Newspaper Page Text
asiu— ■ .■ .■'* .«•.»;;*■ jfiMTarTgwjy i i x <a, i| ** 1 .-icr*
Rfi Joseph - Cltsby.
j«osd, 16 lb.—Dispatch to the President
Gtn. Lee ° n tbe 15ih says, God has
, aoirned the valor of our troops with
Rally’s division stormed jhc enemy’s
j-hments at Winchester, capturing their
rtJsTi clr '
gjCiioKD, June 16.—’TMf New York lit mid th
j S* I3th ha? been received. The news was
L^ij anticipated by an cxtnv.t from (ho
fiiii-jtes Chronicle of the same date.
* Herald prodiet.-: the*, he- would make a
t\ open Winchester and II irpcr’s Ferry
,n overwhelming force, then move rapid-.
Fjteri’s whole column across Maryland into
iggjiTania upon a mission‘of plunder and
ajnciiin by way of retaliation
Watioes adopted at the Democratic Con*
declaie, among other things, they will
.r. *jth delight the desire, of (ho seceded
.pio return to their allegiance, and will
,-operate with the citizens of those States to
pC*Ct. . *< V ' f " *
yNt# Orleans letter of the 6th fays that
is much better, and .the' probability
;tilt not <>nl.v his lit* but leg will be saved.
fie Prints of a Gallant Ueohgia Bor.—
Timw yesterday, Win. 'W. Woodward, a
son of our good old fellow-citizen, Sto-
fa Wo> dward, Esq William was just from
iFolnal General Hospital at Frederick City,
itjUud, whtro be had partially recovered
tat frightful wound received at tho battle
Sturpshorg, on the 17th day of last Septcm
a. 11c Icit Frederick City on tho 31st -ult
Ittlt Jge of liftccn this boy soldier volunteered
ifc Bibb Greys, attached to tho 27thjegi
Ksi,un<l-r the command of the.gallant and
•net Levi B. Smith. fftm regiment was
dmi !>> ib** enemy at Sharpshurg, but our
iu>£ friend lift*i pot arrived at the discretion
•g&iry fur a timely use of hts heels in such
■avwgcncv, amt stood his ground and kept
plire mi tlm advancing enemy, until a coni
nilnli struck him in the left breast just Io the
Aot and above the nipple, and emerged from
is back to the light ol the spinal column.—
He tell and was passed over by the foe. • Half
lour sftci ward a Federal soldier offered to
uke him oif the bold, but he would not aban
k a young comrade who had been badly
rwidcd by his side. Ho remained on the
fcUtill next morning, but dufing-ilio light and
•Me lying on the ground was struck in the
r^UhonMer by another ball, anil in tho thigh
kfs grape shot, both of which ir.flict-.d painful
•au-ds, but fortunately were well spent before
taking him. On tflo Held he bled so profusely
fco his wounds and from his mouth as to be*
Me unconscious, but tho next mofning the
ftJeials revived him with warm coffee, and
tot him to their hospital, where his wounds
*ttt pronounced necessarily fatal. To add to
tyiuigcr, the dtendfol wound in his breast
*3>ii to gangrene, and was‘burnt with nitric
lie received from the enemy the kindest
mention and most scientific surgical treatment
Iti.&rly eight months, rind bis recovery' pro
ruunccd due alone to hi^youth. Hioleft arm
uiortunalcly is useless, and . life, dreadful
•omul io his breast still but partially hc-alcd,
tat he talks of going Irnck into the service
ijrio, and says fie would ratlrerbc aa he
ii.n tor have .been a lounger at Uopo inthe
taat of his country’s need. Woodward saw
») spoke to Col. Smith a few moments before
ibe latter received the. shot which killed him
Bwxltrard’u communication was. simply a re
■onstranec with the Colonel'against expeing
faself. Such is a brief passago isr thejsxpe-
tience ol a. boy of almost ftminino delicacy of
hnplexion and feature—Wfadsfy up{k*r !.p docs
W yet disclose the downy forecast of a heard
tod who nevertheless has fought moro battles
din half tho veterans of the world, and passed
todauntid through sceuejt which might well
^pill the stoutest heart.
Correspondence of the Telegraph.
Gonporr, Juno 13th, 1863.
Mr. Chsby: I seize the present moment to in
form you that the probability is that we shall suc
ceed in the county of Jones, in raising a company
for the defence of the State. 1 am sorry, however,
say that too many of our people do not seem to
take that deep interest in this important movement
that they should, and that tho interest of the coun
try requires. I do hope that they may yet be more
" oroughly aroused upon this subject.
1 tic-re is another subject of equal moment con
cerning which their delinquency seems to have
been more apparent, I allude to the provision*ques
tion. I cannot bring myself to believe that the citi
zens of this comity have given tins .subject that
cairn and dispassionate investigation’ that : s im
portance demands, and I do hope that some action
will be had In direct reference to this matter.
