Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1924-current, October 20, 1924, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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2mm HHnM i' _____ improUnt meeting of the - Federated Clubs will be held iff the Chamber of Commerce rooms Tuesday morning at 10:30 o’clock and a full attendance is requeat ed by the officers. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Flynt motor ed to Macon Saturday and were accompanied home by Misa Vir inia Flynt and Miss Gwendolln Williams, students at Wesleyan College, who spent Sunday at home. Dr. and Mrs. M. X Ware and Jack Ware spent Sunday in At lanta as guests of Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Ware. * L. C. Connell, of Danville, Va., will arrive in a few days to spend some time With hie mother, Mrs. Viola Connell, at 131 Bell street Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brooks and daughter, Erline, of Senoia, came over Sunday morning and Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Brooks car ried them to Williamson for a birthday party at the home of Mrs. Horton, Mrs. Henry Brook’s mother. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Y. Hill, former residents of Griffin, are spending a few days with the Rev. and Mrs. 0. K. Cull, en route to St. Petersburg, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Neely Smith, of Charlotte, N. C., will arrive in Griffin tomorrow, Mrs. coming to visit her sister, Mrs. Cooper Newton, and Mr. Smith coming to visit his mother, Mrs. Mary Neely Smith, and his sister, Miss Opal Smith. Mr. Smith will Mil Monday, October 27, on h business trip to Liverpool. * William Searcy, III, has re turned to Atlanta after spending the week-end in Griffin with his father, Judge W. E. H. Searcy, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Colquit and childnm and Mrs. W. H. Holmes motored to Thomas ton Sunday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Holmes. A. Mrs. W. 'Fi Nutt, of Luells, was shopping in Griffin Monday. 1 »I Mr. and Mrs.'Harvsy spent Sun day in HapevWe with their par ent^ H MV. arid ^«. c IdH Davis.' y Ifi 4 i PC kS .t'.-', ; *■ •*' t itMiM Berths Holmes, of Barnes ville, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. O. L. Colquit, on. West Pep ■iar street. *( 4 M** > Cheatham Peeler, of Locust Grove, spent Saturday night and Sunday in Griffin with friends. Among those from Locust Grove •hopping in Griffin Monday was Mrs. W. P. Walker. Miss Ermie MUler, of Wood lawn, was the week-end guest of her sister, Miss Thelma Miller, st 432 South Sixth street. Mr. and Mrs. Judson Strickland, of Houston, Texas, who are visit ing relatives in Concord will spend Monday night and Tuesday with Mrs. Robert F. Strickland end Miss Hattie Heed. I 4 Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Chapman •nd children, of Midway, were vis itors to Griffin Monday. A meeting of the American La gion Auxiliary will be held Tuea day afternoon at 3:30 at tie home of Mrs. Walter Greefe in the rian Apartments. All members art urged to be present. Misa Betty Shivers, who has been ill for sometime, ia improv ing. Mias Thelma Faulkner has re turned to Forsyth, where she la attending* school at Bessie Tift College/’ajter spending the parent, week end iff 71 Griffin with her Mr. and lire. J. A. Faulkner. •i V> .fto.....>• • 1 ; - Mr. and Mn. Charles Edgar Gunnels, whoa# marriage waa event of last week, returned to Griffin Sunday night from their wedding trip fti South Georgia; in'Kt ’home in the Marian ; ‘.v i. Dfek Brewer has returned from where he Spent the week* with 1 his brother; Lewis Brew er, a student at Tifch, add attend ed the Tech-Penn State football game. Mrs. J. A. Moseley and young daughter, Frances Earle, have re turned to theft Home' In Atlanta after a visit to her sister, Mrs. Frank Gsissert, on West Taylor street ■ 't v . v** Mr. and Mrs. Kincaid Thomas and young daughter, Sue, have re turned home, after a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Thom as, in Dalton. John Murray Hall, a student at Tech, spent the week-end in Grif fin with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. B. C. Murray. Frank Moore, of Hampton, mo tored to Griffin Sunday afternoon and visited friends. Dr. William McDougai, of At lanta, spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Thomas. Frank Binford, who is attend ing school at Tech, has returned to Atlanta after spending the week-end with his father, F. M. Binford. He had as his guest a Mr. Pendleton. Miss Gladys Bailey, who is teaching school in South Georgia, spent the week-end in Griffin with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Bailey. Dr. and Mrs. M. F. Carson, George and Tom Carson returned home Sunday night from a sev eral days’ visit to Athens, where they were the guest' of their son, Marcus Carson, Jr.,“a* student at the University of Georgia, and Dr. Carson’s sister, Mrs. Olin Dozier. _a i..ut Mrs. J. G. Carver, of Atlanta, has sent in her renewal for The News and said, “I wish to con gratulate you on your improved paper. >• Miss Wiona Westmoreland, who underwent an appendicitis opera tion at the Griffin hospital Sun day, is doing nicely. . ; ,r ,",i v.i - .