Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1924-current, October 24, 1924, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Friday, October 24, 1924. WIN TEAM OVERWHELMED BY MAMIES Griffin played Lanier here yes terday and the final score stood 47 for Lanier and 0 for Griffin. ‘ That doesn’t mean the local team didn’t play their best, but they knew Lanier would win and they did. The first quarter went well with both sides gaining and fumbling the ball until a certain Mr. Hous ton recovered Griffin’s fumble in mid-field and galloped for the first touchdown. Even after the hard luck fum ble, Griffin gained the required yardage to make a march down the field; Captain Hunky Jones received an injury that caused White to take hfe place at end, and Jiggi Smaha was looking out for the welfare of the team in the ab sence of its captain, But from then on the team failed to make any showing at all. Lanier then tried playing just a little shady and the referee called the penalties right and left, penalizing Lanier 25 yards in three consecutive plays. Then Jhonson punted and McGee re- TRY SULPHUR ON Costs Little and Overcomes Trouble Almost Over Night. Any breaking out of the skin, even fiery, itching eczema, can be quickly overcome by applying Mentho-Sulphur, declares a noted skin specialist. Because of its germ destroying properties, this sulphur preparation instantly brings ease from skin irritation, soothes and heals the eczema right up and leaves the skin clear and smooth. It seldom fails to relieve the torment without delay, Suffer ers from skin trouble should ob tain a small jar of Rowles Men tho-Sulphur from any good drug gist and use it like cold cream.— (adv.) yl r~> \ THE LADY WHO DRIVES a car, who formerly drove her own, may not know that she can now rent a car of her selection and drive it herself, for very lit tle cost. This is a distinct in novation and greatly lessens the cost of ordinary auto livery, as it abolishes the cost of a chauffeur’s services and makes you feel like an owner. <•- • GRIFFIN U-DRIVE IT COMPANY 116 N. 8th Street X. L/Te’// /Repair yau&p If at any time you have trouble with your bring your car around us and we are sure we can repair it economi cally to your complete isfaction. Try us and able to smile at the fellow when it rains. Stalling's Garage N. 8th St. Griffin, N. Y. POLICE CHIEF ASKS $150,000 IN ACTION FOR LIBEL m ■.& 1 1 •x : > i * m m §§ ifegfi #3 v. .•V«.«V.V.V.V£V ; ; ..... ' : X;.X Richard E. Enright (above) » i « police commissioner of New York j City, has brought a $150,000 libel i suit against Louis A. Cuvillierj (below), state assemblyman. He. ba8ft8 ^ 8uit upon statements hej rays Cuvillier made, accusing? police officials of being in league with bootleggers. covered the fumble, placing La nier on their 11 yard line and four downs to make it in. Grif fin made them use the four of them. * Griffin was in the back after the beginning of the third quar ter and never rallied. Lanier scored four touchdowns through the lines, forward passes and fake plays in the last quarter of the game. DR0NCHITIS At bedtime ■ L M rub the throat and chest thoroughly with— VICKS ▼ VapoRub Ovmr IT Million Jar* U*md K«ni» i Funeral Directory _/ Frank S. Pittman Modern Funeral Home. 112 W. Taylor St. Office Phone 822. Res. Phone 68 HAISTEN BROS. FUNERAL- DIRECTOR S AND EMBALMERS Griffin and Senoia, Ga. Office Phone 575. Res. Phone 63 E. D. FLETCHER Funeral Director and Embalmer with Griffin Mercantile Co. Office Phone 474 Res. Phone 481 Railroad Schedule CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RY. Arrival and Dpearture of Passen ger Trains At Griffin, Ga. The schedules are published as information and are not guar anteed: North South 2:29 pm Atlanta-Sav'h 11:06 pm 4:30 am Atlanta-Sav’h 9:07 am 5:47 am Chgo-Cin-Jax 11:55 6:53 am Chgo-St. L.-Jax 8:42 9:01am Atlanta-Macon 5:20 12:25 pm Atlanta-Macon 2:17 5:57 pm Atlanta-Alb’ny 12:19 Chattanooga Division From For 2:30 pm Chattanooga * 9:45 8:15 Cedartoown 5:25 J - _ SOUTHERN RAILWAY Atlanta Points— 5:53 pm East—West 10:02 10:02 am Cl-bus-Ft. V’y 5:53 W. C. MILES, M. D. General Practice and X-ray over Griffin Pharmacy. PHONES: Residence, 511-J Office, NOTICE First installment city taxes due and payable at office of manager, E. P. BRDIGES, City GRIFFIN DAILY NEWS Washington, Oct. 24.—A far reaching search for evidence of a republican Blush fund has been started as a result of a charge made before the Borah campaign fund committee by Samuel Unter myer, attorney for Senator La Follette, that millions of dollars ■ We Prepare Your Favorite f ’C f . Recipes Before Your Eyes it \ m iff i m Ml 9 J> mmm fi 44 2 [ ms 58685 • qmP ...Mviv. i Si IP? ■ ,Jm as IV tl ? 1 m ■ \. VI met 4 > AX' iM y' d*j RH jY> 7 ? <v7 / If l\_ 'V 7 m A AVeiv'. 