If you know ol any Agent of the Government
authorized to purchase supplies, will you be so
kind as to send them to my house, as I have • some
Com, Bacon and Hams that I will most cheerfully
furnfth the brave men that are so gallantly fighting
onr battles and delending onr common country. Is
any sacrifice too great to be made in such a cause,
and for such a soldiery. May the God of Battles be
with them, to cheer their hearts and nerve their
arms. _ Pikkv Woods.
13?” Warm weather yesterday. Grunt’s army
frying on the Big Black and drinking, river
water is seeing sights about these times; and,
may be', our Town army is suffering about as
much, but we hope riot. ’ The Vicksburg cam
paign, before it is over, is destined to outstrip
almost all previous illustrations ot the horrore
ot war. VVc shall not bo surprised if half of
Grant’s* lorco is unfit for duty if* ho lays there
inoafh longer inactive. Our own troops arc
better inured to the climate and will be in mo
tion From theso two causes we hbpe it will
escape a very unusual amount of sickness, but
this is destined to prove a trying campaign nl*
it wo may credit the telegrams founded on
fe.'-t-.ttemenls of Northern papers, greatalarni
I Ult jq Pennsylvania in anticipation of
(ttotmentoriieo’s army or a portion of it
*t direction. All the citizens, of the* State
bo the age of eighteen to that of sixty
tSyl upon to take np arms, and the Railroad
•topmies are fortifying tbeir bridges.^Such
*"4w these betray a great lack of confluence
•their army op the Rappahannock which
Plants Loo in a force fur superior to bis own,
Li an equally exalted appreciation of the
^federate army and its leaders. It 13 in re
to&abfo contrast wRh the composure main
“bd by the Virginians when threatened for
by overwhelming forctsof the cp.cniv.
high and voluntary compliment
1 't»cs:igo of our troops..
.>*i\ns ill -Block Republican statesman
wiil never cease. W hb. would, hate
> OP a Governor of a State
. 4 Uiu«,ri«nYjni.Tn dissolving a Legislator
^ Executive Proclamation ? ■ The . B-act
^ttikana are as 4>dSy ae,5? er
ms setting deadfalls to ’ break their
It will require a special iliterpo
■ of Providence to .-avo them irom their
‘^nmntions.bhe of these days.
No. 1037.
The New York Herald, in a long editorial on
“Tho Signs of tho Times,” says:
There are many and great indications of the
commencement* of a powerful reaction in the
public mind on the’ subject of tho war, and the
questions out of which it arose, as well as from
tho signal failure of the administration, both
in their military and political conduct of the
war. At the present moment all is confusion,
because the popular sentiment is in a transition
state: but order will soon be evolved out of
political chnos, and-the counter-revolution will
stand triumphant and acknowledged by all. ■
■ The excitement and indignation" produced
throughout the land by Gen. Burnside’s high
handed ’and illegal proceedings agai-ist Mr.
Vallandigham, and his silly course in suppress
ing the Chicago Times, because it commented
severely upon those proceedings, are among
the unmistakable evidences of the revolution
that is taking place in the public mind. Re
publicans as well as Democrats have protested
against such measures, ns not only uuconstitu
tional, but extremely impolitic and dangerous.
The Legislature of Illinois, by a role of forty-
seven to thirteen, including twenty Republi
cans, pronounced against the.military outrage
upon the Chicago paper.
The President* obeying his own-humane'in-
stiels and the popular will, is at last com
pelled to rebuke the Secretary of War and
Burnside together, by directing the latter to
revoke his order overthrowing by military
fored the freedom of the press in his depart
ment. If Mr. Lincoln would now issue ■
countermand to the order sending Vallanding-.
ham into exile, ho would wisely crowij his con
ciliatory pulicy, and-givo a moral blow ’to the
radicals in the Cabinet and but of it, by whose
advice so.unfortunate asti*p was taken. It was
this•“political blunder, worse than a. crime,”
that developed ancl brought out the latent pop-
alar feeling against the administration at the
great meeting frl tho Democracy in this city on
Wednesday last—a meeting of thirty-thousand
men, headed by Fernando Wood, and breath
ing an earnest and unfaltering determination
to put a atop to hostility s against the South
ern States, and to restore the Union, 'not by
the tciencu of war, but by the arts or peace,
The prolonged exile of Vallandigham will con
tinuc to furnish fuel for the flame throughout
the whole of the Presidential campaign; and
it will Jio the more effective because it is utter:
ly unjustifiable upon any principle known to
our Constitution and.laws, contrary Lo alt pre
cedent in eur history, and stripped even of the
plea of necessity.
