Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1924-current, October 07, 1924, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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PAGE SIX NEWS OF INTEREST TO WOMEN LOVELY AUTUMN When the golden sun is shining Through a #ky of azure hoe, And hazy clouds are floatin’ Way up in the blue— When the goldenrods just beckons By the roadside and the brook, And you find the deep blue gentians In a cool, secluded nook— When the corn begins to ripen, And turns a russet brown, And apple trees with luscious fruit Are bending on the ground— When sunset's blue and golden Shed a radiance everywhere, Summer days are ended, And lovely autumn’s here. —ETHEL C. Parish Guild Meets With Mrs. Robert P. Shapard. The Parish Guild of St. Episcopal church met Monday ternoon with Mrs. Robert P. pard on West Poplar street 31 members in attendance. In the living room of the tive home were baskets of dahlias and vases of the same ly flowers in the shades of red. The central decoration for table in the dining room was a white basket of exquisite pink lias, the orchid shaded flowers ing vases and wall vases. Mrs. Shapard was assisted in tertaining by her mother, Mrs. T. Morris. The first vice-president, Mrs. ert Walker, opened the meeting a beautiful prayer for the safe ney, welfare and successful work of the Rev. Henry A. the beloved rector of St. George’s church, and Mrs. Willey, the beloved organist of the church, who left Monday afternoon for their new home in the Hawaiian Islands. Mrs. Henry Stuckey and Mrs. Os car Sibley made fine reports of ar tides and products secured for dem onstration by the ladies of the Guild at the Griffin and Spalding county fair. Miss Mamie Mills was appointed general chairman for the work dur ing fair week with the following committee: Monday, Mrs. Marcus Carson, chairman committee, Mrs. Robert Shapard, Miss Laura Gless ner, Mrs. Solon Drukenmiller, Miss .Carrie Kell, Mrs. Elizabeth Mills Watt, Miss Mamie Mill*, Mrs. Clarke Williams, Mrs. Joseph Boyd, Mrs. James Mills. Tuesday, Mrs. H. P. Powell, chair man committee, Mrs. Frank Mayes, Mrs. A. L. Burpee, Mrs. James Kim brough, Jr., Mrs. Auvergne d’Antig nac, Mrs. Frederick Wilson, Miss Mamie Mills, Mrs. J. M. Johnson. Wednesday, Mrs. Frank Mayes, chairman; committee, Miss Flor Cnee Glessner, Mrs. T. J. White, Mrs. Mila T. Morris, Mrs. John Mills, Miss Pearl Burpee, Mrs. J. W. McWilliams, Jr., Mrs. Walter Beeks. Thursday: Mrs. Gordon Wilson, chairman; committee: Mrs. Walter Graefe, Mrs. Haskell Bass, Mrs. Bartlett Searcy, Mrs. Wilbur Barnes, Mrs. Ralph Jones. Friday: Mrs. Edward Davis, chairs man; eopimittee: Mrs. Harbin Miller, Mrs. J. W. McWilliams, Jr., Mrs. Ralph Jones, Miss Opal Smith, Mrs. Mary Neely Smith, Miss Mamie Mills Mrs. Henry Stueky. Flower committee: Mrs. Walter Graefe and Miss Opal Smith. ~~ Mrs. H. P. Powell reported that the Christmas card book had arrived. Mrs. Shapard reported that the Salvation Army workers asked that St. George's Guild unite with the Missionary Society of the Presbyte rian church and give bed linen and table linen to the Salvation army. It was agreed to comply with this request and Mrs. Walker appointed Mrs. Shapard a committee of one to look after this matter. Miss Mamie Mills reported a purse of gold given to Mr. and Mrs. Wil ley by the members of St. George’s church in token of the love and ap preciation of their services to the church. A social time followed the busi ness meeting of the Guild. The hostess, assisted by Mrs. Ralph Jones, served a salad course. Those present were