Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1924-current, October 08, 1924, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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PAGE TWO 9 120 East Solomon St Entered at the postoffice In Griffin, Georgia, as second class mail matter. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. The Associated Presa is exclusive ly entitled to the use for republica tion of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news published herein. Ail rights or re r ublkation of reserved. special dispatches train are also OFFICIAL PAPER City of Griffin. Spalding County. District of U. S. Court, Northern Georgia. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTIONS Daily By Carrier $5.00 One year, in advance,-----— Six months, in advance,___ 2.50 Three months, in advance, .... 1.25 One month, payable at end of month,____....... .50 One Daily By Mail year, in advance, ____ $4.00 Six months, in advance, . 2.00 shree months, in advance,____ 1.00 One month, in advance,____ .40 Semi-Weekly Edition One yeaiv in advance,________$1.00 Six months, in advance,________ .50 Three months, in advance,_______ .26 It sent within 30 mile radius of Grif fin. Beyond 80 mile zone, one year, $1.50; six months, .75; three months. .40. GIVE ALL THE BOYS A CHANCE Interest in the “World Series” is not confined to adults. Many a school boy’s knitted brow is only a ruse to conceal his thoughts. di jtitTt-irfi s pT(ipositioni»t his meditations may be on his b»»e ball heroes and their chances fo$ victory. And why not? ® Play games, and athletics are a recognized part of the school’s physical education program. These activities offer, without doubt, one of the best opportunities for the de velopment of good conduct and healthful habits. Are their possi bilities realized? The teacher-coach should, by ex- and attitude, inculcate the ideals of fair play. Pupils should learn to despise every thing tricky or mean, to abide by the rules and the spirit of the game, to strive to win by their own superior athletic prowess, and to recognize it appropriately in others. They should learn to be sportsman like.” This implies, when winners, the lack of undue boasting; and, when losers, the first in congratulat ing their successful opponents. Well-planned athletics contribute immeasurably to physical fitness, happiness, honesty, cooperation, con sideration for others, sense of fair play, and character. 5ach and all of these are worthy goals. Should this highly deslrabl# type of education be confined to the few already physically fit? Undue concentration on “the team may well be supplanted by interest ing the pupils in the organization and development of a number of play groups and teams within the school. Inter-class games and con tests between the school’s teams are highly desirable and to be preferred to inter-school contests if both can not be provided. Well-directed participation by the many is essen tial to the greater good to the great er number. V A LaiigElFTwon ® VVVS/'WWW Uncle John watched his nephew and some other little boys playing as soldiers, attacking a fort. “Tom my,” he said, if you and your side can take that fort in half an hour I’ll give you a quarter. About two minutes later there came an eager cry: "Uncle, can I have that quarter now ? We’ve taken the fort. That was'’very smart,” said Un cle John, as he handed over the coin, << How did you manage it so quickly? » “Oh, I just offered the other side a dime to give in, »» answered Tommy. (< Miss Curlycue,” murmured the office manager to the stenog. “I don't wanna be harsh. Nothing like that. I really don’t. »» it Let’s have the answer," $aid „ the damsel nonchalantly. “What’s gone wrong now. •• I just wanna ask you not Lq write your young man during busi ness hours. Letters are apt to get mixed. Herb & Blub report we have sent ’em a shipment of love and kisses instead of the axle grease they ordered. A phonograph that may be carried like a vanity case has been invented. Again Named Head of