Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1924-current, October 14, 1924, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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PAGE FOUR EGGHEAD’S EPICS M ■a* as St§ L FAIR AND WARMER SO THIS IS the week of the Griffin and Spalding County Fair, a week when the population of the city and county can mix and mingle on the midway, in the grandstand, exhibition rooms, on the whip, ferris wheel, flying jenny and various and sundry other places of wholesome amusement. THE SOUTHEASTERN fair dosed in Atlanta Saturday. The writer went out to the races, etc., several afternoons. Once, while standing in front of the grandstand, someone yelled, “Egghead." There is somebody from home, w# meditated, and turning around saw Julian Gaissert and Bruce Montgomery, president and secretary of the fair association. They were up here getting horses for the Griffin races, and they got most all Atlanta had, too. SPEAKING OF THRILLING sports, that auto polo makes most any kind of game in the world look mild. We are thinking of introducing the game at Griffin. We have already challenged the champion team up here to play one we are going to manage, consisting of Jbg Spivis, pilot, and “Doc” Johnson, as the man who stands on the running board and mauls the ball. Those birds turn each other over just for fun, but we contend that our team would be fearless and unbeatable. AT THE HORSE 8HOW one day last week, they were hurdling bar riers on horseback like they do on fox hunts in the movies. One horse forgot to jump, threw his rider and fell on top of him. The writer hap pened to be standing within 20 feet of the spot, Everybody thought the poor fellow was dead. Megaphones were thrown in the stands for a doctor, and who should respond but our old friend, “Doc" Linwood Gable. The old was on the HOME COMING AN ^ATTRACTIVE card from Bill Wells, in behalf of the Chamber of Commerce, states that Thursday will be “Home-coming day’^at the Griffin fair, including an appropriate per sonal touch by saying, “All the folks will be looking for you,” which makes it seem like a personal invitation. Egghead is very anxious to spend at least one day jn Griffin this week, but Wednesday is the day of the g a u„ort-Guttti.eU* wedding, which we can ill afford to miss; Thursday is home-coming day, and one Friday G. H. S. plays Commercial Hi there. THAT MAKES too many things in one week and it will W a tough job to decide which'day to come, if at nJl. COMMERCIAL HI SPEAKING OF the Commercial gome, the Atlanta preps were de feated last Friday by Decatur, 14 to 0. Decatur seems to have developed a Bronchitis Leaves a bad cough. So does "fin 1* and la grippe, put these lingering coughs and yield easily to the healing curative qualities of CHAMBERLAIN'S CQUGH REMEDY Every user it a friend IflSaMMW V Put Real Walls 9 and ceilings Into Your Home 1 - I ET us show you how to put real walls and j ceilings into apy old house that has never been finished inside. Sheetrock is the means of making this big improvement at little cost. Sheetrock is gypsum, cast in sheets. It makes solid, tight-jointed, permanent walls and ceil ings— non-warping and fireproof. Easily done— just nail the Sheetrock to the joists or studding. And you can decorate as you please, with wall paper, paint, panels, or Textone, The Sheetrock Decorator. A Made only by the United States Gypsum Company. - Ask your lumber or building material dealer for a sample and prices. UNITED STATES GYPSUM COMPANY 205 West Monroe Street, Chicago, Illinois - Rm. U.S.Pat.Off. SHEETROCK THE Fireproof WALLBOARD 9 J? mmm very good team this year, and the G. H. S. boys must not get over confident in view of this fact. Frank ly speaking, however, we have a mighty good hunch that Coach Talia ferro's boys will lick Commercial, but they will have to fight like the mis chief to do It. BUT FIGHTING spirit is one quality for which G. H. S. teams have been noted for years, and there are some mighty good players still left in Griffin, That has already been proved. GRANT PARK A MERRY little flriffin party , < on sisting of John Hall Murray, John Mills Brewer, David Wark Jenkins and yours very truly went out co Grant Park last Sunday afternoon tor visit some of our ancestors and watch them, eat peanuts. The first two named are in Atlanta attending Tech, the third was here attending the Tech-Florida game, the fourth is here of working for a living uipjd the rest those mentioned ar6 here just eating peanuts and swinging from their tales. ALL OF WHICH has nothing to do with the trip of the Shenandoah, ZR-3, price of hot dogs or stakes at the Grand Circuit races. GRIFFIN DAILY NEWS EAST GRIFFIN Correspondent—Phone 731-J. Miss Estelle Grubbs. Give your news to Miss Grubbs or leave it for her at Forbes Drug Co., No. 2 Cloth Room or with Ben Jay. Dan Oxford spent the week-end in Barnesville. Mrs. Dollie Evans and children, of Fairfax, Ala., are visiting in East Griffin. Mrs. Crane visited in East Grif fin Sunday. ^ Miss Elsie Mae Moore spent Fri day night with Estell and Mildred Grubbs. Mr. and Mrs. Nelms spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Garner. Mrs. Robert Bayard spent Sun day with her mother, Mrs. Timmons. Mrs. Grace Castlebury spent Sun day afternoon with Mrs. Clifford Grubbs. The—Georgia Kincaid Band gave an °P® n a ' r concert from 2 to 4 o’clock yesterday afternoon at their hall. They made great music for a large crowd who gathered