Newspaper Page Text
s am
*'■ i
By Joseph Clisby.
t lino of nows for our early edition, and
us hints about '* contraband
MihewysteT 1 . 01
(J s;j" fr° m }b* telegraph correspondents in
jjjjjjlippi aro vary inexcusable, if important
piitsaro hot now in actual progress. We
^they are.’ But in asserting such a belief
^correspondent who formally announced
that the fate'hf Grant’s army wouid
t &lcoin tfvo days. -If it were sealed at all
{r*in that time, the wax is cool and it is high
\jptofeetlt(he seal and .let us into the rnya-
cre throwing discredit upon our
No. 1039.
jjjf public anxiety about Vicksburg sur-
,, filial ever-yet felt in any period of the
‘ u 'uA this anxiety is vastly increased by
theihttoce of even that modicum of informa-
(jnahich bas been gngaged in respect to all
jifttiitr cimpaigna. The darkness is total,
vl^tk* 1 exception of now and then a glimpse
<*!$'• by some adventurous blockade runner
uie beleaguered city. Every thing on
^^ideV, as uo doubt it should be, labooed.
: i,(! quesiiou that milimay opera-
^•Bhculd be safely conducted within a few
^ of tho enemyi without preserving the
Ufcrigid reticence! Every body must see
i^ xcknowlMgo this fret, a’nd that, it alone
:ty cxpluifis all our ignorance of Gen
Chops im Mississippi.—The Memphis Ap
peal gives most gratifying nows in the follow
ing. It is th'o sure promise of abundance to
our army now operating in Mississippi^
The most encouraging-reporta reach us from
the productive regions in North Mississippi.—
A late lotter from Panola says the farmers bu
sy getting out wheat ‘ quartermasters are do
ing their best to get all the com from north of
the Tallahatchie and shipping it to OantOD dai
ly * price one dollar and twenty-five cents at
the crib. Government is paying two dollars
and seventy-five cents for wheat delivered at
tho depot Wheat good as ever grew and more
tban^jin be estimated. Meal one dollar and
seventy-five cents ; shoded corn one dollar and
a half at the depot; cattle, twelve and a half
cts., cheap enough.
Gcxeoats lost Casti.—The dread of Federal
gunboats wbish was the feature at the opening of
the war is go_o forever. Tbe following good one
from Porter's fleet before Vicksbnrg is told in
a Northern letter from the rear of Vicksburg, da
ted the 7tb 5 instant:-
A Northern letter from the rear of Vicksburg,
dated 7th, has tbe following paragraph Bhowing
the indifference of our men to tho bombardment
by the gunboats:
A flag of truce this evening from Gen.Pember-
ton, proposes an armistice of two or three hours
for burying the dead. On being informed that
owing to the length of our line, and the shortness
' t<me named, our forces could not all be notified;
that this trmild be especially true of the gunboats,
;i the time proposed to notify
, as it would take a... . - . . __ .
Kao’s resources and movements; and yet I them; the rebels said tKl»-JJ“® gPj 8 i >n °f differ-
, tr;\iiS'anding This, many persons are ma- c “ c . e 1 the gutiboats never had _ *-. e a
, “ . ... , I theirs in- Vicksburg, and probably never Wou.2?
-jihaajselves unhappy by.drawing uufavor-1 that Gan. Pemberton was utterly indifferent as to
auguries hour tbs silence. Wo think | whether they were notified or not: that, on the
whole, they rather preferred the gubboats should
not be notified of the armistice, as they were wast
ing an immense quantity of ammunition for Uncle
earnest and-Tpean to spare nothing to in | Sam and thus doing the Confederate Government
Correspondence of the Telegraph.
is no good reason for despondency,
iidsbuig is in peril—tho Federate are in
83F” The following letter was received yes
terday, announcing the death of young John
F. Rosa: ' '
MonTicello, Kv., Juno 11, 18GS. .
John B. Ross, Esq., Macon, Ga.:
•My Dear Sir: It is my painful duty to send
you the sad .intelligence ol the death of your
son, John F, Ross, of my company. lie was
killed on the morning of the 9th in.stant, ii> a
skirmish with the enemy, in which our Regi
ment was engaged. He was shot in tho rigid:
temple, tho ball coming-out just behind tte- left
ear, killing him instantly. His remains w;ere
buried yesterday in the best condition tbatour
circumstances would allow. . I gave my own
personal supervision to his interment.
