The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1860-1864, May 26, 1863, Image 1

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}>v Joseph Olisby. _ TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 26, 1863. m, 1017. elegraphsc FROM ,i»KPE«ATE^ F.XfiX Y fH VICKSRTJRG. I IKUT1NG. A* E P,ULS ED. . .•aKff.CAPTlJKE OF HELENA, ARK. ^ JI»y 28.—The special, reporter of a*** icr at Jacki-on on the ■5THB VICKSBURG. Therein considerable comfort and encourage- ment in the telegram from Mr. Wagner, dated Atlanta, 23(L Mr. W. was, and we presume still is, the agent of the Associated Press at Jact- son, to which place be removed from Vicks burg some two months ago. Hd is a man of shrewdness and intelligence, and wc beliovo him to be wcil posted in military affairs in Mis sissippi. His statement that' the garrison of Vicksburg lias 6ye months’ supylie^o'n hand *fl<J the place cannot be taken except by star vation, e believe given on personal knowledge and to bo entitled to much confi dence. If this be the state of things, our chance is still good to hold this important po sition, and we feel assured neither the Govern' ment, nor Gen. Johnston, or the authorities of Mississippi or Alabama, will bo slack in their offorts to co-opcratc in tho defence. Now is the time to show what can be dono, and un less Grant can open communications on the Yazoo, wo think be is in no very promising condition to sustaiu a long seige. It is diffi cult to conceive how he can keep up his sup plies by the ordinary route down the Western bank of the Mississippi, and up the Big Black, 2 < sVv’ heavy filing was heard in the di- 9 V Vicksburg this morning. It is re- ••'Jsad hnlictfetU 1 # official circles that the >-irts*u»U‘-d out works at Vicksburg on _ (thp 20tli) anil were badly repulsed. >»ncniy have made tlfree desperate as ,,i> Vvksimvg, «6d have been repulsed, s' ; »d'VV Blufl' has bin evacuated. '' : ,irr i-.'-ports that Yazoo "City was caps Mel"5 Wednesday by the Federate. The v.ty Yawl wai burned'by us. • i, nfg'-r.lrien Vick-burg reports that Grant rfiiipped* b tek fficpri information ot the capture of « Pv'Cp, ha< Jaaflni received. \ corn-spimih.-r-t of tlie 19th savs, JjjsCW. this- morning' -threw ten to twelve I and thence by wagon again, for an army of - j,ii .neti t.v;r Big Black to the Vicksburg I cne hundred thousand men.. Aside from this difficulty hot weather is upon them, and the Mr. Olisby'; Please publish the annexed let ter, which was received this morning, and for which I, in ihe name’of {he Wayside Iloinci thank the generous donors. The money .has been handed to Mrs. W. T. Colquit, President of Soldier’s RcFief Society-. Respectfully, Mrs. F. Dessau. May 23, 18(52. ■ Cutubekt, Ga., May 22, 1863. -Mrj. F. Dess\u,- Treasurer of Wayside llomfi.: Dear Mad auk-. Enclosed please find one hundred end fifteen doyars, the nett pro ceeds of a charade performance by the young ladies and gentlemen of this place,* given for tho benefit <fl needy soldiers. Please accept tlie amount for tho worthy institution you re present, acknowledge same and oblige. Respectfully, J. W. Jakes, ■ J. B. Buchanan. I? COR SALE A 110USK ANDLOT in tho town of Knoxville, Craw ford count*-, Gr,. Said Lot contains tone acres of land; homo with eight roomc. and store room attach, cd. A good well of water, crib, stables sod alt other conveniences com.non about a lot. Persona desiring to escape blockade prices can doso by «m early appli cation to tho eubrurtber at Fort ValL v, Ga. may 45—(lit* S. W. J. BARKIS. • ji-;r< ported in Mobile that Snyder’s Bluff it fcneir rcecStupied, and the occupation of r.iwChy ; *X the’Fc-Scrals disbelieved. I:* 4 STfLL LiTER liwiUf May 23 —The -ptcml reporter of L&vertfwr and Jtegwter, dispatching from ■I ,-t-.on, 23d, says, the latest from Vicksburg |ft"fWs.i»y r.jgh‘t;V-. • }*. [\ ■ { ,p at |l.^s slight, Injuries to batierioo tri f f'j.rili-m is wed'supplied, mid confident ivitlios- 'ha phupt’i -• -' •* f foe en-r.-.y- have JUcea foiled in all his ef- vt Jis (V«ds»!