Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1924-current, October 08, 1924, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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PAGE FOUH. wiiii ^ills :mt 1 ■■ * ; . ■■ f; >■ ' — .. ; _ * i mm ‘ i m CLEAN UP m? w K S.l =<SS=^r : R Tk : •v # ; _____ M f \ ■ t 'kX - - f.y. V ■• V B..'- • • v +. in; *■*7! . Enlarged Our Department ; . m* . ■ We Have Paint ' * » r * «l 4 fr $§09 ■ ■ : : ■■■■■ the following $& • .* * 1 and carry full line of Paints, Varnishes, Enamels, etc,, in s,8 . , 1 ' ' SSF 1 r well known brands * f ti ■ W: V -; V DUTCH BOY WHITE LEAD / ' * k SPENCER-KELLOGG LINSEED OIL i. -!> "M * c/rr OffPt. IS? SUNNY SOUTH MIXED EXTERIOR PAINTS i 1 ■ SI V m. -i MOORE’S SANI-FLAT INTERIOR OIL PAINTS ! *. Ask for Estimates 'h lC JfcR ■: ■ wia i ^— T «<£ SIB . WHEATON-TYUS COMPANY g « o B o i.1 Phone 34 Cv/’ s? . ■■ MORE TEXAS CATTLE ORDERED DESTROYED Houston, Texas, Oct. 8.—An ad ditional 1,500 cattle were ordered destroyed yesterday in Texas’ fight against the foot and mouth disease. It was feared they had been in con tact with cattle previously killed as infected or contact cases. The to tal ordered destroyed was raised to 4,500. The situation had been brought %o well in hand, however, announced J. E. Boog-Scott, chairman of the Texas live stock and sanitary com mission, that he had petitioned for a meeting at St. Louis, Mo., of rep resentatives of all states quarantin ed against Texas with a view to wards having embargoes modified. FIRST ELECTROCUTION IS HELD IN FLORIDA Railford, Fla., Oct. 8.—Frank John son, negro, was electrocuted at the state prison farm here at 2:44 o’clock yesterday afternoon for the murder of Atley B. Terrell, locomo tive engineer, at Jacksonville last December. Johnson was the first man to be executed by electrocution in the state of Florida. BULB BOWLS and . ! FLOWER POTS Now is the time to start your bulbs for winter and to re-pot your flowers to put them indoors. We Flower have a beautiful line of Bulb Bowls and Pots with saucers to match. Come to see us or phone your orders and we will send them out to you. j See Our Windows PERS0NS-HAMM0ND HARDWARE CO. *» If It’s Hardware—We Have It PHONE 4 WANT ADS FOR RENT—One furnished Close in. 220 W. College Phone207-J. FOR RENT—Furnished rooms small apartment -with private close in. Phone 175. FOR RENT: Three large ing rooms. Phone 397. FOR RENT—Fertile farm of I acres ' Land ada Pt«l to corn ton ’ tobacco > ha y or other crops. , ^ Florida. Ten j bes ,coan ty >n room bouse * Particulars apply Box ! Madison Fla. FOR SALE—New cypress, iron bound barrels. Also crocker sacks. Phone 327. FOR SALE: Pigs, 50 to 75 pounds. Otis D. Blake. FOR SALE—Rust proof oats, clean and free of smoot; hohie A. F. Gossett & Sons. ' grown. NEW SPORT hats just received, All hats reduced for the fair. Miss Unie Green, 223 West Paplar street. HELP, FEMALE. Earn money weekly, spare time, home addressing, mailing music Send 10 cents for music information. New England Music 118 Asylum St., Dept. A-49, Hartford, Conn.— COLORED WOMEN: A splendid to make money. We need I colored women to serve as and offer attractive line of, preparations which will make women good income. Chas., Smith Drug Co., Atlanta, Ga. j 1 WANTED Position as steno Address P. O. 415, Griffin, Ga. WANTED —- White housekeepe pay andfpermanent job. after 6 o’clock p. m. WE WILL PAY 1-2 cent apiece vigorous, live boll weevils in lots 1,000 or more until we have ob tained 20,000 weevils. See Mr. Mc or Mr. Bledsoe, chemistry Ga., Experiment station. BOAHDEJRS Wanted—With meals. place, close in. South Hill. 102-W, .liiti . GEORGIAN, FREED IN MURDER CASE, SLAYS HIMSELF Rome, Oct. 8.