Newspaper Page Text
January §, 1995 AUGUSTA FOCUS
Elementary SChOOI kids g t
special gifts from astr t
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U.S. Space Camp alumnus Sylvester Jamail Larkins (Ist row,
2nd from right) poses with his fifth-grade class at Jamestown
Elementary School. The students are holding pictures sent to
them by astronaut Marsha lvins, of her and her crew mates at
Johnson Space Center in Houston, Tex. The two types of
Python team pulls its weight in East Point
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Sharon Denson
E Get Your Year Off To A Productive Start! Take A Gourse
FREE Badminton Clinic
Scuba For Beginners
Basic Bicycle Maintenance
Kayaking Basics
American Pocket Billiards
Adult Fitness
Reggae Aerobics
Hatha Yoga I, m
T'Ai Chi Quan
Basic Self Defense
“White Collar Boxing” Level 1
Phenomenal Abdominals
Fit As A Fiddle Atter Fifty
Fitness Evaluation Service
Water Walking
Aerobic Walking
Beginning & Intermediate Shag
Dance to the Bebop Music From
' the 'sos
Country Line Dances
Body and Spint African Dance
Basic Line Dancing
Basic Coumz and Westem Dance
Adult Social Ballroom Dancing
Creative Arts
Introduction to Stained Glass
Advanced Stained Glass
Sampler Quilt
Discover Rubber Stampingl
Wood Cacvin?
Decorative Tile Painting
Pine Needle Basketry
Make Your Own Headbands, Barrettes
and Hair Combs
“Fancy an&'Egg Basket
Quick Easy Baskets
An Actor's Workshop
Lamps From “Found” Objects
Portrait Photography
Literary Arts
‘Women Writers
Creative Writing
Literary Images of Love
Humor in America, 1870-1940
‘Books of Note: Celestine Prophecy
NO ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS _ Augusta College is an affirmative action/equal opportunfty institution. VISA & MASTERCARD ACCEPTED
East Point, Ga. Several
members of Augusta’s Python
Power Team recently competed
in the Georgia state drug-free
power lifting championships.
In the ladies’ division, Karen
Kirkpatrick squatted 145
pounds, bench pressed 105 and
dead lifted 275 pounds on her
way to winning the 123-Ib. class.
Heaving up a state record of
335 pounds, Suprina “Shae Shae”
Denson dominated the 148-
pound class. Coupled with a 120-
pound bench press and a 270-
pound squat, Ms. Denson not only
Art Appreciation
Anrt History |
Concert Goer's Guide o Classical Music
How to Coliect At
Saturday Aftemoon Movies With the
History of Architecture
A Survey of the History of Augusta
An Evemn'g In Greece
Mi%reau'on outes: The Key to the
ttlement of America
Pioneers of Rnythm and Blues
The Amencan Civil War
Who Are You And Where Are You
Going? 7?
Making the Most of Memory
Stress and Self Esteem
Couples Communicatiuns and
Solutions Workshop
Bridge Basics
Treasure Hunting
“Piano Magic” Play By Ear
Intermediate Bridge
Mistake - Proot Skin Care & Cosmetics
Visit to Heggie's Rock
How To's
Choosing the Right Spa Vacation for You
Your Video Camera
Introduction to Massage
Creative Memories
Help Flndinr a Summer Job
Fun Collecting Antiques
Intenor Design |, Il
Budget Doeonflng
Redecorate Your Porch or Patio . . . Using
Your Own Sowing:iwhino
Redecorating Your Bexiroom With Sheets
...Using Your Own Sewing Machine
Real Estate
Personal Real Estate
How to Finance a Mouse
How to Buy a House
How to Sell a House
How to Buy HUD and VA “Repo® homes
French, Spanish, italian, Russian,
Mandarin Chinese
English As A Second L.anguage
decais represent the two missions Ms. lvins has accomplished,
and the pictures that sport them have been with her in space.
Jamail aspires to become an astrophysicist or an astronomer.
