Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1924-current, October 03, 1924, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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1924. Weather ^remitting, t AUCTION SALE of .. Eastbrook Lots will Be Continued Tomorrow Beginning at 9:30 o’clock. ■««( .Griffin Realty Co. ®l!af((i!ifllSll(liimimmf!!;:!!iIfflliff([l(!![!fHfffi(llf!llflfi(llt|(ffllffl!!(niI[!l!!flflil!f[|||!!l!li!!!1i WANT ADS MI!8Ulll!|IRlllUIU!i(l!!K(®llll!llUtlUH!llilUUl(llllt!lU||!H!tlUUDl!lUUlHU!l«lHlU!UIIHlltt!tUtBC EDWIN CLAPP and Reynolds Shoes, worth $12.50 to $15, go at $3.50 and $4.35. Stewart’s, 118 Broad street. FOR SALE—Rust proof oats, clean and free of smoot; home grown. At Gossett & Sons.— FOR SALE—36 white Leghorn pullets, five months old. Ferris strain. Apply to 'H.‘C. Starr, 2$3 g, Broad St. HEAT- Yes, this is what you want to make yon comfortable. * , Our Coal gives HEAT and burns free ly. You aren’t worried with those old clinkers when you let BOLTON send you some of his good Coal. He’ll return yonr money if not satisfied. Now isn’t this enough? BOLTON’S COAL YARD PHONE 262 SPECIALS AND REGULAR PRICES FOR SATURDAY Good new pack Prunes, lb 15c Virginia Dried Apples, lb. 15c California Evaporated Peaches, lb—16c EXTRA SPECIAL Best new pack Tomatoes, per can____11c Stokley’s Hominy, per can 11c I MONTMORENCY RED PITTED ■ CHERRIES 25c 10 lbs. Best Granulated Sugar 78c REGULAR PRICES 6 bars small Octagon Soap .. 25c 6 pkgs. Soda ....... 25c 6 pkgs. Argo Starch........... ......25c 6 pkgs. Calumet Starch....... 25c 2 cans Good Corn........... 25c 2 cans Tomatoes . —...... 25c •pa 2 TALL CANS MORRIS SUPREME MILK 25c 25 lbs. Domino Sugar...... $1.97 1 lb. Good Bulk Coffee..... 29c Best Salt Meat, per lb...... 16c Best Grade Pure Lard, per lb 16 '/ 2 c White Provision’s Sweet Meat, per lb 35c Picnic Hams, per lb.............. 19c W. L. HARRIS 115 W. Taylor Street, Griffin, Ga. PHONE 916 ' FOR SALE; Four 80 saw Guliett Cotton Gins with complete ment in splendid condition. Priced low for cash. Charles Phillips, Jr,, Griffin, Ga. A POSITION wanted by a gen tleman. Can give best of references M. C., care Griffin News. MEN’S VELOUR HATS, worth $5 to $8, $2.95. Stewart’s, 18 Broad street. FOR SALE—Violin, Apply to Mrs. W. T. Scott.—.............. GRIFFIN DAILY NEWS FOR RENT—One furnished room. in. 220. W, College Street Phone 207M. FOR SALE—Daffodil bulls. Call 165 . MEN’S, ladies and bo^s’ sweaters, at half price Friday and Saturday at Stewarts, 118 Broad street. EXTRA good overalls, Friday and Saturday only, $1.35. Stewart’,s 118 Broad street. < BACON Sliced 35c Pound Rindless Iona Tomatoes, No. 2 can 11c P.&G. Naptha Soap I I A. & P. Peas, No. 1 2 . , 1 can, small and ten cakes for , 9c der, can 20c Campbel’s Baked Beans, can 10c A. & P. Baked Beans......3 cans for 25c SPECIAL BROOM SALE Sterling Beauty Brooms (five string) 89c No. 7 (five string)..........69c Parago n Broom (five string) 49c i Cheese, that g o od N. Y, S., lb..... 33c p ft * T EGGS ^StncSy™*™"" Fresh 43c Tub Butter, Elgin Creamery (Just re ceived a fresh tub), lb............ 47c BOKAR - COFFEE 'lb. 45c * Red Circle, lb............... 40c 8 o’Clock Coffee, lb ........... 35c W^laveaTuinineo^ui^ake materials. THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA CO. 131 West Taylor St. Phone 497 u Wm without BE YOUR OWN and rent from us a luxurious, running, speedy car, of almost make on very reasonable whether it be for a single trip daily by the hour. You select own car and enjoy the sense of ownership without its Griffin U-Drive It 116 North Eighth St. Griffin, Os. WANTED —3 or 4 unfurnished . rooms or small house. Phone 541 and call for Mr. Perry. J REPRESENTATIVES earn good commission taking Christmas card orders during spare time. Sample books furnished. Write The Tidwell Co., Atlanta, Ga. WE WILL PAY 1-2 cent apiece for vigorous, live boll weevils in lots of 1,000 or more until we have ob- CHOICE OF ANY 2-PIECE SUIT SUIT MADE TO ORDER i I II The fabrics are wonderful—strictly all wool—the s kind you would never dream of finding in suits under $35 to $50. There are more than 300 pat terns to select from. We .make these suits to your special order in any style and guarantee perfect fit and absolute satis faction. All we ask is a trial. We’ll please you_ we’re sure of it. Full Suit or Overcoat $29- 50 —All One Price or A. McMICHAEL, Manager ri ALL We do Dry Cleaning, and Dyeing Pressing, Repair!: og ONE PRICE! J I Phone 824 113 W. Solomon St., Griffin, Ga. tained 20,000 weevils, See Mr. Mc Quaid or Mr. Bledsoe, chemistry building, Ga., Experiment station. EXPERIMENT NEWS The many friends . of Mrs. J. E. T “i* 111 ** h h " V “ ! ' " »™' -.11 be sorry to tan. tb.t aoesn t seem to be improving:. 1 B We wish ... for , her speedy a recovery. We are sorry to report Mrs. Tom Martin is ill with mumps. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Willie Joinner will regret to learn their infant son has diphtheria. Mrs. L. I. Wilson and children called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 35S i Alexander Snuthi Sen « itoiii m □ yds 'V KP : [C r/ -*s J''/' - £y Buy Wool Seamless Rugs For ‘Beauty and Comfort U ______durability nsurpassed are the for beauty and Tapestry, Velvet and Axminster Seamless Rugs made by Alexander Smith & Sons Carpet Company, the world’s largest rnakers of floor coverings since 1860. Find a dealer who carries a representative selection of these famous rugs and ask him to show you the many attractive patterns. Prices everyone can afford. Look for trade mark stamped on the back of every rug . Alexander Smith 8C Sons Carpet Co. NEW YORK PAGE FIT! Litt English Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Ruth Denton was called Tues day to the bedside of her mother, Mrs. J. E. Leach, who is very ill at her home. The Ladies’ Aid Society had their usual meeting at Kincaid Memorial church w Wednesday, , . and were very gl.d to have fci, „„»r, R,». W. R. Re-election of officers were as follows: Mrs. O. D. _ McGee, president; Mrs. E. A. Cody, vice president; Mrs. Vashti Dunn, secretary; Mrs. W. A. Statham, as sistant secretary; Mrs. Lois Eng jlish, treasurer; Mrs. J. B. Oglive, chairman of sick and floral commit tee; Mrs. Maud Crawford, chair ; man of membership committee.