The platform of tho Democracy in the Prep,
idcnlial campaign of" 1S04 will be peace; and
what is more, tho candidate wifl’bo-elocted, no
matter who he is, the princ ; ple controlling all
other considerations. The people have lost all
faith in the etljoacy of'the.war (<i***i*:*‘.^c the
Union. Tnpy arc prej T^rgib.wy w:.^i virtue
there is in peace. * ..
From the Chronicle & Sentinel.
Mr. Ediioh “Seeing in tbe Rich mend papers
an account how desperately and gallantly Barks
dale’s Brigade lought the Yankees in tbe late bat
tle, please let tho people of Georgia know ilmt
they were also represented by Read’s Battery in
ilie’fight; and that that battery was tlie last tc
leave tflb field. Even tbe famous Washington Ar
tillery left before us. We lost no guns; had one
caisson blown up ; and shot the last round of can
ister at tlie enemy before we retired from the field
Jti the advance in the morning our battery was in
front when Gen. Gordon’s Brigade stormed-the
heights and took them. Wc lost Incut. Frederick
Habersham killed, Sergeant Hugh" Young, badly
wounded; privates G. lb McCall, badly wounded
Missing aud prisoners: F. W. Johnson, J. Flem
ing, E. C- Bulktey. •
1’ieare publish tbe above in justtee to Bend
G-orgia Battery. Onk of Them.
A letter received in this city from a member
Read’s Battery says: that when the order was
given- to retire, tho men asked the privilege
firing one more shot. While the guns were bein ;
loaded for this round, a shell from the enemy burst
head of Lt- Habersham, killing him in-
Wtt* of Wheat;—A friend from (Jhsttanoo
over the ..—- -■ -—, r
staidly. Tbe effect of the last round fired Irom
, , - , t] !e 1 jittery was terrific, moving daws tbe Feder—
? «:niglit says/.trieers were engiging llieir |- u i 3 before it, and leaving an opening in the rank*
there at two dollarsm bushel. Tbst is resem bliiig more a broad street than Mything^else,
PI—ihe shoe of viCKsr.uae.
The accounts from Vicksburg brought^is by tho
mails frOnr tho West, though meagre enough, are
cheering. An officer of a South Cafolin t Regi-
ment, who has opportunities of being well posted,
wiilipg to a friend in this city, from Montgomery,
Ala., on Friday last, the !2th iubt., says:
“It is more probable that to-day all our
troops are engaged in deadly strife with the ene-
ly. Ju?t before leaving Jackson cu Wednesday,
saw several officers of high rank, who expresfed
confident belief that General Johnston would ad-
vance on Friday or Saturday (to-day or to-mor
row.) So far as ray intercourse with officers ami
mi-n.cxtended, I heard but one expression of be
lief, and that was in the ultimate -utter defeat of
Grant’s foi ccs.”
There is no doubt about the movement of Gen.
Kirby Smith. Ho landed on Saturday and Sun
day at Mtllikin’s Bond, 23 miles above Vicksburg,
ith thousand men.—Char. Mercury.
It was in the foregoing that the press ussocia-
ion probably based its confident'statement that
Grant’s fate would be determined iu five days.
From tho. Mobile Advertiser & Register.
Panola, June 13, via Jackson 13. ; —Western pa-
pers say a new policy is being inaugurated, secu
ring liberty of speech and of the Press.
Price is repotted to be menacing Helena.
The Chicago Times admits that Banks is defeat
ed with a loss of 4,OdO men. Dispatches praise
the courage of the negroes; one negro regiment
— 2d Louisiana—losing 600 men charging the siege
guns. _ •
Louisville rumors say that Kentucky is invaded
by the “rebels.”
Burnside’s corps moved otrthc Cth; whither it
is not known, but itis supposed for Vicksburg.
Charles WickUffe is the pronable candidate for
Governor of Kentucky against BramlcU. The Un
ion Democrats will have n full ticket, and (hey foel
confident of carrying the State.
Pcgram is reported at Monticcllo, (Wayne coun
ty, south of Cumberland river,) with 8000 men.—
The southern counties arc in possession of thercb-
Two attempts were mado .on tbo night of tho
Cth to burn tho Illinois' State House.
Cincinnati rumors say that Lincoln has sent for
Vallandigham, offering to compromise the differ
The New York Times Eays tho Peace party is
growing ominant in New Jersey, Ohio and Con
necticut. Unless the Administration discards its
radical policy and secures a speedy and’decisive
success in the field, the Remand for peace will be
presented in such a form as to compel obedience.
Immense meetings continue to be held, protest
ing against the violation of tlie Constitution in
Vallaudigham’s case.
Two gentlemen have been imprisoned iu Cin
cinnati for expressing regreat at Jackson’s death.
A gentleman just in irom .Memphis, reports
Burnside arrived with two divisions.
