price than those who oider through parties that is not in the business, or knows but little or nothing about the mark et or the article wanted. I am agent for some of the best brands of Flour. Lake and Salt Water Fish. N. Y. and W. R. Butter and Cheese, and seeds of all kinds. I frequently have large Stocks of Flour, Grain and Produce on hand; in that case, if I have the article wanted, you save the 2X per cent. Com mission, my only charge. N. Y. Exchange received at selling rates here, ami Southern money at par. Al I ask is a trial, then ; if Ido not please you, do not pat ronize me any more. Small orders will have the same attention as large. {^“’Ordersand Consignments solicited. I nov 12 FINE MEI)I0 IN AL LI QUO K S IIA VANA CIGARS A T THE PRESCRIPTION STORE, Corner Cotton Arenite <£ Cherry St. COGNAC’, (Otard, Dupuy & C 0.,) very old. Old Bourbon WHISKEY, Old Jamaica RUM, I Port, Sherry, Madeira, and Muscat WINES, Choice Havana CIGARS— Cotton Plant, Bunker Hill, Ducal Crown, Ac., &c., a large lot, which are offered low for O jSL 2 5 TT . dec 7 WANTED. A YOUNG girl 13 or 14 years old, to act in the capaci ty of nurse. Apply at once to the PRESCRIPTION STORE, nov 13 Cor. Cotton Avenueand Cherry Sts. New Flour DAA BBLS. Extra Superfine Flour. I iVU 75 “ “Best Family ” “ For sale by 1 cot 6 -'-'-•■2GEO. T. ROGERS & SON* Cotton Planter’s Convention SCHOTTISH, Ct (IMPOSED and Dedicated to the Members of the ) Cotton Planter’s Assocfaupfl, with a faithful like ness of Hon. Howell Cobb, "President of tho Cotton Planter’s Convention, by HERMANN L. SCHREINER. his Piece being a cot v right, can only be had by the Publishers, JNOC. CH REIN ER & SONS, dec 4 Cotton Avenue. 'SELLING AT COST," V. W. SKIFF. SELLING AT GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, V/W. SKIFF. Selling at Cost, Our Whole Stock of Jewelry, v. W. SKIFF. SELLING AT COST, Silver and Silver-Plated Ware, V. W. SKIFF. SELLING Al COST, ALL OUR WORK-BOICES AND WRITING DESKS. V. W. SKIFF. SELLING AT COST, OUR ENTIRE STOCK. V. W. SKIFF. Store to Rent, and Fixtures for Sale after FIRST JANUARY, 1861. V. W. SKIFF, Under Granite Hall, opposite Lanier House, dec 6 M acon, Ga IMPORTANT TO Cotton Planters ATTENDING THE FIRST ANNUAL FAIR OF THE Cotton Planters’ Convention !! In the Cfity of Macon. We direct vottr attention to RHODES SUPER-PHOSPHATE ! The standard Manure which has received the endorse ment of Prof. JOSEPH JONES, Chemist to the Conven tion, who on p. 57 of his Report, says: “It is but just that I should state to the Convention that both the Man ufacturers and Venders of this Fertilizer have thrown open everything to my examination, and have manifest ed a determination to conduct all their operations in an open and strictly honest manner.” A M. RHODES A CO., Man ufactukerb. OFFICE—B 2 Bowdy’s Wharf, Baltimore, Md. fYT"’ Agents at. Augusta, Ga., J. A. Ansley & Co.; at Sacannrn, Ga., Patten & Miller; at Charleston, S. C., Rhett & Robson ; at Macon, Asher Ayres. ■ J-?7“Mr. Rhodes can be found at Lanier House, dec 10 dim* For Sale" AN extra fine pair of Mules, with wagon and harness Time given, if preferred. Apply to dec 12 I. C. PLANT, Marine Bank. EDUCATION i. MRS. J. O.HODGES will open a School at her resi dence on 4th Street, opposite Mr. E. J. Jeffers', on the Ist Monday in January next. Terms liberal. nov 27 —d until Ist Jan. SWEDES IRON! O DIRECT IMPORTATION. o JUST RECEIVED PER BRIG “MINNA,” FROM STOCKHOLM, 2150 BAHS GENUINE SWEDES IRON And for sale low, l>y JOS. E. WELLS, THIRD ST., MACON, GA.