Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1924-current, October 13, 1924, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Monday, October 13, 1924. Argentine ThcatreTqipresarios At Last Find Pretty Native Chorus Girls Buenos Aires, Oct;. 13.—The thea tre impressarios of Buenos Aaires have at last developed what never has been seen before on the local stage—pretty, shapely and tuneful Argentine choi girls. In the past years foreigners who saw the so-called revues in Buenos Aires seldom went more than once. They came away declaring that the Argentine show girls were the most awful collection of ill-looking, apa thetic and voiceless specimens of femininity they had ever seen. Two years ago one enterprising theatre manager imported a company from Paris which included a chorus of unusually good looking young wo men. Last year two Paris companies came, and althoug they played to Special Election . Here Wednesday All arrangements have been com pleted for a special election held in this city Wednesday for 'the purpose of determining whether or not the recent act of the legislature providing for a board of five com missioners shall be approved. The election will be held at the city hall, the polls opening at 7 o’clock and closing at 6 p. m, At present the city has only three city commissioners. The act of the general assembly pr oviding for five members of the board must be rati fied or rejected by the voters hero in the special election. It provid e for one commissioner from each wa 1 and one from the city at large who will be chairman of the board. “THE NAVIGATOR 77 WAVS-OKI-MBA© m o Ii A I $ / Buickhas more than toventy choose Body from.* Styles to No such variety is offered elsewhere, —* regardless of price. *Buick leads in Body Styles r-io-n-A SLATON MOTOR COMPANY C. W." SLATON, Prop. 109 East Solomon St. Phone 680 When better automobiles are built, Buick will build them You Owe It To Yourself— Eight hours sleep on a bed that is SOFT, CLEAN and WHOLESOME. Is you-r Mat tress in good condition? If not, we can put it in the best of shape—-it doesn’t cost much. Call or write us for your health sake. All Work Guaranteed MAUNEY MATTRESS CO. P. O. Box 324 Phone 988 Griffin, Ga. COAL COAL COAL Why waste money buying the cheapest coal? We have best grade TENNESSEE JELLICO at a reasonable price. PEOPLES ICE COMPANY PHONE 287 ir New York, Oct. 13.—When Edward McCormack, Jr., 21, learned that man who has cared for him as his own for 18 years is not his real father he sobbed piteously and prom ised Kings county Judge Taylor that will go straight. McCormack and James Spencer were found guilty of having commit ted a burglary in Brooklyn. Spencer was sentenced to five years in Sing Sing. Then came McCormack's turn. U I was 1 going to sentence you from two to four years," Judge Taylor began. “But I feel that you should begin a new chapter in. your life. This man," indicating Edward McCor mack, whom you thought was your father, has worked and cared for you as his own. . Taking this into consid eration, I shall give you five years of strict probation. You are to live with your foster father and do as he says. He has done everything to keep you straight, but you have failed. ft “Do you mean to tell me this man houses, the expense of bring ing them such a long distance and paying the salaries of the stars made profits small. ‘ ■ .' - ......... ■■■ ' f This season the local theatre man agers decided they could produce just as good from local talent by making the effort to find it. Two of them succeeded by offering high sab aries, importing Parisian ideas for costumes, selecting graceful young women and employing efficient danc ing and music masters to train them. Both theatres have had the “S. R. O.” sign out for two months, and Ameri cans who have attended the per formances exclaim: “Well, this is more like New York.’