**•• George Wheaton, who is at tending school at Tech in Atlanta, wila v the v^eek-ehd guest of his parents, MV. add 'Mrs. Robert Wheafon. d j.»» Mc^Twho ta ing in Atlanta, spent the week end in Griffin with Mr. and Mrs. Emmett McDowell. Mrs. Annie Randall Stewart, a former resident of Griffin who now resides in Knoxville, Tenn., is spending several days with Mrs. L. W. Goddard in the Colon ial Apartments. V. (.. V C, Q.j.i < U ’ 11 •e C Harry Rogers has returned to Atlanta to continue his studies at Emory University after spending the week-end ih Griffin with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ’John H. Rogers, on South Eighth street Mrs. Hamilton Tebeult, and young grand son, Howard Te bault Harper, and Grantland Te bault, of New Orleans, La., are j spending several days at the Grif fin Hotel. Mrs. Tebkult will be delightfully remembered in this, her old home, as Miss Sallie Bai tey. v ’ '' **•'' Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Johnson leave today for College Park, where he will be engaged in the drug business and they will 1 make their future home. '1 John Brewer, k'atudent at Tech, in Atlanta, spent Saturday night and Sunday in' Griffin with his mother, Mrs. Butler Walker. Tom Connell visited J. L. Con nell at Reidsboro Saturday night and Sunday. C -4 r. •>! Ilfs. GMrgia Huff. Mrs. C. R. Wilson, Mrs. A. W. Atkinson, Misses Ruth Jaekson and Mattie I * DAILY NEWS m '^n^ElYVv w ' ■ /^arnj —-- 7nr-...,. —— — * .i-vs . i & •••/. ■■ Sf*i :>:> • •j ;; m H t- 5;:" V ♦ f ; 'V gv: \ m 4 \ ' >|N§ r . - ! BBtfialvrr XJaS "T-i i r j \ =■ • '3> Remarkable progress is being made in bringing up from the depths of the sea at Scapa.-Flow the German battle fleet sunk in 1919. The work is being done by private salvage concerns. Above 1 is seen the special “balloons’’ used in fhe work bringing a destroyer to the surface. BdoW is five 4 view of the fore-deck of the destroyer S-131 as it appears after years of immersion. :: - COUNTESS AND COLLEGE GIRLS DO FACTORY WORK liii < . . ‘ mm : ■ ki Y ! * t :. «f and U % In* girts took fStogo jabs in anoHMer In ta of F.WjC A. ,8*^7^——~ s ~rTr»v'- | 'nr Alice,,Griggpra motored - Ho la Sunday and visited Huff and’ family and Mrs. lmay l I - Misses Mary Ella Evelyn Kennedy and Deverly have returned to where they are students at nes Scott college after a visit in Griffin to Miss parent's, Mr. and Mrs. Hammond. nU *2 . Mr. and Mrs. Jack and family apd Mrs. S. E. pell, of Experiment, spent day wit!) Mr. and Mrs. M. Chappell in East Griffin.’ „ 7 PERSONS HURT IN FIRE STARTED BY New York, Oct. 20.—Seven sons, including five firemen, injured and 19 families were en from their homes in a St. olis avenue tenement house terday by a blaze which fire partment officials said was by a pyromaniac. Five children, hanging by hands from window ledges on fourth floor, were rescued by ben. \ • OFFICER SMITH AND MISS JOHNSON J. J. Smith, a popular of the Griffin .police force, Mias Wilson Johnson were ried quietly Saturday afternoon the home of the Rev. and Mrs. K. Cull, on West Poplar The Rev. Mr. Cull performed ceremony in the prtteppf If few intimate friends. If --"Tt Pomona News '. - TT ' Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith of j ■ the of Mrs. Concorcj, ,wejre guests 1 Eddie Sutherland Thursday. ’ Mrs. S. R. Spangler and grand daughter, Mary Russell Andrews, j and Mrs. A.' N. Spangler and sons, Lloyd and ,.S. R„ spent Fri-, day in Griffin. ' Miss Caroline Binford * spent j Saturday in Atlanta. Mrs. B. F. Ogletree spent the week-end with her daughter, Mrs. Morris, of Griffin. The Sewing Club meets with Mrs. L. L. Yates Wednesday af ternoon. Mrs. Thornton and nephew, of High Falls, have moved into the Kell house, recently occupied by T. W. Prothro. The Sunbeam club will hold its regular meeting Saturday at 2:30 o’clock. We have a good program and everyone, young and old, is invited to attend. tt ATHENS GIRLS ARE INJURED WHEN t» n . A,UTQ OVERTURNS Athens, Oct. 20.