Jack hacPbeen quite unwell for a few day*
preceding the fight, and I endeavored to dis
suade him from going with me, hut his anxiety
to bo at his post was so great that T acquiesced
in his determination to advance with his com
pany to meet the enemy. * Where the fight
raged the hottest, and the fire of the enemy
was especially concentrated, I last noticed him
sitting erect in his saddle and loading and de
livering his fire with the steady composure of
one inured to danger and unknown to fear.—
The enemy prossing us back with overwhelm -
ing numbers, we were forced to retire, leaving
his body upon the field. In a'few moments,
however, he was remuved to a r.du .-hi-c-ring
farm house, where 1 found him a Jew hour;;
I cannot tell you, my fee-'A hoW ,uUch his
her downfall. But' so Richmond wus in S°°£ service.
Ini sever:! 1 limes, and so every -point is in
■il whose late hangs ou the chances of war.
The remarks were ajpropoi, Everybody but
gunboat men considers it tho best joke of the sea
son. It is a sorry commentary on Rear Admiral
Ihuuy be Well justified in feeling a degree l-Portcr’s bombastac dispatches to Washington^
do not think thero is oc
finitely, but w
,mn •->:*!-•. The letters from Missis
flu ire geiivially assuming a very cheerful
Council/ Chamber, June’lGth, 1868. j
Present—The Mayor, Aids. Clay Ion, Powtrs,
aud tit. believe affairs are brightening I Q roCdi Cherry", Goodall, and Collins,
■retfery day. T lie lavAaWe crops repo'rt-I Absent—Aids; Adams and Ross,
in that State arc exceedingly propitious and I The Minutes of the last moeting were read
y no cviuing forward now to relieve the I Snd confirmed.
»U of ohrr.imy and the pressure upon the | The Bridge-keeper reported tolls
four weeks.; -.. $897,70.
Too Clerk of-market reported feett-
four we
T.e Orum tragedy *on every tongue g- Obear
•certainly a moat strange, uhnatural atan, Mawm Gaa company
i,V im story, rather increases as new points I Dr Q Harrison...
Ll»Jlitel» Whatwas4hoobfc5J*ftheman? j. W. Fears...*.. ^
L hteullerior purpose'? Or was heinsane ? "orild the interments at Rose
iVse questions pul the resolves to the mind 1 Hm ^ jjjgL cemeteries, during the
ami fa'd. One reads over the Northern I tU of May, white adulte, 7 ; chdd ^ ,
lunt-Tv,..pares the court with the sources 1 colorc d, 6.—Total 17i Four ot WOW wm
ifiaUma.i.m which are. numerous hcre-apd norw-res.dent^ p8£Uio n to cover his
1 ..r. n. Mh-. n a m\Vtee V on'Firc'Departinent._
ft* paper.
ait,rom a SoethcrnDqint of. view. Itis ** ^^^^ten’s iesidencc, to the Allev be-
b«1 live in history As a most startling and W^B. Joh gOjr ^ ana b , s iot . K cferrod
Ifinnuc personal incident of this war. ~ I w tbe Committee on Streets.
A., % very tpmasdifie man. A perfect J Mis3 Emma Wrights petit;ion foir ^ ^
. oVar blue eyes—florid complexion-1 ^hmentot l^Retmi F. Mcsars .
imp; expression of face—commanding p I g " h & Blake on t he next square, wasro-
graceful address and accomplished man-1 cei?fd and re f err ccl to tbe Committee on Street
««, he was eminent ly calculated to mako an I Encro! i C h m ents. . Churcb petition for
. ..Mnitura -His reputation m I Commissioners of Baptist Churcnpei
we give below a statement of the rations issued
to the men daily, to-wit: -
One" quarter pound of bacon, one-half pound
of beef, one quarter pound of flour, five eights
of a pound of meal, and tho usual allowance
of peai, rice, sugar and molassas. J3o it will be
seen at a glance that tlio gallant defenders of
■.ho Gibralter of the West, instead of starving,
are living better than tbe troops in this vicini-
-,y, and of course if there was a scarcity of
-ubsteteQce, it y.'ouldT he hoarded by the com
We sineerely* !■■■ . - unit all (ears in leganl to
this matter will ho settled now, for tho abova
tB entitled to the hlghes; cituu.
