Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1924-current, October 03, 1924, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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PAGE EIGHT LOCAL NEWS ITEMS OF INTEREST HAPPENINGS OF PEOPLE AND EVENTS IN BRIEF FORM TAKING PLACE IN GRIFFIN AND VICINITY SUDDEN DEATH If Methusalah had ever drunk This moonshine booze so strong, 1*11 tell the world, and it’s no bunk, He’d never lived so long. Dalton Citizen. The senatorial committee of the sixth dis trict, whieh was ,to have met yesterday, will meet at 12 o'clock Saturday at the court house. Mrs. G. L. Worthy, who has been ill at the Griffin hospital for some time, has recovered and returned to the home of her daughter, Mrs, Tal bot Boyd, on East Solomon street. Mrs. E. R. Anderson, of Barnea viile, was shopping in Griffin Fri day. C. E. Coppedge, of Brooks, spent Friday* in Griffin on business. Miss Emily Tyler, of Jacksonville, Fla., is spending sometime with her mother, Mrs. W. L. Tyler, ami her sister, Mrs. Lula Barron, on West Solomon street. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Blanton, of Haralson, visited friends in Griffin Friday. Among those from Brooks in Grif fin Friday was Mrs. Collin Sibley. Mrs. J. W, Hightower and Mrs. C. E. Stockley, of Barnesville, spent Friday In Griffin. Mrs. J. D. Williams, of Haralson, spent Friday in Griffin with her son, Walter Williams, en route to Macon to visit relatives. Mrs. J. S. Milner and the Misses Milner, of Barnesville, visited friends Friday and were shopping in Griffin stores. Mrs. L. C. Tarpley, of Brooks, was in Griffin Friday morning. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Gordy, of Barnesville, were the guests of rela tives in Griffin Friday. Mtsa Hazel Coppedge, of Brooks, spent Friday in Griffin. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Chappell, of Chappell’s Shop, spent the day in Griffin with their daughter, Mrs. Da vid Johnson. Mrs. T. B. Woodall, Miss May Woodall and Mrs. F. S. Simmons, of Barnesville, were in Griffin shop ping Friday. Mrs. Charlie Dor spent Thursday with Mrs. J. H. Newman and Thurs day night and Friday with Mrs. Olo Wheat. Mr. and Mrs. Nola George have returned home after a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Habib George at Val dosta, Ga. They were accompanied home by Mrs. Habib George, who will spend a few weks with Mr. and Mrs. Nola George and Mr. and Mrs. Boles George and family. Mrs. Richard Henry Lowndes, of Atlanta, is the guest of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Nichols, on South Eighth streei. The Rev. and Mrs. Henry A. Wil ley will leave Monday, October 6, for San Francisco, from which point they will sail October 15 for the Hawaiians Islands, where they will make their home. John Hammond, who is' attending school at Georgia Tech, in Atlanta, will spend the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Woods Ham mond. Miss Margaret Ogletree, who has been ill lor several weeks, has re covered sufficiently to be out. Mrs. Judson Cobb, of Washington, D. C., will arrive Monday to spend two weeks with her niece,^ Mrs. Ralph Jones, on West Poplar street. Mrs. J. T. Freeman continues to John H. Stevens went to Atlanta Friday for a several days' visit to his daughter, Mrs. Charles Cone. “So the jury brought In a verdict of murder while insane? ** u They couldn't do otherwise. The murderer confessed to the crime and insisted that he was in his right mind when he did it. .... ..................... - .....— ....... News from Our SMAHA SHOE SHOP Shoes Repaired While You Wait Leather Half Soles for Men and Women Shoes, 85c pair. Half Soles and Heels, $1.25 Work will be done at the above Few prices during October. steps from Depot. China Painting Class For full information see MISS IRIS BLAND at THE PATSY rT» Gift and Art Shop BUICK 100 % Values 1921—Ford Touring. 1924—Ford Touring. 1924—Ford Tudor Sedan. __ 1918—Bui ck Touring._____________ 1919— Dodge Touring. 1920— Overland Touring. ,1921—Essex Coupe. 1921— Buick Sedan. TERMS IF DESIRED SLATON MOTOR CO. BUICK DEALER 109 East Solomon St. Phone 680 ) How much would YOU lose? If fire should destroy your property tonight, how much would you lose on every dollar invested? How would your insurance square with your loss? How would your claims be handled ? _______ _____ Your insurance is a vital thing to you and should be handled by men who thor oughly know their business. Call us up today. It may save you loss tomorrow. 1 1 Drat© & company I 11 mu[ Xtwa»u«t7 ** as; 7*1 rmm • « ut srvict improve at the Griffin hospital after her recent critical illness. Miss Virginia Pottle, formerly of D, C., has been spending several weeks in Georgia visiting. Miss Pot tle was the guest of friends in Grif fin this week. j’>, Mrs. Alfred Uhler, of Palo Alto, Calif., who has been spending the summer in Griffin with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Brown, will return home Wednesday, Octo ber 15. , , Mrs. Walter C.Beeks, who has been spending several weeks in the Ma rian Apartment with Mrs. Green T. Dodd, has returned to her home at 115 West Oak street. Mrs. John Stevens Manley and Mrs. Douglas Hand spent Thurs day in Barnesville with relatives and friends. / Mrs. Lee C. Manfe^ v it to At lanta Friday to spend a |eek with her sister, Mrs. Charles lone. Mr. and Mrs. Cone are moving into their handsome new home on Fairview Road. Mrs. Gilman Drake, who has been spending the summer in Lineville, N. C., will return home Saturday nig-ht. Mrs. Harvey Mills and Miss Laura Woodward visited friends in Atlanta Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Hilary Wynne and little Miss Mary Wynne went to At lanta Friday to spend several days with Mr. and Mrs. Dozier Wynne. Miss Henrietta Goddard, who has been spending several we4ks in Grif fin with her aunt and uncle, Mrs. Seneca Sawtell, and her sister, Miss Etienne Goddard, returned to her home in Waynesboro Friday. Mrs. J. F. Baggett spent Friday with relatives in Atlanta. Mrs. M. M. Emerson spent Friday in Macon with relatives. BUNGALOW We have a beautiful 5 room E: bungalow, close in, furnace on College St., with heat and all mod ern conveniences. Owner leaving city. Price right. Terms right. PHONE 83 Griffin Realty Co. W. G. CARTLEDGE, Mgr. 11^ E. Solomon St. Griffin, Ga. SATIN GLASSWARE Console Sets Sweet Pea Vases Bulb Bowls Lily Bowls Nasturtium Bowls Lily Vases Berry Bowls Orange Bowls Whip Cream Sets SOMETHING NEW IN GLASSWARE See them in our window, and make your selection while our stock in complete. PERSONS-HAMMOND HARDWARE CO. “If It’s Hardware—We Have It tt PHONE 4 GRIFFIN DAILY NEWS Read for Profits—Use for Results. News Want Ads. NEW FALL SUITS The Correct Styles The New Patterns You’ll like them and / the Price ^ \ - /A |V 1 ■4 7 L i ,* - / /' \ t\ i’V*' 4 ! j i 1 2-PANTS SUITS : at $20 t0 $30 NEWMAN’S Clothes Shop HILL ST. GRIFFIN t 1 ▼ " » ■ t■ tt * r t t tt t t t t t~n Dress Well And Succeed V v V iS f >’ V: ‘ m $ * •Vfj mL / f> ■■ V* : few* t v■ •A ' r ' -- A A Q k y Sm Vi/AI t'~ ’*5 i . — ___ ■eat Copyright 1924 Hart Schaffner & Marx YOU CAN’T BEAT THEM THIS FALL FOR SMART STYLE You’ll feel just as we do about it when you see these Suits and Top Coats just received from Hart, Schaffner & Manx. $35 and up PHONE 116 Slaton-powell ^ CLOTHING M> COMPANY PHONE 116 CHen’s and 'Boys' Outfitters October 3,1924 v-ttv T-T-V '^r'T T "V frr^r TODAY 0 and \ ' ~uf> a»r. TOMORROW THOMAS' CHAN as > . : A ■ f v i f K (paramount (picture a J v I S Pr*s*ntt4 hq ADOLPH ZOKOR and /J* «/€SS€ LUASKY 1 „ i *’ m l \ The screen’s most popular male star as a fighting drama. man—-a fighting lover in a gr ea t enter ta inin g Gold! In chaos and .struggle the history of Alaska began. Imagine Thomas Meighan living again for the screen those old hammer-and-tong fighting days as the star in Curwood’s “The Alaskan!”—like dis covering a gold mine of entertainment. Every scene filmed on the spot. You’ve waited a long time for just such a Meighan picture! EXTRA—A Good Comedy J