Mrs. Robert Shapard, Mrs. Mila T. Morris, Mrs. Robert Walker, Mm. Mary Neely Smith, Mrs. W. E. H. Searcy, Jr., Mrs. Elizabeth Mills Watt, Mrs. Marcus Carson, Mrs. Harben Miller. Miss Mamie Mills, Mrs. Wilbur Barnes, Mrs. Frank Mayes, Mrs. Os car W. Sibley, Mrs. Gordon Wilson, Miss Laura Glessner, Mrs. Eugene Phillips, Mrs. Janies M. Kimbrough, Jr., Mrs. James M. Mills, Mrs. T. J. White. Mrs .Frederick Wilson, Miss Opal Smith, Miss Pearl Burpee, Mrs. Haskell Bass, Mrs. Bartlett Searcy, Miss Elizabeth Watson, Mrs. Ralph Jones, Mrs. Myrtice Peabody, Mrs. H. P. Powell, Mrs. Solon Drukcnmil ler and Mrs.* W. C. Beek*. SOCIAL CALENDAR Tuesday, October 7. Boynton Chapter, U. D. C., will meet with Mrs. Cooper Newton at 3 o’clock. Mrs. Guy Newman will entertain the members of her bridge club with a bridge tea. Wednesday, October 8. Mrs. W. T. Bennett will give a bridge luncheon in honor of Misses Mildred Gaissert and Virginia Crouch, brides-elect. Mrs. W. T. Bennett will give a domino party in the afternoon in honor of her sister, Miss Lou Ona Little. Thursday, October 9. Miss Marian Gresham will compli ment Miss Mildred Gaissert, a bride of October 15 with a handkerchief shower. V.*j Friday, October 10. Mrs. William Saunders and Miss Edith Tucker will give a tea in honor of Misses Crouch’and Gaissert at the home of Mrs. Saunders, Saturday, October 11. Miss Sara McDowell will give a luncheon for Miss Mildred Gaissert. Weekly tea at the Country Club. Lovely Birthday Party for Master Albert Fisher, Jr. Mrs. Albert Fisher entertained at a beautiful birthday party Friday afternoon at her home on North Tenth St. The delightful occasion was a compliment to her young son Albert, Jr., whose fourth anniversary it was. The children enjoyed a number of games on the lawn. Miss Sallie Ison being in charge of the games. Several prizes were awarded the lucky children. Master Fisher received his guests wearing a white ratine middy suit. The birthday cake was placed on a table on the lawn and was em bedded in a mound of pink and white cosmos. The cake was iced in white and embossed with pink rose buds. After the games, the children were served refreshments by Mrs. Albert Fisher, Mrs. James Stubbs Brown, of New Orleans, Miss Rosa Doe, Miss Sallie Ison, and Mrs. Frank Smith, and Mrs. Edward McCoy, of Lake land, Fla. The children invited were Frank lin Smith, Jr., Stubbs Brown, Jr., of New Orleans’, James Owen, Jr., Jacqueline Domingos, John Edwin Vamer, Gene Mann, Miriam Luther, Charles Whitmire, Farris Wilson. Betty McCoy, of Lakeland, Fla., Robin Gunter, James Moore, Otis Jones, Emily Brown, Charlotte Whire, Mary Anne Joiner, Timmie' Miller Jane Ofxord, Milton RemJey, Elizabeth Williams, Jane Johnson, Ruth Austin, Dick Mitchell. Tred Smith, Jr., Virginia Jones, Ray Wryick, Betty Shell, Ella Kath erine Tyus, Lewis Jordon, Mary Francis Green, Virginia Cheatham, Billy Lester, James Ivey, Jr., King man Domingos, Mary Wynne, Eve lyn Whitmire, and Isabel Miller. Leader Entertains Sun Beam Class with Doll Party. Miss Lucile Harris, leader of the Second Baptist church Sun Beam class, entertained the children with a doll party at the residence of Sideache Backache "I have been taking Car dul,” eays Mrs. Lillie Bol ton; of Lake Providence, La. I got down In bad _ health and lost in weight until I only weighed 120 ■ pounds. I had bad* pains in my sides and back and ® my legs hurt me until I ■ couldn't walk. I stayed In bed half the time. I tried all kinds of medicine, but it did me no good. Finally I tried A CARDIN The Woman's Tonic “It seems like It did me good