A responsible lady residing ubar Vicksburg
within the present lums oi U.e enemy, managed
to get out a shori tmm since. She reports that
the Yankee line oi. investment extends fifteen
mites'from, tho Yazoo to Wjrrenton. Shesays
their transportation is limited, and that their
center can only bo watered Irom tho Missis
sippi river—the water does not. agreo with the
troops, and much sickness prevails. They arc
greatly chagrined and alarmed because John
ston does not attack them in their rear, think
ing thu his delay will be ruin to them, on ac
count of the '• inability to take- Vicksburg by
Storm, and tbo constantly accumulating forces
of the -rebel commander. They have scoured
tho whole country for vegetables; everything
in tho way of provisions haa been appropriated
by them- ■ She states that inconsequence ol
their want of transportation, tho army is
pressed for.rations, and everything else. They
are very much depressed, and seem to think
some trouble and undefinablc fate hangs over
them. They would rather fight Johnston now
thi>n a week or ten days hence.
Tho lady also states that on last Saturday,
the troops were ordered out for another assault
upon the rebel works, but positively refused
to advance again.
Information wasreceived hero yesterday that
General Jackson had captured the Big Black
| any mannor with their father, who was in close
confinement, and on their being sent across our
lines were not even permitted to seo him to get
from him advice where to look for friends.
Tho Republican learns from the.banished citi
zens that Gen. Hunter has in his edinmand some
thirty thousand troops. His department is aa.un-
civil and unfeeling as can bo expected of the lead
er oi his brig andhordc.
Tho negro regiment from Boston, tho 64th Mas
sachusetts, under Colonel Hollowed, fifteen* hun
dred strong, arrived at Hilton Head on Friday
last. • ■. j
Two fleets have, left llilion Head for tho South
ern coast—one for tbo-Altapiahn, Ga., - and ,
lor ttlO tSr.-U-.i_.'-J-Tin- i .
tho river and land troop3*at Jacksonville, who are
to make incursions into the interior. The object
of both is to pitage, destroy and lay waits.
• Tho Yankees t-.iy they will have no more pitohed
battles, as nothing is gamed by .them; they can
accomplislrmoro by destroying everything that
comes before them. This is tho now inode Ofwar-
fare which we wero threatened with some time
since. Our people will, no doubt,kuow how to treat
such warriors when they foil into oUr hands.
In tho recent raid on the Oombahee; Kansas.
Montgomery was in command. Tho. number
negroes taken was 720, and not l,OuO _aq previoua-
ly stated.. ^*-
SOREY & BOISSEAU, Auctioneers,
Wain Street, Dauville, Va," !
vrris wm veil at onr Anctlon Itoora. on Main street,
.IX DanvlUe.Fa-.onWetoeeday. tho isth of Jui>,-
19CJ, c itnmcuc ccut a o’clock A A!, —
C747 boxes manafactuicd Tobacco, •
BOO kegs Mac cl boy Snuff,
»W easel Excelsior MaokittCTobai
aoj caddies, and tObbl*. Smoking 1
XCDJ lbei TurpocUno Soaa,
xlhbie. Apple Brandy /
Parties dtsirlcao avail taemSclves et our sale win
plci-o rend In their Goods or samples by la o'clock
* ,a°BKV«BuwaBAB.
- - lying on Coon Creok. in
abontSOacresfreshly cleared-. The
lent to Chord as an-.r Schools, and t* well
with romlurt-vble cabins, for terms a^piy-tb
A LL persoDB haviu< dogs laic notice, that they will
iV bo liable to bo kiilod, U loaned running at uutif
-;tor tbe 25ih lust, without a bulge. ST ‘ r *
June 19-d3t - . jKlCH. CURD,C, C.
dooply lnxed.
jiioe 19-dSt
fUCH’D CUKU, c c.
to fti»siear attLe City Hall on Sdtprday ihd
at 11 o cio:U a. M. A full attendanceiiwqioeied*
pf order of * “ _ * _T._L HOLT,
comrades loved him, nor how deepv ^■* ~ pry- ■ » 7- r—»— n -
pathize with his family in their sudden ann>.u driving the Yankees away from it.
boreavement.- .As his Captain, I must that
he was possessed of all the noble qualities that
constituted the perfect soldier-prompt to re
spond to every call upon.him, iaithlu'^
and conscientious id the* discharge of every
ti ust committed to'h.m, respecttul and courto*-
ous to his officers, and generous and affable in
his intercourse with his brother soldiers. I
commended him oftentimes to his comrades as
model worthy of imitation. Truly can I say
of him, that “none knew him but to 1.1,0 him,
nor Darned'him but io praise.” i shrilsceto the
proper disposition^^
fives, I mu-youn, sincere^,
loin’ng.Sth squad'n, 10th Gojited.-Cav iry.