*jv- fhe ground-ih front of fcrwjrbs • ' itisia.I-j pis cos Their loss abfon thou- ot Firing was beard at injeryals las*, night ' »l * PonchatouU, - ii.frp> up tbat-ar from Ntyv Orhans. WHAT-KIND OF A GOVERN AlBt1" Via*‘Vi'.r A Democrats,’! it scents, are par- «;m.f io some the Northern fuss liinii-rpjApg Mid \d Yal- ..... Kvin tTiOv. SeynWui-, of Ny-w loth, vib • we thought hwl Bellied down final lyi.-.K.. ...iron tod of Eincolpism, has vontut- br, ’"6 bt fifeosor%ppti the country.' It is not merely uwp towards revoiiltioti,,hut is revolution it- ‘-Wo pause k» Bee rghat kind of a gov- ■^.iviiti: K toi ^viiipU we>ro'lu-ked to pour •ithu’r tn-asufes and onubliidA f" t MHI f.^r, in .-ootPhope that *Ofe. North. will -be lf« K sM aifli w frel before long just what * aw agiivornment it is. To .tho South il held iotnuthing.bul.dcstructioii. -It came to. us ♦ill a ■ in p 1 c tfi cl a11 i oryt>f war, whether wc jn»i «-ht or j.oc - Gh.‘ ; hrejircssible con PtC" wkiiouv social order.and the iouodation ,i; 'iidiaiec.iricroy wasadl it offered.— ftcU-.y i: asftigindto it* was.a.simplc choice Hh«!icr would submit peaceably to what tvrr nr . u-ii. M' lYjury lliis ‘‘Government dm-1- in inflict, ociattcinpl to defend ourselves .by in Hi'. Wc clioso the latter, and for thi; fjkcicejii'a i.ovc suffering st'tcli- cruel violence <M tvjong, while Scyiiioor and his wretched ■Tsnft iff -war. democrats” have been 'hounding lyr.tnfr. «* X* .** ’ ■ ■ *• ' - Sow we want tlu;m Io sco and to fool that gdtirr.mcnt” capable of such cruel injustice tteoececJirfi of the country can.iofiict tt upon »uil*-;r, and « c tjjink they wili be made to (ftilif. Wc have, at. IoaBf, no doubt that the ijMfiliv Miministr.’.tion will go as far in the «s theyjd#r§; a ;*r- - ' ' .-^.e iailbrejwJcarrj' «It BurnsideV.order io ■ i*v of Anvliandig^am shows that there are iitcreiionnry limits-to their tyrannical inclina [timk, and that \hcy-do not. yet dare fo pot ttedfith penalty for free speech" in • force fcit itis in the voey nafuru of aggressions up popular rights aiitl constitutional liberty •'ttcU thyy^nust increase. J.incoln’s ariest Vifliiic.i.diiun bis accomphib t<l nothing for W ft has only givot. fresh courage to oppo ^ *cvo»ati(i.dtnitnti dion anil creitled a necessity to rfcra'ctK-d matiy'in ic atrests, ii ho intends pay Cut ills policy' of terrorism, Wc hope MMnl gp on iv.\i give a practical answer .iil inquirers about the. “kind of a government’ te Kas established, till all the Northern bas> arc crowded with mourners. And when 1 v they fitive to r.-erluhlish-thc Black Ro i'u-iie.n f-di-dViistralio" by a coup d’etat, the ’ 'icie . 'r.-rn wjU be n!>!e t.: auswer. intelli ., .. , .t tind oi a government” it is. fOUSilOABLE RAID IN PROSPECT. • W.- L .' ntic.n to tt'.e Atlanta Oonfedera • r . v . i«« si. almiit a m-w raid upon Alaba- an,; (-j.,.,, twenty thousand men. AU’aeus a i-.i.i ot that magnitude would cat % own head olf before it g t for, and would hU'tnplor l u ’s ol suh.vstanco, yet it quite pro-iiiblo a smaller one may be coming, »fe tiotiT think ther, superb health ” of the Yankee army cannot be. long maintained in That region. Affairs are critical, but by no means desperate. ARREST THEM. * Mr. Editor: There has been soirys excite ment and suspicion in this neighborhood, cans od by a squad of soldiers, consisting of some twenty odd. They say they aro from Missis sippi and are going to join their command, which is, (as they report,) the Jeff Davis’ legion of Gen. Stewart’s 'command, 'fifty said they were only traveling- about ten or twelve fcg'a day. They stayed all night in the set tlcment of Hickory Grove, Crawford counly, the night* of 18th; said they were going to Micnn. And Saturday night following, three more stayed at Mrs. Smith’s in tlie same neigh had pfenty ol' .money, and it Shally seems so, lic gav# a negro manbeloging to Mrs. Smith __i dollar to curry, down his'hflrse, and also paid live dollars for his rupper.and breakfast. This information was furniBhad by the ne groes of Mrs. Smith. Not, however, until they had left the settlement a day or two. .The latter party, which passed on the 10th, said they were going to Millcdgcville. the said negro also eaid he belonged to the Abolition army and had