His teacher, Mrs. Virginia Robinson (right) and his principal, Dr.
Rose S. Ishmal, are included in the picture.
won First Place, but also the Fe
male Best Lifter award.
Sixteen-year-old David
“Drano” Jones had abadday, but
managed to dead lift 335 pounds
and squat 280 to capture the
teenage division.
With a team record 445-pound
dead lift, Lee “Prince” Cross won
the 165-pound class. Cross
benched 240 pounds and squat
ted 375 pounds.
A 350-pound bench press pro
pelled Lewis “Da Juice” Bruce to
victory in the 198-pound class. A
525-pound squat put Bruce ahead
Beginning Cake Decorating
Cake Decorating - Beyond the
Low-Fat, Low-Salt Healthy
E"'mw"“'“ Ebies
ntertaini i
Goumet, Natural Food Cuisine
Dads and Kids Cooking School
Masters Entertaining - For the
Health of It
Heart-Healthy Valentine Dinner
for Two
Vegetable Gardening
Landscape Management
Orchid Culture
Gardening Under Lights
Vegetable Gardening With Children
Keyboarding Basics |, Il
Introduction to Windows
Introduction to Computers
Computer Literacy in One Weekend
Co ot ldt for S
mputer Literacy for Seniors
Advanced Graphics Workshop
Quattro Pro
Introduction to Power Point
Word and Excel Mini-course
Word Perfect for DOS
Desktop Publishing and Graphics Mini
Corel Draw Workshop for Beginners
Pagemaker Workshop for Beginners
Adobe Photoshop for Beginners
Using Y%ur Hand Scanner
Computer Secu
Using PuehtrnMXwounfing
Mm? Your Business, Not Just Your
ls’:rrofl Module
es and lnvoldn%gnoduio
Invm and Job Costing Module
Pu ing and Payment Module
Payroll Taxes and Accounting
Basic Accounting
Evaluating Accounting Software
Management Accounting
and he never looked back.
Said Coach Tee Meyers, “I was
very proud of the Python lifters,
and I'm sure we will put on a
good show for the Augusta com
munity in January.”
Meyers refers to the Python
Bench Press, Dead lift and Two-
Man Dead Lift Championships,
to be held at Butler High School
onJanuary 22. Call 790-3806 for
All members of the Python
Power Team compete in only
drug-free competitions are test
ed for steroids at each meet.
Planning for Retirement
Legal and Tax Implication of Living in
'wo States
Investing for Beginners
Immediate Investng
Professional Development
Home-Based Business: A Series
Home-Based Business Symposium and
Business Writing
Desi'?nmg and Delivenng
Effective Training Programs
Secunty Management for Small Businesses
Health and Safety
Medical Terminology |l
Care for the Caregiver
Understanding and Managing Patients
with Dementia
Exploring Living Arrangements for Area
Nutntion In Health and Diseases
Standard First Aid - Amencan Red Cross
Dnvers' Education Certificates Program
Speed Reading
Intermediate Composition
Kaplan MCAT Review Course
Kaplan LSAT Review Course
Kaplan SAT Review Course
Young People
Wizard Waellnitz and the World of
More Wizard Wellnitz
Fun With Balloons
Clown Circus
Study Skills For Middle School Students
Kids Magic
A Winter Wonderland of Math and
Campfire Cooking
Social Graces for Young People
Kids' Fun Foods
Go Figure
Creative Kids Parties
Danforth new assistant vice
president of Express Personnel
By Rhonda Y. Maree
After lending advice to many
small businesses on how to grow
and profit, Robin Danforth is
putting her advice to the ulti
mate test,
A former marketing consult
ant with the CSRA Business
League where she counseled cli
ents on how to start, save or
expand a business, Ms, Danforth
is currently assistant vice presi
dent of Express Personnel and
the Walker Group.
“Before, I assisted businesses
in all aspects, but it was up to
them to implement the plans,”
she said. “Now, I have the oppor
tunity to apply my skills and
accept the challenge of making a
business grow.