From the Missisiippian, June 12:!i. _ 1 '.he rteer 'brhndns two'Yank.v- pd-oners belong-
Frojc Vicesbcbo.—A courier arrived m town J th ’ c ugt g Kassachusctts, and lias returned m
from Vicksburg yesterday evening, bringing | scarrli of 0 . h cr3. •
the welcome ■ intelligence that “ our hoys at 1 :._j ■ -r=s
Vicksburg arc in good health,' fine spirits, havo L. . SIGNS 1N THE NORTH.
auu _ J 3 . - . , s - flir.iv >»%< t-.ll
~ t . JLA. All/AJ A ,
Col. Com’g 50th Keg., Ga, Al.
S. T. COLEMAN, Adjutant. . ..
Alacou, Jpneiqctoit .
Special Gorrespondeuoe 3
'' ' ' .FHshKRicKsmrr.a,
ir,.'A. M., June 15,18G;
The enemy have evacuated the Stafford heights,
nr d arc falling back in the direction oCManas-.u.
iVio depots have been burned, and tho cavalry
picket withdrew from opposite Fredericksburg at
daylight this morning. The infantry pickets with
drew at 1U o’clock last night. Small squads of our
uicq havo crossed this morning, and some lour 0£
* iwiiteSxr; not b e? n
burned at iAccokceb and Potomac Creek, but this,
I think, a mistake. - * - ■ .. . ,
The Yankee bands played a farewell yesterday
evening,anil- tho balloons wont up for tho last time
0a Friv^Hemy Grotz, 80thYirginia-regimcnt, on
furlough at home, lias jurft returned lrom across
Keep nro Awako3Iolkcr.
[irpiwn....... a,, ......:
1'auI Vane, LorouM’s
Strikelortbe South
Wiy.-— - V^om&nber Ate....
Then Yof
When tho SwaUoW^w^^’ *
rT*Ht; tubscriber offers fcr'salo SSO Acfea of tertllu
.L Lead-1 ‘ fm ' mi
Jonb n;
J. tY. n.ILl.Kli, duller, Ga. -
For Sale
fane 18-^1
100 belt. ffrat-rate Plnnr,
69 boxes Tobacco, all grade*,
ro bbl*. Fetch and Grape,
10 “• Com Whltky; flue, article,
230 Groes Matches,
100 bac* Salt,
300 bags Cow Peas, cheap to- dote, out
Conslr-nment. —
NOTICE-. - •*, - -
r AM.aulhoria«d to raise a Cavalry Company for Oen.
A Cobb’s Brigade. Person* subject to Conscription
are requested to join. Military accoutrements wui be
lamlnned hy the Governmeot. Furloughs will be
muted total volanteer* until the 1st oi July.
tanffld-rdlQi* - J. ,W. 30ti0.*ON8.Capt;
rboils at the suction
.Macon.ol nno Hi; ISO—dlw«. ^ . .
I ' ->Tnf»S (solo)..
Come ilcre injaLorel
Anvil Chorea. ■
Gan.BeauNgaid’fiKarchfortiitaal copy)....
Wo have j
TYAKTIK8 wishing Crricibles cin bo ihppUen,- cn ap-
plication, at the Soaikwestorn Kallroad Machine
hops, Mucod, to _ * i. B. KLlfB.
W XTil 35 Acres ol Land attached, within two mile!
-of tho Court liouae.- Apply to Geo.bmith Jt
Di-lxiachoJtCo.’a. * ; .
Macon, J uuo lh-dtart , • —- ■ - •
hordes”of Old Abe, who now^fth llieir 1.^: | - and
0 A 7 Cane iJl NKI fhi*. .a'b, prei-*;.> 1 v*. : •
tjiiiia!i.>n wuioi. — -.i u r-,s. a Kaistoivs pemiuu™ —r- — uuiucou. ’ i Y rouI ni-tho'“Hill 1-tDe peace sentiment is r'Aipiy growing and
1 n cases French Brandy,
lU jo Casern CasUle Soap, •
10 Boxes Bnglish Btr Boap,
Just rccolvod, and for sale hy
1 flG Sacks Georgia Salt,-
I I II I Si. 1*l/\sMa Vulf
have soma effect m allaying the, j ^ aft3jp ° a u'-Asccndency over tho miUtary.