| nov 10 Advances. J-JL ANTERS and Factors, disposed to ship Produce to 1 the Belgian-American Company of Brussels, (Bel gium) will please apply to the undersigned, who are au thorized to make the necessary advances. MULLER & MICHELS, Agents for the Belgian-American Savannah, Dec. 7 dim Direct Trade Company. 3 25 Mules for Sale. MANUFACTURERS’ BANK NOTES TAKEN. Also Watches and Jewelry exchanged for same. dec tt-d2w J. A. & S. S. VIRGIN. "TO SOUTHERN DEALERS. W. A. RANSOM & CO, SUCCESSORS TO J. H. RANSOM & CO., 132 Courtland and 39 Dey Streets. Danifl Ransom, 1 ( Darius W. Geer, W. A. Ransom, - Jfew—lfork,' Robert 11. Boyd, AP. Hansom, ) ( MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BOOTS & SHOES, Hath: constantly on hand a large stock of Fine and ne gro goods, expressly for the Southern Trade, which they wall sell at the lowest market prices for Cash or ap proved credit. jan 1 1860 d*w ly Notice to Teachers! IS hereby given that the Board of Education for Bibb county will hold a meeting at the Ordinary’s Office, in the city of Macon, on SATURDAY, the 22d dav of December, 1860, for the purpose of ex amining Teachers and Auditing accounts against'the Poor School Fund of said com: ty. This November the sth, 1860. By order of the Board. nov 28 WM. M. RILEY', Secretary. 1860 FALL TRADE. WATCHES, JEWELRY, CLOCKS, SILVER-WARE, FANCY GOODS, PIANOS, GAS FIXTURES, FINE GUNS, CUTLERY, &c. "PUBLIC attention is respectfully solicited to one of i the largest and most elegant selection of Goods in our line ever offered in this market, which will be sold on terms competing favorably with any flrfct class estab lishment in the country. An examination of our stock without designing pur chases is respectfully solicited. oct 30 E. J. JOHNSTON & CO. NOTICE? - THOSE having demands against the estate of H. Lunefprd, de ceased, will please send the amount to dec 10 dlw T. W. KING, Adm'r. Forsyth, Ga. Ho, For The Fair ! Tlie M aeon A Brunswick Kail road. ON and after this date, Accommodations Trains will be ruu during the Fair between Macon and Den son’s Mill, as follows: Leaving Macon at7Ji, a. m. “ 4, p. M. Leaving Denson’a at9X, a. m. “ ’* SX, P. M. A. N. ROGERS, Eng'r, &c. Macon, Dec. THE LADIES” ARE invited to call and examine the stock of BOOKS now on sale at my Auction Room. dec 11 J. J. MILLER. r n Hhdts. Prime Bacon Sides and Shoulders, OU 50 Cans Mew Leaf Lard, in store and for sale by dee 5 McG’ALLIE £ JONES. ' TATLOL o WILL open, on the . „ < MM merly occupied b? of October i., -iS next to Freeman’s, a< nor. J. Peter’ ,n! mentof »> and well Cloths, Ca . ‘liners 'VES'I TTx.' - A ■ of the latest importations, which. ’ jjjjjah ■ manufacture to ord<-r. in the are G I shortest notice, al) of w hiufi w. will eU>>. I isfaction. ' J* . Thecitizens of Macon, slid adi /u../e, . ’ spectfv.llj invit.-rl tu fin a < .;b ~j Tailors, and m i uiiumd to p!ea«<* '..othX style. We have also a flue assottn Good*. \V. ks a--.’ BHi _Sept *•- P. l.YNcii 1 13 17 13 IN si ll> F/J pure OLD MONONGAHELA RYE 1 J ( toNSCTEXTKH’SLY distilled by-Mr. JAMFst ■ SIDE, of Alleghany county, Pa., in the old i ed honest way, from the choicest Rye, and fi. H offered for sale until adapted to wholesome use It la at once the most palatable, as it is era ..iZ.f the purest beverage in the reach of the public J invalid, as well as to those in health, It commena.