Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1924-current, October 22, 1924, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Rm Four fm :: : Beginning Saturday classes *11 be conducted at each month ly meeting of the teachers of the county. The text book to be used is Kirkpatrick’s Fundamental Child Study. County Superinten dent Manley will be in charge of /meeting has been called by , Manley for Saturday morn at 9:30 o'clock at the court Aline Cummings will give instructions in music i circulating library of the y school system has been fed since the small begin year proved to be a portable libraries contain i 1 F, j 4 wi 9 *• .1 w 11 \ of the DAILY NEWS T Y m CARGILL’S CARTOONS - Editorials on national » and world-wide events by one of the best cartoonists in America. His cartoons are reproduced in the I Literary Digest, the Outlook and other publications. >1X1 p . WHO’S WHO IN THE DAYS NEWS-Interesting facts about men in the public eye. * ■* * ' 4 TOPICS-Interviews h TIMELY VIEWS ON WORLD with prominent men and women on timely topics. MME. LISBRTH’S AUTHENTIC FASHION ILLUS V 1 RATIONS AND ARTICLES and other features for woman’s page, including pictures and articles on u WOMAN OF TODAY » Besides adding those expensive features we are broadening the scope of our illustrated news service and in the future we will publish \ daily illustrations covering all the world’s important news events furnished by THE CENTRAL PRESS SERVICE A national institution which handles news pictures for the leading i >n metropolitan duties. These pictures are rushed to us by special delivery mail immediately after the camera has “covered” the story, no matter in what part of the world. SERIAL STORIES AND SHORT STORIES also will be regular features of the NEWS. K . u t ■ •' 1 % ■ • ? ■ w ■ wM, * 3, • - : Mi ' io:>. > UH yfi :■ 35 reading matter si le for n in the grammar grade*, x At regular Sfervals a new ‘box’ is brought id Td the old one car ried to another School. The entire set of numbers four teen, totaling approximately 600 volumes. * Started / Mrs. Stuckey Movement “Mrs. H. F, ^tuckey sponsored the movement last yep/,” stated Mr. Manley, “and selected the books. The idea created fpvorable comment and f soon eight circu lating libraries ware traveling around to the different sohoole in Spalding county and today we have fourteen,” MAN WOULD MAIL SELF San Francisco, Oct, 22.—Postal officials here were in a quandry today after receipt of application of Chester N. Weaver asking that he be transported as mail by air from San Francisco to New York. The applicant made a written request for transportation, He said his weight was 184 pounds. Spill % ■-.. ■■■ •i *7M LY RED STOVE IS DEMONSTRATED HERE THIS WEEK Red. Star—the oil stove mas terpiece—is being demonstrated at Persona-Hammond Hardware Company each day this week bj Warren Deaton, factory repre sentative. This is the only six-burner oil stove made and is designed to make cooking a joy and much easier on the house-wife. Made of armco iron, it is the only important oil stove with cast iron burners. It is designed so that no ugly bolts or screws can be seen. There are two porcelain dip pans and one splash piece on the back. The built-in oven can be heated to 280 degrees in 14 minutes. The stove comes in five sizes, two, three, four, five and six burners. Mr. Deaton is giving demon strations daily of this stove mas- terpiece and invitee the women of Griffin to call and see it work. POLICE COURT The docket of police court for the past week contained 41 cases, 36 being tried and disposed of Monday, Judge Cleveland presid ing. Cases for speeding were com paratively small, seven being list ed. The number of cases for drunk enness surpassed all previous weeks of the year. Fair week is usually recognized as the ideal time for a “little spree” and 18 Volstead violators faced Judge Cleveland Monday. Two cases were dismissed and six were carried over until next Monday. TWO HUMAN HEADS, FQUND UNDER BRIDGE v Dixon, 111.. Oct. 22.—Authorities are at a loss for solution of the mystery surrounding the finding of parts of two human heads, wrapped in a Sioux City, Iowa, newspaper of September 29, and inclosed in a gunny sack. The bundle was found under a MAM CLEARS A STUFFED-tIP HEAD Instant Opens Every Air Passage —Clears Throat, Too. If your nostrils are clogged and your head is stuffed because of nasty catarrh or a cold, apply a little pure, antiseptic cream into your nostrils. It penetrates through every air passage, sooth ing and healing swollen, inflamed membranes and you get instant relief. Try this. Get a small bottle of Ely Cream Balm at any drug store. Your' clogged nostrils open up; ,your head is clear; no more hawking or snuffing. Count 50. All the stuffiness, dryness, strug gling for breath is gone. You feel fine.-—(adv.) -"‘”1 • ay, \ — Alienists in Another Battle in Life of Lincoln, Slayer of Two, afS^gfce v , j l l :• A-Xv' Alienists are fighting another battle in an Illinois courtroom (with a murderer’s life as the stake. Insanity is the her defense brother. ot W Lin- ar ren J. Lincoln, confessed slayer of his wife and coln (right) is seen in the courtroom with his son, John. _