nation of lha eternal crqakers yho MO ^ h; . waK , Iia nifestcd in the recinding of tho
tinually creating mountains from laole.luUS. |- of BurnBido suppressing the New York
Froncthwsame, Juna 13U1. _ j World and the Chicago Times. Tho indigna-
Night before last the heavest qf the pcoplo at this aAiteary move on
heard from Vicksburg, w o like it it R-iia us i ^ of thc niUitary authorities manifested
that heroic Vicksburg still holds out. I s0 c i ca rly, forcibly and unmtstakably, as
Maior General S. G. Gholson has ifsuul an | ^ cxcU .,. U;o . fear3 0 f Lincoln, and- to ctuse
order revoking all furloughs and leaves olab- — Livo tho ohdr» couitormandod.
sence granted to officers and men m tho btatc Such jJ^fioM are' healthy signs, and go
militia. Absentees armrequircd to jomjmir i ^ t h a t a more determined spirit of ops
commands immediately. b c,wabioi position to arbitrary^^power and military au-
! such things stir up popular
1 0 nce mounted tho cplendid black bun «»«”■*” t p e o 0 mmUtee on Streets, with | m09fc nothing. Our gallant ffgj” Wb.rt. they arc fiercely condemned, and the
* mhteh to u is captured, and, al- "'as reter.ed to the Comm nM idl and s0 far have given a goo . amount A(i!ilinjitr ^ ior , und er which and by au-
Ajgr upon which *. ntpn tQU estrian I Pnst. M. & W.R- R- Oom-| 0 { themselves. . ! tuority Iboy were committed, as fiercely, do- JnneM-diw*
W-e at one time thought that Lincoln held
60 oheets Copper for Syrap Koltlts, ■
Capacity from *00 to 230 gals.-each, which are
much cheaper, a ad in every wav
°"^Sl“l d GOy»J|
■BLOCKADE goods.
! * “ hich bo was captured, and, al- I was reier.uu ■ -”’ t idle , and so.far have given a goou accouu*
15h rathqr vain of my. own equestrian 1 )0 ^ Scott, Prest.M. *° f We'lSnfrom the Coiumbus. Republican
I must own to ft as I munication ^li n S^ t ^® a a coQtract between the l the following fa the number of cctapauiesj
daring, showy, and petfcct.y
Ulj. Poor lcllqw 1 what was he about?
Ge did not go by authority. p
\ h it vs his intention to mako his way to E
’•>•.4, n be alleged-himself, ho took a Strange
Why go 6 by Franklin ? AYhy engage
■ that huzzardous business ! Again,
> geld with him to make the journey-only a
l-.-w hundred Confederate bills. .Strange,
urangc, very strange. 100*0# MI uanno
W ANTED, at the O. 3. Central lAboratotr, old
■ Koi>o, Cordage, Twine, or Biggin -old Hemp
or Juts,inauy form. For,*nehaUlr prme-wlll ha
—atf 1 Smp’l <ry>%i>ofMorteo.
Choice Baker County. Land at Public Sale.
r fif July next will boficid, uilovo
rol Dougherty cnunli. at.Al-
r of Maior John B. UaUiu. i'c-
the .ft Tuc«d
bxn3aUa^»taSp«®enyor Maictf JobnJ B
- ca?Mi three liotaot Lend, m the 13th Pletrlct pi Bi-
ea*aa,ui^e^ 145 146 mid U9. iWwW
- - l0 g latbo mxmtfCTti'.c portlah ot BiLer,
tur UtfMUr make a body ofTSi)
au iuvttsit
Macju, Uolti.n Aveuuc, ami Siv.tunah St. JulUn St
Booms, wUhclo»etsacdgasthronn_,»
and pantry. A fin vSTof wafer, Sk
loor aerv»nt^oom«, plastered i » v
June 19-lw.
BKYCB Win CardWoojrt^rFMg,
iy. flvo milcri Math of knoxtille, at 15 cents pfi
pound. .Owner* of .wool win ternith their own ^1 or
grease. junc 10-tw3tt_.
7 iS.