.’ REVIVAL SERVICES AT SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH TO CONTINUE ALL WEEK The revival services at the Second Baptist church will continue through this week. Services will begin each evening promptly at 7 o’clock with Rev. Mr. Morirs preaching, Thi services during the past week hav«k, been a great success and'an inspira tion to all who have attended. Every one is invited to attend. AN OUTSIDER’S VIEW “Jack is so joetfcal! When I accept ed him he said he felt like an immi grant entering a new world.” “Poerty nothing. That was humor —wasn’t he just landed? ft J. M. Patton, of Williamson, called at the News office Monday morning and subscribed for the semi-weekly. He reported that everyone' in his sec tion is very much pleased with the paper. GRIFFIN DAILY NEWS Appeal of Foster Father Turns Young Man From Career of Crime No market report today on account of Columbus Market Reports (Over Pursley, Slaton & Co.’s Private Wire). New Orleans Cotton |OpenjHrghjLow|Close|Close jPrev Jan. I23.44j23.46|23.21 j23.68j23.68j23.45 23.21123.62 Mch. ___ 23.45j23.85 May ... |23.84|23.84j23.61 |23.30|23.30|23.17 23J61|23.99 Oct. — |23.35j23.43j23.17 23.17j23.52 23.17j23.57 Dec. ___ Spots—Middling 45 off 23.20. New York Cotton I I I |Prev. [Open High LowjClosejClose Jan. ... |23.57 23.59 23.35j23.35 23.71 Meh. ... |23.85 j24,10 23.89 23.68j23.68j24.02 23.90j23.90 May 24.10 24.22 Oct. J24.40j24.40 |23.52|23.55 24.20j24.20 24.54 Dec. — 23.28(23.28 23.68 Spots—Middling 40 down 24.45. Griffin Spot Cotton Good middling 23.50. Strict middling 23.25. Middling 23.00. Grain and Provision ( ■ : j Prev. Open I Close j Close WHEAT— Ogc . .144 Ii U2S4- 145'4 May ........ 14914" 147% 150 July ........ 131 130% 132 CORN— Dec......... ..: 111% 111% 1113.4 May 113% 113% 114% T uly .........113% 114 ”> 114% OATS— tec. 54% 53% 55 May 58% 57% 59% Fuly 55% 54% 56 Vi RIBS— Oct. .......... 12.30 12.30 12.30 Nov. .......... .12.25 12.25 12.35 LARD— Oct............. ..... 15.47 15.60 15.47 Nov............. .........14.27 14.30 15.02 fan. ...... 14.17 14.15 14.15 BELLIES— Oct......... 14.90 14.90 14 90 Nov........... ,.......14.40 14.40 14.40 Jno. F. Clark & Company’s Cotton Letter New York, Oct. 11.—Cotton ruled easier today under the influence of good weather and forecast, hedge selling and some liquidation for the two day adjournment, The Buying was scattered, It was remarked ynment report period had passed that two thirds of the current gov with favorable conditions for making cotton and that the next indication may be 12,600,000 or better. A cable from India said their es for trteir crop was six million against 5,200,000 last year On the other hand a dispatch from Manchester quoted an authority as stating that the outlook in Lanca shire was the best since before the war with India and China their best customers. Majority opinion appears to be that the market may work lower, ultimate values depending to a con siderable extent on the frost date. Praise A man’s praises have very musical and charming accents In the mouth of another, but sound very flat and un tunable In Ids mvn.—Xenophon. THE NAVIGATOR w TT Lodge Directory WARREN LODGE No. 20, I. O. O. F., meow every Monday night at 7:30 at Warren Lodge Hall. Visiting brothers cor dially invited. R. A. PEEL, Secretary, W. T. ATKINSON, N. G. MERIDIAN SUN LODGE No. 26, F. & A. M. Regular meeting Tuesday night October 21, 7 o’clock, Note change in hour. Visitors welcome. C. H. Scales, W. M. Bill Wills, Sec W. 0. w. Meets every Thursday, 7:30 p. m. Sovereigns, your wili camp needs your presence. You find your Clerk all times at Slaton Powell Clo. Co Visiting Sovereigns welcome. Come. L. J. SAULEY, C. C. C. C. STANLEY, Clerk. Pythagoras Chapter, No. 10, R. A. M. Regular meeting, Second and Fourth Thursday, 7:30 