Newspaper Page Text
September 28, 1995 AUGUSTA FOCUS
Black Baptist leader opposes million-man march
(AP) A prominent black Baptist
leader denounced next month’s pro
posed march of a million black men
in Washington, and criticized the
Rev.Jessedackson for supportingit.
The Rev. Henry J. Lyons accused
Jackson of telling “a big, giantlie”by
leading people to believe Baptist
leaders supported the march. Lyons
said it would be hypocritical to join
Nation of Islam leader Louis
“Don’t say I'm with it when I'm
not,” said Lyons, president of the 7.8
million-member National Baptist
Convention, USA, Inc. “We're talk
ing a big, giant lie here.”
Jackson said late Wednesday that
he had tried to persuade Lyons, the
Florida campaign manager for his
1988 presidential campaign, to join
themarch asaco-sponsorand speak
er. He also apologized for having
previously said Lyons’ group wasin
favor of the march.
“Tam Rev. Lyons’ friend and sup
porter,” Jackson said by telephone
from Brussels, Belgium. “As a mat
ter of fact we talked twice yesterday,
and I thought we had an under
National Baptist Convention lead
ers decided three weeks ago not to
getinvolved in the march because of
theological differences, said Lyons,
who lives in St. Petersburg. The
organization is based in Nashville,
Eleanor Workman to be honored
Whole Life Ministries, 2661
Washington Road, will host
Eleanor Workman Appreciation
Day on Sunday, October 8, 1995,
at 3:00 p.m. “Mom” Workman is
President and founder of Chris
tian Haiti Outreach. She is Au
gusta’s missionary to Haiti.
In 1971, Eleanor Workman left
her beautiful home in California
and a successful career to follow
theleading ofthe Lord. Although
shehad served the Lord formany
years and had become quite well
known for her music ministry,
Eleanor’s heart was stirred by
the tremendous needs of some of
the world’s poorest people in the
Bethel African Methodist
Episcopal Church
623 Crawford Avenue
Augusta, Georgia 30904
Rev. Larry W. Hudson, Sr. Pastor
Office: (706) 736-4060
Sunday Wednesday
9:30 Sunday School 7:00 Bible Study
11:00 Worship Service
;, Williams Memorial
"~ CM.E. Chmpch
Rev. Alex R. King
1630 Fifteenth St. Augusta, GA 30901
(706) 733-9430
Sunday: Sunday School 9:30 a.m.
Worship Service 11:00 a.m.
Ist Sunday Evening 6:30 p.m.
Wed: Praise Bible Study 7:00 p.m. ‘
Thurs: Senior Services 10:00 a.m.
Day Care
Center: 6:45 am.-5:30 p.m. -
6:00 p.m. -
Augusta Focus will gladly print information
about meetings, programs, classes and other
local events. Call 724-7855 or fax 724-6969.
Farrakhan organized the Oct. 16
males-only march with Benjamin
Chavis, ousted director of the Na
tional Association for the Advance
ment of Colored People.
Farrakhan has described it as a
“dayofatonement”when blackmen
will accept responsibility for their
actions and “seek God’s forgiveness
fornotfulfilling theirroles as fathers
and caretakers of the family.”
Jackson announced his support
Friday, one day after meeting with
Farrakhan and receiving assuranc
es that the march would be broad
based and ecumenical.
Lyons said he won't be pressured
by Jackson to join. “I'm not getting
any pressure from anyone else in
the United States,” Lyons said.
“What is he? Is he the broker for
blacks in this country? I doubt that
seriously. He’s not the broker for my
A number of other black religious
organizations and leaders have en
dorsed Farrakhan’s plans, includ
ing the African Methodist Episcopal
Churchandtheßev.Joseph Lowery,
president of the Southern Christian
Leadership Conference.
Also Wednesday, Farrakhan
moveda Dallasspeechrallying sup
port forthemarchtoaßaptistchurch
after a court refused tolet him usea
high school.
An appeals court stayed State Dis
trict Judge John Marshall’s order,
but it was too late for the local Mil
tiny nation of Haiti. With little
money and no financial backing,
Eleanor moved to Haiti and be
gan what has become a nation
wide ministry.
C'HO is now home to over 100
orphaned children, many of
whom are sick. In addition tothe
orphanage, CHO provides school
ing and meals for over 500 chil
dren daily, a monthly medical
clinie for the impoverished com
munity and offers free clothing
and food to many of the very
poorest. Over the past 25 years,
Eleanor has personally trained
over 150 pastors and started
churches throughout Haiti. CHO
Spil‘it Church News
lion-Man March Organizing Com
mittee to return to the campus. A
resident sued the Dallas Indepen
dent School District, saying the $250
charge listed for a high school audi
torium on the district’s fee schedule
represented an hourly rate.
The district earlier had agreed to
charge a Nation of Islam organizing
committee SIOO for four hours’ use
of a classroom.
SCLC backs Farrakhan’s
Washington march
(AP) The Southern Christian
Leadership Conference has
thrown its support behind Na
tion of Islam leader Louis
Farrakhan’s march in Wash
ington next month.
The Atlanta-based civil rights
organization decided to back
the controversial Muslim min
ister’s “Million-Man March” be
cause of the severe crisis facing
American black men, said
SCLC President dJoseph
“While we have serious dif
ferences of opinion with Minis
ter Farrakhan on theological,
doctrinal and political issues,
we nevertheless share his con
is financed solely by the generos
ity of members of the Body of
Christ around the world who
have found this precious servant
of God to be a faithful and trust
worthy steward. Formanyyears,
area churches have supported
Eleanor and CHO with financial
Several churches have sent
mission teams to Haiti to help
“Mom” in the orphanage. Some
of these teams have held conven
tions for Haitian pastors, train
ing sessions, revivals and have
provided bibles and educational
materials. Others have provid
ed much needed help with con
]:[ cfilfl) €er ]llcfil@l ©
Baptist Church
Dr. C.S. Hamilton, Minister
1223 Laney-Walker Blvd.
Augusta, Ga. 30901
Church School 9:30 A.M. * Morning Worship 11
A.M. Broadcast Hour (WTHB 1550) * Nursery,
Kindergarten Open « Bible Study-Tues. 6 P.M.
Prayer Mecting Tues. 7 P.M. Dais; Kindergarten
Services 7 A.M. to 5 P.M.
We Invite You To ]E
Dr. Sam Davis, pastor
TELEPHONE: (706) 724-1086
Sunday Services at 7:45 a.m., 11:00 a.m., and 7:30 p.m.
Baptist Training Union (8.T.U.) at 6:00 p.m. Sunday
Sunday School at 9:30 Sunday morning
Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, and 9:30 a.m. Saturday
Prayer Service at 11:00 Saturday morning
Thirty-five Christian Ministries
All Services Are Bible-based and Holy Spirit-led
Marshall ruled the district does
not have the right to give away the
use of public property or to disobey
their own rules.
“It’s so silly, you know?”
Farrakhan said in his speech at
New Hope Baptist Church. “You
grant a restraining order so we
can’t go to the school. Do you
think you can really stop (us) by
such silly actions?”
cerns about the need for spiri
tual awakening and a stronger
role for black men in strength
eningthe black family,” Lowery
said Friday.
The accord came after
Farrakhan met with Lowery,
the Rev. Jesse Jackson, Al
Sharpton, Benjamin Chavis
and other black leaders Thurs
day in Chicago to iron out de
tails of the Oct. 16 march.
Farrakhan traveled to Atlan
ta two weeks ago seeking sup
port from the SCLC and the
family of Martin Luther King
Jr.,wholed the civil rights group
until his death. The visit failed
to garner any firm commit
struction and repairs. One team
which included several medical
personnel, purchased measles
vaccine and immunized several
hundred children because of a
measles outbreak.
Eleanor Workman is a woman
whose love for God and for His
children’ has not only touched
the nation of Haiti but has done
much to unite members of the
Body of Christ all around the
world. Churches of various de
nominations and ethnic back
grounds have come together to
join her in the fight against igno
rance, spiritual blindness, pov
erty and disease.
Special Events
B Elim Baptist Church’s, 2359 Mt. Auburn Ave., Clothing
Ministry isin operation. Items will be available on Thursdays. For
information on donations of clothing or if you know of someone who
is in need, contact Mrs. Annie Walker at (706) 736-3209.