60 Sucks Florida
1 B.rrcl Turk’* Dlaudbai^ for re-oFy
iron SALE,
undersignedareoflerlngfor salon toeelx-hprso
(fkFhTln ttSi or lonr cxcollent lMmOj
Juno 18—dfitt
^OR SALE . • ’ PH
gsenatK, B, ClayUm &Co.’aany time*at tkoatmdof
jtmo 18—ii3t*
.irtee Kho State we would soon iwjv-gv i 1 r and Ibcse peopl*,- toe iJemocracy,
W«f aa ““ t0 H°r WrteTey. J. 0. McBurney and [Efficient to protect ourselvca against the raffis 5“’^ t6 ?li , )W various wnfs that they
What then ? IWOH^ duction of Dra y of the enemy. Let other portions o. the State ^ f dlo ^ of resistance to ty-
Mr. Mitchell asked lor a term , were exhib it a n equally creditabloxecord. I - * Thov are novi
- . A . Wanted, ' '
rpo hlro for tbo balance of tbayear a good Cook. A J
A. dreM box 1B8, Macon, Ga.
lunnl6—dhw*- ' - ■ ~ •
TpBAT desirable Cottage x. -iCKtmlu
Second und Plum Sirtet. - ■; loeoon
Booms. wilhcloietsnndKasthrong^., "? tJSKS
'•ujee&mJ L*it, oal
sold ar-Pnbbc Anetion on tho.
property cna^l
jnne 10—eodttil day aalo
Wool-Oar ding Factory-r-
Bou. Tobhc e ofori»ale J log 1 jt A , nEfeco ,
House and Land for . Sale. .
T u 5 .
lion consisting ot com and a general variety ol fine
topw'S. e p‘. KliRWIB.
Cotton Avenue, or to Oonftoe
SilO iltward.
nn DOLLARS KSWAhD will be paid *»r U)Ode_
20 llvSySrtwoHorrellalesln Albany,ljijtM»yed
rnf.m m on th* 2Sd May, one a brown or Mack. d“
17 iZSm* 9.1863—tw 6t« -
Southwestern Lands for Sale-
t tt a vm 8 Plantation! for calc In Bohth wcitcrn Gcor -
land for sale, • V
ms- i* well Unproved. baytag^Mn^aeu.KW
isnrlfllot*.toChgred. WMarcaai» -
proper WbWuUnga. Como
KrTssaSATSa.-SV- WS*«a2s®sasi®¥ V®«?“£sS£l3gS!
lowed a license Oi two -«w. - j ^ffi^fJk anothWWhe tho^oi-hhe -5^1^08 r-feting tho
Aid. Clayton moyed to amend^t ^ ^ read J^ ne d, -that Kirby Smith ^TTouri v^uianifctaliomi cf public disapproba.
tt Th^e'arfi some bipts of a oAimc hardly
proper to be discussed. They may come ou
■a time. It is sufficient to say that they relate
-o iho heart. Indeed, from much reading and
^matron, I am come to this opinion: that
vwrever your friend is in great troub e, you
lav safaiy enquire “Who is the woman?
A—, u.^tho point. I will mako no raids upon
fte gentler" e?, but tiro-fact, *x ataUd^is true.
I may be enabled >.ercarter to th-ow some
^ht on tEis-dark sobject
OcxnwieE Rakoebs.-Wo loarn tbaba leltex
t_ r - «,,, sUt cs that, in the action of the
fa- «t
i Mt-sars. W.W. Parker and Geo.
Pfc*, both of this eiiy, -vvere^wotiodeu.
? s ,Aoa.k-We had ^e -So^^
nkyesterday, and tlio wt-ather is s
-riv. nr order ol the Court r.I Ordinary qt CousUerty
B^Couety, vrill be sold beforeteo Court lJouBttdooA
Of the County of Dougbcriy, on tho tot lbie*toy m
P Number (31) twenty-one and (i«0> i^^1 nnm ;
Second dUtrlct of noa-iUCrty bRU o:' fJJ)
b- r WJWgV’R'<81 thiridUtrkt of sa‘d foul ly,
twemv-three Ih the ^^“ haudred ar.d,iwenty-uvu
JSzxrMM ^ ** ^ hi ”
R M°ill d, i'webv instructed, to ours are m
be, and he is hereby ins! ructea, to — a
"S'cS?3 *»** 5» »» e
dollars be appropriated to me use
■-USI or «#«W!!"J5SJ'»a.
.5 Kestit, Buo. S r B “it , Si!er'iw"r.
egtam, Hardem«& Sparks,^ Q . ]mor ^
£rtw A Huff, N S Prudbn.JG GO
thousand aouam r-vrried.
the'Soldier's Wayside Home. Cameo.
