Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1924-current, October 25, 1924, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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M JFW , , •xfij — TALMADGE LIVES WHOLE LIFETIME, r SI FROM YOUTH TO OLD AGE, IN “SECRETS”! lfiOOflOOFrancs • “ b ► Are Insured for . jM %■ IlfcxlS % ■ ft V' r ■ / ft; :V: y :: ft 1 iill ft \ftl ft i * V k 3ft ■ I V - m w?:’" ft 30 * * A mm 2$ • -;•:> ft ■ xft:ft •: ft'ft / XXX; Q :' i ft ■: m ■ <*& • * / ■Sr ft- ft ft: . ft* :• :- •y \ w- r % J-S WM > / > ‘v £j ft; •■'■•/ ft I ft: - J •x &W. .ft .:• •xv ;? Wil / 'X . V. K : : vXv 1 •' ' .-:-y IjwK ;- v Xy •'• '• •• . ■ i ;j: V V XX X yx-x ■ • ( ft H M <1? II 1 x « « V. 1 y V M v V. Fx, xx:: t': : 1' i is ii ;-;xj: m-m: f • 1 '••• </ » V ft t •'ft; :x. : > 'V- XX i ,*• X^XXXXyi>;x «! . .•:■:•:••:•••; Mi xxxx-- xx ■•'xx.’^i-.xSxV / s V x’.';;xxx-:x ;ftX:x#<:: ■xx ft / ii XXX :xx xx P t X'/vXXX Ml«» Talmadge mw as she appears In four roles of her greatest film success, "Secrets," which will be 1. #wn at the Alamo next week. ......../ . ..i. LLOWY CRINOLINES m MARK FILM’S BEAUTY Norma Talmadge*s stage during filming of “Secrets,” which will show next week at the Alamo theatre, looked as if dozens of pages from Harper’s Weekly of 1865 had suddenly come to life. mes in billowing crinolines, in short braided coats, stocks and ear-tickling col- % L ■%. \ New Jersey Schoolgirl Murder Defies Solution tr. ~s:\ xxx ft: X::v: : ,x- -• : ft* XXXXX-.yX .X - l ' X‘x’W:x; ixxxxM : Vs-yv: .-•••••• $§$.• "Pi >'■••. .' X M ft ;!:• xx; 'X' ■ •ftx ! ■ 4. xx* : x.x ft: x-v. ■ > >.<• lift . •ft'V-' s'::''': xft x: .••••;•;. ■ / - Wl ' v.;i^ ifi •:• y : : K i 1 if 7 i V Si . *Y V W I, v.. j r -L. y The brutal murder of EHsabeth Johnson, 15, of Plainaboro, N. J., within a short distance of the scene of the Hall-Mills slaying, threatens to become as much of an unsolved mystery as as tha^ mat. latter celebrated case. The mutilated body of the schoolgirl, found after she had been missing from her home for • number of days, gave indication that she put up a , hard ' , *' struggle , for '( life. Aj ~ vengeful admirer, discharged by Elisabeth's , father lather , , for for paying navlnir att< attentions to her, is suspected. Hero hre slwws the girl (left), her home, and her mother and sisters. C. 0. P. BREACH IN VIRGINIA SALVED BV “SLUSH FUND 11 Washington, Oct. 25. —After rocking along rather placidly, the Borah campaign fund committee has run up against its first sen sation, disclosed by a negro den tist of Richmond, Va., Dr. David A. Ferguson, who testified that he bad received a certified check of $300 from the chairman of the - T l i ■/ iM lars weaved about in the mazes of mid-Victorian sets while little girls in lace trimmed pantelettes and short curls gave added col or to the scene, It is a story of London and the American far west in the days just following the Civil War. Eugene O’Brien is Norma’s leading man in the new picture, « Secrets,” the First National picture starring Norma Talmadge republican state committee of Vir ginia, Joseph L. Crupper, after he had refused to support the re publican national ticket. Startling Evidence. Prior to this first sensation of the investigation, counsel for Sen ator La Follette had announced Friday that they were in posses sion of startling circumstantial evidence in support of the slush fund charges and the committee took the matter up in executive session after the investigation was concluded for the day. It has nothing to do with the Virginia case, but is raid to have been brought by two men from Chicago who came here with letters, tele grams and affidavits. Objected to Slemp. Ferguson, saying that he was treasurer of the “Lily Black” re publican organization in Virginia, testified that he had written to is her greatest picture. In this Joseph M. Schenck production Norma plays four roles, that of a girl, a young mother, a middle aged matron and an aged woman. The picture is cast in four pe riods, 1923, 1888, 1870, and 1865. and the action takes place both i m the far west and in modern so ciety surroundings. In all four periods Norma plays a remarkable range of characterization. he chairman of the republican luxiliary committee here, John {. Hawkens, on October 3, telling dawkens that he could not sup >ort President Coolidge, because >f the president’s appointment of C. Bascom Slemp as his secre tary. <• I consider the appointment of Slemp, the leader of the ‘lily white’ faction, a slap in the face of the negro race,” Ferguson said. Offered as “Contribution. According to testimony of Fer guson and Joseph R. Pollock, al so of Richmond, and leader of the “lily black” faction in Vir ginia, the check was handed to the dentist in Richmond Thursday by Pollock. Crupper, leader of the “lily white” organization in Virginia, Pollock