County Farm C. C. Goodman was re-elected su perintendent of the county farm at a meeting of the county commission ers yesterday. The commissioners praised his work for the past year and stated they were well pleased in every way with his treatment of the inmates of the farm. The highway department reported on the paving of the Zebulon road and stated that it would be opened to the public by the middle of No vember if the weather remained fa vorable, The base has been laid over the entire two miles and the pouring of the asphalt will start in a few days: * The paving of Paplar street from Hill to Oak Hill cemetery is also under way. The work is being done jointly by the city of Griffin and Spalding county. The county con victs are doing the work and the city is paying for the materials used. GREEKS DECORATE LITTLE JACKIE COOGAN FOR HIS CHARITY WORK Athens, Oct. 8.—Jackie Coogan, American child moving picture ac tor, was decorate^ by the Greek gov ernment with a medal of an officer of the Order of George, given in recognition of humanitarian work. It was the first time this medal has ever been given to a child The ceremony took place in the acropolis in the presence of the American minister, government and civil officials and 7,000 orphans who a re under the care of the Near East Relief. The youngster was then re by Admiral Coundouriotis, president of Greece, at royal palace. Troops were called out to help the handle the crowds. FUNERAL SERVICES HELD FOR G. OWEN HAMILTON Funeral services for G. Owen Ham ilton, who died at the Griffin Hos pital yesterday morning at 10:20 o’clock, were held from the Second Baptist church this afternoon at 2:30. Rev. J. A. Drewry, assisted by Rev. John W. Ballard, officiated, Burial was in Oak Hill cemetery. Griffin Lodge No. 413, F. and A. M., had charge of the services at the grave. More than 30,000 miles of tele graph wires are linked together by one news gathering association' tc report the world’s series baseball games. New Method m Heals Pyorrhea Ten Year Bad Case Completely Heal ed in a Short Time, Writes Florida' Woman. Faced with the loss of her teeth, after 10 years’ suffering, Mrs. M. J. Travis, an esteemed resident of Jack sonville, declares she finally saved her teeth by a simple home treat ment: “worth its weight in gold, » using her own words: “After having pyorrhea for Before 10 years I found my mouth dif- is now healed. out ferently, I'was told there was no re lief and had yielded to the loss of six fine solid teeth. Then I discovered Moore’s pyorrhea treatment. Three days after starting its use, the sore ness left my gums; my teeth began to tighten. Now my teeth are clean, my breath sweet, and my mtfuth com pletely healed. The experience of Mrs. Travis is duplicated in hundreds of other cases. If vou have pyorrhea—or threatened with pyorrhea your teeth are in dan gev. Quick and effective treatment is necessary. You can test, without money risk, the treatment used by Mrs. Travis. Simply write the More ham Co., 410 Gateway Station, Kan sas City, Mo. Under their guarantee of refund send two dollars. Or, pay postman the $2 with few cents post age. Use the treatment 7 days. Then if you are not wholly satisfied, write to that effect and your $2 will be returned atlonce. DID RIGHT UP Any breaking out of the skin, even fiery, itching eczema, can be quickly Mentho-Sulphur, overcome by applying a little says a noted skin specialist. Because of its germ de stroying properties, this sulphur from preparation instantly brings ease skin irritation, soothes and heals the eczema right up and leaves the It skin seldom clear fails and toejelteve smooth. the tor ment and disfigurement. Sufferers from skin trouble should get a little jar of Rowles Mentho-Sulphur from any good druggist and use it like a cold cream. GRIFFIN DAILY NEWS W ■ 2 . ■ ’ 2 51 G" V In ' Cash i »U->-l GIVEN , AWAY IN 30 ALL CASH PRIZES In The Atlanta Constitution’s Elephant Adding Contest n,ooo Win $1,000.00 ^<£S Prize- :$ 70ff 00 Second Grand Prize CASH—No One Has a Better