been sent here by them. It js to be hoped that tbe people will be on the look out for .such characters, and see to it, that they got justice done them at all events, for it v.i‘1 *be.a shame' if- a dozen or two^ Yankcp thieves and free negroes should-pass through the very heart of tbe country without _ C r Using molested in any way whatever, is getting'time. I think, that the people should bo fully awake to the crisis, and be absolutely certain about every suspicious character, vrho he is and where he is from, and all abputhim Thus, Mr. EdPor, I have given you the foci of theikse, as they were related Co me from an entirely Reliable source; you will therefore please give this to the public, and if it turns out to be as reported, let tho negro and his associates bo sent where they belong, if arrest- ** There’s Life in wt Odd Land Yet.” Poetry by Jack Randall, Esq., munc by Ed ward Barton. To be had at Burke's. -1— Neaily seven thousand priaouers have been sent off from Richmond, for exchange, ' since the recent battles in Virginia. THE FAT EOF* VICKSBURG: - The Montgomery Advertiser _of - the 22d ays: Our readers may nst Vicks burg still remains under the control of. the Confederates, and that it will neither be sur rendered dot captured. ■ It is strongly fortified both in front and rear, provisioned to with- and a seige, and there is -not . tho slightest reason to befitvo that tho bravo men who con litnte its garrison, wifi, ever, consent to- see the hated banner of tyranny Heating over the Hill Oity, while they c.rh raise an arm in ils defense. F. v||lfU The reports concerning the liotffjninghi of Gen. Johnston by GraTit, are fu ly as sensa tional and unreliable as those relating to Vicks burg. That officer is.too much of a strategist to allow himsell to be ciughtin a trap by such man as .the Yankee commander. He reach ed Mississippi at a lato hour, it is true, and may not y et have been able to make such dis position of the.forces* there as will as-suro-the defeat or destruction of* tho enemy, but we have nojeason^to^believe, that our arms Iiavk Gfiar.t in check! and prevent him from rcac.h- 3 g Snyder’s Bluff, * on the' Yazoo rjver---jho poTiiL the Yankee Ucncral is evidently aiming at—until he has bin plans perfected, ive shall shortly b| enabled to^record a-signal Oonfcd' erato victory. • t ® FOB SALE. 1 C Kearns Lett ;r Paper, X O 88 bushel* shoe PeRt". ■ 100 Grot* vord, vast, puntj and coat buttonB, just received. A so Tootlr Brnehca, One tact and drest- lus Combs, PoCfc :t Knives! &<tc, tfor sale hy pay 35-dBl* - R. J. JUllNSTON As C'O. FOKSALE. J. H. ZEILIN &, GO. EA Paxes Window Glass, tJU SOOltiH Putty, JOO. “ Venetian Hcd, 100 on. ynlnlno, 6!llbr, Iodide Potass, to “ Blister Platter, - SOU “ Fig Bine, 3 barrels Bp»om baits, 100 lbs Indigo, Spanish Float.. Mnstard, Hops, Turpentine, Van ish, Tooth Brushes. B.-ov n VVludeor Soap, &c:, &c. may 95—d'J;* ed. - 1 •' A* Soldier. p; s. .The daily papers of the fol'.owm; places will please copy, (and nil others that are disposed to do fo.) to-wit: Augusta, Savan nah, Charleston, Columbus, Atlanta, and Chat tanooga. N. B. I should have said that the above sol diers said they £cre refused transportation on the Railroads, and consequently they were go ing to Virginia by land- LIST OF CONSIGNEES PER S. W. R. R. May 23d, 188 J B Giles, McCallie & Jones, Roberta & Ban- lop, J H Johnson, 0 R Barker, A Ayres, J W Fears, U P Smith, Col J H Barton, Shone '* Crawford, Ross A Seymour, T G Holt, Roff, Si A Co., H B Troutman, J R Smilii A , cr. Set eon, Robt Arrington, J B IV )<■:>, ii. 0 Keagan, E Jones, Russell A Peters, Ordnance office, V irgtl Powers. __ The religious denomiuatioas of Macon arc earnestly invited to attend a Union Prayer Meet ing io the Presbyterian Church thifl(Sanday)after- nooa at 6 o’clock. The cccasiou of this call is the imminent daugers threatening the magnificent Val ley of the Mississippi which is to ba the future em pire of the world. mreting FOR PDBLIC DEFENCE. The-meeting held at the City Hall on Satur day last was adjourned to Monday evening 8 o’clock-, to allow the'Committee time to pre pare a plan