said, and apologized for the treatment accorded to the “lily -Y NEWS dutiful in Paris th . Pa l r ' S, f n a ? r $ 3S » she has th< 1,000,000 francs j“*7 Dry Officials Plan Legal Action Against Congressman, Cider Maker } I . I i’xx XX- J ^ I l XX -X r v s /um : : ft I x< l * \ XXX- xx Xx: xx. ^ ! - ix ■ft ’ ft. ' ' ^ : i ' T < m X I I X x. ; :■> . X ' -x ftxi: I X 'XX ; •x-: ■ X' ft; ft<:xx; ft'xftftft Xv .;.ft .: ^WXXV x- x-y -. . xx xxft •:■ XXx'x-x ft.Xft IT xxx • ■ft ■ft ft - :• X XX; : ' •xxft:: x 4 . iiS-iitov b The prohibit.TVn commissioner. Roy Haynes, and department of justice officials have decided on an unrevealed course of legal action against Congressman John Philip Hill of Maryland, because of hp' his renr/-riinHv->> manufacture in his home of cider with an alcoholic content. t ___________________ 1 he is seeking to make a test case. He' is showr operating a cider mill at his home in Baltimore, TOWN WILL TAX ITSELF TO LURE PHYSICIAN BACK Saranac Lake, N. Y., Oct. 25.— To obtain the services of a phy sician, tax payers of the town of Schroom, Essex county, are to vote within a few days on a proposition to raise $15,000 by taxation to be paid Dt. John Breen as long as he remains a resident of Schroon Lake and is engaged in active practice. Dr. Bren for years had minis tered to the sick of the sparse ly settled township, but some months ago moved to Port Hen ry. His going off left the town of Schroon without a physician. Dr. Bren’s former patients blacks” by'the regular organiza tion. dread the long Adirondack win ters without medical attention and have decided on drastic measures to get him back. The vote is reported a mere form to make the payments legal, as practically all taxpayers favor the measure. BODY OF MANIAC IS FOUND CHAINED TO TREE IN WOODS Williamsport, Pa., Oct. 25.—The body of Henry Bandy McHenry, of Ardmore, a suburb of Phila delphia, was found Thursday, chained to a tree about two miles from the nearest house. He had been dead for several months. The chain was fastened about his neck with q lock. He had worn a path about the tree. It at first was supposed to be a case of murder, but the authorities learn- 1. ;'ft ..ft, ■* ft *• - * - October 1924. '«%<w Eouce Seize Beauty Accused By Prominent Chicago Financier >' 1 ■ ft &>*&*- g&gg * m •: i *3 $®mk wmM ft :•: XX; x.xx; ft. • :•: 'ft;X3 ■ • • - . 8 x : x : :■ x x •X; ft* •:•:•:• ««3 1 ft:ft ft: ft- ftft ft ; xx AVAW.V.AVW; ■ x>:-v X: >•:•: vaV.v: X; >: V : y 1 CXXXvX-X : x ' 1 v <■ <*v » •: ; x :x >:■:• •X. 'M: X; ;>.X: x: ; : X; yX : x> / V: *••••. yx; XA; yX? ixx ; XX \\ ■••••'•'; xX.WS •X-.v ':X>: XXv.X^ •XX : XX •:xg •:•■ x ■•:•:■:■:•:■ xx;. ••x; XX; XX; •X;. XXX; *»**»£• XXX X;.; XX-. V%y .X. XXX; Xy.. ••xxx '& •:•• ■W xx. xx’ xx. ■■■• XX-X---XXX xx; i-ixi •••:■ . ... xxx-. ’’XX xXXX;.y :j:x: m X X;.-> V XX‘-X cBS Suzanne Thompson. Chicago, Oct. 25.—Five or six wealthy “tired business men I) 0 f Chicago are reported to be rest ing easier as a remit of the ar rest of Suzanne Thompson, who was seized by police in a hotel on complaint of a prominent Chica goan. He faid she tricked him into Escape From Wedlock Cost Him $510,000, But He Remarries 1 ■ lii xx-.- :x v.* •>:. •>,. M s-.-’ X ■ ;:,;-x ;>W t w ; 'XXX; Xy' '1 ; 3 J x ' i •'; I Mi '■K •:•:•: + •• mm -X - x mm XXXXsXXy > . * • •'xx' : J ->X >:o XX ' xft ' > s:i V ft* ft*. '4 < ft-: X X; x .'ftx?: ftx w ft. r X. jr T TU, U mi ft:- •:• * t It cost Edward R. Thomas (inset), New York publisher, $510, 000 to obtain his freedom from his second wife (rfght) so he could marry Lucy Cotton (left), actress. Mrs. Thomas No. 2 was paid that amount in the divorce settlement. Miss Cotton became No. 8 in Pari‘ a few days later. WORLD SEARCH ON FOR BROKER, FIRM SHORT $2,000,000 X; ftftft M ft :ft .X..... 'ft^X A world-wide search is being made for George R. Christian, who is accused of embezsling $2,000,000 from the firm of Day & Heaton, Wall Street term. The firm is in bankruptcy as a JS2S\k ed from his father that the man was demented. The father be lieves it a case of suicide. It has been stated that deaths by auto accident in the United States last year averaged one every 86 minutes. writing compromising letters which she endeavored to sell back to him for $10,000. When the police tnade the ar rest they found her, they said,, with a New York lawyer. She is alleged to have been more successful in selling com promising letters back to other wealthy Windy City executives. i he family holds U. S. CONSULAR POST FOR NINE DECADES ' X;' m i- xxx ; ;ft ■: x .•••xx :•: ftx x ft m .ft :ft X* :x : X- : ' ' & X . X; . mrm For 02 years the office of U. SJ 'counsel at Gibraltar has bei oc~ copied Sprague by family. a member Now Richard of^the post. L. Sprague is on his way to the t A mushroom 44 1-2 inches in circumference was grown in Eng land last summer.