« self for its unrivaled qualities as a stimulant of Vi ■ est, surest, and most benefleient description l? *9 wtth keS8 ’ &C ” aDd PUt “ P h ‘ ohnVa CLERY & STOCKDALE. ■ 328 Walnut St., PhiJXhk d ■ WM. C. CONOVER, Agent l fS ’ ■ 225 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washiimum Citv » e JW C. & R. N. W'lliTE. Jr„ Agenu oct 7 d-3m_ 54 Cedar Street, New y c k H EAST TENNESSEE Wul TIMOTHY", C-L-OVErB WE are now prepared to fill orders, to almost LJH tent, for this desirable HAY, neatly put U1) “ shipping order, and will be sent to any Mint' .’tß South, at short notice. This Hay is supposed to c a greater amount of nutriment, and less ohnLcW growth, than any other grown in the South or West® W r e respectfully solicit orders accompanied with ■ and promise our best efforts to please all who ronize us. R. M. M’PHERSON & nj Sept I!> d3mKnoxville, Tennessee I JOHN L. JO7\ i:s| HAS RECEIVED HIS USUAL LARGE SUPPLY OF Fall and Winter Olotliin?! COMPRISING ALL THE ■ NKW' AMI DKMHABLK BTVLEn, | Together with a full stock of FURNISHING (K)OD«I Trunks, Ha oes Valices, Carpet Bans and UMBRELLAS. apr 4 d Wines! Wines!! Wines!!! r A Baskets Heidsick Piper Wine, ♦>U 75 Cases Prince Imperial “ 20 Cases Cabinet Wine, 20 “ Sparkling Catawba, 10 “ LePerle Champagne, Dr. Bowen's Catawba and Seappemong Wine A Fine Stock of Port, Madeira and Sherry Wines 5 We can safely recommend the above Wines h av ,,.s| purchased entirely from importers, and would call aue RH lion to the Prince Imperial Champagne, as a WiueH rare quality, at a moderate price. HARDEMAN* GRIFFIN '-I Something New under the Suu, WHERE THE STAR IFX& W. T. NELSON I HAS opened, at his old stand, on Cherry street,i H choice lot of Family Groceries, such as Flour. N ( tfl Grits, Sugar, Coffee, Candles, Soap, Starch, Butter, La- I Cheese, Crackers, Beef Tongues, Bologna SauaamH Cabbage, Potatoes, and, in fact, every article usual kept in a first class Family Grocery, to which he iuvi-B the attention of his friends and the public. ALSO, the very best brands of fine Old Brand.- H Wines, &c., put up in bottles, or by the gallon. W. T. NELBU.X a Macon, Ga., Sept 5,1860- Office of the Mieledgeville Railroad Co.i ■ September 8,1860. i B AT a meeting of the Board of Directors this davheli J the following Resolutions were passed by the Board ■ Ist, Resolved, That the Chief Engineer be instruett ■ to employ such additional assistance as may be uect-<B ry to finish the location of the line of road f>y the firsl ot November next, to be let by sections after advert;* ■ mentj so soon as each section has been reported totb fl 2d, Resolved, That the President be authorised to ■ make a call upon the Stockholders of the Milledgeville I Railroad Company for payment of the following install-1 inents upon their stock, (in addition to the five percent I required at the time of subscription) to wit: Five per cent, on the 10th of October, 1860. Fifteen" “ “ 10th of November, “ Five “ “ “ 10th of December, “ Five “ “ “ 10th of January, 1861. True extract from the minutes of the Board. W. MILO OLIN, Sec’y. & Treu I In pursuance of the second resolution above, tbt I Stockholders of the Milledgeville Railroad