“It makes a difference to me,
and I'm able to get more out of it
because a lot of what happens is
up to me,” the Augusta native
A 1986 graduate of Augusta
College with a bachelor’s degree
in business administration, Ms.
Danforth said she has a lot to
offer Express Personnel, a tem
porary employment agency that
hasbeen in operation since 1987.
“I bring with me my back
ground in business development,
my creativity, my motivation and
my willingness to make this
work,” she said confidently.
“I know there’s a lot of compe
tition out there, and being a mi
nority business, I feel we have to
always work harder.
“It takes a lot of determination
to be successful at anything
you're going to do in life, and I'm
determined to make this busi
ness work,” she said.
In addition to providing em
ployers with competent, tempo
rary help, Express Personnel
also handles employee payroll
and billing.
Ms. Danforth said the compa-
New military I.D. cards
just may be foolproof
By Patrick E. Franklin
Signal staff writer
Fort Gordon, Ga.
The Department of Defense is
movingintothe scanner age. The
new DOD Real Time Automated
Personnel Identification System
(RAPIDS)is in place at Fort Gor
don and ID cards will never be
the same.
George Jacobs, Personnel Pro
cessing Branch chiefat Fort Gor
don, says “RAPIDS is the out
growth of concerns expressed by
Congress and the General Ac
counting office. There was a
fraud, waste and abuse problem
due to the fact old ID cards were
relatively easy to duplicate or
“The new cards are digitized,
tamper-resistant and machine
readable. There is also a holo
graphiclaminate, as well as check
digits, in the new bar code.”
Jacobs says the mission now is
to let operations supporting the
soldier, such as the Post Ex
change and the Commissary,
know the RAPIDS ID cards look
very different.
“The main thing now is to get
folks acquainted with the new
ID cards. We won’t be making a
mass replacement, so for awhile
we will have both the old and
new cards out there,” Jacobs said.
“Assoldiers’, family members’,
reservists’and retirees’ cards are
replaced through attrition, we’ll
issue them new cards. Sowe want
to let folks know to watch for
both. The colors used on the card
remain the same, green for ac-
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Robin Danforth
ny has much potential, and she
intends to make it realize this
“I like putting things togeth
er,” she said, “and if ] have a task
to do, I make sure it’s accom
In addition to her business ex
pertise, Ms. Danforth is an expe
rienced communicator. She host
ed the community television
show “It’s This Way” for six years,
conducts seminars and writes
promotional copy and news re
This upwardly mobile busi
nesswoman isn’t only concerned
with her personal business suc
cesses, though. She and other
black business women are join
ing forces to form Business La
dies of Distinction, a mentor pro
gram for young black women.
When not busy brainstorming
for ways to improve business,
Ms. Danforth enjoys singing in
her church choir, reading and
She and her husband William
have a 1-year-old daughter,
tive duty personnel, red for re
servists and their families, blue
for retirees and tan for family
members,” Jacobs stated.
“We've already had instances
of the new cards being held by
banks and other organizations
because they thought the new
cards were counterfeit. If a sol
dier uses his new ID card and
someone tries to confiscate it,
they should call the ID card sec
tion (791-3337) and we will help
them deal with the problem,”
Jacobs said.
The new ID card is now pro
duced completely on computer.
The black and white photo,
name, social security number and
other personal information are
printed on the card using a laser
Once the card is laminated
using the new holographic im
ages, it very much resembles a
credit card.
The time associated with re
placing a lost, stolen or outdated
ID card should also be reduced.
From the time you enter the ID
card section, and start the pro
cess to replace your card should
be no more than 10 minutes.
Another benefit of the new
RAPIDS ID card is the bar code.
It contains all personal informa
tion about the holder.
Once the system is completely
implemented it can be used for a
wide variety of purposes: aircraft
manifests, drug testing labels,
automated billeting and morale,
welfare and recreational activi
ties are just a few of the possible