—Four Athens girls were injured, one seriously, when the automobile in which they were riding was overturned near here yesterday. The injured are Miss Farry Em rick, her sister, Lydia Emrick, Obetta Boyd and Lou Boyd. The Misses Emricks are daughters of George Emriclc and W. R. Boyd is the father of the other two girls. Miss Farry Emrick, who was driving the car, is in a critical condition at a local hospital. Defects in the steering gear is thought to have caused the acci dent. LANIER FOOTBALL GAME IS TRANSFERRED HERE THURSDAY AFTERNOON The football game between Grif fin high school and Lanier high school, of Macon, which was to have been played in Macon Fri day, has been transferred to Grif fin and will be played at Lightfoot park Thursday after noon at 3:30 o’clock. Griffin and Lanier played a hard-fought game on the local gridiron last year, the visitors winning 7-0. SPALDING GRAYS TO GET PAT TUESDAY NIGHT The Spalding Grays will receive plenty of “jack” Tuesday night, according to Capt. A. K. Madd 3 who stated that fpproxima |1300 had been received for pay ment of soldiers .hare. * to# aff • FAMILY casts out youth accused as bandits follower : ■ 1 A 7 L q pj ucr Walter E. (above), faraOy, to being of York police M Gerald Cbai - Tbe fasofly leak , r tho be need net to far of any kind Movie Notes MILTON SILLS AND CORINNE GRIFFITH AT ALAMO TODAY 44 Single Wives” is the title of a photoplay of modern society at the Alamo theatre today and tomorrow. As the title the theme of the story, which the picture unfolds, treats with class of women known to as 44 single wives,” who, victims indifference of their husbands, affection and diversion away from their own firesides. The photoplay offers to Griffith, who is co-featured Milton Sills, one of the opportunities she has had to Those who saw Miss Griffith 44 Black Oxen” and “Lilies of Field” will find her role in Wives” more dramatic than any her former parts. Movie Stunt Actor Is Drowned While Taking Picture in Phoenix, Ariz., Oct. 20.—(By Associated Press.)—William brough( 25, movie stunt was drowned in the Colorado er at Yuma yesterday during filming of a western picture. He was swept down the when the flood waters were leased by the opening of a . to carry out the realism of production. = ; ;: » ..... - SW 1 51 KSW' 7 k -f \ I I i "Lotts gpr 1/ ' t 3 TODAY and Tomorrow i »> » <* C-v / ♦ ft a i. / Featuring CORINNE GRIFFITH VI ■ ! Supported by Milton Sills, Lou Tellegeh, Phyllis Haver and Henry B. Wathall. ... * Added—Fox News YOU’LL ENJOY OUR SPECIAL ORCHESTRA 4 A A..A. CONSOLE-SETS We have them in the new Satin Glass in many shades and shapes to please all. . ... .5 i The prices from $2.50 to 1 range 4 v • $20.00 the set. We have vases to match in sev eral shades. ■ J . All make beautiful gifts for any occasion. See Our Windows PERS0NS-HAMM0ND HARDWARE CO. PHONE 4 MAKES WORK EASY. Two strangers, op a train got into conversation. The windows had just been let down, and the desultory chatter consequently turned to the subject of ventila tion. “I make it,” said one of the two, << an invariable practice to advise people to sleep with their bedroom window open all the year around. tt (( Ha, ha,” laughted the other, “I perceive that you are a doctor.” 44 Not at all,” was the reply. ■ To tell you the truth, strictly be tween ourselves, I’m a burglar.” WHEN YOU INSURE / 4 &h i n k what a vital thing your insurance pro tection is to you. Think of doing business and carrying on trade without the steadying force .of sound, dependable insur ance. Think of what would happen should your insurance policies fail you in a disaster. When you insure IN SURE, Be sure. Ex amine well the insurance agency to whom you in trust Find your what protection. out this Agen ,cy can do for you. Call Us Today :s& am UCtttar mm*" fa* •«< * •to *4 4* S. G. BAILEY 114 E. Solomon St Real Estate and Insurance FOR SALE Three choice lots on South Hill street. The attractive Royster home, South 12th street.. \ FOR RENT Offices, 114 West Solomon street. Will improve to suit tenant. /• V S. G. BAILEY Real Estate & Insurance phones: Office 2 Res. 1 iHINilHMHItttWMHttHlMHWWHMffMMIHf FIRE Insurance, Life Insur ance, Auto, Steam Boiler, Fly Wheel, Tornado, Property Damage, Public Liability and all kindred lines of INSURANCE. In fact, if you need insur ance protection of any kind, consult us. Our years of experience and $ood old line companies are at your service. Phone 83 ; Griffin Realty Co. W. G. CARTLKDGB, Mg*. 114 E. Solomon St Griffin. Go. £ . t