to boost the band boys. The regular convention of the Pen tecostal Holiness church will be held at their church October 22 to 26. at the East Griffin church. They extend a cordial invitation to all to visit this convention. They are expecting a large attendance of preachers and delegates from all over the country. Among those ex pected to be present are P'- lV5£ , *** Sorrow, . r'rice, and G. C. Sorrow. They desire to thank the people in ad for their support and co-oper ation during this association. Rev. Hines has been elected pastor for this church for the coming year. They are expecting to start a prottracted meeting next week con ducted by Rev. Fletcher Sorrow, as sisted by Rev. W. J. Tolbert, who is pastor for this year. The “Old Maids’ Convention” was a success at the Third Methodist church, of East Griffin, Saturday night. A large crowd attended, fill ing the church. The receipts were $39.50. A large crowd attended services at East Griffin Baptist church Sunday and Sunday night. West Griffin Mrs. Butler Bawl visited Mrs. Charlie Stallings Sunday afternoon. Mr,, and rs. Lon Hancock, of Es man, visited her father and sisted, Mrs. Gertrude Daniel and Jack Jar rell, Sunday. Frank Davis, of Macon, visited rel atives in West Griffin Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.' Sanimie Davis visit ed Robert Hale Sunday afternoon. T. L. Jonqs and sonijjffit'rray, spent the week-end with his sister, Mrs. H, -S. Gattin; .......... — • ’ Carl Gattin and J. E. Reid motor ed to Digby Saturday. Sidney Hale, of Brooks, is visiting R. H. Hale in West Griffin. Paul Gattin motored to Atlanta Sunday with T. L. Jones and son. 0 R. H. Hale and family were enter tained at a birthday dinner at Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hudgins Sunday in Brooks. Mrs. Ida Cody has veen very ill but is rapidly improving. Hubert Norton motored to Atlan ta Saturday and attended the South eastern Fair, Lee Boyd is leaving for Detroit to make his home there. ——^ Mr. and Mrs. Brown and family were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. El vin Blalock Sunday at Hollonville. J. W. Jones has returned to Atlan ta where he expects to make his home in the future. EXPERIMENT NEWS Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Crawford and little daughter, of Griffin, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Crawford Sunday, Willie Crawley spent Sunday at the home of his parents, Mr. Mrs. Cawley, of Fayetteville. Mrs. Nannie Zell Davis and chil dren, of Macon, were gqests of Mrs. Vashti Dunn Sunday. » We are sorry to report that O. D. McGee is very sick. Mrs. Anna Statham, Mrs. Ogles by and Mrs. Susie Hesley called on Mrs. Mary Lizzie Hudgins Sunday afternoon. Mrs. J. W.» Burks and Miss Ola Belle Burks visited at the home of Mrs. Sally Taylor, of East Griffin, Saturday, Mi*, and Mrs. L. H. Royal of West Griffin visited at the home of their brother, Mr. Will Hudgins, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lum Thompson, of Zebulon, visited Mr. and Wil liam Moore Sunday. L. R. Crawford and a party of : ^sa S & " 555 6 1 Sec '.{ ' JapLII > id yi ] V1 pining room SI mm FURNITURE. h . t : j - ' fe JP V; - . m WONDERFUL DINING ROOM SUITES p t » . m French Walnut, American Walnut (dull) 5-ply top, ends and fronts, 3-ply drawer bottoms. Chairs up r helstered in tapestry or other materials. We have these in different prices and terms to please. VICTROLAS COLUMBIA EDISON MACHINES and RECORDS i t motored to Vaughn Sunday to attend services at that church. Misses Ola Belle and Mary Emma Hudgins and a party of friends tored to Hampton Sund Mrs. Nellie Crowder.fof East Grif fin, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thad Smith Sunday. We are very sorry to report Mrs. J. W. Lockridge ill at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Thad Smith. Miss Omie Ross spent the week end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross, of near Weaver. Misses Gladys and Gertrude Mil- ra OPEN OPEN // 1 ALL W uZ\ ^ M AIL N w 'I, * NIGHT in, NIGHT |ftv ■i WEST FAIRV1EW GAS FILLING STATION \ / Columbus Road, Vi Mile From Griffin % NOW OPEN FOR DAY AND ALL-NIGHT SERVICE Selling THAT GOOD GULF GASOLINE Free Air Free Battery Water Motorists: Hot Lunches and Coffee for you at All Hours. 7 Barbecued Meats Saturdays and Sundays. i H. M. Flewellen a Tuesday, October 14,1924. ner spent the week-end at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mil ner, of near New Hope. We ar& very sorry to report the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Fern Goodson very ill. Choice Wiley and Robert Cook, of Rossville, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thad Smith. Mrs. Fred Butler and children vis ited at t Butler haahome of Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Sunday afternoon. Mrs. C. W. Wright and Misses Clarice and Imogejne Wright were among those shopping in Griffin Sat-, Orange Oil Industry The orange oil industry in Jamalct is proving of great value,^and is g means of getting money from orange) which would otherwise go to waste. ‘COLD IN THE HEAD is an acute attack of Nasal Catarrh. Those subject to frequent “colds” are generally in a “run down” condition. HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE is a Treatment consisting of an Oint ment, to be used locally, and a Tonic, which acts Quickly through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces, building up X®m^cbida” y ° U !ess " £”» urpjj 71