Newspaper Page Text
January 1995-National BLACK MONITOR
Executive Committee of AOIP's
Community-Bullding Councll
Ms. Eva Ray Allen, mmmdu;uv. Mel
m‘?’d.‘fl'."i'sz Nphls&\lc Aa%m Frateroly: Wi Ovels
Davis; Mr. Thomas Dortch Jr., Councll of N&\d Alumn|
Associations; Rev. Walter Fauntroy, National Black Leader
ship Roundtable; Dr. Eva L. Evans, Aipha Kappa Alpha
Sorority; Ms. Jylla Moore Foster, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority; Mr.
C. Tyrone Giimore Sr., Omega Psi Phi me AOIP
Administrative Co-Chairperson; Mr. John Goss, Elks of
the World; Dr. Earl Gray, President, Community Mwm
inc.; Ms. Corine Green, Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority;
Haden, Esq., National Association of Women Attorneys; Ms.
Mildred Harpole, Eumsusm“mm é&
K.fp- Alpha Psl Fratemity; Ms. Hombuckle,
Phi Lambda Sorority; Dr. Ada Jackson, Special Coordinator;
Dr. %von Lewis, Special Coordinator; Rev. Ml&m
W Doreey My, i Psi Phi Fratemty: Or. Ophella
Ir. s ) Or,
Dovmwl, sfi‘ Coordinator; Mvmc'wd Nero,
M'dthflhKflpg:' ib' 'w"wé.excu
Coordinator; Dr. William lud.%; James Purdy,
Esq,, lal Coordinator; Dr. Bertha Roddey, Delta Sigma
Theta ; Dr. Caivin Rolark, AOIP's (b#ounduz‘&-
abler; Hon. Willlam Pratt, AEAON&#: Shrine; Ms. Annie
Lee Smith, National Women of Achievement and AOIP's
Administrative Co-Chairperson; Mr. Gerald Smith, National
Daughter svi"'nmafk William &anby‘.‘n.' Phi E.'?."s".;"""
; Mr. b ma
Fratemity; Or. Marie Stelios, Top Ladles of Distinction; Dr.
Leon Sullvan, AOIP's Co-Fomdlanmbbv; Dr.Ozell Sutton,
Chairman, Community Mativators, nc:m.mmm
National Association of Noq_m Business &
Women's Clubs; Dr. Lynette Taylor, Ugmd Education
Task Force; Mr. Solomon Wallace; Dr. Wiison, IBPO
Elks d?ouv.lald; mmwm National mm
mflmd Woods, Conference of Grand Masters, Prince Hall
AOIP COmnflno And Carrlers
Alken Tribune fla o
“Atlrta Paoples Crusader GA)'
4 Metro Star
.Bakersfield Observer
’ Fine Print
] Post Group (CA)
.Carolina Tribune Group %
Charleston Coastal Times
'o-mé N-umny m
.Columbia South Carolinian
.Columbus Times %
.Columbia Tribune
.Cordele Southeastem News (GA)
Decatur Voice P ™
.East St Louis Monitor (L)
.Eutaw Green Democrat (AL)
FortMyuH:avmlyVob- Fv
Fort Pierce Chronicie (FL)
Fort Wi Frost lllustrated (IN)
m-npsrbmn Herald (IN)
.MM‘»@&FMP«Q Fu
.Las Vegas Sentinel (NV)
LA Observer (CA)
.Little Rock Arkansas State Press (AR)
-Lubbock Southwest Digest (TRN)
.Memphis Mid-South Express
.Monroe Free Press (LA)
:NnMdE-uh:Gmhrm (1Y)
“New beria Acadiana Ebony Joumal (LA)
: O{y Ebony Tribune (OK)
M&"fimmm B 0
'm&omv%u Valley (L)
Pomug:h cun(:n’m America Newspaper (VA)
Providence American (Hl)
.Richmond Post (CA)
.Rock Hill Tribune (SC)
.St Louis Crusader (MO)
.San Femnando Observer (CA)
.San Francisco Post |
'Splr:nm%m (sC)
‘Twmi Florida Group
Tampa Dollar Stretcher ‘F%
-Washington Informer
.West Palm Beach Florida Photo News (FL)
All of the nwng:roro listed above are considered pub
lishers of the MONITOR. Because of cost limitations in
m:g, we cannot provide MONITORSs for all of ourr'm
Those marked witha bulletare ourpresent ca
The National BLACK MONITOR s the official national interorganizational magazine
of AOIP,* a focus of Community Motivators, Inc. in extending the
Pan-Hellenic and Fraternal networking concept.