of organization,* wbicb they will report to-night The Chairman was J. J. Gres ham, Esq, and the Secretary, R. S. Lanier, Esq. The Committee of seven to draw up a Scheme of organizitioh was left to be an nounced by the Chair. BOILERS. *W ISH to purchase one or two Bollcin, either itoo or _ cylinder, rot exceeding twenty-eight feet long, nor diameter less than twenty Inches. Give description ami price in jour address to may25—d6. ANUKBWDUNN, Forsyth, Ga, Wo Be GRIFFIN & COc .AUCTIONEERS. b 'lilUAY, th^ t'J.h dav insp., in store, will bo sold, commencing at.iO o’cio.k, tho following line o' desirable Geode, fr-eb and received by recent arrivals Cantlerlo.a and Wilmington, viz: Frencii and Scotch ilu.-llns; Engtieb 1'rSnts -, B.'ack Aipaccas; ' M. De'alns, all colors, Fmc Assort-jient •' Iliads Barege; Black Broadcloth; jj.ftclc andj-’ancy Gas.ifmefbe ;. Bcntms and Cottonadee; ' Borne sties; . Snip.;?, Sbeeting, Shirting; Ladies and Gents Hosiery; Ladies and Hisses Gaiters; Linen Cambric Uandkcrciiiefd; English l’ius and Needles; * Snr icons Needles, carved un i half curved • tlamaBk Tablo Linen; . Line r Thread: Cc-atcs’ i>i.ool Cotton; Fine and Dressing Combs ; Tooib Brashes; . ' — ..FeltOas; • « - - —’ - . Fancy Soap—Fine Assortment; A ace, Hand Saw Files; ■ ** Bi CarrSod*; Onli.tae, .Sc., fie. ' .esetn-u,... o,..u: -ernay S3—ddt. Augusta, Msy 19, IS id. THEY ARE COMING, SIIALLIVF? RE PRE PARED ? * * . * .*• Refugees from Nashville inl'otms that* General Mitchell is organizinga cavalry force of 20,000.for the purpose of making raids into Alabama and Georgia, and it was understood that Atlanta was to be tho main point of attack. .This was a gener * imdersUniaiug a few days ago in Nashville. Are we ready? Are we going to be ready?- Shall we lie supinely upon our bucks and do fioth- ioi» till they liavo come upon ns and done .their worst? The work of organi/.iticn and preparation must be perfected. Who will Hand back*?. Who ill hesitate or prove recreant? Wo must have the city properly fortified aud dvery man in It armed and organized. .We also call upon tho people of Cobb, 1’auldfng, ToUr f Haralson, C&Troli, aiid Campbell; Bartow, Floyd Chattooga, Gordon, Whitfield and Walker, to or ganize and be ready. Let .the first. six counties organize a regiment of cavalry, and the other six another. A raid upon thiaplace or upon the State road will pass through the first six counties, and a raid upon the upper poition may piss through Chattooga county above Rome * and north of the Oost-auaulga river. Let each "county organize a cavalry company and bo ready. Then let the people of all those counties organ ize as infantry, and be ready at a moment’s^ warn ing to to co-operate with the forces here, in -de fence of the city or of-thc State road, or whatever else the enemy may attempt to stijko. If the people now at home* will do-their duty we can take proper care of the Yankee raiders without having either Morgan or Forest or Roddy detached from their important posts of.duty. L<*‘ us show the stuff we are made of. • * Atlanta Confederacy.. It appears (hat the Federals above Vicksburg have adopted a new mode of sending supplies past our batteries. . 'IT >■'. Instead of taking a*cargo in a boat, they set barrels of provisions adrift and allow them tr float down to Grand Gulf, where they are fish ed out. This trick has been discovered, and our own men have gone to fishing,.and the re sult so far has been the catching of a number . , o of kids of salt mackerel, pork, etc., perhapr !m thi! first time that salt fish were ever caught in the Mississippi a foot of our'soil --Cure from raids unless it be the Okcfenoco ship by that time, • , Macon, May 21st, 1863. Mr. CttgBT.- Please slate that Company B. M»- con.Tqlunteere was reorganized on last evo-og. The next meeting will be held on Monday rugnt next. All citizens able to bear arms, are earnest- lv reauested to hand in their names for roember- *?. I* .. . — A.«. BUTTS, Captain. Skward and Douglas “Smiling.”