1 i* :*• m r. vV ■■ £g|| .V.Y ■ ■ '.V.\ © ■ ;vj •.Y.\ w WAV V.; pap ^v:Y^Y>^fev: ' •-V.V. VSRf V.Y.'.V.V.VAV.V.V :.y; :.v.v ::: M . .Y.VAV.V ;>Kv .‘.V •v v.v.;. •V.' YV.Y.Y.y i V. ;::v;Xy.Y^:y:y; v ;iy. V.V.Y.V.V.V ££££ v m w r' \ ri : mm Detroit Vapor / / Wl / ****** j.y EZZLl ■ Who’s interested in better cooking in the home? Everybody. Dad, after a day’s work. Son, with the ravenous appetite of the young colt. Sis, who eats and eats and eats. Even baby—with thumb in his mouth shows his interest—by lusty yowls. All of them look to you—mother—for foods. They want foods that taste good—that satisfy—that build up strong, healthy bodies. And upon you—no matter where you live —no matter the how kind far of away foods from the gas main you may be—on you rests the responsibility need. of How feeding t^as quartette they want and the kind of properly prepared foods they are you going found to do it? There is a way. Millions of women know it and use it. Many of your neighbors have it within the past few days. It is the famous Red Star Oil Stove. BURNS OIL-GIVES GAS SPEED Red Star has modernized kitchens in the oil-using communities. It burns oil, but without wicks. The patented Red Star All-Metal Burners give a clean, intensely hot gas heat. You get an abundance of real heat for every purpose. You get gas speed for cooking and baking. You get gas stove results in everything you do. You can roast or bake or fry or stew anyth 'rg you wish. We demonstrate by cooking your own recipes. Here is Our SAVES TIME AND WORK, TOO Offer “ The beautiful Red Star Oil Stove saves time because it operates so easily—be- of cause there is nothing to get out of order?—because the beautiful finish white 5 porcelain and black enamel cleans easily and quickly—because it is a modem, DOWN sanitary stove in every respect—just like a modern gas range. SEE A DEMONSTRATION—BE CONVINCED If you have never seen the Red Star in action, you have a treat coming. It is Balance in Easy certainly a revelation of what can be done with kerosene oil. We are demon Payments strating aH this week—showing how th e Red Star handles any woman’s favorite recipes. This special week ends tomorrow night. Come—see for yourself. Let THIS WEEK us cook your favorite dishes on the Red Star as a demonstration. ONLY There is a size of Red Star for every siz e of kitchen and every need—two to six burners. There is a price to suit every i ncome. Any home can afford one. See Act NOW for yourself and insure good cooking for your table and happier kitchen hours for yourself. Tomorrow is the Last Day FREE! Factory Representative Here During Demonstration. With sold % each stove during this demonstra tion, RATH white one enamel, Tea 5-quart Kettle, VOL- value all PERSONS-HAMMOND HARDWARE CO. $3X0. GRIFFIN, GEORGIA Exclusive Agents for Griffin Territory il not being accounted for by the republican national committee are being sent into doubtful states to carry the election for President Coolidge. The charge was thrown into the midst of the session Thursday and Untermyer followed it un immediately by asking that the republican state chairmen of New York, New Jersey, Ohio and Illi nois be subpoenaed before the committee. Senator Borah, chair man, said the subjoenas would be issued. Untermyer announced later a number of others whom he will r " '..... ..... ~ McDonough Items ^ (McDonough Advertiser) J. B. Dickson and Howell Dick son spent Monday in Atlanta. Mrs. M. Z. Hankinson returned last Monday to her home in Au gusta, after spending several ask be subpoenaed as witnesses in connection with his charge. Untermyer, in support of his charge, cited a telegram received from Senator Walsh, of Montana, declaring there were rumors that J j ?100,000 was being sent into Mon tana by republicans to defeat him. months as the guest of her son, Mr. R. H. Hankinson. Mrs. W. O. Welch spent a few days in Atlanta last week with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Stewart of Mansfield spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Welch. Mrs. John Ayers and children, of Atlanta, are spending a few days with Miss Estelle Moss. H. R. Moss and family, Mr, and Mrs. John Ayers and family mo tored to Griffin Monday night to see Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Moss. Mrs. A. M. George has return ed from Atlanta where she was , Pu 4:9”; , . _ _ V , r a: mmfifié‘au ‘ ‘ called because of tl ness of her father. Fort E. Land, state perintendent elect, was • to McDonough on Thursday, he was the goest of Mr. and R. H. Hankinson Pullin. Mrs. R. H. Hankinson on Monday from Chicago li|| she represented the district p masters of Georgia in the I tionai convention. Mrs. Hank son returned by way of Ipl n more, where ehe was tha ■ : for two days of her mother, M • ' Isabelle Sluss. M ■/ -