—Cager Landrum Gordon county farmer, who some years ago was charged with killing i his neighbor, Jack Davis, in a quar rel over a school election, yesterday shot and killed himself at his home near Adairsville, according to re ports reaching here late today. Landrum was tried on a charge of murder in 1912 and convicted of manslaughter. On a new trial he was acquitted in Floyd superior court and later moved to county. He is said to have been in ill health and also to have brooded much over the tragedy in which ,he is said to have figured more than 1 12 years ago. He is survived by his widow and eight children, all of whom were at home when he killed himself. HIS NOTORIETY. ii There goes our most noted citizen,” said the landlord of the Petunia Tavern, indicating an unim pressive passerby. “He has been a for nearly every office in the catalog, and is noted for not getting any of them. i GRIFFIN DAILY NEWS DOMINGOS GROCERY CO. When our customers ask us for a favor, they cheer us along, because we like to accommodate our friends. In order to do our part for GRIFFIN’S CLEAN UP WEEK we are offering for the entire week attractive Specials on Clean Up Articles. 3 cans 6 bars OLD DUTCH OCTAGON SOAP 25 c 25 c We have Bon-Ami Parson’s Household Powder Ammonia $1.25 Broom Johnson’s 1-lb. can WHITE LILY FLOOR WAX $l-oo 69 c Floor Polish and String Mops and Tin Tubs Rope Mops DOMINGOS GROCERY CO. COURTESY CLEANLINESS tiUttUiuti»HiiuiunHiitiKUiunmiaiiuii»u«aiiiimiiimnBnnwrtiHHw a i iH8 B atW M W iai Market Reports (Over Pursley, Slaton & Co.’s Private Wire). ' New Orleans Cotton |Open|HighiLowjCloselClose IPreV 1111 i Jan. 125.37125.80123.88123.97125.23 Mch. |25.59|25.91|24.12]24.20I2546 |2577|25.85|24.26|24.31|26.5? May 125.25125.49123.80123.84125.11 Oct. Dec. .... |25.30|25.69123.82|23.92|25|18 Spots—Middling 125 off 1400. ) New York Cotton |Prev. |OpenjHigh|LowjCloseiClose Jan.__ JH5.50|25.90|24.04I24.05125.40 125.85126.10124.35124.37369 Mch. May |2605j26.30|24.52|24.55125.90 |26.30|26.58]24.70124.81126.12 •c. Spots*—Middling — 125.40)25.76123.92123.95125.28 125 down 2510. Griffin Spot Cotton Good middling 23.75. “ Strict middling 23.50. 1 Middling 23.25._____ FOR Typewritten work call A. R. Trippe, 109 1-2 Solomon street, phone 705 or 298J. FOR RENT—Garage at 325 Ninth street, Dick Drake’s home. Phone _, „ Wednesday. October 8,1924. Grain and Provision ] Prev. I Open I Close I Dec. . ,,Q 148H 1 / ,t 150% n s/ 149% 1 s' May 153 155% 154% July ......... 138 139% 139 CORN— Dec......... 112%, 113% 113% May .......... 114% 116 115% July ........ 115% 116% 116% OATS— Dec...... ... . 56% 57 56% May 60% 61% 61% July 59 59% 59% RIBS Oct. 12.25 12.25 12.15 Nov. 12.25 LARD— Oct. 15.05 15.02 15.02 Nov........ 14.90 14.92 14.95 Jan. ........... 14.20 14.10 14.25 BELLIES— Oct..... 14.55 14.55 14.45 Nov. 7 14.20 14.20 14.50 Jno. F. Clark & Company’s Cotton Letter New York, Oct. 8.—Prices befdre the report were up 50 points on ex- * t *. 0 i A m • C* B \ \ us t \ iUi\ U\ i C) \ \\ •y/a> o J S. \ < i \t I Griffin-Sordine Chamber of pectation of bullish figures and bad weather outlook for Texas but as is often the case> they were just the reverse and justified the belief of conservative people that the rains had not seriously reduced the pros pects as indicated in the previous report. There was the usual rush to and as buyers withdrew, prices slumped 175 points, where the mar ket met sufficient open orders to buy to check the decline. New lows were made in the af ternoon, however, on scattered dations and absence of speculative support as traders were not so keen to buy if the yield still has a chance of being 12,500,000 or better. Sentiment this afternoon is er bearish. ROOSEVELT’S SISTER TO MAKE SPEECHES Chicago, Oct. 8. — Mrs. Corrine Roosevelt Robinson, sister of Presi dent Roosevelt, will make two speeches in behalf of the Republican committee, it was announced last night at Republican national head quarters here. One of her appear will be at South Bend, Ind ” October 17. T k-'W/U aaK OHjk Qt|V< gfrjyj pg Su(£< Joliet, I1L, 0< since he life fo* the kit ,.f Robert Fra saw his mother, vest erd a y, when the state ppnit^i Obedience an< by j h * _ m ' Your father re st of us are for your welfar your best now, I have » now, tt he said. see things* a lfl Nov/ my ambit; in prison. I’m down here. IT The visit Iasi The father, Sears-Robuck & mained at the L Charlevoix and v who since his arriit* is suffering ttoi