—A New York weekly tells this about Seward and Douglas: On one of those memorable days when the Kan a&a Nebraska bill was being debated, Senator Sew- &Td tapped Douglas on the shoulder, and whisper ed in his ear thltt he had some “Bourbon” in the Senator’s private room which was twenty years old. and upon it desired (o get Douglas’judgment. “The little "Giant” declined, sutfog that he meant to speak in a few moments, and wished his brain unclouded by tho fumes of liquor. At the concln Sion of his speech, Douglas set down exhausted his chair, hardly'conscious ot. those who flocked around him. At this juncture Setfard seized the orator's arm and bore him off . to the senatorial sanctum. “Here’s tho- Bourbon Douglas,” said Seward, “try some—it’s sixty years old.” “Sew ard ” remarked Douglas, “I have made to day the Desirable Investment IN TEXAS LANDS! - . ONE-HALF OF THE JUSTO.LIENDO TRACT. '|*M.1I3 tract or flcsirablo lands was selected for his A. home site many years since, B. Altwutl. who was an extensive land owner in Texas, and one ol the leading f,under* of tic City or Galvesion. The property has never pass-.d out ot his family, since ils purchase bj Lira ana one-half of it only is now offered for sale lore change of investment, and will he sold in parcels of one-fourth of a Icagne, or 1,100 acre?, each. It is situated in Milan county, within the * 1 Temperate and■ Showery Belt of Tc^as, about 45 miles North-Eastward from the Capital of tho State, and about 55 miles Northwestwardly from Bren-, hanx, the present terminus of railroad communication with Galveston and Houston. Tho tract Is divided in two nearly equ.l parts by Brashy Greek, (emptying into San Gabriel river.) and comprises an. admirable combination of lands for agri cultural and pastoral pursuits, iiigh and dry post oak lands, tilled with fencing materials; Rolling Prarie with beautiful Euilding Sites, commanding a view of the entire tract; RICH TIMBERED BOTTOM on both sides of the Creek, thing from there to a fine pniirto covered with mosquito grass piot the bearded) Uusurpased for Grazing Purposes and vriiich extends uninterruptedly to tUe banks or tho ttabric), from 13 to 15 miics distant. This region ot* country U not surpassed by any i'u Tcxa?, in Kuguinrit) of Seasons, Delightful climate aa«l Ueuhlt of the Loenlii) ; and the tract itself form one of the beet investment* for present use or future proiU to be found in. Texas,' THE LAND OF PROMISE AND OF PEACE. Daring tho dry year of ISfiO ia Texas, .Mr. Conoiy’a farm, (on a portion of tire tract,) yleiued an averago of 9 bushels Qf corn, and 15 bushels ol wheat to the sere. Thera are numui one flouring mills In MU ui, aud tho arlj- iniug counties or Boll and Williamson. All the small grains grow welt, cotton yields cmebale to the ai re, bar see, mules, eheep, diogs and Horned Cattle thrive without Wintering and aro largely raised throin-liout tbe region Tho titles In the land have never been questioned, and are un questionable, and there are no squatters on It. The sertled portion of tho State extends far beyond Milan county in every^’direction. The property now belongs to J. S. T., Superin tendent of the Press Association, aid one-half or It ts offered for sale, only because the acceptance of tho duties of his public position involves the necessity of a partial chanjio in hi- investment?. It is offJred at private sale until the 7 th day of August, when, if not disposed of, it will bo sold at public auc tion, without reserve, for cash, in Confederate Treasury notes, in the city of Atlanta. For lurlher information and plan of tract, apply to R. 41. FAKKS A CO. may 8 -de'f'&gtc Whitehall Street, Atlanta. Ua AUCTIO 3ST. J. B. SMITH 8* CO., W 1LB sell on WEDNESDAY, May 37th, 1603, at 10 o’c ock, ' A LOT OF PURE DRUOS, such as 1-generally kept in a first class Drag Storo, consisting ot many articles 'much needed at present, too numerous to enumerate. At tbo same time an-l place; Allot of Dry Goods, 150 boxes Tobacco, SO Legs Natis, With many other goods too numerous to mention. fSr At private Ssle, in Bairs Osnabnrgs, 110 Sacks Flour, * 3:0 do. Salt, . - rOO boxes Tobacco, f *—. ? 100 bales Smoking Tobacco, :,u coils Hope, may il—dfit* J. B. SMITH A CO., Auctioneer?. S’lle of Imported Goods per Steamer? An- tonica and Eyrseimni. By R. .A. feyinp-te. AT 137 MKBTING-STltiSlir, Fit,my Morning, May SOih,* Iif-3, comme;.- in* at 10 o’clock, will bi>*eo!,l. Groceries. 175 l ags CoSec • SCO coses Bear Uy . -. " • 700 boxes Ca -tile Soap • - 3 chests Coupon Tvs - y" . 5 lif. f chests Impeiiu! Uraou Te.-. ■ 20 half diesis Qnnpowd. c Vu, * '. +i caddies Gunpowder Ten. . . « •• **. Omgs, Medicines, Ac. S60 boxes Extract Logivoo t 8 pieces Boxwood . . - : ", 100 ounces <iutnluo * • > *. 30 ounces bn pAa-e Moiphino 3d pounds Csioroior.-n 20 pounds Calomel 50 j onnils Campeor * ♦ .1 halo Sponge 1 flarktimcksilver 1 cn?kcnli-rldoLla-.e - ^ * t cask ane white Alkali 4 ca?ks Lump Alnm. Shoes. , * 1 (n?e assort,d Sh- vs* *b* - trunks Shoes ■ . , 5 rase? Kussct Btogans. Dry Goods, 115 Fa?cs Mulder FricU llnd dozeu, 200 yards, White Spool'Cottou 2iU dozen, 300 yards, Black Spool Cotton 139M M..As?orled Needle- 14 damaged Blankets 81 grossasioited Bnttorw *05 pieces shk tlandkeixh.e-.s 15 dozen lm. Silk Ua)idf.t:cbl;Vs O pieces whito Linon t< dozcrrCotlcn Hamlkerchiefs dozen Ladies’ White Lawn Uundkerchlefs. , n,, now, p gper3 wU i each make four tu- I ‘ irg Kx; . -For Sale \ valnahla ffiantatlon, ln.Vciom negro hoasc?, dec.: the load adjoins Nathaniel Walker aud tho widow Kaino-, on tboColnmbns road Kn- auiroof VV. J. McillUilAIkL, apr 17—ddlawlm* Or T.C, McCord,on tho ptemige?' ' INDIAN SPRING. . MAY, Sth, 1SG). T WILL sell at anclioii on Tuesday, tho 2nd day June, alidckDoute at this place cunUiniu" 8 large rooms. Kitchen with two rooms, aud goo l well of wa ter on the lot. B. W. COLLILlt, aprd-d*!wlOL» for tho owner. POSTPONED SALE OF 13,826a Acres of LanJ^ TTNDEK a decree ofChancerT, in ilia Sape. io: Canr U of Burke County, tho uu-ierstenod, Kxecuton . BUGGIES FOR-SALE. |*>\VO BUGOIES, one side spring and ona eliptlc i surlng, with harnees for each, for sale cheap. Ap ply to M, S. FltBBMAN, may zS—d3t* At Mechanics Bank Agency. crease tbs hiuliliug U> a largo size ilofel. . . iic outcry at the place of public calcs in th r city ci Al 'TupUcatioflcan be made lo u? 1-y iet'er at', * aii v trie:-.:l.-iiroJpectiiigil-.-- "■ - • . Burke County, or if more convenient phrioaa’ly, to by •sqnifinc o: G. J- Bkiko. Hon.O.O. Sl rt.ks lMat? n.. ^ ^ | MmMKzA' tsxccntijra ILW. JONLo, j W. B. JONKS,) 310-00 REWARD. SxAIvEN try some person, from tho conutov of D. 1 Handers, in Last Macon, on tbo lbth instant, a leather Pocket Book, containing $75.00 in Confederate notes my tax reepipt for the year IEGI, and ononote made partible to mo for $Sfl.CU by Wm. B. Ethridge, dated abont tlm 1st day of March last, and written .one day;a: ter date. , - l forwnrn any person from trading for said note. I will r ly tho above reward lor said Pocket Book aud coat cals. KQWAKD ET&KIDGB, maj2:-~d.”.l* Near Griswoidville, Jones County, Ga. Counly. Apphuft Biker, Drcatm, D’t Medioal Notice. ii. I, MASSEY having had an exporfenco of CVawtonl, Dooly, twenty years in tho prac-icc ot Mcdlclac, rcapect- fnliy tenders bis professional services to tbo citizens of Macon and vicinity. Uc may bo round attoeolllcoofW. T. Massey, E-q., daring the day, at night, at the resi dence lonnerly occuped by Mr. l). U. Adame, In East Macon. May 1?, 1-C3~d2wt. . MRS. M. HURT a .S removed from Walnut.Street to rooms on the second floor or Masses’s building, next to* the Floyd llouse, on Mulberry Street, waero she will be to see her old fi Vends and customers. * May 33id, 1S63. d3t* NOTICE. T dlE undersigned has received authority from Brig. Genl. Howell Cobb to raiso a Company ot » Siege Artillery, with the privilege of extending the same to a Battalion, to be stationed at the defences on the Chattahcochcc in Florida. Thi being a fixed post, persons or w scripts enlisting will thereby avoio the long march er picket duty, severe weather aud short rations incl- d-’nt to the larger grcBe? of Tonuessee and Virginia. This is the most desirable arm of the servlc-j, as will be Scon by tho numerous applications ior trans or from Infantry and cavalry to artillery. - Persons recruitfhg irom twenty to thirty men will bo entitled to a Lieutenancy, with the chances of a higher ri Th"ensuat BOUNTY OF FIFTY DOLLARS is offered t-igether wilh a complete outfit. Ait who wish to join will report to ms at Camp Coop er, Macon, either in person or by letter. may S3—cb.* Cspt. A. bONAUD. Just Received. PAIR Whittcmore and English Cotton Card- ^UU 100 pr. Ladies' l,asting Congress Gaiters, ls dozen Packs Playing Cards, Pocket Kulvo may 33—dtw* bTRONG & BOWES. administrators sale. G K wmbo aSJBSSttfcSSfH^ue door at Cnth- bert. in said County and State, within the legal hours o?Mlc on the first Toee lay in Jane noxt, four likely fellows, to-wit, Uenry, Rums, Ned and Wash, lUliU I, V Unnca fn mnn for It )it> distribution. ’Terms. < apr 31—wlds Administrator longest speech ever delivered; history has no) m ^ickrpwtar. <uK nainllel for it.” “How is that?” rejoined Sew T . loo j ft 0 r m. t-aio sold with him. feoia agrceablyto an SHoSAe about two hours onl^” VonglaIX X* « o\ smiUng, rcpUcd: “Don’t jou remember that a Cl »b. L. A, GONHKS, moment before I obtained tbe floor, yon invited me to partake of some Bonrbon twenty yeare.old, and now, immediately after closing the remarks you extend to me some of the same liquor, with the assertion that it is sixty years old!—a forty years’ speeoh was never delivered before. Seward acknowledged the .“corn,” and tbe two enemie; politically) “smiled.” ^ ^ ^ Ripe For Sale. 26 1 2§&$2* f ° r S ‘ !e 10 i>CN& & BURDICK. A BARGAIN. A ai'Hks of improved land, Jyinci 1n Hoaatoa 700 52SBo8r Comities; al#o, five likely negroes, ol JbFoought on terms to sole purchaser. w ^ ^ ^ay “ dstawto.* Bdx SI, Be nderson,Ebnstfm’, TEA. Aftf BSU1 grdea May 23nd« 1863. Uerudon, Bnrke, County, May 4th, 1W No. Dial Ac’s. 59 S 495 401 8 359 7 11 250 at It 459 213 14 250 361 14 250 .'39 10 250 3«i 16 230 72 19 250 262 19 250 County. Early, liarri?, Lowndes, Marian, trvild No. D'.s. Ac'j. U) 27 250 58 20 202.5* -.77 4 215 429 8 490 307 *9 4V9 2-.7 11 490 * 5J 15 490 -1 12 202>; J “ * 105 U W : ;i | Mitchell, . 1U 9 J!50 29 250 | “ 114 9 250 7 2U2V , “* ■ 223 9 25U 12 202!J ! Muscogee, 2S1 30 2Uf>; SM 13 193)4 i Pnlaski,, 1 Ub’ 10 2j2>4 3U IS 199)4 349 13 200 350 13 72 357 33 81)4 Dongherly, 23t .1 250 Early, ” 4 350 4 230 4 250 5 250 117 225 162 2.3 5 >00 112 6 259 S3 10 259 194 IS 230 £0 18 250 173 56 2.0 273 20 250 173 16 202)4 >' 123 10 .202)4 55 12 502)4 29 19 20JX Rasdplpb,* 3tw S 202)4 Fiunlduur, si 3 202*4 fctewart, 63 3 9 202)4 205 2t 201)4 122 IT 250 205 17 250 345 17 250 190 53 203)4 205 1 490 21- 8 202)4 .03 18 202)4 -Thomas Twiggs, Wayne, W; lker? on, COTTON AND WOOL CARDS. DST received 10 doz. pairs best Wool Cards. ■ 15 doz pairs host Whittomor.e s Cotton Car*'*'. •>* mayl9-dl0t*E. RQ3BNWALD A BI. fa?" Tha follonin:. . rcrtlons and send bill’s"toTt. A. Prii J.lcamond Diypatcb, Peioisburr: Kxpnps, Ohariotte Rnilelin, Wilmiu. ton Journal, Cotnmn'ih Komt. Caro linian. Augnat-i ConsU!ut;onali-i, i-avanrab Jtopni-ll cm, MicouTelegraph, Atlanta boataeinjOsnCederaey Columbus Times, .Mi nigoiucry Adverlisar, Mobile Ite- gisteraort Advodt-er, and Solm. Reporter. May 23nd, ltGS. _ U4t ^Tnew goods7 ^ TJVRENCB PRINTED MUSLINS. J ’ Kuglkih Printed Cambrics, • Small Check. Ulnghsm-.*, Gent’s English IJalf Bo.-e, Ladies’ Lisle Gloves, Rubber Bair Pins, EngUibPins, Pearl aud Agate Buttons, ? Coat’s and uark’a Spool Thna *, • Rodger’s Scle-ors, . * - * ; naoica’and Gent’s Lin.n BaudkVe., ; J - Cotton and Wool Catd\ - .' r T.n bids, may 22—dtw* . ALSO, CnijUlng Tobacco, GKO. W. PRICK. ivo.x4c.i3 BotteuUlot, andtho-u iudebtcdwlllwakr lUotltclr fa- tert-s-. to call find Mtla • Thanlifal for past favors; Istttl EOUcitthapiitrouaga of the pul'll', to whom t will always seif ns low us the price ol grain will penult me. ’ - - ■- Real per bnmel ....$2.23 Grits, baited,pur bushel2 64 Grits,un'iiilK-rt per b'l 2 59 . , COW I-EUD. **.- - Ctop Corn... ..$2.00 Pet Jliall. .$2.29 Chop Corn and Ftas.. 2.10 ComBzttn .... 1,90 1 mayi'i tii.V "” V «. \V. POtREUluLLT- .* HOUSE AND LOT" FOR SALE,-. R.B. CLAYTON 56 CO. Wlf-L tell before the Coort UO'iSjO door, in the city uf ’ > Macov, on tho nret Tareday in Juno next- bam «5a the usual hours of t&ic; llutt largo «/tory building off tho Banter of FJUh aofl P.nm street, now occupied by lunty P. Jones, deceased, otiers for tale the following lots oflaod: and if not sold privately haioro i lie first , . Tuesday in .liily next, will bo sold on that day.- at pub feet. Tbs Bouse is in front oi-Uie Pa-faenuei; Cepe . . — =_ .v . —... pa* a sjabio attached, with plenty of lieud lir iifr BVB pi hue >k.n- r-htUlpi 8-5 a hotel. The house -contaiSs J3 roouis^nli i»f good repair. Tho lot la 135 lentOV 519_ by bad .» B* CLAYTON « Ct> ,’AvtcUoneera. Macou, May 21st, 1163. - - *. A* - '- _5™N_ irioMja aDXJTy. r Ail auliiorUid to raU© a Comp my of youu>; mc»t» A between the a^ca oi tlxtocn aud olgbuen yi*xb % to eervoA*c Portland Proveat Guard .f^r -^c city of At- Having eveiy a^tuiacc© Iront tho Department that this Couipaiiy shall bo 80TetA!ue l,at»d ne4tt>©f »nb|«K5t to removal or liablo to conferjp^iou Rd llicy. arrirvo At iho *i;c of in. I o&iuo&y invito ftilyoanft men to avail tfienu-oifca ol! this * . RAREcnAXcs . to eerve their co mtry, and avoid tho hardj-Mpa uud privations of oiup life. Avery on4 mutt *ea m »e lu- liumerablcauvuniage* of thi* serviceov«r a*t «»incrl. TbehcMarm&ftud equipment-* the Cai»Scuejacy cau . affoid will h© f'-sri i$h‘d. , ' . h •• V Ofiicer^ will he el :cted by tbe Company, t JMtgU r W (dCWr^h^B, , ‘ 4 PLANTATIONS FOR SALE. \ , EftAA ACRR8, a large seltlcmant, liinii-is Rora OtjUU Albany; nt 20 il"l!ar» cash; 2,500 acres Cl 3^52 V Acres, 9 roilo front Albany, at "52 dollars per acre; fofO acres cleared. . '- ■„ - 2000 Acres, Ooo acrci clcMed, c mitca from—nany, Acres in Decolor County, COO actes,.at 15 dot* iars, cash. * w. , . ■ Allthe above places are weU improved. ^ CX)f>K • c ntiiv IS—dlOt*. ^Jfkny, GeoigU.,*. . ,g~ U(.f..i io I. C,Plant. -.?*. -. • ■ LOOK OUT.5 SUBSTITUTE WANTED. VtTANTKD a Eubstitme, over 4t, to join the Macoa VY Yoluutoere, 2nd Georgia BatU -ro^. Appjciq . may 22-d3t* L, N. V -.11 l ub^ Ground Poas. * LOT OF GROUND TEAS C« May 22nd, l c 53. <tl ~' T V $500 Seward. M.VCON & WESTERN B. R. CO. t Mi'cos, May t~lbt'. t. t a REWARD OF FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS will be A Mi l for tho arrest and proof to convict the person who obstructed the track of the Road, ly putth g a large ielcgraoh pole across it ousaturdiy luit. betwttn MiTner iv,u Thornton Btauons. ^ISAACfiCOTfj^ may lu—OH using Lard Oil For S ale. Persoiii Anting it, furnishing vessr.- io pm ii VineviUe Prouertv * hair aHntit twc’iVc a^rcrt of tbo Bryin Lot* o fronting > n VincvUle read, tor hub r D^a rt anrefBeL nearth.-residence of Judge Oasiy icon* Western Kail road, o A ?^i e ^*7? • h««nUfnl location Tri hnlld'n - one o morerUdcncos.^qulni aljlr. J. DcLoacheV,Macon. anr29 B ’ * S£A?w2t<Slbor£aid^thagWdro* of custom. Price W^u tbou-and (Wlara fit was worth 3900 dollars whon wm - ,-ntwelraand a half ceats. Any one Cotton was "7 Urc „ pfiTER F. MAHlfltt. BeUavue,Talbot Cosaty, ua tvirtl’in* i m.iy l« Wanted. OCX FEDERATE STATES A KM.O b 5*, I A TP 0 * 1 mayii-dii • 1 NTATE . . Macon, Ga.,May7(h, tb53. ■ Machine. Apply to ItlCUAKD M. CUYLKlt. Major ConeniVitig 'Wool Wanted for tho Boldier! r«MlE cood and patriotic citimna of the cn-rit/Y aro J called upon to ci-poseof tbedrsarpius w • .1 to t .c rmdtrslgncd, who wiltgivo a fair price for in pi_o- portlon io wbat other prodnets arc FcUthf- at. Tbo great licccblty of scennoa »supply of “ clothe our wruve soldiers now h ,L’! ? of onr C'-untr--, is eviccnt to every one. Lit thun i.avs. il. Beware of specolUo». j Qg 1 mav 12-dlf Captain and PobI V{. It., A;mon, Ha. f3r Co i. led crate copy dtt Maceabov Snuff! rnui; t'libllc aro Informed that-wq h.vo recei v.xUbc 1 sole agency lu Macon, for the sale ot Nols.-n St Me Ilwain’a celobrati'd 3UCCABDY bSUFF, taanuiac lll ^1foattcnr,ou'i.'praggl'5>c5lfat | ;r*and T Con»*> i raer» U HATS. ■i nn best french soft hats, ho™ assr “ •"'SKsrrw&fe May 4th, 5853. * -* . .r “4 — . pioTIOK. nn-.n ..itarteRS DAMPS OF INSTRUCTION,I HjiAD «UAKli.Ro Mav 12th> 18ts j mltv ,„,ae*igned has ..cen assigned todntvus com- TS^ u ' rr ^^« 5 ’- - U- Jo!. ‘JommaudiDg, &$. &