Company art I requested to pay the instalments as set fort a jiaak I Resolution, at the office of said Company, in AuginU. I 3. D. HEARD, President. I Augusta, Sept. 7,1860-dtjanl() TAKE NOTICE. I A LL persons Indebted to the late firm ot Menard tli jtx Burghard, are requested to come forward and make J Immediate payment, or their accounts will be placed it 1 other hands for collection, as I wish to close up the old I business. F. 11. BURGIIAJ”). Macon, April 27,1860. Unity Fire Insurance Company, OF LONDON. CAPITAL— -52,500,000. AVAILABLE ASSETS, 4,547,0G1 rpHE Unity Fire Insurance Company insures againai -*• loss or damage by Fire on Buildings, Merchandize, Household Furniture, &c. tSC*Also, risks taßen on Cotton in the various Ware houses in this city, at the usual rates. GEORGE ADLARD, Manager and General Agent, NEW YORK- J. M. BOARDMAN Agent, Macon, Georgia. nov 30 FOR SALE. TWO GOOD HORSES, Dray, Wagon and Hamess -1 Apply at PLANTER’S HOUSE, dec 15-alw NOTICE. I AM now prepared to execute all orders for Tin Roof ing. Galvanized Iron Cornice, Guttering, *c, Mr. A- E. Kimball Will have direct charge of my business in this city, uk hones to receive a liberal share of public patronage. H. MORCE, Office on Cotton Av., opp. J. H. Cherry *Co. CdS'- REFERENCE.—B. A. Wise. G. V. Scattergood, D. B. <t J. W. Woodruff, Volney Pierce, W. J. McElroy, oct 31 W. S. Brantly. Presbyterian Depositor?. THE Knowledge of God Subjectively considered, by 1 Robt. S. J. Breckinridge, D. D. Divine Government, by McCash. Kitto’s Bible Illustrations, Gwinness’ Sermons, The Missing Link, Chahuer’s Sermons, Dick’s Lectures, Discourses and Savings of our I.oru, Home’s Introduction, Captive Orphan, Tyng, D. D. lilßndge’s Christian Ministry, StaMcCheyne’s Works, Carter’s complete Cabinet and Fireside Libraries, Also, just received anew lot of Books, Tracts, Pr l ®’ ers, Catechisms, Hymns, &c. HERMANN L. SCHREINER, nov6 d Local Colporteur “ Prc’Bt. Church. FOR SALE. *» FIRST RATE HORSES. Apply to J. B. ALLGOOD MRS. SHARPES’ SCHOOL MRS. M. E. SHARPE will resume her School forGiri j and small Boys, in the basement of the Primiti« Baptist Church, on the First Monday in January neit- She respectfully solicits a share of patronage. dec 17 , DIBJjUT TRADE. The attention of the Public, especially of the Ladi M > is invited to the STOCK OF TOILET SOAPS, Imported by the Biu.gmn-American Co., and for SzleN MASSENBURG & SON, dec 20 Successors to E. L. Stroheclter- PRIVATE BOARDING. PERSONS wishing Board at a Private house, canfiu® 1 accomdations with Mrs. Sharpe, on 4th Street u<* the river. Comfortable rooms can be furnished tos ” And several young men as day Boarders. For iufot 111 *' tion, apply to Air. Burke at the Alethodist Book Stan dee 17 L©S’J' ‘lf li N k'. IOST IN THE MACON PASSENGER DEPOT. s Wednesday night, the sth instant, a russet coW'T TRUNK, about 36 inches in size, without a mark. Trunk had a black or japanned iron binding on the e “ and sides—the left hand strap was broken with the end remaining still in the buckle. It had, also, roi ( on the bottom, and was heavy, Any this Trunk will be thankfully received and exK paid by J. W. MANN dec 12-d 6t* Perry, Houston county^— “That” Tobacco. rpilE best Chewing Tobacco ever introduced X market. Just received from the “Old and for sale by MASSENBURG & dec 8 Successors to E. L. Strohed*