There is no more hospital room in Memphis for
the Vicksbuig wounded.
Marmaduke bas certainly defeated the Federal*
near Helena.. Hia*capture of flrtjwniis ooinM
Reinforcements to Grant are still going forward.
Tlioso that have gone down are altogether ostium
ted at 22,000. ‘ .
M'Cullough’s Missouri' cavalry have destroyed
three miles track and fqur miles of wire on the
Memphis and Charleston' road,, between German
town and Colliersvillc.
Ono negro and. Federal regiment occupy La-
Hurlbut has given ten- days’ grace under his
death order in Memphis.
bottom for bis artillery, &e., to Old Town, a
point 18 miles below Helens.
The latest news from Vicksburg is favorable.
[What is it fj Johnston is quiet. * A.
From tho Mobile Advertiser & 'Register.
Jackson, June 12.—Tho Natchez Courier says
that on the 11th instant Gens. Dick Taylor and
Walker attacked the Federal camp, 2,000 strong,
at Curnp Perkins, Ashland, La., killing, wounding
and capturing the-entire force, save a few who es
caped to n gunboat.
This w.vs one of a series of similar camps, extend
ing from Grand Gulf to Milikiu’s Bend, and encir :
aling Vicksburg on tho west side of the' iivor.
diminution” of the”yankke armies.
A New York paper, noticing tho arrival and mag
nificent reception of two regiments in that city,
gives some information ns to tho depletion which
has been going on since early in May. Tbe diminu
tion in several of the United* States armies, and es
pecially in Uiat of Gen. Hooker, from the return of
nine months and two years .men, has been, to use
tbe admission of this paper, “very grea t.’’ Upwards
of 10,000 Naty York soldiers, and 10,593 Pennsylva
nians, have passed throngU Washington on their
way home. The aggregate of soldiers who have left
the field and returned to-private life during thalast
five weeks is not less than 83,000. Add to theso tho
losses in tlie battles on the Rappahannock, which,
as reported by either side, vary from fifteen to thirty
thousand, and compare the results with the official
statement of Hooker's force previous to the late bat-
ties, (139,030, of whom 10,000 were reported sick,
leaving 119,000 effective,) mid it may be estimated
that tbe Yankee Army otthe Potomac numbers less
than 160,000 men. ’ • , —
Just after the battle of Cbancellorsvillc, wo heard
that Hooker had been reinforced by SO.OOU men un-
der Heintzelman, and deserters received within a
day or two at Fredericksburg say that they belong
to the comraandVif General Dix, who, we will sup
pose, could spare from the Peuinsuta and Suffolk ue
many men as Heintzelman brought. This would
moud, of the Times, can be induced, by great pres-
sure, to exaggerate. Some, indeed, aver that the
Yankee will pervert the truth, with or without ai:
incentive for so doing. It is fair to infer that the
apprehension of an advance by Gon. Leu might in
duce tbe editor of the Times to make a false and ex
aggerated estimate of Hooker’s Strength.
But Raymond is no ordinary, clumsy liar. Trained
by years of habitual falsehood, it"is not to be aup]
posed that he would resort to a common place and
easily detected lie. How does it happen thkt hd
weakness or depletion; on the contrary, it would
seem to evince conjoious strength. Aud if a decep
Hooker lias laid for him. It is pretty ccrti
»tie enemy’s force in Staffurd, previous to rM .
m.utiw, "as uude; e-AirattCcd, audit Is well to remora-
"oer what a-host McClellan brought' to Bharpsburs
after the second series ot engagements at Manassas.
From the Mobile Tribune.
Jackson, Juno 12.—Information has been
received here that Gen.’ Dick Taylor a fpw days
ago surprised tho enemy’s camp at Ashland,
La., and killed, wounded and took prisoner.--,
amounting altogether to 2,000. . A low oscaped
to their gunboats. 7 • . -
■'Tho latest news from Vicksburg states that
Che garrison is in excellent spirits, with plenty
to cat and a resolute determination to hold out
to the last.
Everything is represented to ho brighter to\
day than fijr a week past- .V. * r;- -
Johnston is “right side up.” He and Kirby
Smith will be heard frqui soon. • A.
From the Mobile Tribune. .
Jackson, Juno 13, p. m.—It is slated posi
tively that Jackson’s cavalry has retaken the
Big Black Bridge. Wp liavn no particulars
yet. *• : _
Special to the Memphis Appeal- ' »'
Soelbtville, June .14.—Nashville papers of
the 13th have been received. -»
- The Democratic convention of Ohio met at
Oolumbus on tho 13tli .lion. C. L. Yal-
landigham was nominated, for Governor, lion.
George E. -Pugh for .Lieutenant Governor, Hon.
Win. Hubbard, for Auditor of Smtc, lion. H.