p. m. Visitors wel iome. WM. T. ATKINSON, H. P. BILL WELLS, Secretary. Ben Barrow Lodge No. 587 F. & A. M. Regular meetings First and Thursday nights in each Visiting brothers invited. L. B. GUEST, W. M. CLIFFORD GRUBBS. Secty. not my father?” the prisoner ask ed in a broken voice, Without answering, Judge Taylor remained: “I gues I’ve said too much. »» The son and the foster father both broke down, and sobbing, were taken into an adjoining room. Afterward young McCormack said: “This man has been more than good to me, and I shall pay him back for all he has done for me, while I have been such a disappoint ment to him. ft J. P. Nichols Retires (Continued from Page 1) * spared for many more years of ac tivity and usefulness in the work of the Kingdom. We recommend to the church that the following be elected as the gen eral officers of the Sunday school for the ensuing year: John H. Cheatham, superintendent; W. L. Joiner, Jr., associate superin tendent; C. T. Cooper, secretary; J. P. Nichols, treasurer. Thought and Work Gr,>;ii thought^ hullow iinv lul,or. To day I earned 75 cents heavtuu manure out of ii pen. and made it good hnrgnln of It. If the ditcher muses the while how he may live uprightly, tin* ditch ing spade itnd hut knife may be en graved on i he coat-of-anns of his poa teriiy —Thorenn. Not the Same Pointa Meicmidogisis iiiIU ilium! the dew which means the temperature saturation.' when the water vapor In the nlr condenses to u liquid or solid state. The do point in a man comes when his thought is made solid by ac tion—-when he does it himself! Queer Sentiment “Sentiment.’’ said Uncle Elien." is a thing. Some men dat wouldn’t a hard-lucU story will fie! real an’ sympathetic when dey hears good tune on u saxophone.’’—Wash Ington Star. Making Progress w The Sport Writer—“Do you think has afiy effect on McSlough’s lilt ting?” The Manager—“Some. lie's so lie yells ‘fore’ every time he goes to hat." u THE NAVIGATOR ft Lucky Spider Should a spider be bitten In a limb and poison be present, the creature will often tear the limb off and throw It away, growing a new one to re. place it.------------ ------------------------- " Partners in Crime There Is some co-operation among wild creatures The stork and the wolf usually work the same neighbor hood—Macon News. Woman’s Idea of Man A.married woman's Idea of a man is that he’s somebody who ean’t find his dress lie when it’s in the drawer right under his nose. Protection If. ns one woman Writer says, girls seldom marry the men who waste money on ihem, there evidently Is method In some men’s madness. Birds Forced to Fast In cold weather the birds’ greatesi enemy is the length of the night, which means a long fast for the day •feeding kinds. Queen’s Bridal Gift At the marriage of a maid of honor if Queen Mary assents, she receive* several thousand dollars as a bridal gift. Denaturing Debate A French doctor claims to have dis covered a cure for snoring. He-may thus be the means of eliminating one deplorable feature from parliamentary' debate.—London Punch. Labor Saver One won’t have to mow a lawn so much If lie waters It under a hot sun. It will scald out and there’ll be noth ing to mow. Plane Flies Over Andes A Danish aviator In an American plane flew over the Andes with u pas senger, the first time the feat was ever accomplished. A Practical Dreamer • Being a dreamer may bespeak tb« artistic temperament, hut you dream to some purpose to draw a ga? ary. WANT ADS . FOR RENT - Two connecting rooms, furnished or unfurnished. 306 S. Hill street, phone 494W, FOR RENT—Two large connect ing rooms and kitchenette. Phone 511J. FOR RENT—Furnished room to one or two young men. Close in. Phone 305. FOR RENT: One furnished room, private bath and garage. Phone Mrs. S . C. Mitchell at 417. FOR RENT—Two furnished or unfurnished rooms for light house keeping. Possession' October 16. 