Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1924-current, September 26, 1924, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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f; Cfj v T" y y y T f ..... t y y y iy T " , T '.,y.^,.. T yf V ? y y 'T' y _ V _ V T *6 y 'T T . aaifftss ' '• Ml ale of til j P.t ' III :. . 1 feft'S . M ;' ft, fc | :. . • f• ’<*> ■ ■ a. m ■ 4 . ;< » * Ml I gSftftft '".ft. ft"-? . I . ] . '■ ' - . . I ■ft m . I ; ' 13 V mmH ^ . r# ' I ft $8 r ■ . mn 5®$ «■'.*■ - - ■„ i vftt ■■ . ft s ft , Until Tuesday, Sept 30th, 10:30 a.m. on Account of Rain GRIFFIN REALTY CO.. ■ SAVE YOUR TICKETS ON FREE LOT ' ft* -<A \ ? 1 %. A i-. r i *rt ■ GRIFFIN, GA. - .v A d ' A A-i ^ A ^ A ^ LOCAL NEWS ITEMS OF INTEREST HAPPENINGS OF PEOPLE AND EVENTS IN BRIEF FORM TAKING PLACE IN GRIFFIN AND VICINITY QUIET SPOT A spider Wove his silken web Above a lonely door Where he might live and none mo lest, Within a quiet store. The spider throv e; his cozy nest Was full of captive flies. And none ever came to molest— They did not advertise. James Wells. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jones, of Chil Kcothe, O,, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Jones. They are <hi route to Miami, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Kincaid Thomas and young daughter, Sue, have return ed from Dalton after a short visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas. Misses Elizabeth and Caroline Es tes, of Gay, are the guests of their uncle, Robert Otis Crouch. They will be models at the Fashion Show sponsored by the Strickland-Crouch company. Mrs. I. C. Oliff, of Atlanta, a for mer resident of Griffin, spent Thurs day in the city with friends. Mrs. S. K. Kinard was among those from Jackson shopping in Griffin Friday. W. J. Coggins, of Hollins vilie, made a business trip to Grifr’in Fri day. ...... Mrs. Tup Freeman is improving at the Griffin Hospital after a re eent operation. Mrs. R. E. L. Fife, of Fayette ville, was the guest of '"Mrs. J. E. Elder while in Griffin attending the Fashion Show at the Griffin Mer cantile Company Thursday. VlW'IV V »- *v v.VIV.-^ Application for a marriage license was made Thursday by Charles Riv ers and Ada Lucas, both of Spald ing county. Mrs. J. ,T. Flynt left Friday for Gainesville to spend several days with Mr. and Mrs. Rase Banks and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Theo Manley an nounce the birth of a daughter. Both arc doing nicely at the Griffin hospital. Mrs. John Stevens Manley visited friends in Atlanta Friday. Mr. and Mrs. B. K. Carmichael, of Jackson, were visitors to Griffin Thursday. Miss Dorothy Butler, of Marietta, motored down to the Griffin Mercan tile Company’s Fashion Show Thurs day. While in the city, she was the guest of Miss Lucile Jackson. Mrs. Will Bowden has been car* ried to her home at 223 East Broad street after an operation at the hospital. Mrs. J. W. Walden, Mrs. R. C. Butler, Miss Frances Walsh, Miss Florine Jackson and Mr. Ray Par rot, of Atlanta, motored to Griffin Thursday to attend the annual Fash ion Show at the Griffin Mercantile Company. Mrs. Tom Patton, of Hollonsville, spent Friday shopping in Griffin. Mrs. James Smith was among those from Luella shopping in the city Friday. Mrs. W. J. Coggins, of Hollins ville, spent Friday in Griffin shop ping. Miss Miriam Strickland, of Con cord, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Ella Lee Randall. Miss Strickland will be a model at the Fashion Show sponsored by Strickland Crouch company this afternoon and tonight. Miss Anna Persons and Miss Lou ise Wallace, who were the guests of Mrs. Wilbur Barnes Thursday night, spent Friday with Mrs. J, M. Thomas. They returned to Forsyth Friday evening. Miss Mary Wilson, who is attend ing the North Avenue Presbyterian church school in Atlanta, will ar rive tonight to spend the week-end Frederick Wilson. She will have as her guests Misses Helen and Pearl Greynolds, fellow students. with her parents, Col. and Mrs. Julian Griffin, assistant sporting editor of the Atlanta Constitution, spent Friday in Griffin with his mother, Mrs. Harold M. Griffin. Mrs. Paul Beauchamp, of Wil liamson, spent Thursday afternoon in Griffin. Mrs. D. W. Pritchett, of Barnes viile, spent Thursday in Griffin with her mother, Mrs. Henry Bass, and attended the Fashion Show at the Griffin Mercantile company. Miss Willie Drewry, of William son, was among the visitors in the city Thursday. Miss Martha Watson went to New nan Thursday night to spend the week-end With Miss Nellie Gilles pie. 4 i Mrs. W. S. Jones, of Luella, spent Thursday night with her daughter, Mrs. Archie Culpepper. Mrs. Jones was In the city for the Fashion Show at the Griffin Mercantile Com pany. I Mrs. Padgett has