S. Knadd for Treasurer of State, Hon. P. Van
Troup for Supreme Judge
The dispatches from the North state that tho
administration has thirty thoUsa^ff negroes in
the army ntul five thousand" in the navy.
» Tho reports from Vicksburg are that tlie po
sjtioft was closely invented by G.-vrit, but the
garrison continued to hold out bravely.
The America had arrived^ bringing the latest
intelligence from Europe. -»
The Confederate "man was quoted st one per
cent discount.
A large meeting, hrtd at Sheffield, mctnoral-
ized the English Governin';')! to" mediate in
American tuns jtfiraediatily:
" Latest quotation* ol gold in New York M2.
siege to an assault.
there—Itosocrauz’a aud Grant 0—as strong as ever
and the concentration, or possibility of ooraperation!
“■••■bU is being effected, in • Virginia, will p " ""
.e “Hooker's "army also u strong&a evei
formidable column aud not a feint.
The only uew regiments that havo boen
continues the Times, during the period of weaken
"rag, have been colored—the 54tb MassachusS
black troops.”
tutorship.—Richmond Whig.
Special Dispatches tb the Mobilo Tribuni'.
Jackson, Juno 13.—A special dispatch lo
tho ’U'nsMsip’piao, dated Panola, 12th, inst,
say3 that a reboot had just reached tliere that
Col. Roddy hid crossed to the west side of tho
Terines- eo river and captured iho town of Ham
burg, above Savannah, securing a largo amount
of bacdh and other stojes.
(Hamburg and Savaniiab arc in llardin coun
ty, l’cnp.]—Ed. ...
Captain James Mathews, of DeSote nas
brought intelligence which may be relied on,
that Gen. Marmaduke had tired on tho two
downward transports a foV miles above Helena,
sinking ono and capturing the other, A force
ot two regiments was sent up against him
from Helena, which he completely routed,
driving what of them was left h<jprling back
to their lines. * , ■
Gen. Price is cutting out a road through th 0
From the N. Y-. World, »th..
would not fall unequally. - - , .
It is not to bo disguised; however, that the
events of the past few weeks have set peo'plo to
thinking. _ Already meu aro boginning to ask each
other, to what use is this now-army to be put? Is
it to be employed in destroying the armed forces
now waging war against the Union and Constitu
tion, or is it tho intention of tho administration
to use our sons and brothers to lake away our
civil rights, to put down the liberty of the press,
and set, the courts of the United States at defiance?
Tho arrest, trial and scntcilco of Vallandigham,not
only in the teeth of the Constitution but in deli-*
mice of an express law passed by a Republican
Congress; the suppression of tho Chicago Times;
the contempt shown by tho military to the order
or Judge Drummond, and the violent ami illegal
acts ot ilascaUatid Ollier military officers havo fill-
ed the country with,distrust and indignation, aud
moderate, conservative men are beginning to
doubt tho propriety of permitting the.control of
tho militia of tuc several States to pass into tbe
hands of tho present administration without a sol-
emu assurance that they used only for tho
supnrea-fion of tho rebellion, aud not for the over
throw of tho liberties of the Northern pooplc.
GTO hire for tho balance of thoycar a good Cook. Ad- r
X dress box ICC, Macon, Ga.
JunelG-dlw* f
Administrator’s Sale. ;
OY an order ol the Court of Ordinary ot Dougherty
AJ County, will bo sold before tho Cour; Douse door,
of tbo County cf Dougherty, ou tho trot Tuesday in f
July next, between tho legal hours of sale aa tho pro- u
perly of the estate of A. Cl Hanson, late ot said Conn-
ty, deceased," the Plantation known as the Uansuj
place, consisting of Ilia following lands, to-wlt.
Number (2*) twenty-one and (frj; sixty, in the (2)
Second district of Dougherty County; ana lots tiant-
b r (-.2) twenty-two, (Go) si ly and tho east lialf ol (TO!)
twenty-lhn-c in the (s) third district of said County,
the whole containing sloven hundred and twenty-lva
acros. ■ ’ - -
F.-rties desiring to pnrchtr c a good t ak aud hickory
plantation would do well to attend.
AdmirJplrator of A. C. Hanson. I
Albany, Ga„ April 30ih. 136* jnroG—d2«r
/“tUNTAlNING l,3’-0 acre-, situated on Lake btbgte- |
tary, 11 miles irom Cau.bridge, well improved, 3 to
4 hundred acres clearetl, and every naprovemeut ueecs-
rary upon a lurm; besides tt is located in a g„od neigh
borhood, near a Church, trad unburpassed lor dehtug
privilegesln tho Btate. Tho tact can be divided Into
two farm*, if d Loire a, us there aro two setts of ball dings
on it, and no waste land on cither. The price Is $12 50
per acre, cash. For liuther particulars address—
lone 8—dlOl* Balnbrfdge.Ua.