631 W. Solomon. FOR SALE: Three kitchen tables. $1.50 and $2.50. J. A. Stewart, 114 [West Broad street, FOR SALE: Roll top desk. Phone No. 561.— FftR SALE—Rust proof oata, clean and free of smoot; home grown. *A. F. Gossett & Sons. FOR SALE: Baby carriage. Call 428-W Sweaters, men’s, ladies and chil Idren.s One half price. J. A. Stew lart, 114 West Broad street. W. C. MILES, M. D. General Practice and X-ray Office over Griffin Pharmacy. PHONES: Residence, 511-J Office, 32 ; • FAIR NOTICE Season tickets for Fair can be had at following Scales Drug Co. Sibley Clothing Co. Cole Drug Co. Griffin Pharmacy Co. Slaton-Powell Clothing Co. Persons-Hammond Hdw Co • Blue Goose Cafe Chamber of Commerce PRICE: $2.00 for Whole $1.00 for Halves BRUCE MONTGOMERY Secretary MrnmmwmmsmK EXECUTOR’S SALE Pursuant to an order granted by the Court of Ordinary? Spalding County, Ga., the following lands will be sold the first Tuesday in Novem ber for the purpose of paying debts: Fifty-five acres of land, more or less, situated, lying and being in the northeast comer of lot No. 17 in the second district of. originally Henry, now Spalding County, Georgia, and described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner, running west 21 chains, thence south 25 chains, thence south 83 degrees, thence east to the original line, being the same lands deeded to Nancy Pope Manley by T. J. Manley, Admr, of the estate of T. W. Manley, recorded in deed book 2, page 257. Also, 100 acres known as the Ray place in Butts Cohnty, Georgia, bounded on the north by N. F. Huddleston, on the east by public road, and lands of Mrs. N. E. Lewis estate, on the south by lands of Mrs. A. F. Gossett, on the West by lands of Mrs. N. E. Lewis estate, being part of the lands .conveyed to Mrs. Nancy Pope Manley by W. C. Man ley, deed dated January 4, 1896, and is recorded in deed book W, page 343, Spalding County, Georgia, I T. W. MANLEY, Executor, Nancy Pope Manley. PAGE FIV ft S „. * r LE: _ Piano nearly partly paid for, near Griffin. Will J^e sold by leading Atlanta mu sic house for balance due. Terms if desired. Address Box 621; Atlanta, complete information. FOR SALE: New cypress, iron bound barrels. Also crocker sacks. Phone 327. FOR Typewritten work call A. R. Trippe, 109 1-2 Solomon street, phone 705 or 298J. Men’s fine Velour and Felt Hats, worth twice 'the money, to go at $2.95 J. A. Stewart, 114 West Broad street. LOST: Between Griffin and Vaughn Rim. tire and number, No. 17,009. Finder please notify W. E. Simon ton, Phone 586.— - Lost: Setter dog, white with tan spots. Answers of “Ar«* * to name - ic. »» Return to H. T. McWilliams. WANTED—Position as chauffer , butler or cook in private family, l!i Tyus Street 100 pairs Ladies’ Fine Slipper ,' | worth to 4’s. from $1.00. At *> Stewart’s, * 1000 > 114 W. «p I Broad street. S. G. BAILEY REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE FOR SALE Three choice lots on South Hill street. The attractive Royster home, South 12th street. FOR RENT Offices 114 West Solomon street Will improve to suit tenant. i S. G. BAILEY Real Estate and Insurance 114 E. Solomon St. Phones: Office 2. Res. 1 Railroad Schedule CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RY. Arrival and Departure of Passenger Trains at Griffin, Ga. The schedules are published as infor mation and are not guaranteed: North South 2:29 p.m, Altanta-Sav’h 11:06 p.ra. 4:30 a.m. Atlanta-Sav’h 9:07 a.m. 6:47 a.m. Chigo-Cin-Jax 11:55 pjn. 6:53 a.m. Chigo-St. L.-Jax 8:42 p.m. 9:01 a.m. Atlanta-Macon 5:20 p.m. 12:25 p.m. Atlanta-Macon 2:17 pj*. 5:57 p.m. Atlanta-Albany 12:19 a.m. Chattanooga Division From: For: 8:30 p.m. Chattanooga 9:45 am 8:15 a.m. Cedartowa 5:25 p.m. SOUTHERN RAILWAY From: For: Atlanta points^— East—West 10:02 a.: l0;0 2 a.m. CoIW>t.Valley 5:58 p.: