Augusta focus. ([Augusta, Ga.]) 198?-current, September 23, 1999, Page 4B, Image 20

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S RSe S S S T T 4§ 1 SIS ST o 2 R o Po 3 R B A By i o i - ' s S g Gt R < g | Pearls, girls! Here’s the latest on the original fashion basic Origins. Shimmery pearls form when a foreign object gets trappedin a mollusk’s body (the thin tissuejustinside the shell), either naturally or, as in a cul tured pearl, by design. To re duce theirritation, the mollusk coatstheintruder withlayers of a smooth coating called nacre. The layers eventually envelop theirritant, resultingin an opal escent pearl. : Because each is a product of nature, like snowflakes, notwo pearls are alike. The nacre can range in color — from white to bldck! — and size; some South Sea pearls grow to be the width of & quarter. Eyeing the prize. Theinner gldw and surface shine of a pearl crdate its luster, which should be| your number-one priority wHen shopping. Rule: the sharperthe reflection of lightin the pearl, the higher its luster. Se¢ond priority? Surface. High quality cultured pearls have no discernable dimples or spots, and the rounder they are, the pricier. All of these attributes — plus size —affect a pearl’s final cost. The size of a pearl is measured by diameter in millimeters; one millimeter can increase the price by 30 percent to 50 per cent. Surprisingly, the creamy hue of a pearl usually does not affect its value simply because most pearls undergo color en hancement —the exception For help with wedding details, visit Augusta Focus advertisers! - WE MAKE SURE ~ WEDDING GUESTS | exactly what the brede ARE COMPLETELY ——arnd, groomn are rnoti—— AT EASE. Jet L yows guests zz/,)v al GJozagya/*a/; where Mg ’%/*{*fl{é// relazx, with amendies ke a éma/y&r& égfifi and @ SLOUNNNUNG /500/ lo flaz« arowund ie. Gall rnow; and wel set aside a block ’_o/f"/'ow;w; Tt one less t/a)yjow’%/z(w& to-woryy about. X )Uli‘?:/'tßl ) L % ‘i::;. s @JM/” 5 J , o L 'THE HOTEL DESIGNED BY BUSINESS TRAVELERS'™ i Located at 1045 Stevens Creek Road, Augusta, Ga. 30907, = $49 to $59. Call 706-737-3737 or 1-800-321-2211. being the highly valued and more expensive South Sea and Tahitian pearls— and the color will not fade over time. Beforebuying a strand, make sure the pearls are well matched. Buy strands strung on silk with knots between each pearl to assure that they do not ruband,shouldthe strand break, that all pearls are not lost. Aisle style. What'’s big (lit erally!) this year? The large and sassy South Sea pearl in rings, drop earrings and soli taire necklaces. Delicate Akoya pearl chokers in either single or double strands and triple strand Akoyabracelets are also a snazzy twist on the demure classics. Wedding wear. To pair pearls with your dress, think neckline: Collars, chokers or pendant-length princess strands work best with V-neck, scoop, sweetheart and boatneck styles. High-collared gowns call for a longer matinee or operalength. If you’re wearing your hair up, look for an eye-catching clasp as well. Take care, now! Don your pearls only after applying makeup, perfume and hair spray. Clean by lathering in creamy soap; rinseimmediately and dry gently with a soft towel. Store in a plastic bag separate from other jewelry — pearls scratch easily! Have strand necklaces restrung every one to two years, and never wear to bed, in the shower or while swimming. AUGUBLA FOUUD - EXYOUISITE 5 LIMOUSINES “A Stylistic Approach to Fine Transportation” ? D)) [P NOS P I g 3,5)3/’" | 5555 TN Certe 1/ 2 ) P7i 144 A The Band ) p L) “Music 4 All People” % P i iéf Weddimes & Special Occasions /\/fi\ 0 Soul, R&B, Jazz, Shag - N ) For Info: Call (706)823-07 33 : or(706) 860-2291 . Looking for Augusta Focus newspaper racks in your area but can’t find them? Call (706) 724-7867 and find out where you can find the next nearest rack. (706) 869-0034 4 WEDDINGS ¥ CORPORATE TRAVEL 4 ANY SPECIAL OCCASION - Gallery & Accessories "=, 956 Broad Street wi A _ (706)722-9800 R *A Complete Line of Wedding Accessories s E=———W * Invitations* Gift sets for Groomsmen il O *Cake Toppers ' ! B=—4* Flower Girl Baskets * Knife Sets : The AumtafmcMoqd County Fire Rescue has ~ awarded the Augusta Focus the 1999 Media Phoenix Award for Community Service ; The Marion Hatcher Center Reception and Conference Center ; # Now Available A, WY g SR | o ) 3333353 (offeer (706 8252358 trag 20 ) Specializing in Receptions, Banquets and Conferences Begin new married life on the right track. Share a subscription to the AUGUSTA FOCUS. Then look through the issues to find store blrgcins to shop for together. Then check through the TV listings for pro grams to \;nch | together. ' The Perfect Match NATIONWIDE GIFT REGISTRY e " 7 o 2 i el .., | 1 P" N e i i ur gift Registry is nation wide and online - s your friends and family across town, or across the country, can easily select the perfect gift. _ Register for the gifts of your dreams, including the finest names in china, small appliance and home furnishings from such famous makers as Noritake", Mikasa", Lenox", Villeroy & Boch*, Oneida", Krups®, Kitchen Aid", Martex", Croscill”, Royal Velvet*, Laura Ashley®, & more. - We offer hand-held scanners for your convenience. Meet with a Personal Consultant in select stores nationwide. Or call our National Gift Registry Consultants toll free to request our Gift Registry Catalog. When you register, you'll recieve a special gift. For more information and o request your free Gift Registry . : Catalog (item TAOO2-3077) please call ' 1-800~JPC-~GIFT (1-800-527-4438) gl i’ JCPenney’ ~ Augusta Mall Vi b ovilne registry al wwsnicoplittoni -/ /' B 1090; JC Pexiep Conpony i,