I jt 'HE subscriber oGcrs for sale, on reasonable terms,
A a lot ot MUch Cows and yonng Calves, aud stable
led Beeves. Will deliver thu boel ready for matkst at
SmilhviUe, on S. W. H. It.
june 5^dlm* THOMAS T. ELLISON.
'X'AliEN from the deput of the M. & W. It. IL, on the
A -night of the 11th Instant, a email Track Valise,
marked K.T. Garcia,Mtcon.contanlng children’s aboca,
wearing apparel, Ac.; also a wlno box, containing four
bottles Madeira wine aud eight bottles Old Port wine.
1 will pay $75 for the delivery of the same at tho Lou-
ler House, and no questions asked,
june 16-dSt» . E. F. GAltCIA,
New Orleans Herugcc.
1 C Dales Gunny Bagging for ealo by
June 16—dtf *
A LL persons having bought goods at tho auction
AJu aalo In my eroie,arc requested to call for"thorn.—
I Intend closing oat mv stock of China, Glass, Crock
ery, Lamps, &c„ at private sale,as heretofore. Now
1b the time to buy. T. H. BOLSHA W.
Macon, fftinolt>,lSG3—dlw*
"DIOCOFFER, Flour and Oenrburgs for aalo by
4* * ‘ J. W» FEARS,
jnno IB—d3t
T ETTER PAPER $23 ream, Fur Hata, $20 each, fjr
JLt sale by . J. \V. FEARS,
juuo 1C—<13t
Just Received.
T ABIES' superfine Paris Kid Gloves, aseortfdcolora.
Ak from B* to 7*.
Extra superfine SUk Parasols,
Nespoliuan Bonnets, newest shape 1 Bonnot
French Flowers, bonnet and sash Ribbons,
u , - Four-fourth* Black Bilk Lace, and for rale at the
lowest market pijeo by JCre. F. DESSAU.
June IB, 1363—d3t*
* EX »
SOREY & BOISSEAU, Auctioneers.
Main Street, Danville, Vu,
VT7E will sell at our Auction Room, on Main Street,
VV Danville.Va., on Wednesday, the 15th of July,
lbC3, commecclng a t 9 o’clock A. M,—
3717 boxes manufactuic.l Tobacco,
GOO kegs M&cc&boy Sunff,
200 cases Excelsior rniokingTohacco,
303 caddies, and 30 bbla. Smoking Tobacco,
2000 lbs. Turpentine 3-mp,
23 bbls. Apple Brandy.
Parties desiring to avail thcmsclvca ef onr talo will
please send In their Goods or samples by 12 o'clock
Thursday, BOR it Y hi, BOISSEAU,
jirad'lB—dtii!12jn!y Auctioneers.
rj'HE subscriber offers for ealo 250 Acres of fertUo
A Land, lying, on Coon Creek, In bchloy county—
about 80 acres freshly cleared. Tho land llcsconven
> lent to ChurcL-cs and Schools, and Is well provided
with comfortable cabins. For terms apply to
Juno 10—d5t* J. U. MILLER, duller, Ga.
* For Sale.
* ■
1)000 fOObagstlround Peas,
' 2i» bags Cow Feed,
• .100 bbls. flrat-rato Flour,
> 69 boxes Tobacco, all grades,
. SO bbls. Peach and Grape Brandy,
i 10 “ Cora Whiaky. fiuo article,
, ■ TOO Gross Matches,
IDO bags Salt, <**
300 bags Cow Peas, cheap to dose; out
B June 13—dlw* ROBERTS & DUNLAP.
t AM.authorized to raise s Cavalry Company for Gen.
A Cobb’s Brigade. Persons subject to Conscription
arc rtquested to join. Military accoutrements will be
furnlsned by the Government. Furloughs will be
granted to all volunteers until the 1st of July.
•j junelS—dlO.* J. W. SOLOMDNS, Capt.
* OTRAYED, from B. C. Butler’s residence In Forsyth,
8 a medium slasd Bog. while with large brlndle rnois,
8 short tail and cars cropptd, A liberal reward will be
a paid for said dog—any Iniormatlon ihankinlly received.
. June 33—dGt*
House aud Laud for Sale.
vu uroimi
% For further particulars apply to
June 13-dcodtSt*
June 11-dcodtlUiastt
Cxpt. P. A. C. S.
$20 Reward.
il ba paid for tbe de
in Altiuiy, thatetrayed
Albany. Jaac»,l8W—twtt*
Southwestern Lands for Sale-
- O—. . — -w IWA^AJHUC* IU i
loay. Any one wishing to pareaaae can call on or ad-
1 i^»t. ui ^-
( n Ualboun County, S. W. Oa. A fine pUnUtlon of
L TOO acrea-800 under toco, *X) &uSt?S5£V*
11 ludre laadle wanted, there Ilea
ara minis, uncleared, which can be l
Tho placo is wcil iwintuTcd. huvluK
May £Uth, 1853.
Spring Creek, Calhoun County, Ga
13,8261 Acres of Land.
J NDSR a decree cf Chancery, In the Superior Court
of Burke County; the undcreismwl. Rxccutomof
llcnty P. Jones, deceased, offer? for ealo tbe folluwlne
»U of land: And If noteold privately before ibo flui
Tuesday tn July next, will be sold on that day. at pub
lic outcry at tbe place of public sales In tbe city of Al
Application can be made to ns by leper at Herndon
Burke County, or If more convenient personally, tc
lton. O. G. Spark?, Mahon. 1
m J- v. jo>
j. i>. Job
vr. u. jumtsL
225 4 250
1(12 5 TOM
2,3 5 ,50
112 t> 250
" 8S 10 260
124 IS TOM
86 18.250
123 £6 TOO
273 *6 250
Uernilon, Burke, Connty, May 4th,
Coanty. No. DU. Ac’s. County."
59 8 490
401 8 250
7 14 250
34 14 -GO
212 14 250
2B1 14 250
f.oU 10 250
310 10 250
72 10 250
262 19 250
92 20 TOO
80 7 SUOJtf
83 IS XU**
904 13 1«X
" T 341 13 1!I»X
“ MB IS 200
350 IS 12
“ S57 13 81«
Uoutthcrty, 221 4 850
1 )Kxc
58 20 2U2X
177 4 215
423 8 490
307 9 480
TO7 11 490
63. 18 490 ••
4 12 2U2K.
;i05 12 20IU
9 250
114- 9 250
223 9 260 .
284 .10 ‘.OIK
118 16 »j*x
- ; 173 16 mx
>“! ' K3 16 SO
53 12 102*
“ 29 19 202*
Randolph, 800 * -Aci*
bpau.'dmg, 84 3 902*
biowart, 68 19 2U2*
- ’’ 905 24 20S*
Thomas, 122 17 250
“ 205 17 250
“ 815 IT TOO
Twiggs, 190 23 202*
Wayne, 204 '1 490
■ Wifkerson,. 21 8 202*
£03 13 209*
Wanted to’Hire,
T WENTY Negro Laborers. Apply to Mr.J. Kns?,
acting AlftRicr Armorer, CVS. Armory.
Grt., Juno 13,1803—dtf
XirArtTED, at tbe C. 3.. Central Eaboru o:y. oM
VV Rope, Cordage, Twine, or Biggin* —oiu Hemp
or Jute, lu any fotm. For such a lair price Will l>c
paid, according to ^ualiiy ned conditiou. Ai ply ut
Lbeolllcoon3i8Deet. J. W. MALLET, Capt.
luce 12—dU Hap’tC. 3. Laboratories.
Tho President and Directors of tho-Georgia Salt
Manufactoriug Company have declared a dividend
of eighty-live fS5l pounds per share at 10 Cents per
potfnd. Sacks if retained to be charged S2,00.
Disfribution to take place from date.
TT. II. Tuckvu, President.
A. J. Plukk, Secretary and Treasurer, Augusta.
B. Phillips, General Distributing and Collecting
Agent, Atlanta. june 9J o 3t wtor.
M gs. nnttUZ inToimfthc dVz.rt- of
Macon,-and the public generally, that she h*a
taken Inc ftr«t room, on ihc Icit side, up sts-rs, in Dr.
Thora.'Ou’s baildiug, opposite ihc t’.ojd rii.-i-e, where
*h- is prepared to lurnisa li»opi-sklrt3 In all tylcsat
the shortest notice, aud guarantees silisfaetlou—has
small quantity of Dry Gooes, Ribbons, Ac.,
-ylih-'i rhe will dispose of at reasonable prices.
Wool-Carding Factory-
r its. 5IARY BRYCE will Curd NYik.1 at her Factory,
Owners of wool will furnbh their own oil or
juue 1(1—tw3tt
Eatray Cow.
E STKaYRD Irom nry lot, cm la-t Wednesday-night,
the 3rd mstsut, a red nohorned Coip uiul Caff, one
leat rpoile-:. A liberal row» u will ho prld loc her re
turn, or for Iaiormsti.Ui .ul can get her.
Macon, Juno tlih, 1363. - It.*
Choice Baker Coaniy Land at Public Sale.
AJI the rst Tuesday in J uiy noxt will be sold, betore
the Court House o;h>- ul Dougherty county, at Al
bany, Oa , as the property of iffalor John if. Ualiie, de-
ceiaed, three Lots oi Land, iu the 12in Df-'trictof Bi
ker county. No's. 145,146 and 119. The-o lots are
well located, lying in the most fertile portion of Biker
county, and lying together make a body of 1o0 acres.—
Purlieu desbmg au invesuneal should mot let this
chance escape—litleagbW.
liINKS & HOBBS, Attorneys for
• JaS. MctiENrtY, Ex. of:
JOHN B. GALL! K, uee’il.
1 Albany,Ga., Jane !•>, IHD—dUii 7july
Public Sale of lhe Entire Cargo of the Steamer
Victory, with Consignments per Steamers
Sirius and Mate.' *
By Johnston, Crews & Co-,
41 llaync Street,
On THURSDAY, tho leth June, without resetvo, will
bo sold.
* Groce l ies.
1200 sacks Salt
56 barrels Mess and Clear Pork
60 *■ Pickled Beef
so boxes Palm Oil soap
15 “ Castile So*p .
10 barrels Alcohol--
.10 “ Bourbon Whisky. - •
SO “ N. B. Rum *
10 cases Geneva Gin
10 cases Martclle Brandy
10 cases Champatgse
c culu W. 1. Ham
:i half pipefl Jamaica Roux
7 caaka Alcohol
8 barrelB Whlskr
l bogsheid Superior Old Brandy
20 casks superior Gin
18csse* English Matches
3 cases Chloroform, 2 pound bottles, 400 pound;
1 tierce Pulv. K, l. Rhubarb, 1 jmund bJLUes, 70
1 founds
2 cases Llf. Ammohla Fortls, 12 bettles each, 112*
1 case Chloroform, 2 pound bottles, 53 pounds
- E barrolsBpsom baits, 215 pound stack
03kegs BICarb Soda, 11*1 ponnds each . -
50 boxes Extract Logwood, 25 pounds each
3 keg* Printers’Inx, lC’lpounas
2 c,tes Ex. Large Short Boots, 100 pair
1 caso Ex. I-argu Magpio Bluchers, 10J pair
3 cases Reg. snort Bluchers, 300 pair
2 trunks Ladles’ Black Cloth Boots, 131 pair
4 trunk Ladle*’ Cashmere Boots, 72 pair
1 ti nnk F. ouch Boots, 73 pair
2 ra cs La-lIcs’ Colored Cashmere Boots, 120 pair
2 trunks Hea*« Heavy Kip Bluchers, 141 pair
1 trunk Ztcn’e Btout Double Tie Walking Shces, 70
‘ pair
2 trunks Slm'i Spring Hoots, 72 pair
1 trunk den's Pat. Spring Dress Bools, i4pair
2 *i tiLks Ladles’ Black Cloth Boots, 131 pair
1 track Ltdles’ Colored Cashmere Boots, 72 pair
1 L\d"cV Black ebsshmero Boots, 71 pplr
3 trunks ooy V Boots, 90 pair
1 ca-m.Muchers, 283 ps'r
10 csensMut-ic-s Blacking, 1 groes escli
2 cases Masou * Blacking, 102 dozen
.10 tons Hoop Iron, 1* inch
50 boxes Tin Plate*
T lboxcsTin Plate, 14x10
1 caso Pocket Cutlery and Scissors
1 caso Knives and Forks
1 case Bone, Suspender and Agate Shirt Buttons
375 gwiat gross Black Bone Suspender Bnltoii*
56 ereat cross White Bone Susp-udcr Buoous
3cases Percussion Caps, 100 M. each
1 case G. V. Percusiton Caps, l,Oft/,0O0
Dry Goods. - ’ •
1 balo Flax Osr.aburgs
4 cares Sup. Solid Check 0 Ingham "
1 case Madder Frtuts
1 case AttoRed Gloves and Dps*, Ladies’, Misses’,
Men's and Boy’s .
1 case Merino and Cotton Shirt* and Drawers
1 ’• Ladies’and Gents'Linen Cambric lidkfs,
1 “ Flax Thread
3 cases Madder Prints
5 cases Madder Prints, GO pieces ol 23 yards tn each
1 case Black and White Muslins
5 Fancy Printed Muofins
2 case* Fancy Ginghams . • ’
pieces Linen Dowlas
Dozen Uncksback Towels
Damask Taolc C oihs
Half Bleached Table Cloths
1 esse M :n’s and Boy’s Straw Hats
6 case) Envelopes, assorted, 300 U
pr The following papers will phbll’h twice a week
until day of sale, and send hills to ns: Tbe Augusta
Chionlclc aud dentlnM^jretaaak Republican, Atlanta
Confederacy, .lUcou TtMtamh, Wilmington Journal,
Columbia Guanliin. Commbus Sun, Richmond Dls-
pate.h, Montgomery Mall. -
jatioP-daw to 18th JOHNSTON, CKBWS £ CO.