Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1924-current, October 09, 1924, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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- Thursday, October 9, 1924. , c msi ro 'A~ ssi 2 ET , KE THE TOWN SHI T i. -i *- ; - '■fm - = ■ —— ■ W r.I . * i I ’ :4 mil ’$ Save The Surface and You Save All M " ; -• 44 . "•* . V: ' '#•■ ;#sn* ;YI0WN 0 ,■:> ous Prose-Poet -PAINT AND VARNISH. ^ things look seedy everywhere. They 0 , . 75% of all surfaces are being neglected. We handle a complete line of the famous ey simply sit around and yip, in envy’s •ge^Tthe hill. Oh, Shabbytown is punk # * ecs^ and strangers passing through rk.” ‘‘Clean Up and Paint Up” makes SHERWIN-WILLIAMS ytown. A can of paint makes no ap- i _ 1; the people think there is no sense in ‘~~X re always going down, and getting f 'opii^r m soul a thrill when I arrive in »\\ Paints" and Varnishes f! II P m - : brides the people take a hearty, - bright, and in their labors, take de- ' . Stains and Enamels MmM y$-M St paint, selecting colors chaste or quaint, ; >i •ding off decay’s attack, and making all ■ when _ of i® a book. A nd strangers, 3 . Call for Estimates and Color Cards : and raise nine- ~ T . ►me and settle down, us Wf. -» ‘ 1 .. slide as grease.” This happy burg iv ■> 3 is pnone and dead. NEWTON COAL - & LUMBER CO. . . > \ * m , r PHONES 5 and 59 >* * fir. Wash Up— 5 Dope Up— » FixUp— . Your Car :> Id This week r. :c> at i will ?oo SKELTON’S / GARAGE i / Phone 205 HER WONDERFUL AIM A certain dear old lady always made it her business to visit the poor patients in the hospital. . On one occasion she approached a much bandaged individual, who was sitting up in bed, and after a little preliminary talk she said to him, very sympathetically: K I suppose your wife must miss you a good deal.” <4 No, mum,” cjme the prompt reply “she’s got a wonderful aim for a woman. >» S. J. CARMICHAEL BURIED Jackson, Oct. 9.—Funeral services for Slaton J. Carmichael, aged 35, who died in New Oxleans Saturday night, were held from the First Bap tist church of Jackson at 2:30 o’clock Tuesday afternoon. The services were conducted by the pastor, Rev. J. S. Hartsfield, assisted by Rev. Henry H. Jones, of the Methodist church. There was a large attend ance of relatives and friends and lovely floral offerings were received. In Cleveland college is a clock that has varied less than one second I in two and one-half years. Griffin ijUl, her sister, Mrs. Curtis Peepl«A Dock Chalkey attended a meeting at VauglT’ Sunday. Antioch, Miss Siairda^ tics Stubbs, of spent night and Sunday with M,itchell. Melvin Hubbard, of Atlanta, spent Sunday with Looney Good man. Mr. aid Mrs. Steve Jackson had as their guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Peiy Cobb, of Atlanta; Mr. and Mr*. Green Brown, of Griffin. ghaiV^rLJn, of Atlanta, visited Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Plumer Sun day. Mrs. L. L. Peeples, of Mr. aid Hampton. spent Sunday with the former’* brother, Mr. and Mrs. Ike Peeples. • Mrs, Dock Akins, Mr. aid Brooks g( tfent Sunday with the lat ter’B Mr. and Mrs. A v Goodman. Jaday Mr. am Mrs. Wilder children notored to Griffin to visit liter’s mother, Shivers, »*<*• ■is Halir^ pfrorld’s United States. electric used i»the GRIFFIN DAILY NEWS a = DOMINGOS GROCERY CO. COKE When cheer our customers ask us for a favor, they GAS us along, because we like to Accommodate our friends. In order to do our part for The Clean, Guaranteed Fuel For GRIFFIN’S CLEAN UP WEEK we are offering for the entire week attractive the Home Specials on Clean Up Articles. 3 cans 6 bars No Smoke No Soot OLD DUTCH OCTAGON SOAP No dirt to soil 25' 25' Keep your home glean by burning “GAS . We have Bon-Ami Parson’s Household HOUSE COKE. yy * Powder Ammonia $1.25 Broom Johnson’s 1-lb. Be sure you get Soft Gas House Coke, not can hard coke—there’s a difference. WHITE LILY FLOOR WAX ORDER A TON TODAY $1°° 69 c GRIFFIN GAS COMPANY Floor Polish and String Mops and Tin Tubs Rope Mops DOMINGOS Phone 665 COURTESY GROCERY CO. CLEANLINESS ‘iQ*t t « We Strongly Endorse the Clean Up and Paint Up time is CLEAN UP AND PAINT a good time to bring out your UP It put-away” clothing and have CAMPAIGN us dry clean and restore them Because < to their original freshness. —It is a Thrift Movement. Phone 399 for truck. —It increases property values. I our —It increases personal and civic self-respect. —It will advertise the city. BUNN’S —It will make for a better community in many ways. It is educational. ‘JUST A LITTLE BETTER” CITY NATIONAL BANK Dry Cleaning, Tailoring. Pressing, Altering and GRIFFIN, GA. Ladies’ Work a Specialty. Service Safety 134 N. HILL ST. PHONE 399 <p - £.