Chance Than YOU /# -THE- O' Include in the groundwork the figure* 'ELEPHANT/ under the elephant. V \ WEIGH-/ • 0 • / A l cc m tifM V,. it G> % m % «! ** 4-X hgjb&s —Q b The Problem: What Include Is the the Simply figures Sum Add Total in Them the of groundwork the Up Figures to Get Forming under the Solution. the the Elephant. Elephant? There are no mark*, line* or characters in the elephant except figure*. These figures range from 2 to 9, each standing alone. There are no "ones or ciphers There are no groups of figures such as “23” or “42.” The heads of the “6’s” are distinctly curved while the toils of the “9’s >» or * > ^?„~* lca 3 r „* ° ' There is no trick o r illusion of any description in the chart. | THE PRIZE LIST The Constitution Elephant . Note.—The value of the first nine prizes depends on how Contest Manager, Puzzle much you pay on your subscription with your solution of the The Constitution, Solution and Subscription Bli puzzle. The amount paid will be applied to Daily and Sun- Atlanta, Ga. (No solution recorded remittance). without sol Iptfon day. Daily only subscription payments will not be accepted in this contest. Tri-Weekly subscriptions not accepted. Enclosed please find 9.......... for a........(mos.) subscrip tion to The Dally and Sunday Constitution. I find the weight of Prize If One Year- Prize If One 61 Prize If One 8 y :> PRIZES ly Sub. Sent. at fS.bO Mos. Sub. at 15.00 Mes. Sub. at 88.50 the Elephant to be ; .pounds. 1 Is Is Sent. Is Sent. 1st Prize ........ $ 1 , 000.00 $500.00 $125.00 Send paper to (Subscribes 2nd Prize ........ 700.00 250.00 65.00 Nam'd) 3rd Prize........ 400.00 125.00 35.00 Address 4th Prize........ 200.00 65.00 20.00 .. ‘ * .»• I 5th Prize......... 75.00 35.00 10.00 4 6th Prize........ 50.00 25.00 10.00 Postoffice .Box State ri’«. • » 7th Prize........ 25.00 12.00 10.00 8th Prize........ . 20.00 10.00 10.00 New or old By Mail or Carrier........ 9th Prize ........ 15.00 10.00 10.00 $9.50 for 12 months subscription qualifies for thy $1,000 Prize. 10th to 15th Prizes 10.00 10.00 8.00 $5.00 for 6 month* subscription qualifies for thy 1 500 Priae. 16th to 25 th Prizes 5.00 • 5.00 5.00 $2.50 for 3 months subscription qualifies for the 125 Prise. 26th to 30th Prize* 3.00 3.00 3.00 ^______ - t Rules of the Contest bs result used, each after contestant which should will rsceiv* ties still the EXTRA! 1 luU ralue of tbs prize tied far. Nam« the Elephant and Win I^cfra Prize i Ail bon* fid* resident* ef Georg's «»4 This oentsst is open to both now and an adjoining states, meaning Alabama, and old subscribers alike, the regular sub- The Constitution want* two good and apptop its psohydorm, Florida, North and Booth Carolina this sorlption rates of |2.M for three months, It therefore offer* two extra prirss for the** 5 tied Tennessee, may tab# part to oen- *5,00 for six months, |*.*0 for twelve whether thoeo submitting them send a solution rf! u 0 t test, except employees members ef The *f Atlanta tnsir mouths to th* prsyaiL dally and Sunday only Con- sub- or not. NO BVBBCXimON SAB TO NX PAID THOSE Fo Constitution and stitution will aooepted Dally in this oontslt. This offer open and frs* to everybody. families. scriptioua not subscription mast bs FIRST PRIZE, for the best $50 Full amount ef re- name. . • e • • • • • • aayv, #:• Contestant* may submit a* many dif- mitted la *y«ry instance. When sent f* forent solutions a* they desire, pro Tided through an agsnt no commission can he SECOND PRIZE, for the next be*t name $25 of ef the three amounts deducted. » 4 I payment designated in one the prise lirt .hsU sooom- oenetitution will be delivered by Each name may consist of from oae to bit no one S^owakbS payment will «" be REGIBTZBED. “moSStJon where quested; it *» otherwise hat carrier *•“ service * tkw wh^n most plAOfiS re- be may shy name submit he mere or she than submits. one name, .No name or uso mar mors be than submitted * later words titan in the peper October 80. The best names will be determined by judges whom The Only prise will