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EpitoriaL NOTES
As this is the start of a new year, we
usually concentrate onthe opportuni
ties that are ahead of us as parents,
students, educators, business and
other professionals; church, organi
zational, political, community leaders
and others.
In line with the coming millennium
and the ever-widening global econo
my, our editors decided--for the ben
efit of Black America and America as
a whole-to begin to focus on the
Black leadership-initiated campaign
of “Targeting our dollars towhere they
make the most sense."
This economic development cam
paign--led by the /.B.P.O.Elks of the
World, along with the extremely sup
portive cooperation of the Prince Hall
Masons (including the A.EA.O.N.M.
Shrine *Shriners") and with the overall
direction of AOIP's Long-Range Plan
ningandßesource Identification Com
mittee, headed by the NAACP and the
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.--is so
crucial that The National BLACK
MONITOR will be devoting space in
future issues to the further explora
tion of this subject. Future issues will
also highlight these and other AOIP
organizations' efforts to give priority
* The letters AOIP originally stood for Assault On llliteracy Program--a networking and coordinating framework for assaulting the root causes of illiteracy
(.., lackof self-esteem and self-efficacy). However, two things were soon recognized. One thing nized was that, whenever these root causes were
| assaulted, we simultaneously wereengaged ina processfor assaulting almost allthe otherlis Imm most heavily on the Black community (i.e., drugs,
| other crimes, needless forms of welfare, teen pmnnncy. etc.). The other thing recognized was that it was impossible to assault illiteracy at its
| many Bl.ckAmdcmuwlmMnlmunmoounz. ressing those other llis. That iswhen theamazing and long-needed Goals for The Year 2000 and Beyo:
| (please see Page 5) were developed, and the name changed to Assault On lliiteracy Process, or simply AOIP,
support to those corporations and
othersthat provideßlack Americans
jobs and other economic benefits.
This campaign will start with afocus
on supporting the American car man
ufacturing industry. We invite our
readers to look in upcoming issues of
forthe listings of the Black Automotive
Dealers of the Chrysler Corporation,
the Ford Motor Company and the
General Motors Corporation to see
whereyou can purchase these Amer
ican-made cars and trucks.
The leadership groups of AOIP (and
others) mourn the loss of one of its
Founding Enablers, Dr. Calvin W.
Rolark, who passed away late last
year. Dr. Rolark was also one of the
prime movers to help spearhead this
*Win-Win" focus on how supporting
those corporations that are providing
Black Americans jobs and other eco
nomic benefits enhances our efforts
to have job opportunities for all.
We invite you to read the special
tribute to his good works in next
month's very special memorial issue.
Please support the United Black Fund
AOIP Cooperating Newspapers
and Carriers of the Natlional
Editorial Notes ?
What Is Happening
Nationally 4
AOIP's Indirect Benefactors 5
AOIP's Goals for The Year 2000
and Beyond 5
MONITOR Cover Story.
“Targeting Our sss to Where
They Make the Most Sense--A
~ Black Leadership Campaign” &
Published cooperatively by AOIP publishers under lead
ership of Dr. Calvin W. Rolark. Ms. Jeanne Jason Is the
executive editor and Dr. Betty Mansfield is the managing
editor of the National BLACK MONITOR. National offices
for the National BLACK MONITOR are at 231 West 26th
Street, New York, NY 10001. Telephone (212) 867-4000.
Cover Design: Ariel Michael Design Studio
New Yiork, New York
Cover Photograph courtesy of Black Resources, Inc.
Not responsbile for unsolicited materials.
AOIP's 14th Annual Hallos Fame Com
munity-Building Award Ceremonies
Frldnx, February 24, 1995 from
7:00 PM to 11:00 PM.
AOIP's Annual Board Meetigg:
Saturdw, February 25, 1995 from
8:00 AM to 3:00 PM.
Call Ms. Emille Smith (212) 967-4000
for moreinformationand reservations.
An unprecedented media-based
catalyst successfully has encouraged
and enabled AOIP--an all-volunteer
coalition of over 90 of the most influ
ential, national leadership groups in
Black America (with a membership
and family reach of more than 16
million deeply concerned consumer
citizens) for the first time ever--to 1)
begin working together in a coordi
nated way to eradicate the ‘root
causes" of a broad range of illiteracy
related "ills," and 2) start rewarding
those corporations, with vastly in
creased and guaranteed sales ac
tion, which utilize AOIP's supporting
newspapers and the National BLACK
MONITOR on a regular and consis
(Continued on Page 5)