from the very first. After I had taken half a bottle I noticed an Im provement. I continued Its use and I got better and bettey. The pains in my legB and sides disappeared and I began to gain in weight until now I weigh 155 pounds and feel better than I ever did In my life.” Cardui should help you, too. Why not give it a fair trial? E&103 GRIFFIN DAILY NEWS Mr#. T. W. Taylor Saturday after noon. Out-of-door games were enjoyed on the lawn. Late in the afternoon refreshments were served. • Miss Lucile Harris and Mrs. Tay lor were assisted in.entertaining by Mrs. Luther Mangham, Mrs. Cleo Britt, and Miss Florea Harris. Among those present were Thelma Rhodes, Doris Chappel, Shirely ard, Edna Howard, Mildred Chappel, Grace Dobbins, Doris Dobbins, Rosa line Harris, Florence Tanksley, Gay Nell Babb, Helen Chappel, Bernice Sykes, Mildred Golden, Irene Golden, Manfred Britt, Howard Taylor, La Mar Taylor, Fordson Sykes, Cecil Sykes, and Clem Knott. Mrs. Robert L. Musser Honor Guest at Bridge Party. Mrs. Davis Williams entertained Monday afternoon at a pretty bridge party in honor of her sister, Mrs. Robert L. Musser, of Harrisburg, Pa., who is her guest. The game was played in the liv ing room and sun parlor, The dee orations in the living room were sil ver vases of red dahlias and jardi neres of goldenstair. Baskets of coral and pink dahlias were effectively used in the sun par lor. Mrs. Williams received her guests wearing an attractive fail model of blue satin back crepe, trimmed in buttons. Mrs. Musser was lovely in black catin with a tan crepe and lace front. Mrs. Charles Thomas made high score and was presented with a dainty hand made handkerchief. Mrs. Musser was also given a hand FOR SALE Residence, West Taylor ,jt. Residence, South Hill St. Residence, South Sixth St. Several well located V-lots. 100-acre farm, 1% miles out. 24%-acre farm, close in. j* 1% million feet saw timber. FOR RENT One store building. FIRE INSURANCE We are prepared to help you pro tect your property against loss and if you are thinking of an additional consult the undersigned. You not regret it. e. s. McDowell Estate and Insurance SAVE YOUR MONEY Trade at the High Quality and Low Price Diamond and Watch House WYNNE’S its* De Luxe Loose Leaf Ledger Binders The De Luxe Steel Back Binder has stood the test of time and has made good under the most exacting conditions of the modern accounting department. It is built for service and te covered by our unconditional guarantee that if the mechanism breaks or gets out of order inside ef ten years, it will be replaced or repaired without coat to you. Bookkeepers like the De Luxe because its secure grip, when locked on the sheets, inaur es perfect alignment—the first requisite of a satisfactory current ledger binder. Filled with De Luxe Flat i' Opening Sheets and indexed for quick reference with Pubrooo Celluloid Tab*, it makes the ideal loose leaf ledger outfit for economy and efficiency. A*k to «ee them THE HARDY E. PICKERING CO. 117 South Hill Street EVERYTHING USED IN AN OFFICE” S % * MWWWMV V.WVAV.V. Evander Shapard, Jr., and Mrs. Ezra Mann, served a delicious salad course with tea. Enjoying the game were Mrs, Robert L. Musser, of Harrisburg, Pa., Mrs. Charles Thomas, Mrs. Wil H. Beck, Mrs. H. I. Lindsey, Mrs. Jack Gunter, Mrs. Gus Frye, Mary Leila Patterson, Mrs. Ezra Mann, Mrs. Edward ‘ H. Davis, Miss Emily Boyd, Miss Florence Gresham. Miss Mary Hammond, Mrs. Wil Horn Henry Saunders, Miss Kath erine Sibley, Miss Annie Hill Drew ry, Miss Mildred Gaissert, Mrs. E. H. Hallyburton, Miss Jessie Pearl Mrs. John Stevens Manley, Mrs. J. W. McWilliams, Jr., Mrs. John Mills, II, Mrs, J. D. Boyd and Mrs. Evander Shapard, Jr, Junior Missionary Society Entertained at Party. The Junior Missionary Society of the First Methodist church was en tertained at a party and mite box opening recently by a joint commit tee of the Woman’s Missionary So ciety of the church, Mrs. Dillard, VYV Money ECZEMA^ back without question f HUNT'S GUARANTEED SKIN DISEASE REMEDIES (Hunt's Salve and Soap),fail in | the t—otm-nt ofltch, Eczema, / R: nfvor.