he psid t» ary sent by mall. Constitution will select to decide the question. on* household, of persons and It l> selected person, together. or When, group in the Judg- In case two people submit the same name, as one working of the contest manager, two or Deciding Tie«—If Any that wins a prise, each of those submitting that name will receive the mont been copied or full value of that respective prise. Now, here’s a chance to exercise more solution* have solutions wits In selecting appropriate for The Constitution’s bs worked rejected in eoUusion, by him and such tbs subscription may $ elephant. ur Just write It an down plainly with name your name and address in refunded. \ and send It in for consideration. money ‘Jy c luded The Atlanta Constitution is to deoide any questions which may arise that are not coveted by the published rules, and Elephant Name Coupon those entering this contest agree to !<&£ abide by such decisions and aooept thorn a* final and conclusive. All folutlon* miifit be mailed or de- m TO THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION: livered to The Atlanta Constitution of- I fice November on or 8, before 1984. 9 Solution* o’clock, Saturdays sent by a;®. ~r<P; I submit as an ApproprUte name lor your Elephant the following; mail bearing postmark of that date will Aotual Siie, 11*7 inohel. be accepted, if rules goTernlng isms extend* are tied for prize complied with. Thta conteat j„ ass* of ties those sny JU -UL irom Sunday. September 88, to and in- will be presented with a seoond puazle. eluding Saturday, November I, 18*4, which will oonaist of drawing a Uns 4 la . ef . ties, .. as ______ many Wises .... whi _, n aorosa th* face of a chart chart, of figures, Name be ressrved ess* there are people tied be- the seoompanying th* figure* that only . as swarded for less «r- *, , 0 that for# any solutions, prises are snd another pussl* will oon ottd wh , n added together will Address rset those tied. That Is, if toUl jj,, g ro »test sum. If necessary p t e e e «•••»• • • • • *4L? • • • • • • • * * • * . • e * ••* e * • be submitted to P*0Pl*-*houM 6* *»_* >« aj, >r t will be used four times, after solving the elephant's weight doe^ two - or solution, “»• tbo first two more whlo i li ,hould any ties remain, esoh con- NOTE: While the contest for which ihsir best , or tMUnt wlu m ,w* fnU vslu* of any not dose until November 8, the last date on you submit prizes win Will be reserved for them, end p t(a tlad for. October 80. the* they bo awarded in the order of 1“ thsrs *Z* B ® “J* on GOttnt- a nm m e is slip of this standing pus***. of their solutions of the . ^L^tod puxslc, Of Name* may be submitted on a paper or on coupon. second If tie. still result, will a* will be presented. many at four tie-breaking pussies course, CLOSING DATE Important Fact* To Remember WMla you* tb* amount you V&Z B*r with a solution of tbs pusslo doss net have say Contest Will Close at Nine P. M., oton wtsstsf “first s it doe* affsot th# aiaouat you will reosivs, dst.minsi should Tb# Great Elephant Puzzle you win esc of th* Blue prises, as the valub of prise these Ust, prise* which i« should Saturday, November 8th, 1924. by what the winners pay. This is sxylainsd 1» the you study carefully before ending in your solution. it* wipaiug prise. The earlier you send In your solution the longer time you will Tb* time a solution is rsoelved has *o hearing upon a A« SEND IN ANOTHER SOLUTION, OQTfior is what counts. swarded to peneA have to go over your figures, AND Not more than one Extra prise Puzzle* will be FREEI-r-AddreM any on# if you find you can do better. Additional charts may be secured at MANAGER aap time by calling at the address below or sending a self-addressed, CONTEST sttmptd envelop* for mailing them. NO SOLUTION CAN SE The Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Ga. 1 CRAX01D AfTS* IF BAS SEEN ONC1 REGISTERED. Iwoloiioa A zolf-addressed stomped «nv#Iop« tor ■if item, , l l l 'l iiili u' I III* II ..... — II I —■— *>+*•** WMUn - Wednesday, October 8,1924.