returned home after a short visit to the family of W. M. Powell, at New Hope. Mrs. Maggie Powell, of New Hope, has returned home after a short visit to relatives in Griffin. Mr. and Mrs. Duffey McCoy and baby were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Pritchett at Elgin. The annual wiener roast of the GRIFFIN DAILY NEWS the finishing department of the Griffin Manufacturing Company was held Wednesday in honor of W. B. Gannon, overseer, and his son. Ar thur. The roast was held near the Griffin water works. Scraps of J Humor M ,i*i S.V 'W: % v CONVENIENT Mother—Wbat ore you looking so worried about, darling? Daughter—I’m going to a dance nnd I don’t know whether it’s formal or informal, Shall I wear an evening dress? Mother—No, just wrap It up in your pocketbook, and then you can put it on In the dressing room if the dance happens to be formal. A Real Optimist Smith—Blythe is a pretty optimistic Character, I hear. Brown—1 should say so! If he failed In business he’d thank heaven he had his health; If he failed in health, he’d be glad he had his business; and if he failed In both, he’d say there was no use having one without the other. She Might Be a Success There Racing Enthusiast—That's Jlrs. Mur gatroyd—the unluekiest punter I ever met. Her Friend—I’m not surprised. A woman with a figure like hers has no business to go boating in anything less than an ocean liner. A NEW VERSION » V','* 'far t \\ f?Er J) I U Wft 52 Wag®ytiV Papa G. W. Mouse—Who gnawed my favorite cheese? G. W. Mouse—1 cannot tell a lie— I did it with my little teeth! L.a Follette> Disputing Opponents’ c » AN Claims j Says Labor Vote Is His *v>>x d ■ /i 4 i * : n ... 1 i ■ r^w 4'~*i i i I *1 j ii ! 1! >'ftj •>a ) i ii \ m i p-: : ..*■ ■W ■I ' i ■ ‘9 ®;ft : lift tftv X* fissSk : .5= >• i if \ ■ ms ■ r Robert M. Ln Follettc, independent candidate for rfcs*d*Jtt. says that despite claims of Davis and Coohdge managers to ;bc contrary, lie will get a large majority of the labor vote. He is shown in conference in New York with Samuel Gompcrs. presi dent of the American Fedcratso: i of " I “ Coming to Alamo ftft; m W m : V:*^ ■x'ft 'J L 1 m i 4i Rod LaRocque and Vfera Reynolds in Cecil R. DcMille's Production. •Feet of Clay* A Paramount Picture FARMS We are in position to makeloanson farm lands. We also sell farms. Prompt attention to all applications. Griffin Realty Co. W. G* Cartledge, Mgr. it 116 E. Solomon St. Griffin. BUICK 100 % Values New’ Ford Touring. New Hudson Coach. Both cars absolutely brand new at greatly reduced prices. Also good used cars at very low prices. TERMS IF DESIRED > SLATON MOTOR CO. BUICK DEALER 109 East Solomon St. Phone 680 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1*26, DID YOU KNOW THAT— Amethysts are a species of quartz. Brazil has about 30,000,000 in habitants. Thirty-nine states had no lynch ings in 1923. . China is half again as large as HollaftJs consumption of meat is . Algeria is buying more plows in the past. Denmark supplies most of Hol land’s fresh meat. The signet ring of Cleopatra was an amethyst. jr> f YW i T r T y y'try y - y T V ff T T .....VVTT..... T Monday TODAY LeU iof and =* Tuesday if V & a m. t. %■/ 7 . S'” • i * ENEMY’ : SEX" | widj mtiKTie AWH«I IctyXnjg aJAMESCRUZE PRODUC&ON The loveliest of screen hero ines in the jazziest of Broad way-Butterfly pictures. Made by “The Covered Wagon” di rector from the famous novel, “The Salamander. M Added FOX NEWS Hal Roach Phfltfgcture fl*King<ftMU Horse uV • A You’ll Like Our Three-Piece Orchestra i iiiia «• mi | In a Hurry to Get His Mil REPAIRING Shoes Fixed Before Fall I. He knows that rainy weather is not far off and he wants to be prepared with shoes that don’t leak. We will make those old shoes look like new and save juM you from buying a new pair. ALL WORK GUARANTEED W. E. POWELL 106 West Solomon St. (Rear Ward’s Pharmacy) it The Enemy Sex 00 ' A Good Picture The enemy is the male sex, ac cording to James Cruxe’s latest production, “The Enemy Sex, ft which» showed last night at the Alamo and will be seen again to r night. Pretty Betty' Compson is featured in the film, which as an adaptation of Ow e n Johnson’s novel and s tage play, “The Salamander. tl It is a story of how a girl goes to New York armed with beauty and wit and makes a large percen tage of the male population in the metropolis pursue her. She plays with fire but is not burned and it t all ends happily. USE NEWS AND SUN WANT ADS JACKIE AS ■fti §j|i| THE KING X GF THE 'M SOUTH SEA CANNIBALS lif ...^ ft.. X ft • >f » mmm, S' COOGAI * ^Crusoe I ;#t!a RoljinSOD B f WILLARD MACK . - „ Supervised lr- - JACK COOGAN, Sr. Adventures, Plausible, Picturesque, Thrilling and Sensational, with comedy laughing through, the tears and thrills of a great story. V