M The Clyde Hill Sr. Gospel Choir of the Mount Calvary Baptist
Church, 1260 Wrightsboro Road, is sponsoring a “Spiritual Revolu
tion in Song” concert on Sunday, October 1, at 5:00 p.m. Come and
receive a spiritual blessing as the combined voices of The Lincoln
County Mass Choir, The Lofton, Springfield, and E. L. Handberry
Gospel Choirs of Wrens, GA, The F. H. Hart Male Chorus, The E. A.
Moss, and The Clyde Hill Sr. Gospel Choirs magnify the name of the
Lord in song! Meet them at the place with a smile on your face. Rev.
Clyde Hill Sr., pastor.
B The Harmony Baptist Church, 930 Hopkins Street, will hold
their Annual Revival Services Monday through Thursday, October
2 -5, beginning at 7:30 p.m. nightly. Guest evangelist for the week
will be the Rev. Arthur D. Sims Sr., pastor of the Fellowship Baptist
Church in Orlando, FL. Theme for the week will be “There is Room
at the Cross.” All are invited to attend. Pastor is Rev. Antonio L.
B The Second Mt. Moriah Baptist Church, 1404 Brown St.,
will hold their Annual Women’s Day Celebration on Sunday, Octo
ber 15, at 3:00 p.m." Speaker will be Dr. Yvonne Shaw, Director of
Education at Paine College. Pastor is Rev. Andy Thornton.
B The Good Hope Missionary Baptist Church, 710 East
Cedar Street, will celebrate its 90th Church Anniversary on Sunday,
October 1, at 2:30 p.m. Guests will be the Rev. John Brightharp and
the Flint Baptist Church of Greenwood, SC. Dr. Johnny R. Hatney
is pastor.. Everyone is invited.
B The members of Moses Baptist Church will honor their
pastor, Rev. Dr. Milton Key, on his 10th anniversary with a Banquet
of Love on Friday, Ocotober 13 at the North Augusta Community
Center at 495 Brookside Avenue. The 7:00 p.m. banquet tickets are
sls, with a charge of $4.50 for children ages 6 - 10. The 10th
Anniversary will be Sunday, October 15, at 2:30 p.m. Guests will be
Rev. A.C. Settles and the St. Peter Baptist Church. The public is
invited to attend. For tickets or more information, please call Sister
Dorothy Williams at 790-1964 or the church at 724-9502.
B A Prayer Breakfast sponsored by the Greater Augusta Alumni
Association of Allen University will be held at the Bethel African
Methodist Episcopal Church at 623 Crawford Avenue in Augus
ta. The breakfast will be held on Saturday, October 7at 9:00 a.m.
Donation is $4.00. Guest speaker will be Mrs. Beverly Clyburn,
Councilwoman, city of Aiken. For more information, call 738-2160.
Day Care
B The Old Storm Branch Day Care Center is now accepting
applications for after-school enrollment. Contact Eleanor Johnson,
M-F, at 279-6163 between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
Worship With Us
B Second Mt. Moriah Baptist Church, 1404 Brown St., Augus
ta, will have Sunday morning worship services at 9:30 a.m. for
Sunday School and 11:00 a.m. for Sunday worship services. Wednes
day evening services will be 7:00 p.m. prayer services and 7:30 p.m.
Bible study. The Rev. Andy Thornton is pastor.
B Zion Fair Missionary Baptist Church, Aiken, SC, will begin
Sunday morning worship service at 9:30 a.m. for Sunday School and
10:45 a.m. for worship service. The message will be delivered by the
pastor, Rev. Bruce Wright. Bible study is held every Wednesday
night at 7:00 p.m.
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I Would Like T'o Welcome You To
Faith Christian
- Church
...Where our main purpose is to educate the believ
ers of the CSRA in the principles of faith, in their
authority as a believer, and who they are in Christ.
- Come to experience the life-changing power of
the Word of God and learn how to live victoriously
in Christ.
Pastor Curtis A. Merriweather
' Faith Christian Church
. m . 1880 Alabama Road
‘!1.,% P Augusta, Georgia
B 2 722-8665
Sunday Worship Service 11 a.m.
Uniting Mankind
One Heart at a Time
Watch Baha'i TV programs on
social and contemporary issues:
Sundays at 10:30 a.m.
For more information, call
863-9498. :