-n,Tetter or otheritch );ijj skin diseaeea. Try this treatment at our risk. WARD’S DRUG STORE Let us » y#ur Trouble Troubles, especially automobile troubles, are very elusive and it re quires an expert to find them. You will save time, temper and money, besides these advantages you will find that your car will act better and will be more dependable. An auto is not a toy but a valuable piece of sensitive machinery and, one, not accustomed to its intricate mechan ism, will probably do more harm than good in attempting to repair it. Let us pick out your trouble. We are expert auto mechanics and thor oughly understand a motor car and how to repair it. Our prices are MINGS GARAGE Eighth St. Griffin. Ga. Mrs. Redd and Mrs. Forbes. Games were played indoors for an hour, after which delicious ice cream and cake were served by the committee. About 25 children were present and the newly elected superinten dent, Miss Pauline Eady. Miss Eady Entertains Class At a Theatre Party. Miss Pauline Eady entertained her Sunday school class of the First Methodist church recently at a movie party. After the performance at the Al amo the children were served cream at Ward’s Pharmacy. Those present were Miss Pauline Eady, Charlotte Tyus, Louise Dil lard, Elizabeth Yarbrough, Louise Dallas, Mildred Reeves, Effie Ashe branner, Ferol Kendrick, Eugenia Bridges, Christine Martin, Master James Bishop. New York City’s new budget pro vides for the addition of 1,059 teach ers for the coining year. Increased enrollments for 1925 make this extra numuer of teachers necessary. PAINT UP AND CLEAN UP WEEK Varnish Mops Varnish Stains O-Cedar Oil Enamels Liquid Veneer Auto Paints Rakes Aluminum Forks Bronze Wheelbarrows Gold Bronze Johnson’s Floor Wax Paint Brushes Sandpaper Paint Scrapers Brooms GRIFFIN HARDWARE CO. Everything in Hardware PHONE 91 It Is Safer to build with Sheetrock W OOD building. ceiling is a menace m any Sheetrock is a protection, because Sheetrock is fireproof. Made from rock—pure gypsum cast in sheets — it will not bum, ignite or transmit fire. \ And as easy to work with as lumber. Saws and nails readily. Goes up quickly—-you just nail it to the joists or studding. Decorate with wall paper, paint, panels, or Tex tone, The Sheetrock Decorator. You don’t need canvas with Sheetrock. Sheetrock makes solid, tight-jointed, perma nent walls at low cost. Made only by the United States Gypsum Company. Ask your lumber or building material dealer for a sample and prices. UNITED STATES GYPSUM COMPANY 205 West Monroe Street, Chicago, Illinois Re*. U. 8. Pat. Off. til SHEETROCK THE Fireproof WALLBOARD Tuesday, October 7,1924. Nickel in the slot radio outfits are now in operation. ipiiii At the request of dairy salesmen Pennsylvania State College, during the last two weeks of August, con ducted # course o£ intensive train ing in all branches of dairy manu facturing. r w 1 COUGH REMEDY used each other year*} than any c ‘ Because you can rely ' on it to stop CRM the cough esoNci and check the cold : NO NARCOTICS Solci Everywhere since 1872 (feed und recommended