Aid. Collins moved that the price of badg
for dogs be two dollars, and that the Tre ““ *
er pay the officers for killing the same, one dol-.
lar. Carried.
OaH Co. Geo. A. Mcllhenny, 1
H^d“»h a Jr, i:
Manufacturing Oo. and John Ucyie.
• Council then adjourned^.^
^ We are requested to call lUo ^
of the militia officers to the order otCo). Holt |
in.another column, * “ J ‘
hVm^ out to
sure of th«ir
thto- ’ ^_
yrom the tame, June M- WalkeiC—^Kirby
dashed upon th *L^ltT/Monday, and captured
SSKltl® co - ie -
ment of wagoners, provisions, etc.
of manv of his owh party, who ye
beginning to accuse him of a wautqi backbone.
\lto-oiher the signs fn the Northern sktes
‘ v,rta!-i' ning and should wo bo enabled to
hold ourownlt Vicksburg, they'will eontin-
Memphi* Appeal ^
Administrator’s Sale.
. ^f-Dvdinonf nf UnURaOriy
PurtlD? desiring to oorch^eagood cakand hickory
plantation wonlddo well to attend. ^ q jttjbT,
Administrator ot A. d lisnsou
Albany. Ga., April S.i.h.l^i^ ’• —"•*
"plantation for sale: in
May ykh,1853.
r Spring Creek, CalbounCount|r. 6.
IS,828a Acres of Land.
/5t» of land .a » will )>c sold on tlmt anv, at pub-
m the efty oi Al-
lie.outcry at tho of public *
b A?;>llcMioacan be made to u» by letter
Curko O-iamyTcf H more convenient pcrfoimU,,
Uoa. O. O. spark*. Macon. j - -
* J. B. JONitif, l]£xccutore.
* ^ • .. * H.W..K>NJiS, f
• • m - W.B#ONB>W . ^
Herndon, liarheTCounty, May 4'.h. m
County. Ho. D18.AC-*. «—■''-
- ' r /jf
: * <
iU u.i, r - J- r n ir Udren recentty'bAniebcd^from ShAuguBtine.the
Many nave app-- surrender if not
Vicksburg^ would have the gcarcity 0 f
speedily reheved on awo t^ officer who
ptovisions- But weie to Gen.
has just arrived, ortngi g p ^ ^ next
Johnston tiiat bomifafffi_ as an evidence,
1 sixty dkya are
ty-eix year, of age. Mr. '*“ daughters
Buffington wwde^ned^ Ucid) tbe family
I of e yr! Buffington were not allowed to communicate
lod Beeves. W hi deliver the beel ready
BmltUvffiejon 8. W. It. K. TU07dA: ( T. gLI-ISON.
gunny bagging.
^ Bales ttonny Bagging lor sale ^e^. pKAK3 .
j line lft—d-f_
Wanted to Hire,
rpv. KNTV Hegro Laborer*. Apply !o Mr. J. h
1 acting Masrer Arererer, C^b. Armory.
Macon, Ga., J on« IS,
— «
4Ul 8 HA!
7 31 250
31 It 3W
913 M 380
•..,1 14 3M
: Hi 2Vi
IB 330
. 1 Hart (J,
Ho. D'.r. Ac’*.
VI W 230
--■J id 360
SiJ -SO 360
M 7 202«
‘..8 n
SM to
au i-> w«
13 SOU
13 73
357 13 81Ji
SSI 1 330
;-,7 4 250
117 4 251)
213 4 ‘330
los r. 2---J
w to s-JM
177 4 St.-.
4‘ib ' 8 t l 'l
30“ u 4tl
-Ji7 11 4I*>
; r- v v
4 IS soi.c;
;103 IS 3i>;>4
' .9 23(1)-
114 9 s!e
11s « sso
35 10 980
,-q. 13 230
36 18 36
178 36 330
9T9 30 23°
•xl 3 9 980
2SI 10 9D3X
. It3 IB 2 -2M
«S 16 S02W
■ ;x3 HI 50/v
53 IS S02X
29 HI »(J»
300 * 3011*
&4 3 202»
(vt 19. SOSjf
*15 21 SOI*
121 17
303 17 250
.. 315 17 250
Twiggs, 190 28 202*
Wayne, S«l 1
W.lkersoa, si »
aui tB S02X'